
Changelog do TeamSpeak 3 - Versões 3.5.3 a 3.3.0

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 TeamSpeak 3 - Client Changelog
 Copyright TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
 + Added feature or noticeable improvement
 - Bug fix or something removed
 * Changed or Information
 ! Important - Take note!
=== Client Release 3.5.3 - 07 May 2020
- Fixed a client freeze
- Fixed an issue that could reset a talking client's AGC state
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps
=== Client Release 3.5.2 - 02 Apr 2020
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.
=== Client Release 3.5.1 - 23 Mar 2020
* Fixed a crash on startup
* Disabled playback AGC for clients sending from an Opus Music channel
=== Client Release 3.5.0 - 19 Mar 2020
! Updated Plugin API version to 24.
+ Added new voice activity detection modes (Automatic, Volume Gate, Hybrid).
+ Added automatic voice volume leveling option in playback settings.
+ Added typing attenuation feature to try to reduce the sounds made by typing.
+ Added comfort noise feature to add synthetic background noise to fill the 
 artificial silence while being connected to a TeamSpeak Server.
+ Added optional -connect commandline parameter to specify an address for 
 auto-connecting on startup (example: -connect=voice.teamspeak.com). Some
 additional parameters can be used to provide more details (-pw, -nickname, 
 -channel, -channelid, -channelpw, -newtab, -mytsid, -showqueryclients, 
 -capture, -playback, -hotkeys).
+ Added support for upcoming TeamSpeak Server releases using a PostgreSQL
 database backend.
+ Added hotkeys to assign, revoke or toggle specific server groups based on 
 current group memberships (e.g. mute clients in a specific raid group).
+ Added volume toolbox widget for quick access to microphone volume gate,
 overall and individual client volume levels.
+ Added convenience variables and options to infoframe templates.
+ Added active badge showcase to client infoframe templates.
+ Added design option to show/hide client badges in server tree.
+ Added server/channel group icons to client context menus.
* Moved server/channel group IDs to tooltips in permission settings.
* Improved client context menu to filter inaccessible groups and permission
 related tools.
* Improved echo cancellation and noise reduction systems.
* Improved error handing for multi-track recording.
* Infoframe templates now support "??" modifier for variables to prevent their
 value from being shown so they can be used conditionally to determine whether
 or not a specific line should be hidden (e.g. %%??CLIENT_FLAG_AWAY%%).
* Remote icon list is now sorted by upload date/time rather than icon ID.
* Qt color roles can now be customized in themes (e.g. for hyperlinks).
- Removed AGC from audio capture settings in favour of playback AGC.
- Fixed a bug where mutli-track recordings could cause a crash when clients
 join or leave your channel.
- Fixed a bug where multi-track recordings were not saved on server shutdown.
- Fixed a bug where custom displaynames for clients were shown in infoframe
 even when it was equal to the nickname of the client in view.
- Fixed a bug where default capture/playback profiles could not be switched.
- Fixed a bug where deactivated plugins were loaded when launching the client.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.
=== Client Release 3.3.2 - 26 Aug 2019
- Fixed a crash when calling specific plugin API functions reported by t4styy.
=== Client Release 3.3.1 - 25 Aug 2019
! Updated settings.db version to 9.
+ Added optional -configname commandline parameter to specify a custom name for 
 the settings folder. Note that this parameter needs to be used in combination
 with -localconfig on Windows (default: config).
+ Added support for channel/client permission hints to enable/disable specific 
 UI actions. Note, that this feature requires TeamSpeak Server version 3.10.0 
 or later.
* Improved settings database performance.
- Fixed a bug where the same badge icon was displayed multiple times for the
 same client.
- Fixed a bug where the infoframe did not update when the selected client left
 the server.
- Fixed a crash in Qt framework when receiving specific Unicode characters.
- Fixed a freeze problem in bookmarks manager.
=== Client Release 3.3.0 - 18 Jun 2019
! Updated Qt framework to 5.12 LTS releases.
! Updated Opus codec to version 1.3 to introduce lots of quality improvements,
 new features, and bug fixes.
! This version of the TeamSpeak Client requires macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later.
! The HTML style tag is no longer supported in infoframe templates. All addon
 authors should use the <stylename>_chat.qss file for CSS style definitions
! Updated Plugin API version to 23.
* Increased size limit for text messages to 8 KiB.
* Updated easy-permission templates to use Opus instead of Speex/CELT codecs.
* Spacer tags in channel names will now be omitted in infoframe templates.
* Improved pagination support for banlist and clientdblist for plugin API.
+ Added additional variables to infoframe templates.
+ Implemented multi-select for clients in the servertree.
+ Implemented multi-track recording feature, to allow recording each client's 
 audio stream independently.
+ Added support for signed badges to prevent usage of fake data. Note, that
 this feature requires TeamSpeak Server version 3.8.0 or later.
+ Added support for URL tagging in incoming text messages.
+ Added support for myTeamSpeak ID bans in virtual server banlist.
+ Added support for Windows tiles. Thanks to our user RandomHost for providing
 the material.
+ Added support for updated license types (Gamer, Commercial, Sponsorship).
+ Added invoker data for onPluginCommandEvent(). Note, that server-side support
 for this API change will be introduced with TeamSpeak Server version 3.9.0.
- Fixed a freeze in easy-permission settings when switching between different
- Fixed a bug where default profiles could be deleted in settings.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps.
=== Client Release 3.2.5 - 17 Apr 2019
- Fixed Qt security vulnerability.
=== Client Release 3.2.3 - 01 Oct 2018
- Fixed a crash in audio playback.
 Thanks to our user Seebi for the great report!
=== Client Release 3.2.2 - 17 Sep 2018
! Fixed client freeze when plugins are using voice callbacks.
! Cancel myTeamSpeak ID validation if there is no encryption key present.
- Fixed problems with myTeamSpeak ID update.
- Fixed Sync state handling if encryption was not set up.
- myTeamSpeak ID is now properly updated after using sync fallback.
=== Client Release 3.2.1 - 14 Aug 2018
! Improved connecting to myTeamSpeak service
=== Client Release 3.2.0 - 13 Aug 2018
! Dropped support for pre 3.1.0 TeamSpeak servers.
+ Introducing myTeamSpeak integrations for Twitch. Link your Twitch account
 with your myTeamSpeak account and enjoy special benefits on TeamSpeak
 servers of your subscribed Twitch streamers. This requires sending along
 your myTeamSpeak ID, enabling the server to check if your account is
 subscribed to the Streamer.
+ improved server tree performance.
- fixed bug where the client show the wrong client info if the client loads
 multiple icons
- Various myTeamSpeak Sync bug fixes and improvements.
- Client does not show a myTeamspeak ID error anymore when connecting to a pre
 3.3.0 server.
- minor fix in myTeamSpeak ID creation if requested by multiple clients.
+ Added proper error handling for integrations if the TeamSpeak server has a 
 huge time difference.
- Server integration cache is updated properly even if the integration was
 deleted and added again while connected.
- Fixed problem assigning
the desired groups when logging in to an account
 while connected to a TeamSpeak server.
- Updated handling in myTeamSpeak options tab in case of connection issues.
- Fixed sorting of groups in server integration drop down box.
- Privilege key error dialog now only appears once when using an invalid key.
+ Improved server integration management dialog. Does not resize to the
 content anymore.
- Fixed german translation.
- Fixed behavior where the client didn't show an error message if a problem
 occurs while manipulating server integrations.
- Made styling for server integration management dialog possible.
- Fixed crash that occures when the client request the Twitch subscription
- Fixed error where the client does not handle a myTeamSpeakID update properly.
* Smaller updates in connection initialisation handling.
=== Client Release 3.1.10 - 09 Jun 2018
+ Introducing our new TeamSpeak Logo.
=== Client Release 3.1.9 - 04 May 2018
- Windows: Notify if microphone access is denied due to privacy settings
- Linux: Fix scrollwheel triggering mouse4/5
=== Client Release 3.1.8 - 22 Jan 2018
- Fixed disconnect on invalid connection info data.
- Fixed macOS application bundle which caused the client to not start on
 case-sensitive file systems.
- Hardened Linux startscript to better find installed SSL certificates. If no
 SSL certificates are found, don't crash the client on start but show
 meaningful error message (but we still cannot run without SSL certificates).
- Fixed critical messagebox very early in the startup process, which tried to
 load an icon before the zip archive was initialized.
- Fixed to badges parser which failed to limit shown badges to three with
 invalid input.
- Fixed creating bookmark folders in bookmarks manager.
=== Client Release 3.1.7 - 13 Dec 2017
* Added setting in Options/Design to disable tree tooltips as requested by user
 feedback. Tooltips are enabled by default.
