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Effect of Short-term High-Dose Creatine Supplementation on Measured GFR
in a Young Man With a Single Kidney
Article  in  American Journal of Kidney Diseases · March 2010
DOI: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2009.10.053 · Source: PubMed
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Bruno Gualano
University of São Paulo
Marcelo T Sapienza
University of São Paulo
Antonio Carlos Seguro
University of São Paulo
Antonio H Lancha Jr
University of São Paulo
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Effect of Short-term High-Dose Creatine Supplementation on Measured
GFR in a Young Man With a Single Kidney
Bruno Gualano, PhD,1,2 Desire Coelho Ferreira, PhD,1 Marcelo Tatit Sapienza, MD, PhD,3,4
Antonio Carlos Seguro, MD, PhD,3 and Antonio Herbert Lancha Jr, PhD1
It currently is unknown whether creatine supplementation is safe for people with or at risk of kidney
disease. We report on the short-term effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function in a young
man with a single kidney and mildly decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR). A 20-year-old man who
had undergone unilateral nephrectomy and presented with mildly decreased GFR without kidney
damage underwent a trial with 35 days of creatine supplementation (20 g/d for 5 days followed by 5 g/d
for the next 30 days) and had his kidney function monitored. After the intervention, 51Cr-EDTA clearance
(pre, 81.6 mL/min/1.73 m2; post, 82.0 mL/min/1.73 m2), proteinuria (protein excretion: pre, 130 mg/d;
post, 120 mg/d), and electrolyte levels were unchanged. Albuminuria, serum urea level, and estimated
creatinine clearance were decreased (pre, 4.6 mg/d; post, 2.9 mg/d; pre, 37 mg/d; post, 28 mg/dL; and
pre, 88 mL/min/1.73 m2; post, 71 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively), whereas serum creatinine level was
slightly increased (pre, 1.03 mg/dL; post, 1.27 mg/dL), falsely suggesting kidney function impairment.
This prospective report suggests that short-term creatine supplementation may not affect kidney
function in an individual with a single kidney, mild decreased GFR, and ingesting a high-protein diet (ie,
2.8 g/kg/d). This finding hasgreat relevance considering that creatine-induced kidney disease has been
a growing concern, even for healthy people.
Am J Kidney Dis 55:e7-e9. © 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
INDEX WORDS: Creatine supplementation; kidney disease; adverse effects.
n addition to the well-documented benefits of
creatine supplementation on athletic perfor-
mance,1 accumulative evidence also suggests
that this supplement is capable of attenuating the
degenerative state in some muscle, bone, and
cartilage disorders; central nervous diseases; and
metabolic disturbances.2 As a result, the use of
creatine supplementation has increased world-
wide in the last decade.1,2
However, the safety of creatine supplementa-
tion is controversial, particularly with respect to
kidney function. It has been speculated that in
individuals receiving creatine, the excessive
amount is still a burden to be eliminated mostly
by the kidneys because creatine is converted
spontaneously to creatinine.3 Although we and
others have repeatedly shown that creatine does
not affect kidney function in healthy humans,4-6
a few case reports have retrospectively observed
creatine-induced decreased kidney function, par-
ticularly in individuals with preexisting kidney
disease.7,8 In this context, it is uncertain whether
creatine might be safe for people with or at risk
of kidney disease.
We report on the effects of short-term creatine
supplementation on kidney function in a young
man with a single kidney and mild decreased
glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
A 20-year-old man (body weight, 69.3 kg; height, 1.79 m;
body fat, 10%; and blood pressure, 120/80 mm Hg) under-
went unilateral nephrectomy in 1999 because of a kidney
neoplasia. Thereafter, the patient has had kidney function
monitored regularly, and mildly decreased GFR has been
noticed, as expected for his condition (range of estimated
creatinine clearance [eCCr], 71-83 mL/min/1.73 m2 [1.18-
1.38 mL/s/1.73 m2]). Currently, he has been engaged in
intensive resistance training. To enhance the gains in strength
and muscle mass, his dietitian initiated a trial with creatine
supplementation, and his kidney function was monitored at
From the 1Laboratory of Nutrition and Metabolism Ap-
plied to Exercise, School of Physical Education and Sport;
and Divisions of 2Rheumatology, 3Nephrology, and
4Nuclear Medicine, School of Medicine, University of São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Received September 13, 2009. Accepted in revised form
October 27, 2009. Originally published online as doi:10.1053/
j.ajkd.2009.10.053 on January 11, 2010.
