
Leia o texto a seguir: With a million cases of dengue so far this year, Brazil is in a state of emergency At least six Brazilian states in addit...?

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With a million cases of dengue so far this year, Brazil is in a state of emergency At least six Brazilian states in addition to the Federal District are facing dengue epidemics and 17 cities have declared a state of emergency as the country has already registered 1 million cases of dengue in the first two months of 2024, more than half the 1.6 million cases confirmed last year — which was already almost 18% higher than in 2022. The fatality count in those same two months was 214. As a result, Brazil's public health-care system, known as SUS, has been grappling to keep up, resorting to field hospitals like the one in Brasília and tents in strategic points around its cities to triage patients with suspected cases of dengue. While caring for those who are already ill, Brazil continues to tackle prevention with its usual methods: using a fog machine to kill mosquitoes by spraying fine droplets with low concentrations of insecticides mixed with water and running campaigns to remind people how to avoid a bite from dengue-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (using bug spray, keeping stagnant water out of homes and wearing long sleeves and pants are all helpful), where the species breeds (it's important to remove stagnant water and anything that collects it from homes) and what to do if symptoms arise (don't self-medicate — make sure to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment). s3.PNG Fonte: LANGLOIS, J. With a million cases of dengue so far this year, Brazil is in a state of emergency . NPR, 04 mar. 2024. Disponível em: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2024/03/04/1235795657/dengue-brazil-state-of- emergency-vaccine Acesso em: 18 abr. 2024. Considerando as informações apresentadas, avalie as afirmações abaixo: I. There is a dramatic increase in dengue cases in the first two months of 2024. II. Fog machines are considered useless to avoid more cases of dengue. III. Self-medication is the first step to stop the symptoms of dengue. Está correto o que se afirma apenas em: Grupo de escolhas da pergunta II I e II II e III I III

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