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20/03/2023, 10:43 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste seu conhecimento acumulado
Aluno(a): ANA LUCIA TONOLLI 202008545366
Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0 13/03/2023
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
Observe a história em quadrinhos:
Laerte Coutinho. Instagram: @laertegenial. Disponível em: https://www.instagram.com/p/CU8f6iiM6IX/?
A partir do desenho e da estrutura narrativa em que ele se constrói, podemos a�rmar que:
As personagens que estão deitadas se recordam, simultaneamente, uma da outra. A primeira é
despertada pela lembrança.
Há três personagens distintas, uma deitada na cama, outra que desperta esta e uma terceira que está em
situação de rua.
 O sonho, enquanto narrativa, ao mesmo tempo transcende e desvela a condição real vivida pela
A função do sonho é promover digressões sobre o verdadeiro lugar em que estamos,
independentemente de nossa condição.
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A história ressalta a importância de estarmos conscientes do espaço em que estamos inseridos.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:59:08
Há duas narrativas justapostas, a do sonho e da realidade, que parecem, em princípio apenas uma. Com o �m de uma
história, temos o �m da outra e, consequentemente, a sua existência simultânea desde o início. Apenas ao despertar,
sabemos que o menino, na verdade, não estava deitado em uma cama, mas que se encontrava em situação de rua.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
Alguns elementos constituem as narrativas. São eles: tempo, espaço, narrador e personagem. Leia o trecho a
seguir, retirado da obra Crime e Castigo, e o analise com base em seus elementos constitutivos:
Ao cair da tarde de um início de julho, calor extremo, um jovem deixou o cubículo que subalugava de inquilinos
na travessa S., ganhou a rua e, ar meio indeciso, caminhou a passos lentos em direção à ponte K.
            Saiu-se bem, evitando encontrar a senhoria na escada. Seu cubículo �cava bem debaixo do telhado de um
alto prédio de cinco andares, e mais parecia um armário que um apartamento. Já a senhoria, de quem ele
subalugava o cubículo com cama e mesa, ocupava um apartamento individual um lanço de escada abaixo, e toda
vez que ele saía para a rua tinha de lhe passar forçosamente ao lado da cozinha, quase sempre de porta
escancarada para a escada. E cada vez que passava ao lado o jovem experimentava uma sensação mórbida e
covarde, que o envergonhava e levava a franzir o cenho. Estava encalacrado com a senhoria e temia encontrá-la.
Adaptado de: DOSTOIÉVSKI, Fiódor. Crime e castigo. Trad. Paulo Bezerra. São Paulo: Ed. 34, 2009.
Considerando os elementos da narrativa presentes no texto, avalie as seguintes a�rmações:
I. O narrador onisciente mergulha nos sentimentos e na consciência das personagens, mas, ao mesmo tempo,
conta a história de uma perspectiva distanciada.
II. O tempo é sempre preciso em narrativas em terceira pessoa, pois o narrador sabe exatamente onde e quando
estão todas as personagens.
III. O espaço físico não apenas registra o movimento das personagens, mas serve também como recurso para
caracterizar suas ações.
IV. O espaço físico apresenta uma síntese das ações que vão se desenvolver em toda a história, pois indica que
não sofrerá alterações até o �m.
Estão corretas as a�rmativas:
 I e III.
I e II.
I e IV.
I, II e IV.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:45:54
20/03/2023, 10:43 Estácio: Alunos
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O narrador está em terceira pessoa, pois relata como alguém que enxerga as ações de um ângulo distanciado, mas
amplo. No entanto, ele tem total conhecimento sobre as personagens, já que descreve suas intenções e sentimentos,
descritos por meio de expressões como "indeciso" e "sensação mórbida e covarde". Ao acompanharmos o
deslocamento dele pelos espaços físicos, percebemos que eles são descritos para acentuar o desejo de não encontrar
a senhoria. Nesse sentido, o espaço é mais do que cenário, ele é também re�exo das ações da narrativa.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
O trecho a seguir desenvolve conceitos importantes para a Teoria da Narrativa, tais como gênero literário, a
relações entre discurso, história e horizonte de expectativa. Analise o trecho de Eduardo Galeano tendo como
base os conceitos estudados:
Diego não conhecia o mar. O pai, Santiago Kovadloff, levou-o para que descobrisse o mar. Viajaram para o Sul.
Ele, o mar, estava do outro lado das dunas altas, esperando.
Quando o menino e o pai en�m alcançaram aquelas alturas de areia, depois de muito caminhar, o mar estava na
frente de seus olhos. E foi tanta a imensidão do mar, e tanto seu fulgor, que o menino �cou mudo de beleza.