Address correspondence to Bruno Gualano, PhD, Av
Mello de Moraes, 65–Butantã, 05508-030, São Paulo, SP,
Brazil. E-mail: gualano@usp.br
© 2010 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol 55, No 3 (March), 2010: e7-e9 e7
our clinical research center. This study was approved by the
local Ethical Committee (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil),
and written informed consent was given by the patient.
The patient received 20 g/d of creatine monohydrate
supplementation for 5 days divided into 4 equal doses,
followed by single doses of 5 g/d for the next 30 days. The
patient was questioned weekly to determine adherence to
the creatine supplementation dosing schedule. To verify the
purity of the creatine used, a sample was analyzed using
high-performance liquid chromatography.9 This established
99.9% purity, with no other peaks detected.
At baseline and after 35 days, blood samples were ob-
tained from an antecubital vein after a 12-hour overnight
fast, and 24-hour urine samples were collected. We assessed
serum creatinine and serum urea using commercial enzy-
matic colorimetric tests (Labtest, www.labtest.com.br), uri-
nary and serum sodium and potassium using a flame photom-
eter (model 143; Instrumentation Laboratory, www.ilus.com),
24-hour albuminuria and proteinuria using an immunoturbi-
dimetric test, and protein intake using three 24-hour dietary
recalls undertaken on separate days (2 weekdays and 1
weekend day). eCCr was calculated using the Cockcroft-
Gault formula. Additionally, we performed 51Cr-EDTA clear-
ance measurements. After a protein-restricted diet and 12-
hour overnight fast, the patient was admitted to our clinical
research center. He rested supine with an indwelling polyeth-
ylene catheter inserted into a cubital vein in both arms. A
single dose of 3.7 MBq (100 mCi) of the 51Cr-EDTA tracer
in a volume of 1 mL was injected intravenously into the right
arm. The catheter was flushed with 10 mL of saline. Accu-
rately timed 10-mL blood samples were drawn into a hepa-
rinized tube from the opposite arm at 4 and 6 hours after the
injection. The plasma disappearance curve was constructed
using results of these times. To measure radioisotope activ-
ity, blood samples were centrifuged at 1,500g for 10 min-
utes, and 3 mL of plasma measured in a well-counter
calibrated for the energy of chromium 51 (320 keV). Each
sample, including a 3-mL standard obtained as an aliquot
from 3.7 MBq (100 mCi) of 51Cr-EDTA diluted to 500 mL in
saline, was counted for 5 minutes. Plasma clearance rate was
calculated using the slope-intercept method with a single-
compartment model, which assumes that the tracer spreads
out immediately after injection in its volume of distribution.
The Brochner-Mortensen method was used for correcting
the systematic error of the slope-intercept technique accord-
ing to the following equation:
C1c 5 0.9908 3 C1nc 2 0.001218 3 C1nc
where Clc is clearance corrected for the first exponential and
Clnc is the noncorrected clearance.
51Cr-EDTA clearance
and eCCr also were corrected for body surface area.
All samples were analyzed in duplicate, and coefficients
of variation were 2%, 2.2%, 1.1%, 2.1%, 2.3%, 5.3%, 9.7%,
24.5%, and 16.4% for creatinine, serum sodium, serum
potassium, serum urea, proteinuria, albuminuria, 51Cr-
EDTA clearance, urinary sodium, and urinary potassium,
At baseline, the patient presented with mildly decreased
GFR (51Cr-EDTA, 81.6 mL/min/1.73 m2 [1.36 mL/s/1.73
m2]) without evidence of kidney damage. After 35 days of
creatine supplementation, 51Cr-EDTA clearance, electrolyte
levels, and proteinuria were virtually the same (ie, variation
less than the coefficient of variation). Albuminuria, serum
urea level, and eCCr decreased 37%, 25%, and 19.3%, respec-
tively. Serum creatinine level increased 23.3% (Table 1).