* Added contextmenu to move bookmarks and identities between synchronized and
 local lists as usability improvement for sight-impaired users.
* Updated license agreement in installers.
* Various internal changes for our new server accounting system.
* Added support for percent-encoded server nicknames in ts3server:// links,
 invite dialog and chat.
* Use more reliable timestamp server for Windows code signing certificate.
* Refactored server nickname check and discard/apply behaviour in virtual
 server edit dialog.
* Overhauled TSDNS code to better integrate new server nicknames into the
 existing resolve process.
- Fixed rare possibility to lose synchronized items when myTeamSpeak server
 gets unresponsive.
- Fixed subscribe mode producing errors when connecting to servers where your
 subscription abilities are limited by permissions.
- Fixed empty license text in about dialog for non-german/english languages.
- Fixed possible rare crash when exiting the application on all platforms.
- Fixed possible crash on macOS in hotkey detection code.
- Fixed client freeze when trying to resolve a server nickname and backend
 is unavailable or slow.
- Fixed crash in bookmarks dialog found in crashdumps.
=== Client Release 3.1.6 - 16 Aug 2017
! Added Server Nicknames feature. Register a server nickname on the
 myTeamSpeak.com webpage to let users easily connect to your TS3 server.
! Added support for new server property and permission, which allows you to
 enter registered server nicknames as server property to display it to all
 users on this server.
* Support for new black/graylist backend.
* Support for new server license features.
* Don't spam "failed to connect to myteamspeak server" notifications. Show
 it once after client start and then again only in intervals of 6 hours.
- Windows sound backend overhaul continued.
- Fixed crashes reported by crashdumps
=== Client Release 3.1.5 - 20 Jul 2017
! This is the last release with support for Windows Vista
+ Added possibility to overwrite Qt style icons with custom iconpacks
+ Added tooltips over client and channel items in server tree
+ Added support for SVG Tiny 1.2 (static only, no animations) icons. Most 
 icons are no longer hardcoded to fixed size 16x16.
+ Replaced included default_mono and default_colored iconpacks with SVG icons.
 Iconpacks with PNG icons are still supported, so existing third-party
 iconpacks continue to work. We encourage third-party iconpack authors to
 update their iconpacks with SVG icons.
+ Overhauled icons in most windows for improved support for high dpi monitors.
* Updated Qt to 5.6.2 on Windows and macOS
* Updated Visual Studio C++ runtime on Windows to 14.0.24215 (MSVC 2015-3)
* New default style for infoframe based on "Improved Default" by Sven Paulsen.
* Removed old default/modern/classic styles.
* Rewrote translation mechanism for infoframe styles. Translations now come
 from lagos_xx.qm and are filled by C++, so multiple language templates are
 no longer necessary. However, for legacy style support, language templates
 will be loaded with priority. So if e.g. clientinfo_de.tpl exists, it will
 be used. If not, clientinfo.tpl is loaded, which should contain the new
 translatable placeholders.
* Updater no longer downloads banner from server, banner is now hardcoded in
 executable. Dynamic banners currently not needed.
- Addon management UI now properly shows state when plugins failed to
- Multiple minor fixes to recently overhauled hotkey system
- Fixed infinite password dialog in file browser when using cancel
- Multiple minor filetransfer fixes
- Uninstaller now automatically closes the client instead of showing dialog.
- Fixed some wrong icon names in default iconpacks, which caused these icons
 to be loaded from fallback default.zip.
- Automatically clean null icons from icon cache when updating from 3.1.4
 to 3.1.5 client. 3.1.4 might have downloaded SVGs which it cannot use, which
 caused creation of an empty icon file.
- Fixed package installer crash on Windows 32-bit OS.
- Fixed length check in various nickname input fields. Trim whitespaces before
 calculating length when doing validity checks.
- Added bandaids for misbehaving audio drivers on Windows
- Fixed possible Windows soundbackend crash reported by crashdumps
- Fixed possible spontaneous crash during client runtime
=== Client Release - 28 Jun 2017 
! This is the last release with support for Windows Vista
! Preparation release for 3.1.5:
 Fixed possible issue when updating to future client release 3.1.5 would abort
 with a timeout error when downloading and installing the Microsoft
 redistributable installer for MSVC 2015 Update 3.
- Fixed package installer crash on Windows 32-bit OS.
=== Client Release - 01 Mai 2017
* Automatically close TeamSpeak client on uninstall. Only show warning dialog
 if client has not closed within 5 seconds
- Fixed silent install in Windows installer
=== Client Release 3.1.4 - 13 Apr 2017
+ Angle is now the default OpenGL renderer to workaround issues with the latest
 NVidia driver update.
+ Added new commandline parameter --force-opengl-desktop, which would force the
 old default renderer
- Fixes to recently overhauled windows soundbackend
=== Client Release 3.1.3 - 23 Mar 2017
* ClientQuery plugin is now managed by the online addon system
- Fix several hotkeys not binding properly
- Fixed rare crash in Windows Audio backend
- Fixed rare crash on exit
=== Client Release 3.1.2 - 16 Mar 2017
+ Added new hotkey setting to use this hotkey only in the current server tab.
* (experimental) added command line arguments to let users with broken gfx
 drivers force using Angle DirectX backend or software rendering:
 --force-opengl-angle --force-opengl-soft
* Control plugin is now managed by the online addon system
* Various improvements to Overwolf integration.
* Minor update to license agreement logic to avoid
showing a new license text
 when users are not required to re-accept the license.
* Windows Audio Session (WASAPI) sound backend improvements.
* Readded possibility to use ts3server links with token and addbookmark
 parameters, which got lost with sync changes in 3.1. Instead of storing a
 token in the bookmark as pre-3.1, the token is locally stored in a file
 and used the first time a connection is established via the added bookmark.
 Such tokens will not be synchronized via myTeamSpeak.
- Improved text in error reporter to make more clear what we are going to
- Updated some permission help texts
- Fixed incorrect channel password being used on automatic reconnect.
- Fixed bookmarks manager drag&drop where autoconnect bookmarks lost their
 bold state.
- Fixed order of autoconnect bookmarks to behave again like in pre-3.1 clients
- Fixed package installer failing on package.ini files encoded with UTF-8-BOM.
- TSDNS deprecated dialog is now a message in the server tab.
- Fixes to sync status display in statusbar.
- Minor fixes to myTeamSpeak recovery key behaviour, don't allow using a
 recovery key after logging out of myTeamSpeak account.
- Fixed myTeamSpeak item collision dialog to no longer try to solve a
 collision while the item has already been deleted.
- Multiple improvements and fixes to new hotkey backend introduced in 3.1.1
- Minor fixes to file browser introduced with recent filetransfer rewrite.
=== Client Release - 21 Feb 2017
! Fixed possible crash on OS X
=== Client Release 3.1.1 - 10 Feb 2017
! Plugin API version updated to 22. Version 21 plugins will continue to work.
+ New hotkey backend
 + New Plugin API to allow plugins to "provide" new hotkey input
 + Mouse Button 4 and 5 support on Linux
 + Improved cross-platform keyboard key mapping to better handle keys 
 on non US keyboards
 - Fixed a bug that would cause the client to lose the ability 
 to handle hotkeys on Mac after an update using the built-in updater
 ! Hotkeys created using Client 3.1.1 are not compatible with or below
 ! Moved Gamepad and Joystick support from the client to a plugin. This plugin
 is available in myTeamSpeak and will be automatically installed.
+ Improvements to Windows Audio Session sound backend
* Added some informative tooltips and dialogs to myTeamSpeak dialogs, trying to
 explain what "Stay logged in on this computer" and "Synchronization" features
 do, as this apparently caused some user confusion.
* Changed behavior in myTeamSpeak options page. Apply settings immediately
 instead of waiting for Apply/Ok click.
* Added openglblacklist.json trying to workaround broken OpenGL drivers of
 some graphic cards, forcing software renderer mode.
* Added help texts to sync item collision dialogs to explain how a collision
 happened and how to resolve it.
- TSDNS fixes to workaround issues with broken routers. Using Google DNS
 servers as fallback.
- Fixed channel subscriptions of non-existant channels bloating bookmark sync
 data. Bookmarks will auto-cleanup themselves on connect.
- Open external links in online addons browser widget in external browser.
- Limit channel auto-subscription to 500 channels to avoid exceeding maximum
 server packet size.
- Fixed filetransfer from password-protected channels.
- Fixed updater UAC detection on Windows.
- Treat empty profiles in plugin API guiConnect function as "use default
 profiles", fixing issue in Overwolf apps.
- Reimplemented plugin API call getBookmarkList, added demo code to test plugin
- Fixed crash in plugin API sendFile function when passing a nullptr as return
- Fixed opening the recovery key dialog from statusbar icon when sync data
 failed to decrypt.
