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25/03/2023, 14:21 Estácio: Alunos
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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Tzvetan Todorov foi um crítico búlgaro da corrente estruturalista. Para ele, o fantástico dura apenas o tempo da
hesitação. Quando esta hesitação é desfeita, a narrativa se dirige para os gêneros fantástico-estranho ou
fantástico-maravilhoso. Sobre o gênero fantástico-estranho podemos a�rmar que:
Os movimentos literários denominados "Realismo Mágico" e "Real Maravilhoso" foram mobilizados por um grupo
de intelectuais latino-americanos, tendo como ponte de partida os seguintes autores:
Aluno: ELISA JORGE DE LEMOS Matr.: 202001097181
Disc.: LIT. FANT. LÍN  2023.1 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para
sua avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma. Aproveite para se
familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
re�ete uma realidade até então ignorada, exibindo deformações e peculiaridades que dependem da fé do
se situa num limiar entre o passado e o futuro, é considerado como um "puro limite". 
seus acontecimentos não são esclarecidos segundo uma lei natural, necessitando da criação de novas leis
dentro da narrativa.
recebe eventos inexplicáveis e sustenta a dúvida até o momento de sua resolução, que deve se decidir por
uma explicação natural.
está ligado diretamente à cultura de um povo e às manifestações religiosas.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:03:40
O fantástico-estranho é considerado um gênero limítrofe do fantástico por Todorov. Ele mantém no campo
fantástico através da hesitação, e se desfaz ao decidir-se pela solução natural, quando se explica racionalmente
a presença dos elementos insólitos.
Jacques Cazotte e Charles Perrault.
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Ao elaborar a teoria do gênero maravilhoso, Todorov concebe a modalidade de maravilhoso puro. Nele, não há uma
delimitação temporal ou características particulares. A classi�cação de um texto como maravilhoso puro advém da
presença de elementos insólitos, inseridos na realidade narrativa. Desta forma não provocam estranhamento no
leitor ou narrador, como ocorre no gênero fantástico. Dentre alguns autores do gênero maravilhoso analisados por
Todorov, podemos citar:
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in 1817, famously elaborated on the difference between "fancy"  and "imagination".
Bearing this information in mind, assess the following statements:
I. His discussions on "fancy" and "imagination" were fundamental for the establishment of fantasy as a genre.
II. They paved the way for a different take on fantasy.
Gabriel García Marquez e Alejo Carpentier.
Julio Cortázar e Arturo Uslar Pietri.
Arturo Uslar Pietri e Alejo Carpentier.
Arturo Uslar Pietri e J. J. Veiga.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:05:04
Arturo Uslar Pietri e Alejo Carpentier estavam a frente dos movimentos que revolucionaram a literatura latino-
americana do século XX. Pietri cunhou o termo realismo mágico e Carpentier a expressão real maravilhoso.
Ambos movimentos procuraram representar a história e a cultura dos povos da América Latina através da
mística que se expressava no real.
Alejo Carpentier.
Jacques Cazotte.
Edgar Alan Poe.
Charles Perrault.
Franz Kafka.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:06:25
Todorov cita alguns contos de Perrault, escritor francês do século XVII, famoso por contos de fadas tais como
Chapeuzinho Vermelho e A Bela Adormecida, como exemplo de texto maravilhoso puro. Nele, não há reação
diante de animais que falam, existências de seres mágicos e outros eventos sobrenaturais.
Af�rmatives I and II are true, II is a correct justi�cation of I.
Af�rmatives I and II are true, but II is not a correct justi�cation of I.
Af�rmatives I and II are false.
Af�rmative I is true, and II is false.
Af�rmative I is false, and II is true.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:11:41
Coleridge's discussions on "fancy" and "imagination" found in his Biographia Literaria helped, alongside the
Romantics who followed his thoughts, pave the way for a distinct conceptualization for fantasy �ction and the
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Low fantasy and high fantasy are terms that refer to subgenres of the umbrella term: fantasy. Read the statements
below about these subgenres and choose the option which contains the correct alternative (s):
I. In low fantasy novels a world similar to our own, but with fantastic elements in it, should be present.
II. In high fantasy novels there is a de-emphasizing of magical elements.
III. In high fantasy novels there is a diminishing number of non-human creatures.
One of the best-known theoretical approaches to the fantastic has been that of Tzvetan Todorov, in his The
Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre (1973). The extract below was retrieved from his famous
In a world which is indeed our world, the one we know, a world without devils, sylphides, or vampires, there occurs
an event which cannot be explained by the laws of this same familiar world. The person who experiences the event
must opt for one of two possible solutions: either he is the victim of an illusion of the senses, of a product of the
imagination - and laws of the world then remain what they are; or else the event has indeed taken place, it is an
integral part of reality - but then- this reality is controlled by laws unknown to us. Either the devil is an illusion, an
imaginary being; or else he really exists, precisely like other living beings - with this reservation, that we encounter
him infrequently (TODOROV, 1973, p. 25).
SOURCE: TODOROV, Tzvetan. The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre. London: The Press of
Case Western Reserve University, 1973.
