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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
A tia girou a chave, empurrou a porta, Ê!, algo a emperrava, estranhou. O corpo no ombro direito, a custo cedeu,
pororoca estraçalhando, arrastando, O quê? Em algazarra, as crianças, às suas costas, espiavam-na, assustadiças,
curiosas. (...) No corredor, onde desaguavam as três salas-de-aula, gizes esmigalhados, rastros de cola colorida,
massinhas-de-modelar esmagadas, folhas de papel sulfite estragadas, (...) Em correria, gritos atravessam as telhas
francesas, olhos mendigam explicações. (...) e ela, até onde a vista alcança, observa as escandalosas casas de tijolos
à mostra, esqueletos de colunas, lajes por acabar, pipas singrando o céu cinza, fedor de esgoto, um comichão na
pálpebra superior esquerda e a solidão e o desespero.
Adaptado de: RUFFATO, Luiz. Natureza-morta. In: Eles eram muitos cavalos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras,
O texto "Natureza-morta" pode ser lido como um conto, pois, como características, apresenta:
(ENADE - 2021) Contemplada pelo Edital Cultura Dendicasa, da Secretaria de Cultura do Ceará (Secult) na categoria
Lupa Calc.
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para
sua avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Um conflito, limitação do espaço e poucas personagens.
Diversas ações, narrador em terceira pessoa e descrição de sentimentos.
Uma ação, personagens anônimos e espaço reduzido.
Descrição do espaço e poucos diálogos.
Um conflito, personagens indeterminados e descrição detalhada do espaço.
Data Resp.: 11/09/2022 10:17:20
O conto é um gênero narrativo de extensão curta que possui, em geral, um conflito, uma ação, poucos
personagens e com limitada variação de tempo e de espaço. São as características que vão distingui-lo da novela
e do romance, por exemplo, sendo a primeira uma espécie de ¿meio-termo¿ entre o conto e o romance. No texto
de Ruffato, o conflito, que leva a situação inicial, ou começo, para o desenvolvimento da narrativa, está no
momento em que a personagem consegue abrir a porta com o peso do corpo. Pela descrição, o espaço principal é
uma sala de aula, destruída por alguma invasão. Há também um quintal e a vista das casas pela janela da sala de
aula. As personagens são a tia e as crianças.
"Audiovisual", "Rotina familiar - Crônica visual" submerge o público no barulho da rede que balança na sala, nos
passos da avó que cozinha e trabalha e nas brincadeiras das crianças. A rotina desta família durante o período de
isolamento cria uma crônica visual.
"A ideia surgiu durante a quarentena, nas primeiras semanas de março. Estava a fotografar minha casa, e também a
gravar pequenos takes", diz o diretor do filme.
Segundo ele, a obra é, ao mesmo tempo, um filme, um curta, uma crônica. "Traz uma movimentação de tempo e
espaço dessa casa. Claro que ela nem sempre é assim, pois muitas das vezes todos estão em suas correrias. Foi
necessário um certo momento de olharmos. Vermos ao redor e percebermos essa sintonia, essa pequena correria
que, querendo ou não, está carregada de afeto".
Disponível em: . Acesso em: 19 jun. 2020 (adaptado).
Supondo-se que o filme seja do gênero crônica e considerando-se as características desse gênero, é correto afirmar
que essa obra apresenta seus recursos de linguagem organizados de forma a:
No filme Batman: o Cavaleiro das Trevas (2008), dirigido por Christopher Nolan, o protagonista enfrenta um de seus
maiores desafios, em um momento em que pretendia sair de cena como o homem-morcego e ajudar a cidade de
Gotham como cidadão comum, não precisando mais agir fora dos limites institucionais. No entanto, o surgimento de
um de seus principais antagonistas, o Coringa, altera o curso dos eventos. Quase nada se sabe a seu respeito, de
onde vem e para onde quer ir. De natureza anárquica e incendiária, o Coringa não apenas coloca a cidade de pernas
para o ar, mas também revira do avesso as principais personagens dessa narrativa, fazendo emergir o que elas têm
de mais monstruoso.
Com base no exposto na análise estruturalista de Roland Barthes, é correto afirmar que:
expor determinado ponto de vista sobre um assunto novo e polêmico.
narrar cenas cotidianas sob um ponto de vista particular e criativo.
evidenciar situações especiais, com foco em personagens típicos da região.
ilustrar, por meio de sátira, os acontecimentos atuais mais recentes.
escrever com detalhes as ações da família ao longo do período de um ano.