- Increased settings.db version to 7 due to new hotkey backend.
- Fixed various crashes found through the crashdump upload system.
- Fixed third icon in badges setup dialog not showing the proper badge.
- Various fixes to importing pre-3.1 hotkeys.
- Fixed certain unicode characters in bookmark nickname to trigger the "unsaved
 changes" dialog even if there was no change. Closing the bookmarks dialog
 with "Ok" once will fix existing bookmarks.
- Fixed clearing cache during a running client session breaking badges.
- Fixed server- and clientlog filter list breaking on entries including
- Fixed port being ignored in bookmarks using IPv6 addresses.
- Added "Cancel" button to myTeamSpeak account setup dialog.
- Fixed pressing escape not deleting the key in a hotkey dialog created by
 the plugin API requestHotkeyDialog.
- Fixed a crash in the ClientQuery Plugin.
- When a style is uninstalled, the client now switches back to default.
- When a soundpack is uninstalled, the combobox for selection is now updated
- Sound packs can now use relative paths again to reference to default sound
 pack files
- Default sound pack gets updated immediately upon installation through addon
- Addons are now sorted by name in the addon options
=== Client Release - 12 Jan 2017
! Fixed crash at startup on Windows Vista
=== Client Release 3.1 15 - Dec 2016
+ Added support for myTeamSpeak. Signing up for a myTeamSpeak account will
 allow you to synchronize your bookmarks, identities, hotkeys, whisper lists
 and channel subscriptions. Upcoming myTeamSpeak features will include addons
 synchronization, addons update management, and more.
+ Added IPv6 support
+ Filetransfer backend rewritten
+ New improved echo cancellation implementation
+ Addons now install into user directory by default, where no UAC is required
 unless using a portable installation.
+ All backend for bookmarks, identities, hotkeys, whisperlists, subscriptions,
 addons etc. rewritten, using new storage system across all devices.
+ New implementation of TSDNS. Important change: The client now only looks for
 a TSDNS server on a toplevel SRV record. For server name a.b.c.d.e the client
 will only search for a TSDNS server with a SRV record named _tsdns._tcp.d.e
+ Added russian and japanese translations.
+ Upgraded C++ runtime to Visual Studio 2015. Added support to install the
 Microsoft C++ runtime package on demand during update process.
+ Added whisperlist import/export to textfile, see contextmenu on the
 synchronized/local lists in whisperlists dialog. Requested by users for
 easier sharing of complex whisperlist setups.
+ Added badges system. Redeem a code to receive special badges. Configure which
 of these badges should be shown in the client. See Options / MyTeamSpeak page
+ Added -safemode commandline parameter to skip loading any plugins.
+ Added check for injected Ad-Aware dll which may crash the TeamSpeak client.
! In recent OS X versions, hotkeys may stop working after using the built-in
 updater. When installing from a disk image, they work fine. We are currently
 evaluating this issue.
 If you are an OS X user and require hotkeys, consider using the disk image
 installer instead of the updater.
! TSDNS now uses the list https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat
 to determine at what level the client should query for a TSDNS server. It
 will pick the domain 1 level below the domains on that list. For example: for
 a.b.c.co.uk it will pick c.co.uk since co.uk is on that list.
* Do not consider a teredo tunnel as a routable ipv6 address. If there is no
 other routable ipv6 address, this means the client will not try to resolve
 ipv6 addresses.
* Submenus temporarily removed from Self menu on OS X until we find a
 workaround for Qt 5.6.1 issue with submenus not updating properly.
* Overhauled Windows sound backend.
* Plugins can now load dynamic libraries from a subfolder with same name as
 plugin library (Windows only).
- Added missing 16x16_myts_account.png to "Origin" iconpack (gfx/default.zip)
=== Client Release - 18 Jul 2016
! Last release supporting
Windows XP.
* Overwolf rebranding, open Overwolf webpage instead of running the installer.
=== Client Release - 23 Jun 2016
- Another fix for client freeze on malicious input
=== Client Release - 22 Jun 2016
- Fixed infinite loop when clicking on malicious channels/clients/server items
 in the tree
- Updated polish translation
=== Client Release - 25 Apr 2016
+ Added polish and portugese translations
+ Added support for graylisted servers
- Fixed possible crash on weird unicode characters
=== Client Release 3.0.19 - 01 Apr 2016
+ Added pre- and postinstall conditions to Updater to allow running custom
 commands before or after an update. Will be used to install the new
 Visual Studio 2015 C++ runtime for next release.
+ Added French and Spanish translations
* OS X client now uses Apple Transport Security instead of OpenSSL
* Updated Lua runtime in Lua plugin
* New features window now has an expire timeout to prevent opening outdated
 news when doing a fresh install.
- Fixed possible crash on Linux 64-bit when receiving invalid network packages
- Fixed banners send with "Cache-Control" HTTP resonse header
- Fixed slow loading banners being shown after disconnecting from server
- Fixed possible freeze when loading lots of channel images
- Updated included libpng
- Updated included openssl
- Fixed master volume slider not updating properly when using multiple playback
- Prevent displaying locale images in bbCode IMG tags
- Don't collect channelid:// URLs in Url catcher
- Fixed freeze with many images in channel description
- Fixed ban presets showing invalid preset items
- Fixed avatar display when uploading a new avatar with different dimensions
- Fixed external links in About / License
- Fixed possible Qt crash when downloading from Http sources
- Removed server IP display in server and client connection info dialogs
- Removed setup wizard, replaced with a simple dialog to let users enter a
 default nickname. To be expanded in a future release.
- Fixes to hotkey events in plugin SDK
=== Client Release - 23 Oct 2015
! Further hardened security fix from Remote images are now stored in
 single directory by hash, instead of subfolders.
+ Added external link warning to opening URLs from within URL Catcher
* Updated include folders in plugin SDK for recent code restructuring
* On entering an unsubscribed channel, scan all clients for CLIENT_TALK_REQUEST
 and preset that value to avoid getting the notification sound when clicking
 on that client later.
- Fixed unclickable Download Folder label in Filebrowser dialog.
- Fixed PTT delay not getting properly saved and restored.
- Replaced wrong clear filter icon in permissions overview dialog.
=== Client Release - 10 Oct 2015
! Hotfix release to fix security vulnerability
=== Client Release 3.0.18 - 23 Sep 2015
+ Updated to Qt 5.5.0 for improved Windows 10 compatibility and to fix a crash
 seen in client 3.0.17
+ Added option to always prevent poke dialog as quick workaround after GamesCom
 feedback. See Options/Applications/Never Show Poke Dialog. This may be
 removed again when a more final solution is implemented.
+ Added warning dialog when opening hyperlinks to external pages.
+ Added cw.png to countries flags
* Updated bundled Overwolf installer
- Fixed address field on connect dialog to accept ts3server:// links again,
 a bug introduced with 3.0.17 release.
- No contextmenu in clients list of server groups dialog when the currently
 selected group is not a regular group.
- Fixed Windows 8.1 and 10 detection in new statistics gathering in 3.0.17.
- Updated some icons and banners where outdated logo was shown.
- Prevent uploading URL shortcuts on Windows to prevent a client freeze.
- Corrected a few typos in permissions help texts.
=== Client Release 3.0.17 - 04 Aug 2015
+ Added automatic crashdump upload, replacing the old manual upload to the
 forum. In case of a crash, a report tool will show and ask the user if the
 dump should automatically be uploaded to our servers.
+ Collect and send anonymous statistics about users hardware and operating
 system to us for internal decisions (which hardware and OS version needs to
 be supported etc.). Disabled by default, user will be asked by a dialog the
 first time if he agrees to send the data. Decision can be changed later in
 Options/Application/Anonymous Statistics. What exactly is being sent is
 displayed in the client log. If agreed, data is sent once per month. Users on
 beta channel always send the data.
+ Added multilingual license agreement dialog due to legal requirements.
+ Added multilingual newsticker with support dynamic update periods.
+ Multilingual Windows installer.
+ Iconpacks default_colored_2014 and default_mono_2014 updated. Some icons
 were overhauled and some new were added.
+ OS X: Added support for GateKeeper Version 2 signatures for OS X 10.9 and
+ Added more icon names to settings.ini.
+ Improved support for high resolution Retina displays.
+ Added dialog to restart client after changing iconpack or language.
+ Added taskbar flashing on incoming chat message.
* Updated Windows C++ runtime to version 120.
* Updated to Qt 5.4.1 
- Fixed URL capture when emoticon replacement is enabled. The emoticon :/ was
 replaced inside hyperlinks (http://) and thus ruined the link. Also fixed
 clientid:// and channelid:// links, which were affected by the same problem.
- Fixed scaling of various images.
- Fixed possible crashes related to filetransfer.
- Changed appearance of poke dialog when client is minimized, hidden or behind
 a fullscreen application.
