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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
We intuitively realize that narratives are not randomly structured: somehow, we know when a narrative is about to begin or end. Based on
the internal structure of narratives, read the extract below and choose the correct alternative:
Two specific incidents come to mind. One day in the middle of the afternoon we met at his place. We were drinking cognac and dancing to
music from the radio.
Retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography. Routledge: New York, 2015.
Past perfect is being used to link the clauses.
 There's chronological sequencing of independent clauses.
There's the employment of temporal markers to allow for alternative arrangements.
There's no chronological sequencing of independent clauses.
The use of historical present is quite striking.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:01:40
The extract above, even though part of a flashback moment, when the narrator disrupts the previous storyline to narrate an antecedent event,
presents the events in chronological sequencing introduced by the adverbial "one day in the middle of the afternoon". No alternative
arrangement is being presented and there is no use of past perfect. What¿s more, the sentences are in the past tenses - simple past and past
continuous, meaning that historical present is not being used. The correct answer is then: "There¿s chronological sequencing of independent
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
The third component of narrative chains is called the complicating action. Choose the option that best justifies the reason why the selected
fragment can be classified as part of the complicating action of hooks' narrative:
Claiming the freedom to grow as an imaginative writer was connected for me with having the courage to be open, to be able to tell the truth
of one's life as I had experienced it in writing. To talk about one's life-that I could do. To write about it, to leave a trace-that was frightening.
The longer it took me to begin the process of writing autobiography, the further removed from those memories I was becoming. Each year, a
memory seemed less and less clear. I wanted not to lose the vividness, the recall and felt an urgent need to begin the work and complete it.
Yet I could not begin even though I had begun to confront some of the reasons I was blocked, as I am blocked just now in writing this piece
because I am afraid to express in writing the experience that served as a catalyst for that block to move.
Retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography. Routledge: New York, 2015.
Because it provides readers with important orienting information, allowing them to take a peek at hooks' childhood experiences and,
thus, understand the narrator¿s longing to talk about her past and, by such means, kill her former self.
Because it provides readers with important orienting information, allowing them to take a peek at hooks¿ childhood experiences and,
thus, understand the narrator's longing to talk about her past and, by such means, kill her former self.
 Because it creates a web of cause-effect relationship, describing hooks' contradictory feelings towards openly writing about her own
Because it wraps up hooks' narrative, bringing it to an end with a brief description of her final decisions.
Because it focuses exclusively on hooks' evaluation of the events that marked her childhood, solely aiming at transmitting their
emotional impact to those who read her text.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:04:29
The complicating action focuses on a series of cause-effect relationships, describing the sequence of actions that led from the initiating event to
the most reportable event. Hence, the correct answer is "Because it creates a web of cause-effect relationship, describing hooks¿ contradictory
feelings towards openly writing about her own story". The other options refer to either the orientation (orienting information on time, place or
characters), to the evaluation (focusing on the emotional impact) or to the resolution and coda (the end of the narrative).
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
This table regards numerical data related to progress and completion in Panama's educational system. Choose the option containing a true
statement about it:
Retrieved from: http://uis.unesco.org/en/country/pa#slideoutmenu
The table shows increasing trends in the percentage of repeaters in primary throughout the years, while transition rates from primary
to lower secondary have remained steady.
According to the table, the percentage of school life expectancy halved in the last decade.
 The gross intake ratio into the last grade of primary school is approximate among boys and girls.
The rates of effective transition from primary to lower secondary levels in Panama¿s educational system fluctuated considerably in
The study estimates a slight drop in the proportion of students who are able to conclude secondary school.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:05:45
The use of the expression "approximate" to characterize the noun "rates" is justified because numbers related to boys and girls are close when
it comes to this line on the table: around 86%. The other options refer to trends that are not consistent with the information provided by the
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Evaluation is a part of the narrative especially crafted so that the emotional impact of the narrated experience can be transmitted to its
readers or listeners. Mark the option in which hooks shares her evaluation of the narrated events with her readers.
