
What techniques should Mateus use to ensure that the virtual store meets the needs and expectations of users? a. User research b. User testing c....

What techniques should Mateus use to ensure that the virtual store meets the needs and expectations of users?

a. User research
b. User testing
c. User interface design
d. A and B
e. A, B and C

Essa pergunta também está no material:

User Research - UAM
2 pág.

Gamificação Centro Universitário Teresa D'ÁvilaCentro Universitário Teresa D'Ávila


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To ensure that the virtual store meets the needs and expectations of users, Mateus should use techniques such as: a. User research: This involves gathering insights and understanding the target audience's preferences, behaviors, and needs through surveys, interviews, and observations. It helps in identifying user requirements and designing a user-centered experience. b. User testing: This technique involves testing the virtual store with real users to gather feedback and identify any usability issues or areas for improvement. It helps in validating the design choices and ensuring that the store is intuitive and easy to use. Therefore, the correct answer is d. A and B (User research and User testing). User interface design (option c) is also important but not mentioned in the given options.



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