Which alternative best describes Todorov's concept of the fantastic?
role of the fantastic in narratives. Prior to his thoughts, fantasy was perceived as a form of "escapism". Coleridge
and the other romantics, therefore, elevated the status of fantasy. Nevertheless, it was not merely the creation
and defense of the concepts of "fancy" and "imagination" that resolved the problems that critics had with the
fantastic in literature, but it de�nitely paved the way for a new take on fantasy.
II and III are correct.
I, II and III are correct.
Only II is correct.
I and III are correct.
Only I is correct.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:14:02
Low fantasy is categorized by the de-emphasizing of magical elements and a diminishing number of non-human
creatures. Magical and fantastic elements are still present, but in a rather reduced way, when compared to high
fantasy novels. The setting also resembles our ordinary world. Therefore, only I is correct.
Todorov sees the fantastic as an unlimited realm of artistic possibilities, not grounded by any rules of
Todorov sees the fantastic as this moment between the amazement with the unknown and its explanation.
Todorov sees the fantastic as a deep dive into the Magical aspects of its instances.
Todorov sees the fantastic as pure explanation of an otherwise strange event.
Todorov sees the fantastic as an open potentiality of narratives, totally guided by the way in which language
creates metaphors.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:16:07
The structure he is designing for the fantastic element in literature is shaped as a relational glimpse, meaning
that whoever facesthe fantastic must stand between the real and the imaginary. Keeping the fantastic between
the real and the imaginary is also a strategy for the critics to properly acknowledge it as a legitimate narrative
tool. The fantastic maintains at least one foot in reality, while the other makes a desperate attempt to reach the
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"The Monkey's Paw" is a classic "three wishes story" written by W. W. Jacobs. Considering the discussions
regarding Jacobs' "The Monkey's Paw", mark the option which correctly indicates the broadness of its in�uence in
pop culture.
Now all their cares were at an end, and they lived happily together.
My tale is done, 
A mouse has run.
And whoever catches it can make for himself from it a large, large fur cap.
Source: GRIMM, Wilhelm & Jacob. "Hansel and Gretel". Access at: https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm015.html.
Access on: September 22nd, 2022.
Based on the quote above, assess the following statements and the relationship between them.
I. The Brothers Grimm collected folk tales in their search for the essence of the German identity.
II. They believed in an idealized image of the hardworking nation's countryfolk as the true German citizen.
full power of imagination without ever managing to be fully recognized as capable of such. What fascinates
Todorov is the possibility that the fantastic event might be somehow explained. Since for the critic the fantastic
is still circumscribed by the limits and limitations of reality, the only correct answer is "Todorov sees the
Fantastic as this moment between the amazement with the unknown and its explanation."
"The Monkey's Paw" is, �rst of all, the materialization of the consequences of defying fate.
"The Monkey's Paw" was conceived as a novel, but Jacobs decided later on to make it into a short story.
"The Monkey's Paw" was adapted into more than �fty different adaptations ranging from literature to �lms.
"The Monkey's Paw" was not a very popular short story, so there is not much to say about its in�uence.
"The Monkey's Paw" was not meant for every reading audience to read it.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:17:47
In 1902, William Wymark Jacobs published for the �rst time his famous short story, "The Monkey's Paw", which
has been anthologized in collections of short stories around the world almost from the moment it �rst came out.
It is signi�cant how deep into United States' cultural manifestations "The Monkey's Paw" has been since its
publishing. Its pop culture references include a 1991 episode from The Simpsons special "Treehouse of Horror
II", in which the plot of the short story is adapted into the small screen, a 1973 episode of "Orson Welles Great
Mysteries", an episode of supernatural series "The X-Files", as well as episodes from cartoons such as
"Adventure Time" and "Rick and Morty".
I and II are true, but II is not a correct justi�cation of I.
I is true, and II is false.
I and II are true, II is a correct justi�cation of I.
I and II are false.
I is false, and II is true.
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:18:40
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Alice¿s Adventures in the Wonderland is divided into twelve brief chapters, each one divided into isolated
episodes. Alice has wonderful and bizarre adventures with strange creatures. What is a possible metaphorical
meaning of Alice¿s adventures in Alice¿s Adventures in the Wonderland?
In Lewis¿ stories elements of fairy tales, medievalism, and Christian allegory are combined to create the magical
land. Which biblical �gure does the lion Aslan represent in The Chronicles of Narnia?
The Grimms (and Jacob particularly) believed that the hardworking people living in German's countryside were
supposed to be idealized for the means through which they guided their lives. Even though both sentences are
correct, the fact that the idealization of the countryfolk was part of their intent, it does not explain their search
for the essence of the German identity. Because their searched for the essence of the German identity was that
they could idealize the hardworking countrymen.
The curiosity for the future. 
The wish to overcome boredom
The �ght against reality
The search for experience
The need for excitement
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:19:29
Alice is a child, but the experiences she goes through teach her how to behave and make decisions in different
situations, some of them potentially dangerous. She grows more mature throughout the novel
Data Resp.: 25/03/2023 14:19:44
Aslan is a divine being, representing God/Jesus Christ. He is the founder of Narnia, the creator of its creatures,
and its King. What¿s more, Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace �nd a lamb, who transformed into Aslan, in an obvious
allusion to Jesus Christ
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