
In “… we are making huge improvements in developing more environmentally-friendly operations at airports.” (lines 9-12), we can conclude that the a...

In “… we are making huge improvements in developing more environmentally-friendly operations at airports.” (lines 9-12), we can conclude that the aviation industry, except
a) is developing policies that help the impact of aviation on the health of the Earth.
b) is committed to establishing procedures that will make it greener for today and for the future.
c) is making ongoing environmental improvements so as to evaluate the negative impact of greenhouse gases only.
d) is involved in a range of initiatives and programmes aimed at reducing the impact of its operations on the environment.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

2011 cfs b 2 2011 bct
15 pág.

Eear Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


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