E quando �nalmente conseguiu falar, tremendo, gaguejando, pediu ao pai: ¿ Me ajuda a olhar!
Adaptado de: GALEANO, Eduardo. A função da arte/1. In: O livro dos abraços. Trad. Eric Nepomuceno. Porto
Alegre: L&PM, 2002.
Com base no texto apresentado, avalie as asserções a seguir e relação proposta entre elas:
I. Assim como o pedido feito pelo �lho ao pai, no texto de Eduardo Galeano, a escolha de um gênero literário é
um pedido de ajuda para olhar.
II. O discurso de�ne a história que se quer compreender, independentemente do que o leitor e o escritor
A respeito dessas asserções, marque a alternativa correta:
As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justi�cativa correta da I.
 A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa.
A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.
As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justi�cativa correta da I.
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Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:47:04
Segundo Anatol Rosenfeld, em sua "Teoria dos gêneros" (1985), o gênero literário surge da necessidade de comunicar
o mundo imaginário, ou seja, a realidade trans�gurada em nossa consciência e depois codi�cada por meio da
linguagem artística. Por isso, de�nir um gênero literário de um texto é uma forma de olhar, ou seja, de apreender e
re�etir o mundo. E é o discurso que vai fornecer o ¿como¿, isto é, os modos de olhar a história, seguindo o horizonte de
expectativas do leitor e do escritor.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
The word Saga comes from the German word: sagen, which is synonymous with "say" or "tell"; originally, then, it
used to refer to all types of histories or stories, such as: biographies, hagiographies, or historiographies, for
instance. As a literary genre, however, it became popular as:
Stories that trace back origins of kingdoms.
 Imaginative reconstructions of the past by means of blending legend and history.
Icelandic folktales since the genre became circumscribed to very speci�c geographic and historical
Legendary accounts passed down from generation to generation about certain indigenous populations.
Realistic accounts of life in the Middle Ages.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:47:40
The term's speci�c meaning, as a narrative genre, would be an imaginative reconstruction of the mythical past, usually
blending it with historical �ction, according to a particular aesthetic structural choice. Medieval Icelandic narrative
�ction can be classi�ed as kings' sagas, legendarysagas, and sagas of Icelanders. The genre, despite its Icelandic
origins, was not circumscribed to medieval Iceland and even contemporary takes on the genre can be found
nowadays. The correct answer is then: "Imaginative reconstructions of the past by means of blending legend and
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
"Heroic Beowulf and his band of men
crossed the wide strand, striding along
 the sandy foreshore; the sun shone (...)" (ll. 1963 -1965).
Source: HEANEY, Seamus (trans.). Beowulf. London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
After reading the verses above out loud, it is possible to identify...
... that it has been written in iambic pentameter.
... that it follows an altogether modern metric system.
 ... that it has been written as an alliterative verse.
... that it has been written without any regard for the original in Old English.
... that it follows the Homerian epic using the dactylic hexameter.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:49:25
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It is very common in Anglo-Saxon poetry to �nd what is deemed alliterative verses, that is to say, verses that rely not
on rhyme but rather on repeating consonant sounds such as the recurrent s and st at the beginning of the words on
the verses above. The verses above were retrieved from Heaney¿s translation which followed the Anglo-Saxon metric
scheme to structure Beowulf's tale. Old English verses such as those featuring in Beowulf usually are made up of two
leveled halves, each containing two stressed syllables and a heavy pause in the middle of the verse. The only correct
answer is: "that it has been written as an alliterative verse".
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
[J. R. R. Tolkien] assumed, in other words, that the Beowulf poet was an imaginative writer rather than some
kind of back-formation derived from nineteenth-century folklore and philology. Tolkien's brilliant literary
treatment changed the way the poem was valued and initiated a new era - and new terms - of appreciation.
(HEANEY, 2001, p. xi)
Source: HEANEY, Seamus (trans.). Beowulf. London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
After reading the excerpt above, mark the option indicating the correct set of af�rmatives.
I. Beowulf was a poem primarily regarded by scholars as a historical document.
II. The Beowulf poet was from the university himself, known to many of his time as a studious person.
III. Beowulf is regarded as the most recent English written epic.
II, only.
I, II and III.
I and III, only.
 I, only.