- Fixed crash with rotating users in 3D sound.
- Fixed possible crash with some bluetooth controllers.
- Fixed searching server tree for customname and nickname.
- Fixed sending offline messages to multiple users.
- Fixed issue with chat partner disconnecting.
- Fixed special character treatment in TSDNS resolver.
- Fixed various issues with URL tagging.
- Reworked UTF 8 conversion backend.
- Fixed possible crash with invalid texts in virtual server settings dialog.
- Removed appscanner plugin due to questionable usefulness
=== Client Release 3.0.16 - 06 Aug 2014
+ Added two new iconpacks, one as new default. When using the old default
 iconpack, it will be changed to the new default once. Old iconpack is
 still included for people who prefer it.
+ Added new modern theme, but do not set as default automatically.
* Updated template files to use the new icon syntax.
* Added plugin_sdk.html to install directory, pointing to the current download
- Fixed possible issue with control DLL plugin and recent Overwolf release.
=== Client Release - 14 Jul 2014
- Fixed possible client freeze with url tags.
- Fixed possible client freeze with huge images.
- Images (both remote and ts3image) with width or height > 4000 px are now
 refused and no longer displayed in the channel description.
- Magnet urls are now allowed.
- Limited number of caught URLs to 10 per chat message.
- Adjustments to teamspeak control plugin for better Overwolf compatibility.
=== Client Release 3.0.15 - 23 Jun 2014
+ Overhauled update system. General goals are to reduce download size and allow
 the updater to update itself before updating the client.
+ Two-step update ensures that the updater can update itself before updating
 the TeamSpeak client. This way we can deploy changes to the updater more 
+ Updater copies itself to temp folder and then runs from there, thus we no
 longer have issues with the updater not being able to update files because they
 are currently used by the system.
+ Added binary patching to the updater for a faster and much smaller download
+ Compressed update files with lzma instead of gzip to further reduce size
+ Added update channel selection to Options dialog
(Applications page) to make
 it easier to switch to beta channel. No more update.ini editing required.
+ URLs will now be written into their own database named urls.db. The old urls.dat
 will be converted and deleted. If the converter finds a broken url in the
 urls.dat, the file will be discarded and a clean database will be created.
* Simplified Updater UI, removed some useless functions (Start/Changelog)
* Updated bundled Overwolf installer
* Multiple fixes and improvements to bbCode parser from 3.0.14.
* Updated openssl to 1.0.1h
- Removed pluginsdk.zip from installer and updater. It is available again from
 our downloads page (http://teamspeak.com?page=downloads).
- Removed mirrors.ini, mirrors are no longer being used.
- Fixed broken date and time displays (bans, temp passwords, messages, logs
 etc). This was an oversight when switching from Qt 4 to 5.
- Fixed currently typing pen in chat not showing to other users.
- Fixed delay after applying changes in some pages of the Options dialog,
 especially noticeable in Applications page.
- Fixed adding bans not working with some Unicode characters in nicknames.
- Fixed some tooltips which changed with Qt5.
- Fixed temporary passwords table header which broke with Qt5.
- Fixed disabling max user spinboxes in channel edit dialog.
- Fixed icon scaling when loading from folder.
- Removed icon when moving a spacer.
- The profile and whisperlist name is now limited to 60 characters.
- Fixed an icon in filebrowser.
- Fixed website invitation for OSX.
- Fixed ts3link if a file or a folder name contains whitespace.
- Fixed client freeze and lag when loading chat history.
- Fixed permission table header which broke with Qt5.
- Fixed package installer which broke with Qt5.
- Fixed timestamp field in chat. Some digits were interpreted wrong.
- Fixed package installer. Some addons could not be uncompressed.
- Fixed quotation marks surrounding news ticker in updater on Linux and OS X
=== Client Release 3.0.14 - 14 Mar 2014
+ Updated to Qt 5.2.1. Updated compilers, runtime and third party libraries.
 This includes a multitude of changes to the TeamSpeak client to ensure
 transition from Qt 4 to 5. This is a major update under the hood.
+ Iconpacks can now be provided as a zip file. See gfx/default.zip
 Old folders gfx/default and gfx/countries will be emptied on update.
 Custom iconpacks are still supported. Icons in extracted folders take
 priority over zip archives if both exist.
 Note: Plugin authors have to provide their own icons.
+ The plugin SDK is now distributed as zip archive in pluginsdk.zip. The old
 pluginsdk folder is no longer updated, original files will be automatically
 deleted on update.
+ Added https support, so the client can now load and display remote icons from
 https pages. A https server banner will work after the next server release.
* Distribute Windows runtime as DLLs in TeamSpeak installation root instead of
 using vcredist package. This is a temporary solution until the updater is
 able to run a downloaded vcredist package post-update if required.
* Unused Qt 4 libraries will be deleted by the updater when the updater starts
 (so not immediately on first update, as the old updater still requires Qt 4).
* Memory usage and overall performance optimizations.
* Plugin API increased to 20. Plugins depending on Qt 4.8 have to be updated.
* Plugin API: Added isDown parameter to requestHotkeyInputDialog function to
 support PTT key bindings. Note: It's in the pluginsdk.zip now!
* Prevent client from connecting to ports > 65535.
* Missing icons will be shown as a blue bordered icon with a number.
* Inform users when a recording client joins or leaves your channel.
* Permissions window allows to set b_channel_join_ignore_password for server
 groups, channel groups and clients.
* "Install Overwolf" checkbox in Windows is now remotely controlled by Overwolf
 server. If down or not reachable, defaults to disabled.
* Cache animated avatars/banners to lower hard disk access.
* On Linux the system tray icon is now hidden by default due to incompatibilities
 with Qt and freedesktop tray icon standards. It can be activated in the
* Privilege key window supports Multi-select for copy to clipboard action.
* Improved integration with Overwolf for their latest 2014-02-03 release.
* Moved chat format buttons from mainwindow into the chat input contextmenu.
 These actions will now add bbCode tags to the text instead of using a very
 basic WYSIWYG approach, which is too dependant on Qt CSS formatting risking
 to break on any Qt update.
* Automatically format *bold* and _underline_ in received chat messages.
- Fixed joystick/gamepad button count.
- Fixed renaming profiles.
- Fixed saving preset messages.
- Removed "Hide in taskbar" option
- Removed "Use double click to activate" option, tray icon activation is now
 using the platform standard behavior (double click on Windows, single click
 on other platforms)
- Fixed an undefined file transfer status when transfer starts.
- Fixed a possible file transfer crash when transfer starts.
- Updated emoticons display which can now show more icons at once.
- Fixed showing a blank main window when minimizing/maximizing the window
- PTT key in capture profile is only shown from default hotkey profile.
- Show error message on missing sound files.
- Fixed possible crash when deleting a profile.
- Fixed possible animated avatar freeze.
- Fixed rare crash when increasing identity security level.
- Fixed client name format in client banned message
- Fixed wrong notification ID in channel created event
=== Client Release - 24 Oct 2013
+ Fixed possible crash in appscanner plugin when receiving invalid plugin
 commands via serverquery or fake plugins.
* Ignore "Hide TeamSpeak in Taskbar" option when being started from Overwolf
 while in a fullscreen game, as this may minimize the game.
* Added Ctrl+W shortcut to close server tab
* Self menu mnemonic changed from s to e to avoid collision with _S_ettings
- Appscanner plugin no longer requests autoload.
- Fixed UI display issue with delete delay in edit channel deialog when
 b_channel_modify_temp_delete_delay is not set.
=== Client Release 3.0.13 - 01 Oct 2013
+ Added support for channel delay feature in server 3.0.10. This allows to set
 a delay in seconds after which temporary channels will be deleted after the
 last client has left. To configure a virtualserver default, set the delay in
 the virtualserver edit dialog. Or configure per channel in the channel edit
 dialog. Channel templates were adjusted to show the delete delay and a count-
 down until the channel is removed.
+ Added search field in customize toolbar dialog.
+ Added display of filetransfer progress in taskbar (Windows 7 and above).
* Removed deprecated Direct Input hotkey system, meanwhile replaced by the
 "Default" hotkey system.
- Fixed assigning hotkey when key was mapped or deactivated via "ScanCode Map".
- Fixed avatar animation when an animated gif will be set after a jpg.
- Fix for Overwolf integration, avoid getting back to desktop when TeamSpeak
 is started by Overwolf in-game and immediately a dialog opens.
=== Client Release 3.0.12 - 09 Sep 2013
+ Integrated Overwolf Overlay.
 Windows: Overwolf can now be installed and started from the TeamSpeak client
 via menu and toolbar actions. Bundled Overwolf mini installer in TeamSpeak
 autoupdate and installer, which downloads the actual Overwolf installer.