All the options below were retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography.
Routledge: New York, 2015
"I remembered my mother's hope chest, with its wonderful odor of cedar, and thought about her taking the most precious items and
placing them there for safekeeping".
"I had met a young black man. We were having an affair".
 "it was also interesting to read the narrative in its entirety after I had completed the work. It had not occurred to me that bringing
one's past, one's memories together in a complete narrative would allow one to view them from a different perspective, not as
singular isolated events but as part of a continuum".
"He drank often, smoked cigarettes, and always on the few occasions that we met him, he held us children in tight embraces. It was
the memory of those embraces--of the way I hated and longed to resist them-that I recalled".
"Within the world of my childhood, we held on to the legacy of a distinct black culture by listening to the elders tell their stories".
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:07:22
Evaluations are parts of the narrative in which the narrator shares his feelings and viewpoints on the narrated events with readers, sharing with
them their emotional effects. In this excerpt: "it was also interesting to read the narrative in its entirety after I had completed the work (¿)",
hooks tells her readers that writing her memories allowed her to view her own story from a different perspective.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Choose the alternative containing a description of the writing strategy employed by the author of this expository introduction.
"Molly, a US tech worker in her 30s, used to work at a company whose mission she was deeply invested in. "It was part of my identity," she
says. But when the pandemic hit, bringing rolling redundancies, uncertainty, long hours and burnout, Molly decided it was time to change
Retrieved from: https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220215-the-taboo-of-selling-out-for-a-better-paying-job
The author ends the paragraph with a rhetorical question to be answered by supporting paragraphs.
The author starts the paragraph with a thorough depiction of a historical milestone.
The author describes a complex scientificconcept, explaining it to lay audiences.
 The writer develops a narrative about the particular experiences of a person in order to tackle the issue at hand.
The author cites a specialist in the field of Human Resources so as to support the thesis statement.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:09:39
Indeed, instead of displaying the most important information regarding the issue (exposing the whats and whys), the author alludes to the
personal experiences of a worker to illustrate the theme she is about to tackle. She thus: "develops a narrative about the particular experiences
of a person in order to tackle the issue at hand".
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Read the concluding paragraph of an article named "US Black population: The biggest growth is in smaller cities". Then, choose the option
which explains the writing strategy employed by the author.
"In many ways, it's a case of cultural boomerang, just as Black culture in northern cities was shaped by the experiences migrants from the
Great Migration brought from the South, Pendergrass said. 'Now we have people moving South, and they are almost remixing it in this
Southern context,' Pendergrass said."
Retrieved from: https://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/wireStory/us-black-population-biggest-growth-smaller-cities-83436125
 There is a quote inside the final sentence of the article, corroborating the thesis exposed and the nature of the text.
Such conclusion exposes a set of predictions regarding future migration fluxes in the US.
The paragraph calls the readers to react to the news exposed.
New information is brought to light in this concluding paragraph.
It provides a frame containing the same components of the introduction.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:10:42
Indeed, the last sentence of the paragraph contains a citation of an interviewee who supports the thesis. It does not provide a frame, nor does
it expose a set of predictions. What¿s more, new information should not be presented in the concluding paragraph.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Read the headline of a feature opinion article and choose the option that best paraphrases its thesis statement.
"Learning from the past to effectively fight anti-Semitism today- The best way to fight anti-Semitism is to focus on fighting anti-Semites, and
never to be tempted to blame their victims."
Retrieved from: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/3/11/learning-from-the-past-to-efficiently-fight-antisemitism-today
Victims of anti-Semitism should be accounted for discriminatory speeches.
The study of History does not influence the fight against anti-Semitism.
 In order to fight anti-Semitism it is paramount to denounce anti-Semites for their discriminatory acts and be aware of History.
However harmful and obnoxious anti-Semitic discourses may be, prejudiced people should not be denounced for their behavior.