II a III, only.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:50:23
For a rather long time, the common practice of students, professors, undergraduates, and scholars, regarding the text
of Beowulf revolved around its textual and philological insights into the Anglo-Saxon grammar and vocabulary, as well
as its people's worldview. There was a general wish by scholars to make historical and genealogical comments about
the dynasties of Swedes, Geats, and Danes present in several allusions throughout the poem; besides that, there was a
general interest in the worldview which contextualized the story of Beowulf in a Germanic society organized by
means of a heroic code honor. However, despite being important contributions to the overall understanding of the
poem, the debates concerning the date of composition of the poem, linguistic style used throughout its verses, or even
the original sources in legend and myth which in�uenced the poet in his writing, forgot to regard the poem as an
outcome of the imagination.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
Read the comic strip below, then, bearing it in mind, choose the best alternative:
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KAL (Kevin Kallaugher) Available at: Buy! Buy! Sell! Sell! signed Kal print ¿ The Economist Store. Date of access:
Having in mind the changes folktales undergo with the passage of time, we can af�rm that:
 Folktales today are signi�cantly different from their original ones because they are passed on from
generation to generation by word of mouth. Unlike the comic strip, although narratives can alter
substantially with time, their original meaning is, in the majority of cases, preserved.
Folktales are purposely altered by people so that the stories can �t into their realities. The comic strip
shows how a message can be manipulated according to people¿s needs and interests.
The original folktales can never be transcribed due to the degree of transformation these stories go
through with the passage of time, as illustrated in comic strip.
Folktales depend on their transmission, and this will be altered according to geographical factors, as
illustrated by the line of people in the comic strip.
Folktales are preserved from generation to generation, however, due to the changes in social, historical,
political, religious and geographical contexts, their messages end up being distorted.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:52:35
Folktales are passed on from person to person, so the narratives undergo changes as a result of either mishearing,
misinterpreting, failure of memory and/or the desire to make alterations. Messages undertake transformations by the
simple act of being passed on orally, just as the comic strip shows how simple misinterpretations can lead to
completely distinct instructions. Still, folktales preserve their essence and moral lessons even with the passage of
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in
his �eld. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a
tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches." (Matthew, 13:31-32)
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Retrieved from: THE HOLY BIBLE. English Translation by New International Version. Biblica - The International
Bible Society, 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011.  Available at: Matthew 13:31-32 NIV - The Parables of the Mustard Seed
and - Bible Gateway. Data of access: 17/02/2022
Considering the elements present in the text you have just read, evaluate the following af�rmations:
Jesus uses the comparison of the mustard seed planted by a man with the objective of stimulating his listeners
to change their way of thinking about spirituality.
The parable utilizes supernatural elements to represent a factual event, given the impact magical features have
on an audience, greater than truthful accounts.
When the context is carefully studied, the allegory¿s only interpretation becomes obvious and unquestionable.
Scholars must examine the context in which such parable was told in order to make a more precise
interpretation of the message taught.
Choose the option that connects the only two correct statements:
I, II and IV.
I and III.
II and III.
I and II.
 I and IV.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:53:30
The parables of Jesus had the objective of transmitting teachings of spirituality and revealing the mysteries
surrounding the foundation of the world. Nonetheless, the purpose of parables is to change the way people think by
provoking a reaction on readers and listeners, regardless of the message behind the story. Furthermore, interpreters
must not make the mistake of analyzing parables through the lenses of modernity, but rather try to understand the
stories through the eyes and ears of the audience to which the parables were �rst told. This is part of the context,
fundamental for their interpretation.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
There aredifferent types of novellas, depending on their themes. One very popular type in the nineteenth
century, based on love affairs and its sentimental and erotic aspects was commonly published in newspapers in
serialized form. Which of these options correctly expresses this type?
Pastoral novela
Picaresque novella
 Sentimental novella
Historical novella
Gothic novella
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:56:42
The sentimental novella privileges affective relations in its sentimental and erotic aspects. The gothic novella
presents crimes, terror and mystery in a gloomy atmosphere; pastoral novellas focus on descriptions of nature,
bucolic landscapes and pastoral condition of characters. Historical novellas recreate a past, mixing facts and �ction,
using real �gures and documented events subordinated to the imagination of the writer. Picaresque novellas relate
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the adventures of a rogue or lowborn adventurer, a picaro; it is usually a �rst-person narrative.  The correct answer is
then: sentimental novella.
Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
The �ctional narrative tells a story, a sequence of facts, in which characters move in a certain space as time
passes. Its structure encompasses presentation, development climax and denouement. How can denouement
be de�ned?
 The resolution of the con�ict in a story.
The series of events in the story.
A dramatic turning point in a narrative.
The �rst part of a narrative.
The introduction of the theme.
Respondido em 13/03/2023 10:55:44
Denouement is the point in a story in which the con�ict is resolved. It occurs after the climax, in the �nal part of a
story¿s narrative arc. The introduction of theme, some characters and sometimes setting and time compose the
presentation of the story, in the �rst part of a narrative. The series of events de�ne the development of the narrative.
The dramatic turning point is the climax.  

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