 All platforms: Added Overwolf icon in TeamSpeak tree to indicate clients
 running Overwolf (can be disabled in Options/Design). These icons require
 TeamSpeak Server 3.0.9 or later.
+ Included TeamSpeak control plugin. This is part of a project offering the
 possibility to control TeamSpeak from another application running on the same
 computer, similar to the clientquery plugin. Currently
Windows only. More
 detailed information will be available in the near future.
* Removed the overlay plugin from TeamSpeak installer and autoupdate, so future
 updates to the overlay plugin no longer depend on a TeamSpeak release. The
 overlay plugin is available and maintained on the authors webpage:
* Direct Input Hotkey is now automatically changed to "Default" in preparation
 to removing Direct Input in a later release. While you can manually switch it
 back to Direct Input again, we don't recommend to do so.
- Fixed possible crash in direct input hotkey system.
- Fixed infinite file access caused by animated images.
- Fixed possible crash in client/server log highlight dialog.
- Fixed issue running 32 bit Linux client on systems without SSE2 CPU support.
=== Client Release - 06 Aug 2013
- Fixed possible crash in hotkey system on client startup
- Fixed dependencies on newer glibc versions
- Plugin API: Fixed ts3plugin_onHotkeyRecordedEvent not being called
=== Client Release 3.0.11 - 31 Jul 2013
! Changed the platform string for the Mac OsX platform from "Mac" to "OS X"
+ Added (Windows only) hotkey support for multiple USB devices. If we cannot
 get the USB device name from the system, we will try to read it from a local
 file. Please notice usb.ids in root folder. You can always overwrite it with
 the latest version from http://www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids.
+ The chat- and poke messages are now styleable too. Please notice the
 default_chat.qss in styles/ folder for example. The default_chat.qss is also
 the fallback if <stylename>_chat.qss does not exist.
+ Added "Classic" theme for users who want the old chat color scheme back.
+ Protection against DOS attacks was added to server 3.0.8. Added required
 counterpart of this functionality to the client. Server 3.0.8 requires
 client 3.0.11 to connect.
+ Added C++ runtime libraries to Linux deployment
* Reworked URLs storage hopefully fixing crash on loading corrupt data file.
 Stored URLs from previous versions will expire.
* Autoexpire URLs after 180 days.
* Plugin API: printMessage and printMessageToCurrentTab are now executed in
 the GUI thread, fixing a crash in the Arma plugin.
* Added "Channel" to Receive/Sent Poke notification. New default for both
 is server + channel + client.
* Added confirmation when deleting an Identity via the remove button.
* Automatically close "ban client" and "serverquery login" dialogs when
* Added limit of 40 characters in phonetic nickname field in channel dialog.
* Added character limit to name field in server/channel copy dialog.
* Added copying Server IP to clipboard from server connectioninfo dialog.
* Added a dialog to make sure the user will be informed about old USB device
 hotkeys. They have to be newly assigned once.
* Changed default chat notification settings for outgoing pokes.
* Changed default settings for neutral contacts, no custom name anymore.
* Added rootIsDecorated to remove collapse indicator on root item to stylesheet
* Added to channel template: CHANNEL_VOICE_DATA_ENCRYPTED_FLAG
* Added to server template: SERVER_VERSION_SHORT
* Added that info frame loads the <style>_chat.qss
- Fixed issue with outgoing poke display when user has special characters in
 in his nickname and the poke contains an URL.
- Removed Collected URLs item from the tray menu.
- Fixed some custom nickname displays which were not shown correctly (chat,
 poke and whisper history).
- Fixed UTF-8 display of country tooltips (e.g. Cura�ao), added bl.png for
 Saint Barth�lemy.
- Fixed "Make current channel default" in bookmarks dialog which didn't work
 properly after adding this bookmark while already being connected.
- Fixed wrong connection count for new bookmarks (was 1 after creation even
 if we didn't connect yet).
- Fixed vanishing port number from bookmark address field.
- Fixed issue with chat pen displaying chat partner is typing when he was
 just interacting with the tab.
- Fixed webserver list freezing when webserver is not reachable.
- Fixed wrong "Apply/Discard" dialog when changing option pages.
- Plugin API: Callbacks are now called properly on requestFileList
- Fixed issues with highlight and filter in server log dialog.
- Fixed offline message subject which will no longer send newlines.
- Fixed that http:// is now the default scheme when missing in poke- or
 hostmessage dialog.
- Fixed stylesheet helper hotkey which now shows the correct object names.
- Fixed the translation of some hotkey descriptions.
- Fixed server messages which had an additional whitespace at the beginning.
- Fixed quoting of channel- and user links.
- Fixed pasting a newline character which now is prevented at several places.
- Fixed discarding mouse buttons at hotkey system "Keyboard & Mouse Only". If
 you don't need discarding, "Default" is the better choice and also more
- Fixed unusable sound devices in osx
- Fixed default Downloads folder on Linux, no longer download to home dir.
=== Client Release - 04 Apr 2013
+ Fixed gatekeeper signature error starting the 3.0.10 client on Mac OS X
* Updater will in addition to renaming updated DLLs and exe also move them
 to a folder "old" to avoid Qt loading the old plugin DLLs.
* Export missing requestClientEditDescription to Lua
+ Added some context menu entries into whisper history
- Stereo recording in DirectSound works properly now
- Recording from sources with more than 2 channels should downmix properly to 
 2 channels now (in stead of just using the first 2 channels)
- Adjusted default position of windows when opened for the first time when the
 position has not yet been stored.
- Added more default languages to the Mac OS X app bundle affecting the Mac
 menu, which is independant from Qt translation files. All language folders
 are now ignored by gatekeeper, so they can be safely manually added.
- Fixed Upload button of IconView dialog on Mac OS X
- Removed warning spam message on Mac OS X when connecting to a TSDNS server.
- Fixed tooltip for United Kingdom
- Fixed possible crash in Add-Hotkey dialog
- Fixed crash when right-clicking on the background area of notification
- Do not replace "-" with "&minus;" in hostmessage dialog.
- Adjusted package installer to work properly if plugins do not follow the
 recommended name scheme of _win32.dll and _win64.dll
- Fixed possible crash when deleting profiles.
- Fixed encoding when invitation contains channel password with spaces.
=== Client Release 3.0.10 27 - Feb 2013
+ Added Opus voice and music codecs. Requires server 3.0.7 or later.
 Please note that Opus Music is not intended for general voice chat and no
 preprocessing is done when opus music is used. This means that AGC, noise
 suppression, echo cancellation etc. do not work when using Opus music.
* Updated Qt to 4.8.3 for improved Windows 8 compatibility.
* Overhauled Audio tab of channel edit dialog for new Opus Codec
* Updated client to use new permission list format as used by server 3.0.7
* Restore size and position of Complains List and Permission Overview windows.
 Changed base class of both from QDialog to QWidget.
* Added guiConnect, createBookmark, getPermissionIDByName and
 getClientNeededPermission to Lua API
* Tweaked length checks in various text fields for client and channelname.
* A spacer without a name will now be shown as an empty line.
* If a playback- or capture profile was renamed or deleted every hotkey
 depending on this profile will be adjusted.
* Changed hotkey dialog category spacer alignment to left.
* Client template can now show the update channel used by other clients.
* New option to autostart TeamSpeak on Windows startup.
* Added optional "server_uid=<suid>" parameter to ts3server links. If an
 existing bookmark
with the same server UID found, the bookmarks settings
 will be used for the connection.
* Added context menu to notifications to select which sounds are important.
 The setting is global for all sound packs.
* Added context menu entry in server list to copy server address to clipboard.
* Added "Move Client to own Channel" in client context menu. 
* Added notification icon to status bar if client has unread offline messages.
* Added TS3_CONFIG_DIR environment variable to overwrite location of config
* Adjusted default size of some windows to adjust better to small and very
 large monitor resolutions.
* Added message for outgoing pokes. Can be configured in Notifications Options.
* Overhauled Tabs look on Mac OS X via default_mac.qss stylesheet.
* ts3server links are again caught for the Collected URLs
* Added confirmation when resetting custom toolbar settings to default
* Don't show server update dialog while running a fullscreen application
- Fixed upload/download slots if one slot was set to 0.
- Fixed closing hotkey dialog even though keep open was enabled.
- Fixed copy and paste client text.
- Fixed client window sizes which now depend on the screen resolution when
 opening for the first time.
- Fixed converting 3D sound positions into db.
- Fixed offline message parsing error if message was empty.
- Fixed that hotkey push button always adds in "all" hotkey profiles instead
 of the selected one.
- Fixed resizing and centering smaller gif icons to 16x16.
- Fixed that the setup wizard only configures the default hotkey profile and
 when having more than one hotkey profile a hint on the welcome page will be
 shown as a reminder.
