
40 - What’s the passive voice for “…officials are investigating reports…”, (line 7)? a) Reports are being investigated. b) Reports were being inves...

40 - What’s the passive voice for “…officials are investigating reports…”, (line 7)? a) Reports are being investigated. b) Reports were being investigated. c) Officials were investigating reports. d) Officials have been investigating reports.

a) Reports are being investigated.
b) Reports were being investigated.
c) Officials were investigating reports.
d) Officials have been investigating reports.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

2011 cfs b 2 2011 bct
15 pág.

Eear Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


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Vou analisar as opções: a) Reports are being investigated - Esta é a forma correta da voz passiva para "officials are investigating reports". Portanto, a resposta correta é: a) Reports are being investigated.


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