Data Resp.: 11/09/2022 10:21:00
A capacidade de transformar episódios simples do cotidiano em uma história envolvente é próprio da crônica, que
é tão efêmera quanto as notícias de jornal e, ao mesmo tempo, tão duradoura quanto as grandes aventuras. Pela
sua natureza híbrida, ela se ajusta às narrativas audiovisuais, não se limitando, portanto, em termos estruturais,
à forma verbal. Com essa combinação, entre o verbal e o não-verbal, o cotidiano despretensioso se transforma
em uma narrativa "carregada de afeto".
No nível da narração apenas as funções das personagens são relevantes.
A função do protagonista não está relacionada as suas ações.
O espaço é que determina as ações da narrativa.
A função do antagonista é colocar as virtudes das personagens à prova.
As personagens são descritas pelo que são e não pelo que fazem.
Data Resp.: 11/09/2022 10:22:43
Toda personagem em uma narrativa exerce um determinado papel, a fim de movimentar a história por meio de
suas ações. É o que Barthes chama de "nível das funções" e "nível das ações", respectivamente. No filme citado, o
Coringa tem como função levar tanto o protagonista quanto as outras personagens ao reexame de seus limites.
Coringa, portanto, enquanto antagonista, revirando ao avesso os principais personagens - Batman sendo um
deles ¿ coloca à prova as virtudes de todos, ao fazer emergir o que cada qual possui de monstruoso. Para
Barthes, os papéis de personagens e suas ações se integram em uma narração construída para um leitor. A
resposta correta é, portanto, "A função do antagonista é colocar as virtudes das personagens à prova".
Fascinated by the Ireland of centuries past, Yeats wrote poems about Irish history and figures of Celtic mythology,
including "To the Rose upon the Rood of Time", "To Ireland in the Coming Times,", and "The Song of Wandering
Aengus".These poems in particular engage in legends and folklore while evoking traditional ballads and songs.
Yeats¿s endeavors into the Irish Literary Revival movement were not limited to poetry alone: he founded the National
Literary Society in 1892, cofounded the Irish Literary Theatre in 1899, and years later founded and wrote plays for
the Abbey Theatre, which showcased works of contemporary Irish playwrights and authors and found great success.
Some of his plays, including Ego Dominus Tuus, appeared in Poetry magazine. Source: GALTON, Francis. "Eugenics:
its definition, scope and aims".
Access in: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/articles/70241/william-butler-yeats-101
Relate the excerpt above, from a biographical article written by the editors of the website Poetry Foundation, with the
alternative that correctly points out the historical connections between Yeats¿ interest in Irish Folklore and the
Nationalist Movement in Ireland.
SHAKESPEARE AND OVID. "Amongst the direct sources of Shakespeare's works, after North's Plutarch and Holinshed,probably the most important was Ovid. The Fastiy the Heroides, and the Metamorphoses were just such works as
would be most likely to impress a young mind; and Shakespeare's early ambition seems to have been to be the
English Ovid, whilst accident made him a dramatist. Thus, in his Lucrece and his Venus and Adonis he directly
challenges comparison. His themes are of the same romantic and imaginative stuff; his method the same rich and
picturesque description; and the motto upon the title of the Venus and Adonis shows that he took the attempt
seriously. In this respect he judged truly of his powers, although he enormously underestimated them. Other
dramatists have portrayed the doings and the fate of men so as to move our souls; but no other has taken us into
fairy land, and made imps and fays live before us as Shakespeare has done. Ben Jonson and Middleton have done
something for demons and witches; Goethe has realized a devil; but with Shakespeare alone the world of faery
seems to be real and reasonable as flesh and blood. (OVID, 1904, p. i)
Source: OVID. Metamorphoses. GOLDING, Arthur (translator). London: The De La More Press, 1904.Based on the
excerpt above, Ovid's Metamorphoses was"
Yeats' relationship with Irish Nationalism is directly related to the way he has been imparted the responsibility
as a writer to be only and exclusively a Gaelic writer, calling tradition and folklore forth as a political strategy.
Yeats' relationship with his countrymen and women was so deeply rooted in tradition that he used folklore as
his major source to please the Irish population living in the countryside.