- Fixed bb-code of server host message when message contains newlines.
- Fixed editing a hotkey but assigning the same action.
- Fixed a direct input hotkey issue when pushing two buttons at once on
 different devices.
- Fixed stuck PTT button when releasing the mouse.
- Fixed "Edit bookmark" contextmenu in bookmarks menu.
- Fixed some ts3server links issues when using cid parameter.
- Setup wizard now always uses the Standard hotkey profile in case when
 multiple hotkey profiles exist.
- Fixed UTF-8 characters in URL catcher
- Fixed possible crash sending a poke to a meanwhile disconnected client
- Fixed local mute/unmute hotkeys
- Fixed passing onClientIDsEvent and onClientIDsFinishedEvent to Plugin API
- Fixed crash when deleting a playback profile
- Fixed crash when no default sound device is present
- Fixed previously renamed onCustom3dRolloffCalculationClientEvent and
 ts3plugin_onCustom3dRolloffCalculationWaveEvent functions in test plugin.
=== Client Release - 29 Oct 2012
- Reverted running privileged behaviour which was changed for 3.0.9 and causes
 hotkeys not working with games running as administrator.
- Fixed writing whisper group targets.
=== Client Release - 25 Oct 2012
+ Added button in notifications to set all bookmark soundpacks to "default".
- Fixed converter setting "default" instead of "default female voice" so old
 bookmarks use soundpack in notifications.
=== Client Release 3.0.9 - 23 Oct 2012
+ Changed the storage format of the configuration files to a SQLite database.
 Conversion is done automatically the first time the client is started, all
 affected files will be moved to a backup folder.
+ Increased Plugin API version to 19
+ Added setClientVolumeModifier to plugin API. Min/Max volume is -50.0 to +20.0
+ Added getClientNeededPermission and getPermissionIDByName to plugin API
+ Added missing plugin API parameters for onUpdateClientEvent
+ Added parsing of channel id "cid=xyz" from invitation link. If you also give
 a channel name parameter the channel id gets priority.
 e.g. http://www.teamspeak.com/invite/voice.teamspeak.com/?cid=xyz
+ Added channel/client search in active server tree with STRG+F but only if
 the server tree has the focus. Otherwise it is the ordinary chat search.
+ Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (channel family).
+ Added hotkey switch to previous/next channel (same level).
+ Added hotkey request talk power.
+ Added hotkey revoke all and grant next user talk power.
+ Added revoke talk power by double clicking the tree icon.
+ Added revoke talk power and revoke all and grant next user talk power toolbar
+ Added host message preview button which shows the formatted message in a
+ Added Hotkey Gamepad and Joystick compatibility for RAW and Direct Input.
 Existing Direct Input hotkeys will be converted to Raw Input once Direct
 Input is activated. Existing Raw Input hotkeys cannot be converted so they
 have to be reassigned.
+ Added date and time to server log ("*** Log begins...").
+ Added bookmarkmanager context menu "sort by name".
* After deleting an offline message the next message will be selected.
* Moved possible existing serverquery authlogin and authpassword from 
 ts3clientui_qt.conf to ts3clientui_qt.secrets.conf.
* Added Made in Germany icon in About dialog.
* Chat character counter always located left of newsticker.
* Client drag&drop improvements.
* Added -silent commandline parameter to package installer.
* Package installer stores installed add-ons in addons.ini
* Modified tree behaviour to avoid scrolling up/down constantly on crowded
* Modified chat scrolling behaviour to keep the chat textoutput in place when
 new messages arrive while being scrolled up or having text selected.
* Added [hr] bbCode support to channel description.
* Added save and restore last ban reason when banning a client.
* Added offline subject and message character limit.
* When dropping many files into chat line the drop text will be just cut off at
 the end because of the chat line limit. When dropping many files into chat
 history and the message length would fit into two separate lines, the drop
 will be accepted. If the drop text is too long it will be ignored.
* Small icons will get extended and centered to at least 16x16.
* Added license display to server info (SERVER_LICENSE for template)
* Extended logging for querying TSDNS SRV records.
- Fixed context menu in channel description edit.
- Fixed HTML entities in plain chat log.
- Fixed embedding local server banner URL in [IMG] tags is no longer necessary.
 Just drop an image from file filebrowser or type a valid ts3image:// link.
- Fixed connecting to server via ts3server:// link or invitation if link
 contains a channel name.
- Fixed a reply offline message coloring issue.
- Fixed hotkey compatibility issue with keys "M" and "N".
- Fixed hotkey issue with "keyboard & mouse only" (no keys were captured).
- Fixed display of resized animated banner.
- Fixed possibily blocking ban dialog time display.
- Don't allow negative ban times.
- Fixed icon viewer grid size, which could be broken after uploading icons
 which don't have the standard size of 16x16.
- Updated b_client_is_sticky permission help text.
- Fixed unicode usage of updater uncompression tool.
- Fixed servericon not updating properly in chat tab.
- Removed legacy VAD option from capture options.
- Clear temporary statusbar message when typing chats, the max characters
 counter could overlap with tempoary help texts.
- Fixed possible crash when using the -nohotkeys parameter.
- Removed built-in serverquery Window. Future server versions do not support
 this anymore.
- Fixed max input length calculation for channel description and offine
 messages when using unicode and escaped characters.
- Fixed group sorting in channel groups of client dialog.
- Fixed saving sort column and sort order in offline messages dialog.
- Fixed that channel description editor only shows plain text.
- Fixed plugin enable/disable checkbox at plastique style.
- Fixed joining servers default channel if bookmarks default channel is full.
- Fixed copying text from info frame if text is formatted with [list]
- Fixed background when dragging files from file browser.
- The offline message dialog can be opened once per server and will act on the
 servers state.
- Fixed upload/download state after resuming a transfer interrupted by error.
- Fixed transfer state after resuming an interrupted transfer and also the
 transferred size.
=== Client Release - 30 Jul 2012
+ Increased Plugin API version to 18:
 Added returnCode to flushChannelCreate|Update, changed type of permissionID
 parameters from anyID to unsigned int.
+ Mono sounds can now also be sent to just left and right (stereo) speakers.
 This is now the default setting. Select "Mono to surround" in playback
 options to get the old behaviour.
* Changing the bantime dropdown no longer adjusts the time.
* Added contextmenu to copy client version from About dialog to clipboard.
* Added SERVER_ICON, CHANNEL_ICON and CLIENT_ICON variables to info templates.
* Enable scrollbuttons on Mac tabs to avoid the window resizing when too many
 chat tabs open.
* Added Isle of Man country flag.
- Fixed possible crash when clicking on ts3server:// links with a default
 channel specified.
- Fixed banlist sorting which did not apply properly after searching.
- Reverted plain/text mimetype for client items drag&drop. Needs some more work
 on lineedits first to implement this properly.
=== Client Release 3.0.8 - 16 Jul 2012
+ Added support for SRV records when resolving domain names. Format for a SRV
 record for a TS3 server is: 
 "_ts3._udp.name TTL IN SRV priority weight port target"
 It is also possible to add a SRV record for a TSDNS server for a domain, the
 format for this is:
 "_tsdns._tcp.name TTL IN SRV priority weight port target"
 The priority when resolving is: (1) _ts3 SRV record, (2) _tsdns SRV record,
 (3) TSDNS, (4) DNS
+ Added local server banner via filetransfer.
+ Added showing the chat line limit and its typed chars.
+ Added check of containing files before deleting a channel.
+ Added after assigning a hotkey the lockable key like NUM_LOCK etc. will be
 switched back to its previous state.
+ Added notification channel deleted/edited "by the server". Please note the
 in settings.ini. Addon Sound Packs can add them too.
+ Added custom "block receiving whisper" button for toolbar.
+ Added activate/deactivate/toggle hotkeys to block receiving whispers.
+ Mac OS X: Added Apple Developer ID certificate for gatekeeper in upcoming
 Mountain Lion release.
* Clients can now be dragged from chat log.
* Enable drag&drop from "List All Clients" again. Drag applies to the selected
* Save last sorting of "List All Clients" list. Apply sorting whenever new
 clients arrive after clicking the "More" button. Nicknames are now sorted
* Show invoker if client description was edited by another client.
* Support bbCode in ts3plugin_infoData text
* Package installer only autoactivates styles if a qss file is present.
- Fixed "RenderDeviceContext" logging on Windows.
- Overhauled Delete Avatar mechanism to trigger more reliable when avatar was
 deleted by another user.
- Some typo fixes in English and German texts.
- Fixed voice test no longer ignores "vad over ptt".
- Fixed strange behavior when hammering PTT during voice test.
- Fixed changing enable/disable delayPTT and its delay value during voice test.
- Fixed using "Keyboard & Mouse" hotkey system with Synergy.
