
Configurações do App de Lobby

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;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults
Version 1
;No description
EnableCoreLogs 0
;No description
EnableP2PLogs 0
;No description
EnableOwnershipLogs 0
;No description
EnableConnectionLogs 0
;No description
EnablePacketLogs 0
;No description
EnableTimeoutLogs 0
;No description
EnableLobbyLogs 0
;No description
EnableOverlayLogs 0
;Maximum time to perform a full search on the lobby list screen. 1 < SearchDuration < 60.
SearchDuration 15
;Lobby searching will stop when at least this many games have been found. 10 < MaxLobbiesToList < 100.
MaxLobbiesToList 50

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