
Alcaloides: Identificação, Análise e Toxicidade

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these ingredients are alkaloids (i.e., basic substances of plant origin) including: morphine,
codeine, narcotine = noscapine, papaverine, nar- ceine, and others.
The aims of isolating active principles are:
1. Identification of the active ingredi- ent(s).
2. Analysis of the biological effects (pharmacodynamics) of individual in- gredients and of
their fate in the body (pharmacokinetics).
3. Ensuring a precise and constant dos- age in the therapeutic use of chemically pure
4. The possibility of chemical synthesis, which would afford independence from limited
natural supplies and create con- ditions for the analysis of structure-ac- tivity relationships.
Finally, derivatives of the original con- stituent may be synthesized in an effort to optimize
pharmacological properties. Thus, derivatives of the original constit- uent with improved
therapeutic usefulness may be developed.
Toxicological investigations serve to evaluate the potential for: (1) toxicity associated with
acute or chronic administration; (2) genetic damage (genotoxicity, mutagenicity); (3)
production of tumors (onco- or car- cinogenicity); and (4) causation of birth defects

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