- Fixed chat line issue when opening menu e.g. via ALT+S.
- Fixed an issue with the filetransfer slots could get over the maximum of 10.
- Fixed crash when parsing a corrupt urls.dat (thanks to torzsi for the file).
 Please note: urls.dat is now called caught_urls.dat and because it got a new
 internal format, the old one will be deleted after convertion.
- Fixed displaying wrong default channel group in channelgroup permissions.
- Fixed a memory leak, which could increase memory usage drastically when
 running the client for a very long time.
- Fixed filter clear button in server/client logviews, cleaned up layouts.
- Fixed chat line edit char counter which now counts also unicode characters,
 so the displayed characters can be different from the counter.
=== Client Release 3.0.7 - 21 Jun 2012
! Plugin API changed to 17
+ Added away hotkey with away message.
+ Added toolbar buttons set and delete for avatars.
+ Added saving of ban duration for presets.
+ Added [noparse]...[/noparse] tags for chat to prevent text in between beeing
 replaced with emoticons. Note: It's strict so both tags have to be found!
+ Exported temporary password functions to Plugin API
+ New getClientDisplayname function in Plugin API (client name including custom
 nickname, as configured in the contacts)
+ Added special return value of -2 to Plugin init function. See test plugin for
 details. This return value should only be used in very rare situations.
+ Added two(windows only) additional hotkey systems for keyboard and mouse for
 testing. The RawInput system can also handle joysticks and gamepads. Existing
 hotkeys will be backed up and converted to make them also usable for the new
+ Added dialog when trying to send a server chat without permission.
+ Added new channel description preview (work in progress) which is a
 replacement for the WYSIWYG editor.
+ Added "Enter Chat Message..." info text to chat field.
+ Added context menu to ban out of complainlist.
+ Added hotkeys to activate/deactivate/toggle 3D sound.
+ Added close Tab on middle mouse button.
+ Added readable error message if send to channel chat fails due to permission.
+ Added possibility to use custom country flag icons: If the folder
 gfx/customCountries exists, country icons will be loaded from this folder,
 otherwise as before from gfx/countries. gfx/customCountries won't be over-
 written again from updater.
* Styles can now change the color of the newsticker text, see Bluesky style for
 an example.
* Style authors: Chat line "Enter chat message" color now can be overwritten.
 See existing default.qss style for example.
* Swapped skip/negated column in permission overview so it's the same order as
 in the permissions tree.
* Request to start createfileassoc.exe to add .ts3_addon etc. file associations
 to the registry can now be skipped with "Ignore" button.
* Mac OS X: Migrated config location from ~/.ts3client to ~/Library/Application
 Support/TeamSpeak 3. The folder will automatically be moved the first time
 TeamSpeak starts, if the old folder exists and the new folder does not exist.
* Warn user when connecting to a server and the server UID has changed in
 comparison to the stored value in the bookmark.
* Compress command packets to reduce network traffic (voice and filetransfer
 will not be affected)
- Running createfileassoc.exe will restore file associations to original if the
 user had changed them manually in Windows explorer.
- Fixed copy to clipboard ts3file:// link tagging.
- Fixed some whisperlist dialog issues.
- Fixed some issues when deleting animated avatars.
- Empty banner files will be automatically removed so the client can retry
 downloading the banner.
- Fixed creating empty registry key in HKCU\Software on client start.
- Install path in package installer can now be manually edited.
- Tweaked package installer window size, was too small on Mac OS X.
- Package installer now asks if the installed addon should be activated.
 Requires to restart TeamSpeak client to actually activate the addon.
- Fixed crash when using stylesheet helper hotkey on its own tooltip.
- Volume control plugin has been removed for now, there are too many issues
 for too many users. The updater will automatically delete the DLL.
- Improved subscribe and local mute functions called by Plugins, they will
 now do exactly the same like triggering the action via
client UI.
- Fixed comboboxes in connect dialog and bookmarks which returned invalid
 text when elided (including the "...", which resulted in invalid identities
 or profiles).
- Fixed disabling "Rename" and "Delete" contextmenu in server-/channelgroup
 permission windows. Requires server 3.0.6 or above.
- Fixed disabling the servergroup menuitems in a clients contextmenu, checking
 own i_group_member_add_power against each i_group_needed_member_add_power.
- Fixed default value of "Play only important sounds when muted" dropdown in
 the notifications setup.
- Disable all elements in the permissions window on anti-flood error to avoid
 leaving the permissions in an invalid state. The user needs to wait some
 seconds and then klick "Reload" to refresh dialog.
- Mac: Fixed crash when releasing a dragged tree item after disconnecting.
- Fixed client ignoring force-ptt permission when connecting to a server
 without capture profile.
- Fixed away message in tree not checking the "Ignore away message" setting
 from contacts manager.
- Not possible to send empty complains anymore.
- Fixed an issue when marking multiple offline messages as unread.
- Fixed appending wrong server chat log.
- Fixed checking folder entries on existing before opening otherwise it will be
 reset to default home dir.
- Fixed channel description preview close.
- Fixed setting channel description which was wrong on sub channels.
- Fixed messing up radioboxes in capture setup when creating new profiles.
- Fixed extracting URLs on history messages broken by &nbsp; spaces.
=== Client Release 3.0.6 - 20 Apr 2012
+ Added temporary server passwords, see contextmenu on server. Temporary
 passwords are valid for a specified period of time and work in addition to
 the permanent server password. The server requires a permanent passwords
 set, else temporary passwords have no effect. Needs server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Plugin API updated to 16
+ Added context menu "Paste & Send" in chat line.
+ The away message is now shown beside nickname.
+ Added multiselection for "Permissions > Channel Groups > Clients", the DEL
 key works too.
+ Added ban reason sorting.
+ Added line markers for each chat line. Can be disabled via chat display
 context menu (default is enabled).
+ Added ability to delete other clients avatar if b_client_avatar_delete_other
 is set. Requires server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Removed the confusing soundpack "None".
+ Added animated gif support for avatar and channel description. Can be
 toggled in Settings->Options->Design (default is enabled).
+ Added new permission b_client_request_talker, this allows clients to
 request talk power. Requires server 3.0.3 or above.
+ Added news browser, meant to point users to new features in the client.
* Added name of the user who granted talk power to the message: "Talk power
 granted by X".
* Utilities (update, error_report and package_installer) are now dynamically
* Plugin API changes: Added setPluginMenuEnabled, requestClientIDs,
 onClientIDsEvent, onClientIDsFinishedEvent. Removed pluginEvent and
 getAPIVersion. Removed plugin_events.h header.
* Added plugin hotkeys, see test plugin for details
* Added version string to uninstall registry entries for display in Windows
 deinstall system control panel.
* Phonetic name can now be pre- defined per identiy but still be overwritten in
 every bookmark.
* ts3server:// links can now be entered into the Connect dialog. Values from
 this link will overwrite existing values from the dialog.
* Collected URLs are now saved in binary file instead of ini, much faster.
* Display server/channel group icons in group list of permissions window.
* All clients list can now also be searched by client unique identifier.
- Fixed contextmenu in chat on ts3server links
- Fixed opening the privilege key dialog without having the permission to see
 the key list and also then, all created keys will be shown until the dialog
 has been closed or list has been reloaded.
- Minor UI overhaul of privilege key list and add dialog.
- Fixed adding a custom ban even without the permission to list. When adding a
 ban a dialog will show if the ban could be inserted.
- Empty ban list no longer shows "Insufficient permissions to view bans"
- Fixed opening URLs with different char encoding e.g. ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) 
 having '%F6' instead of '�' in filename.
- Fixed opening text chat from a received poke on correct server.
- Fixed no colors in multiline messages.
- Fixed invitation if privilege key contains a plus sign.
- Fixed special HTML characters (<, > etc) getting lost in chat history
- Fixed special HTML characters in client description
- Clear old server log when connecting to a new server in the server log view
- Changed behaviour of the last tabs close button.
- Fixed broken avatar template values.
- Fixed poke message size limit when message includes URL(s).
- Fixed writing and reading chatlog history. Please backup or delete old chat
 logs to start clean or you might feel some strange delay.
- Fixed bookmarks manager reporting unsaved changes.
- Fixed copying nicknames from chat if they contain whitespaces.
- Removed some repetitive settings from options dialog which are also
 accessible via contextmenus in the client mainwindow.
- Adjusted client for anti-flood settings fix for server version 3.0.3.
- Fixed an assert with animated images.
- Removed animation of group icons.
- Sorting of server- and channelgroups should behave the same even with
 identical sortID everywhere in the client.
