
Planejando uma Viagem para Chiloe

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Hi XXXXXXXXXX, can you hear me? how are you? 
Hi XXXXXXXXXX! Yes, I can listen to you, it has been a long time, I've been fine, what about you?
Everyone here has been fine, just stressed out by the online classes
If I have also had online classes and they are not the best honestly, I hate studying in my house.
changing the subject, you live in the north of Chile, right?
Yes, and I really miss traveling to the south, I would really like to take a vacation
And what about if you come to my house in the south? I've been here since the pandemic started
For real? That would be great! Do your parents know about this? Did you ask them?
Yes, they know! We can meet in my house, you can stay with me and then we travel to Chiloe for a week, my parents want to go visit my grandmother.
I will start to pack my suitcase! I'll take my camera so we can take pictures together, what else should I pack?
You really should pack a jacket, a hat, a sweater, anything to be warm
I will bring some gloves and a scarf too, im so exited to meet your family.
Bring a swimsuit too
A swimsuit? But it will be so cold, why should I pack that?
because we are going to the hot springs of Chiloe.
for real? I have not been to any hot springs in my last fifteen years! I am so excited for this trip!
I'm also excited for you to come; it's been a long time since we last saw each other
Let's talk later, I must go tell my parents about the trip
Bye! See you soon! I’ll send to you some indications for the bus ticket!
Ok, I will wait to your email before buying anything! Thank you!

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