Yeats' connection with other poets from England deemed his relationship with the Irish Nationalist movement
complicated and rather abusive, being pressured into political views that did not correspond to his beliefs.
Yeats' connections with the Irish Literary Revival implied his commitment to the writing of a particularly Irish
literature, so did his wish not to be recognized as a ¿cosmopolitan poet¿, but rather and Irish one.
Yeats' connections with Irish Nationalism came from the family in which he was raised, who shaped his political
views and deemed him, inevitably, as an author singularly Irish.
Data Resp.: 11/09/2022 10:27:51
During the early nineteenth century, Ireland - its historical past and folkloric imaginary - was the stage and source
material for what would turn into the literary movement called the Irish Cultural Revival. By that time, Gaelic
(understood by nationalists as the original Irish language) was dying out as a spoken language. English was the
official national and literary language as far as anyone could tell. However, the nationalist movement reclaimed
Gaelic as an important language since most of Irish's Ancient literature was written in and needed to be translated
from Gaelic. Philologists' research on the topic revealed heroic and mythical narratives particularly Irish dating
from before the year 900. This was fundamental for renewing the interest in Irish literature and history as an
autonomous cultural heritage, independent from the British cultural past. Within this context, many were the
Anglo-Irish poets who, like Yeats, explored the rhythms and legendary imagery found in those ancient texts,
attempting to echo a mythical past true to Ireland's history. Thus, "Yeats" connections with the Irish Literary
Revival implied his commitment to the writing of a particularly Irish literature, so did his wish not to be recognized
as a "cosmopolitan poet", but rather and Irish one.
... not only one of Shakespeare's most preferred sources, but also that whose rendering of myths and the
fantastic provided a singular set of images for many different authors.
... Shakespeare's most important reference of what an author should not do in his writing, be it technically as
well as imaginatively.
... Shakespeare's only source to create all his plays; he actually had the only known copy of Metamorphoses
found during his time.
... a highly popular novel written in French and published in English for the purposes of assimilating another
... a rather obscure text for the largest part of the Renaissance, being hardly ever used by anyone outside the
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:08:27
Ovid's Metamorphoses first verse English translation was written by Arthur Golding in 1567, since William Caxton
- the important Elizabethan printer - had already published a prose translation of the French text of
Metamorphoses known as Ovide Moralisé, in 1480. Nevertheless, it is Golding's rendition of Ovid's book that
Joseph Campbell, in The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), develops a very important theory: that mythological
narratives share the same basic structure. Choose the alternative that contains a true statement about Campbell¿s
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow resurfaces every year around Halloween. Washington Irving's 1820 tale of a headless
horseman who terrorizes the real-life village of Sleepy Hollow is considered one of America's first ghost stories, and
one of its scariest.
But Irving didn¿t invent the idea of a headless rider. Tales of headless horsemen can be traced to the Middle Ages,
including stories from the Brothers Grimm and the Dutch and Irish legend of the Dullahan or Gan Ceann, a Grim
Reaper-like rider who carries his head. (...)
Retrieved from: KENNEDY, Lesley. What Inspired 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'?. In: EDITORS, History.com. History.
[S. l.], 15 out. 2020. Available at: https://www.history.com/news/legend-sleepy-hollow-headless-horseman. Date of
access: 1/2/2022.
In relation to Washington Irving's Legend of the Sleepy Hollow, choose the correct option:
became widely famous in England and was eventually read by many Elizabethan poets such as Edmund Spenser
and William Shakespeare. Ovid's depiction of the Greek myths as short stories which challenge the imagination
was largely influential not only in the imagery it provided for such poets, but also with its many plotlines directly
appropriated by Shakespeare in his plays. The correct answer is then: "not only one of Shakespeare's most
preferred sources, but also that whose rendering of myths and the fantastic provided a singular set of images for
many different authors".
The "hero's Journey" is a historiographical method used by early poets to enshrine their culture's heroes.
The "hero's Journey" is a narrative structure that relies on the movement of a character from tranquility to peril
and challenge to gain maturity.
The structure also called "monomyth" is only related to classical narratives such as Home's epics.
The "hero's maturity" is a representation of a villain who finally becomes a hero at the end of a story.
The "hero's Travel" is a narrative structure that is organized by the main character's constant travels. It
unravels as the protagonist moves from one place to the other.