- Added Delete keyboard shortcut to subscriptions dialog to remove entries
- Volume control plugin overhaul
- Fixed possibly invalid grant value displayed in permission overhaul
- Removed "Export to PDF" in permission overhaul
- Cleaned up client, channel and server info templates. Added list of all
 replacable variables to templates so user can easily restore the removed
 information with own templates.
- Removed clientID column from all-clients list
- Fixed banners not reloading anymore when the image was not available.
- Fixed bookmark drag&drop issues on Mac.
- Fixed crash when trying to send an offline message via fake link.
- Fixed copy and paste when text contains an image object.
- Fixed saving first-start-bookmark for not using hotkeys on a temporary uuid.
- Fixed hotkey toggle/activate/deactivate plugin.
- Fixed minor issues using animated gifs.
- Added workaround for G35 sound driver issue (voice only on right site)
=== Client Release 3.0.5 - 15 Feb 2012
* Caps Lock now available as hotkey on Mac
* Minor bookmarks manager layout overhaul
* Adjusted Linux runscript to work better with KDE
- Fixed misbehaving "More" button in All Clients List
- Fixed possible crash when connecting to server
- Fixed chat input field when switching chat tabs and text was selected
- Disable "Show ServerQuery Clients" when adding a bookmark via a ts3server://
 link with "addbookmark=<label>".
- Use nickname of default identity when connecting via ts3server://
- Hide empty global "Plugins" menu when no plugin creates a global menuitem.
- Display bookmark name in server tab, bookmark name was previously ignored.
- Fixed detecting changes in bookmarks manager with new serverquery and
 soundpack settings.
- Add bookmark from ts3server link as last item on first level of the tree
 instead of subitem of the last folder.
- Calling requestFileList in plugins no longer opens file browser window in
 client (note plugins should use return codes to implement this properly).
- Updater: When autostarting the client, keep the start button disabled to
 avoid starting the client multiple times.
- Escape "&" in bookmark labels when shown in menu
- Fixed issues banning visible client when ban power was set by channel group.
- Fixed anti-flood message printed in wrong tab
- Fixed chat tab notification markers when switching between
multiple servers.
- Newsticker performance improvements.
- Fixed possible crash when clicking toolbar buttons while switching servers.
- When clicking ts3server links with addbookmark=<label>, request adding new
 bookmark if the specified label does not yet exist.
=== Client Release 3.0.3 - 20 Jan 2012
! Updated plugins API to 15
+ Improved ban list, now shown as a table. Added sorting and filtering. Right-
 click on table header to configure which table columns to show.
+ Plugin API: Added function banclientdbid. Added new parameter lastNickName to
+ Plugin API: Added parameter clientUniqueIdentity to onClientChatClosedEvent
 and onClientChatComposingEvent.
+ Added custom plugin menus (global menu, channel and client contextmenus), so
 plugins can add menuitems to the TS3 client and receive events when the item
 is clicked. See the test plugin for details about implementing own menus.
 The Lua plugin also allows own menus.
+ Allow editing channel groups of a user in "Channel groups of Client" dialog.
+ Added button to remove all channel groups with a single click from a client
 in "Channel groups of Client" dialog.
+ Windows uninstaller optionally deletes all configuration files. Added new
 page to uninstaller where user can control this (default: do not delete).
+ Added option to clear cache on exit (Options - Security)
+ Added "Edit bookmark" to bookmarks popup menu
+ Added option to change also the nickname in connected bookmark when renamed
* Mac: Added Cmd+W shortcut to minimize main window
* Avatar images will be resized when uploading, to users can select a larger
 image and have TeamSpeak scale it down automatically.
* Permission tabs for channel, client and channelclient permissions are now
 disabled instead of being removed when the permission to list that type
 is missing.
* Improved behaviour of channel permissions dialog when permissions failed to
 be applied.
* Show server query clients is no longer a global option but for each server
 tab, based on a bookmark. A temporary toggle can be added by customizing the
 toolbar. Please update your bookmark. We do not convert the old setting!
* Because of now having all TS3 supported bbCodes usable in WYSIWYG editor, the
 bbCode [SIZE=+3] is just still in for convenient. Please use a fixed value
 like [SIZE=10] to have more possibilities.
* Newsticker allows to click on individual HTML links.
* Added link to Applications folder and background image to Mac disk image.
* Print memory usage to client log for testing purpose.
- Channel chat tab can no longer be closed.
- Hide "Error requesting ping" error log when disconnected (in this case it's
 not really an error).
- Hide statusbar text when mouse leaves chat text window to avoid sticky
 statusbar messages from hyperlinks.
- Fixed broken HTML in delete client confirmation dialog from List all Clients
 window when client nickname had special HTML characters like < >
- Fn key on Macbooks now recognized as hotkey
- Fixed contextmenu of bookmark menuitems when items were in subfolders
- Save channel subscriptions per server and client UID (before only per server)
- Fixed hotkey BringToFront when client was minimized.
- Fixed preventing baloontips when running a fullscreen application.
- Fixed composing and close-chat events which got previously broken.
- Fixed autoreconnecting in password-protected channel.
- Properly register packet installer file associations on Mac in the case of
 old Mac clients getting updated (worked when installing from dmg).
- Fixes and performance improvements for fetching and caching remote icons in
 channel description.
- Fixed invalid "Not connected" display in G15 plugin when closing another
 server tab.
- Removed option to configure chat history buffer size. Just use 20 lines.
=== Client Release 3.0.2 - 16 Nov 2011
! Updated plugins API to 14
+ Added individual handling of soundpacks per servertab.
+ Added that dropping a file from File Browser into an offline message will
 create a ts3file:// link. A few minor bbCodes are now usable too.
+ Added "close all but this" for chat tabs.
 which were also included in our default soundpacks.
* Exported new function getClientLibVersionNumber to plugins API
* Changed paramaters of onServerLogEvent and onServerLogFinishedEvent in
 plugins API and Lua plugin scripts.
* Updated server log dialog to support new improved server logging.
* More detailed client logging for connection attempts.
* Crashdump dialogs lets you open the folder to the dump file instead of just
 copying the filename.
* Banner requests now consider the HTTP header "Cache-Control: no-cache".
* Updater autostarts client after successful update
* Improved connection quality information in statusbar.
* Added news ticker to client and updater.
* Last ban time remembered and restored when opening ban dialog the next time.
* Mac: Mainwindow splitter no longer collapsible as workaround for Qt issue.
- Fixed client issue when connected with multiple tabs and overwriting a file
 in filebrowser of inactive tab.
- Fixed some default_speech sound file issues. Some special sound files pointed
 to old targets.
- Fixed not respecting the i_group_sort_id for server/channel groups in virtual
 server edit dialog.
- Fixed some line breaks for copy & paste from chatlog.
- Fixed client can write in another opened chatab.
- Fixed showing false drop indicator frame after moving a channel spacer.
- Fixed showing "invalid client id" in "out of view" detection.
- Fixed renaming the channel tab if another channel gets a new name.
- Fixed false report "offline message sent" when permissions are insufficient.
- Fixed showing found receipients in autocompleter in "new offlinemessage"
 dialog. The search is triggered if receipient is not in the contact list.
- Fixed hiding clients system tray context menu when clicking outside.
- Fixed copying channel edit dialog description to clipboard. New Lines are no
 longer stripped off.
- Fixed whisper lamp shining blue instead red if whisper hotkey was pressed
 again before release delay was reached.
- Added missing whisper settings to contact defaults dialog.
- Bookmark folders no longer collapse when dragging & dropping.
- Added small delay when searching in the All-clients list window to prevent
 spamming the server with search requests.
- Fixed bug in tree drag&drop which made is possible to drag a wrong client
 into a channel.
- Fixed: Notifications marked as important were not saved to soundpacks.
- Fixed assert when editing "special" notifications.
- Various improvements and fixes to sound backends.
- Fixed display of b_client_skip_channelgroup_permissions in permission
 overview when skip flag was set on channel.
- Channels no longer collapse after moving when a client is moved inside.
- Fixed bookmark manager identity dropdown box misbehaving when default
 identity is not the first in the identity list.
=== Client Release 3.0.1 - 12 Aug 2011
* On machines that have a center speaker (like surround 5.1 and surround 7.1)
 changed the output channels for 1 channel sound to front left+right speakers
 (was center speaker). This fixes issues for people who have no center speaker
 connected even though their sound card is configured for surround sound.
- Fixed "Assertion channels==0".
- Fixed UTF-8 usage in plugins API, stylesheets, package installer, soundpacks
 and updater.
- Fix sound issue on Mac for unknown/mono sound output devices
- Fix assert in recordeditor when clientplugins modified captured sound data
- clientquery: Fix issue where no ERROR_ok was returned when running
- clientquery: Documentation tweaks
- Fixed possible crash with tsdns resolve
- Fixed bug where ptt stayed active when whispering on a second tab
=== Client Release 3.0.0

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