

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

1- Preencha as lacunas das frases abaixo com verbo "to play" no present continuous.
a) She is playing video games.
b) You are playing the piano.
c) I am playing football
d) We are playing the guitar
e) It is playing ball
f) They are playing basketball
g) You are playing golf
h) He is playing rugby
2 - Coloque o verbo entre parênteses no Present Continuous
a) The Children are playing in the garden (play).
b) She is driving fast today (drive).
c) They aren't talking each other today (not talk).
d) Be quiet please. The baby is sleeping (sleep).
e) At the moment my wife is feeding the dogs and I am watering the plants (feed/water).
f) Why are you reading the letter again? Because I am checking for spelling mistakes (you
g) The sky is getting dark. You'd better take an umbrella (get).
h) John is not studying at the momet. He is reading a comic book (not study/read)
i) Where is Carla? She is sitting in the living room. What is she doing? She is watching
television (sit/she do/ watch)
j) What a nice dress you are wearing today (wear)
3 ) Escolha a opção correta:
1) She is ______away from the police. (Run) a) Running b) Runing c) Runying
2) We're not __________ to our parents. (Lie) a) Lieing b) Lying c) Ling
3) Animals are _________ in Amazonia. (Die) a) Dying b) Dieing c) Ding
4) They're __________ lots of money (Make) a) Making b) Makeing c) Makeyng
5) She is _______ in her studies (Excel) a) Excelling b) Exceling c) Excellying
6) Are you ___________ now? (Stop) a) Stoping b) Stopping c) Stoppying
7) She is __________ Mike's brother. (Date) a) Dateing b) Dating c) Datying
8) I am __________ tired today (Feel) a) Feeling b) Feelling c) Feling

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