More important than learning History is condemning anti-Semites for their prejudicial behavior.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:11:56
The author is clear-clut when using the time adverb "never" to argue that it is not acceptable to blame victims, but rather those who
discriminate. The opening affirmation also proposes that being acquainted with historical facts is the best route to combat anti-Semitism.
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Analyze the paragraph below, retrieved from a paper about transcription records in legal contexts. Afterwards, choose the alternative which
best describes the argumentation developed by the authors.
"The fact that records of data as similar as police - suspect and police - witness interviews are produced so differently, provides us with an
ideal context in which to demonstrate the factors at work, and to test our theories as to how best to approach issues of adequacy and
accuracy. However, we envisage that our model can be applied equally well to written transcripts of spoken data across any context, including
our own professional context as linguists who analyse spoken text. It thereby also illustrates how, by attempting to address a 'real-world'
practical problem, we can in fact learn a great deal about our own methods and academic practices." Retrieved from
The language structures used by the authors indicate that the text consists of a counter-argumentation against current academic
The repetition of the modal verb "can" indicates an overuse of hedging, which makes the paragraph ambiguous.
 The authors resort to a syllogism to argue for the relevance of their study in the field.
The author's allusion to their expertise as linguists consists of an appeal to pathos.
The expression "in fact" indicates that the authors merely begged the question instead of arguing for their thesis.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:13:25
Indeed, the proposition defended in the paragraph is based on a major premise (that the data can be applied to different contexts), a minor
premise (it can also be applied in the author¿s context of Linguistics), and on a conclusion (it can show authors how to deal with their
methods). Therefore, it is based on Aristotle¿s syllogism and its deductive conclusion. The correct answer is then: "The authors resort to a
syllogism to argue for the relevance of their study in the field."
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Topic statements are fundamental for argumentative texts. Mark the alternative that best describes the function of topic statements:
Topic statements must guarantee the author has the final word on the matter tackled by the text.
Topic statements must defy the validity of the author's own arguments, promoting an unbalanced account of the controversy
portrayed within the text.
Topic statements must bring together conflicting viewpoints.
 Topic statements must summarize the main ideas of a given paragraph or encapsulate the core argument of the text as a whole.
Topic statements must come up with scientific evidence to endorse the author's views.
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:14:18
Topic statements typically put in a nutshell the core ideas of a given paragraph or the main point of the text as a whole. The only option that
correctly describes their function is: "Topic statements must summarize the main ideas of a given paragraph or encapsulate the core argument
of the text as a whole".
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0
Read the following excerpt from Paulo Freire's paper entitled "The Importance of the Act of Reading" and choose the option that best
describes the role of this introductory paragraph:
The question of the importance of reading is addressed by considering the ways in which experience itself is read through the interaction of
the self and the world. Through examining memories of childhood, it is possible to view objects and experiences as texts, words, and letters
and to see the growing awareness of the world as a kind of reading through which the self learns and changes. The actual act of reading
literary texts is seen as one aspect of the act of knowing and as a creative act. Reading the world thus precedes reading the word and writing
a new text must be seen as one means of transforming the world.
FREIRE, Paulo. "The Importance of the Act of Reading". The Journal of Education, v. 165, n. 1, p. 5-11.
It delineates the focus of previous research on reading, outlining information that the author will refute in the upcoming paragraphs.
It undermines traditional perspectives on reading by refuting that such act results from the interaction of the self and the world.
 By describing how the author himself understands reading, it also summarizes the core idea of the text.
It focuses on denying that reading includes "reading the word", defining the act instead as the "reading of the world".
It briefly discusses how reading has been traditionally taughtand understood, analyzing the act of reading from a conventional
Respondido em 22/11/2022 15:18:44
As introductions are supposed to, Paulo Freire's introductory paragraph provides the reader with a succinct overview on the topic his text
discusses: the importance of the act of reading, understood here as a complex process that involves reading the world before reading the word.
The correct option is thus: "By describing how the author himself understands reading, it also summarizes the core idea of the text".

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