
Atividade I (A1)

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Aluna: Deise Luciana Santos Almeida Bittencourt 
Atividade I 
“A few months after my twenty-first birthday, a stranger called to give me the news. I was living in New 
York at the time, on Ninety-Fourth between Second and First, part of that unnamed, shifting border 
between East Harlem and the rest of Manhattan. [...] 
I remember there was an old man living next door, who seemed to share my disposition. He lived alone, 
a gaunt, stopped figure, who wore a heavy black overcoat [...] 
It must have been a month or so later, on a cold, dreary November morning, the sun faint behind a 
gauze of clouds, that the other call came. I was in the middle of making myself breakfast, with coffee 
on the stove and two eggs in the skillet, when my roommate handed me the phone. The line was thick 
with the static. 
[...] “Listen, Barry, your father is dead. He is killed in a car accident. Hello? Can you hear me? I say, your 
father is dead. [...] That was all. The line was cut off, and I sat down on the couch, smelling eggs burn in 
the kitchen, staring at the cracks in the plaster, trying to measure my loss. [...]” 
Taken from: OBAMA, Barack. Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance. New York: 
Random House, 1a ed., 1995. 
Avaliação dissertativa 
Após a leitura desse trecho, comente (em inglês) sobre as características de um texto 
autobiográfico, identificando, neste trecho, as estruturas linguísticas que o 
caracterizam como uma autobiografia. 
The characteristics of na autobiographic text is that from the point that you’re reading 
someone's life experiences, knowing their stories, pain, fears and achievements, you can 
build somethings like values and establish relationships with the world, developing 
empathy, respect and solidarity. Also, learning about cultures and meanings from that 
The language used in the autobiography refers to important events in the author's life, 
usually narrated in 1st person, with the frequent use of adjectives, to describe in detail 
and provide a meaningful experience to those who are reading or listening. 
In the text read above, from Barack Obama's autobiography, it is possible to identify all 
these elements: stories of his life, as a child, as a grown man, his pains, his relationchip 
with his distant father, and the moment when he knew about his dad’s death. He 
describes in such detail how that day was, from when the day dawned, and how the sun 
arrived interrupting the coldness of that morning, until the moment when, while 
preparing his breakfast, he received the fateful news of his father's death. Ending with 
the description of how he got lost sitting on the couch. 
This passage is full of the characteristics of a good autobiography.

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