Protein intake was 2.7 g/kg/d at baseline and 2.8 g/kg/d after
creatine supplementation. The patient reported that adher-
ence to the creatine supplementation protocol was 100%,
which is consistent with the rapid weight gain seen after the
trial (2.5 kg).
We show for the first time that short-term
creatine supplementation may be safe in an indi-
vidual with a single kidney and mildly decreased
GFR. This finding has great relevance consider-
ing that creatine-induced kidney disease has been
a growing concern, even for healthy people (ie,
without decreased kidney function).
A few case reports suggested that creatine
supplementation could cause deterioration in kid-
ney function in individuals with7 or without10
preexisting kidney disease. Nonetheless, these
studies have severe limitations, such as lack of
gold-standard measures for assessing GFR and a
retrospective design. However, longitudinal stud-
Table 1. Effects of 35-Day Creatine Supplementation on
Kidney Function in a 20-Year-Old Man With a Single
Kidney and Mildly Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate
Before Creatine
After Creatine
51Cr-EDTA clearance
(mL/min/1.73 m2)
81.6 82.0
Serum creatinine
1.03 1.27
eCCr (mL/min/1.73 m2) 88 71
Albuminuria (mg/d) 4.6 2.9
Proteinuria (mg/d) 130 120
Serum urea (mg/dL) 37 28
Serum sodium
142 143
4.6 4.2
24-h Urinary sodium
228 289
24-h Urinary
potassium (mEq/L)
61 70
Note: Conversion factors for units: serum creatinine in
mg/dL to mmol/L, 388.4; serum urea in mg/dL to mmol/L,
30.166; CCr in mL/min/1.73 m2 to mL/s/1.73 m2, 30.01667,
no conversion necessary for serum sodium and potassium
levels expressed in mEq/L and mmol/L.
Abbreviation: eCCr, estimated creatinine clearance cal-
culated using the Cockcroft-Gault equation.
Gualano et ale8
ies have shown no deleterious effects of creatine
supplementation,4-6 although they also have been
criticized for limited statistical power and low
sensitivity of the methods used to evaluate GFR.
Importantly, no human study has examined pro-
spectively the effects of creatine intake on kid-
ney function in people at risk of kidney disease.
This prospective report suggests that short-term
creatine supplementation may not affect kidney
function, even in an individual who has under-
gone nephrectomy, has mildly decreased GFR,
and is ingesting a high-protein diet (ie, .3 times
more than the recommended intake for healthy
people). This finding is consistent with the obser-
vation that creatine intake as high as 5-7 g/d in
some diets11 has no apparent effect on kidney
function. It would be surprising if, given the span
of human evolution, some adaptation to creatine
intake had not occurred. The rapid and complete
absorption of creatine supplied in the diet,11,12 in
contrast to the lack of absorption in a herbivo-
rous animal, such as the horse,13 suggests that
adaptation has occurred at least at one level.
It is interesting to note that serum creatinine
level seemed to be slightly increased after crea-
tine supplementation. Serum creatinine level has
become the most commonly used marker of kidney
function. However, because creatine is converted
spontaneously to creatinine,3 use of creatine supple-
ments to increase tissue creatine levels invariably
will increase creatinine production, falsely suggest-
ing kidney function impairment. Confirming this
assumption, we previously observed increased se-
rum creatinine, but normal cystatin C levels after 3
months of creatine supplementation in healthy male
individuals.4 In view of this, we emphasize that use
of serum creatinine level to estimate GFR may be
inadequate in people supplemented with creatine.
This case study has some limitations. Caution
should be exercised in extrapolating these find-
ings to other people with or at risk of kidney
disease (eg, elderly patients or those with diabe-
tes). Additionally, larger doses and longer peri-
ods of creatine intake may produce different
results. Randomized controlled trials using accu-
rate measures for GFR evaluation are necessary
to better elucidate the effects of creatine on
kidney function, especially in people with or
prone to kidney disease. Meanwhile, systematic
assessment of kidney function after long-term
creatine supplementation is still crucial.
In conclusion, we show that short-term creatine
supplementation seems to not affect kidney func-
tion in a young man with a single kidney, mildly
decreased GFR, and ingesting a high-protein diet.
Support: Bruno Gualano receives support from Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico.
Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have
no relevant financial interests.
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