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:09:53
Mythologist Joseph Campbell's famous rendering of the heros journey or monomyth in his book The Hero with a
Thousand Faces (1949) explains how the hero's journey consists of a cycle, which recurrently reappears, where
the main character of a story begins an adventure - either by answering to a call or by choice; crosses a threshold
after which he (or she) begins to face their transformation; faces a series of challenges necessary for them to
overcome; reaches the abyss of literal or symbolic death as well as their rebirth; is effectively transformed and
atoned; finally returning to the stability in which they had started their journey, as undoubtedly a changed person.
The correct answer is thus: "The hero's Journey is a narrative structure that relies on the movement of a
character from tranquility to peril and challenge to gain maturity".
The fact that tales of headless horsemen can be traced to the Middle Ages provesthat Irving's short story
cannot be considered a legend.
Irving's short story has the purpose of teaching people to be aware of the past and the revenge it eternally
The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow is a short story based on a famous legend about a headless rider, which
cannot be classified as entirely fiction or not, given that it functions within the realm of ambiguity.
The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow is based on the true story of a headless rider.
Irving inaugurated a new genre by merging folklore with history.
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:13:51
The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow is based on the ancient legend of the headless rider. Like other forms of folklore,
this genre undergoes variations to suit the demands of the culture and tradition it belongs to. Still, legends can be
considered a reflection of folk belief shaped by communal experiences, addressing real psychological pressures,
fears and desires. Nonetheless, it cannot be considered a folktale because it has the historical element in it.
According to Jacques Le Goff, in his "In Search of Sacred Time: Jacobus de Voragine and The Golden Legend", to
have a more precise understanding of the meaning and extent of Tiago de Varazze's work, it is necessary to end a
notion that affects not only the "Golden Legend" but a great deal of works from medieval cultural. Many scholars
treat such productions as compilations; however, this term carries, since the 18th Century, a pejorative connotation
almost as strong as "plagiarism". Nonetheless, back in Tiago de Varazze¿s time, the term had an extremely positive
value for it was understood that he who compiled, merged things said by others with his own.
Adapted from: GOFF, Jacques Le. In Search of Sacred Time: Jacobus de Voragine and The Golden Legend. Tradução:
Lydia G. Cochrane. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2014.
Based on the text above, it is correct to affirm that:
Famous modern novels used a method of narration known as stream of consciousness. Which literary texts fall under
this category?
The characters of a narrative present certain characteristics. The main character experiences conflicts, and its fate is
followed closely by readers. That is also a character who acts against the main character, creating obstacles,
complications, and conflicts to him/her. What do we call this latter character? 
Compilers are disguised plagiarists who should be informed against.
Compilers are not writers, thus, the changes the legends of the saints have undergone have nothing to do with
the compilations, but rather with the passage of time.
Compilers are not writers, they simply organize works into books, facilitating the comprehension of readers.
Compilers are also writers and the legends of the saints have undergone numerous changes due to the merging
of writings from different authors.
Compilers are writers, but their capacity of merging works by distorting them cannot be underestimated.
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:15:48
The legends of the saints have undergone uncountable transformations due to adaptations, translations and
compilations. It is almost impossible to preserve works from such a long time ago without any kind of
modification. Alterations are always made in an attempt to refine, adapt and attract the public. Compilers can be
considered writers because their choices in the compilation have a major influence in the final piece, like editors in
the process of film making; many people believe editors basically create new movies.
Frankenstein and Wuthering Heights
Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders
Emma and Pride and Prejudice
Ulysses and To the Lighthouse
Oroonoko: Or, The History of the Royal Slave and The Pilgrim¿s Progress
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:16:59
Famous modern novels such as Ulysses (1922) by Irish writer James Joyce and To the Lighthouse, by English
novelist Virginia Woolf made use of stream of consciousness, which tries to reproduce the flow of consciousness.
Perceptions, thoughts, memories and feelings are presented without being shaped into grammatical or logical
sentences. All narrators are to a certain extent unreliable, which reflects the twentieth-century concerns about
relativity, the subjectiveness of experience, knowledge, and truth. The other literary works are not 20th century
Principal character
Supporting character
Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 11:18:19
The main character or principal character is the protagonist or the hero (sometimes antihero) of a story. The
character who acts against the main character is the antagonist. The supporting characters are the secondary
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Exercício inciado em 10/09/2022 14:12:24.

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