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Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
Available online 12 January 2023
0950-0618/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Technological and microstructural perspective of the use of ceramic waste 
in cement-based mortars 
Mariana Gomes Pinto Cherene a,*, Gustavo de Castro Xavier b, Laimara da Silva Barroso a, 
Jheyce de Souza Moreira Oliveira b, Afonso Rangel Garcez de Azevedo b, 
Carlos Maurício Vieira a, Jonas Alexandre b, Sergio Neves Monteiro c 
a Laboratory of Advanced Materials, State University of the Northern Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 28013-602, Brazil 
b Civil Engineering Laboratory, State University of the Northern Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 28013-602, Brazil 
c Department of Material Sciences, Military Engineering Institute, Rio de Janeiro 22290-270, Brazil 
A R T I C L E I N F O 
Construction sector 
Building materials 
Red ceramics 
Ceramic waste 
A B S T R A C T 
The construction sector is constantly growing and, consequently, the increase in the use of building materials. In 
view of this, the red ceramic industry is responsible for a large amount of waste, through failures in its process 
and thus generating defective parts. Therefore, this work aims to reuse these wastes generated by the red ceramic 
industry in mortars, as a partial substitute for natural sand. The ceramic waste was ground in a crusher mill-type 
crusher for one hour. Mortars were made, in the mix proportion 1:6 (cement: sand) in mass, replacing the sand 
with ceramic waste in replacing of 10, 20 and 30% and the mixture reference (0%), using the ordinary portland 
cement. The mortars were subjected to tests of workability, water retention, density, incorporated air content, 
density in the hardened state, water absorption, flexural strength in bending and compressive strength. Soon 
after, microstructural characterization techniques were performed in mixtures, such as isothermal calorimetry, 
mercury intrusion porosimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the mixture with 10% improved the 
flexural strength in bending and compressive strength, indicating a lower coefficient of capillarity, as they have 
fewer pores and a greater amorphous halo. The ceramic waste caused an increase in density in the fresh and 
hardened state and a decrease in the content of incorporated air. In the mixtures with 20% and 30% of ceramic 
waste, there was a loss in the properties, mainly in the strength. Therefore, the most satisfactory mixtures were 
with 10% ceramic waste. 
1. Introduction 
The population has gone through great challenges of how to 
correctly discard everything that it generates and reuse everything that 
has no final destination. In the last years the world production of 
different types of ceramic tiles was around 13.7 billion m2 [1]. Typically, 
about 30 % of the materials in the ceramic industry are wasted. In Brazil, 
ceramics are responsible for 10 % of the production loss [2], which is 
often improperly deposited, generating some types of contamination, 
which can be transformed into raw material and solve many industrial 
problems [3,4]. 
In recent years, due to the development of cities and easy real estate 
investments, there has been a growth in demand for fence blocks 
(bricks). With the increase in civil construction, the emission of CO2 in 
the atmosphere also grows, being responsible for up to 20 % of the total 
emission of CO2 [5]. 
This fact can be reflected in environmental concerns, where indus-
trial production is high, with greater associated impacts, whether by 
extraction of raw materials, atmospheric emissions or eventual genera-
tion of waste [5,6]. 
In this way, the destination of waste is, therefore, one of the main 
problems that the world faces today, whether for economic, political or 
ecological reasons. In recent years, waste recycling has been encouraged 
as one of the most effective alternatives to reduce the impact of large- 
scale extraction of raw materials and waste [7,8]. 
An alternative is the incorporation of waste in construction mate-
rials, which has great potential to minimize environmental impacts, 
reduce the amount of waste to be discarded, which most of the times 
* Corresponding author. 
E-mail address: marianagpc1@yahoo.com.br (M.G.P. Cherene). 
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 
Construction and Building Materials 
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/conbuildmat 
Received 23 August 2022; Received in revised form 6 December 2022; Accepted 27 December 2022 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
remain in the yards without use (Fig. 1) and correct final destination, 
once the waste of one process becomes the input of another, and can also 
act as a reduction in production costs, either by saving energy or raw 
materials [9]. 
In this way, the recycling of any type of waste always brings unde-
niable benefits, reducing the environmental problems that often result in 
the deposit of these materials in landfills, saving natural resources and 
promoting sustainability. The grinding of ceramic waste into fine par-
ticles gives rise to fine aggregates, which can partially replace natural 
sand or ordinary portland cement (OPC) and thus contribute to reducing 
the extraction of raw mineral, with a great impact on the environment 
In this context, as part of the civil construction chain, the red ceramic 
industry in Brazil is of great importance, accounting for about 4.8 % of 
the national industrial production, with about 7400 industries, due to 
the expressive national production of ceramic blocks, has great influ-
ence. In addition, there is the cultural factor, indicating that ceramic 
blocks are still consumer preference in most regions [3,11]. 
Ceramic blocks can show pozzolanic activity because it is a pre-
dominantly kaolinitic material (Al2O3.2SiO2), they can also be classified 
as pozzolan if the total of SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 was greater than 70 %, 
as it can also present only filler effect [12]. The pozzolanic reactivity is 
essentially conditioned by the amount of amorphous silica and alumina 
available for the reaction with calcium hydroxide [13]. 
In this way, the partial replacement of materials in civil construction 
has grown continuously, in addition to the great environmental 
advantage, with the reuse and correct destination of materials, and can 
still achieve an equivalent or even better performance in mortars 
Several studies evaluated the partial replacement of sand and OPC by 
ceramic waste in mortars, such as Cabrera-Covarrubias et al. (2016), 
Gayarre et al. (2017) and Mohit and Sharifi (2021). The researchers 
concluded that the addition of residue increases the flexural strength in 
bending and compressive strength and decreases the porosity of the 
mortars, that is, the residue behaves as a filler effect. In the present 
study, the partial replacement of sand by ceramic waste in order to use a 
larger amount of waste, will be evaluated and lime was not used, due to 
its high commercial cost. 
In this context, it is emphasized that the main objective of this work 
is to evaluate the application of ceramic waste as a partial substitute for 
sand, evaluating through workability, water retention, density, incor-
porated air content, density in the hardened state, water absorption, 
flexural strength in bending and compressive strength, isothermal 
calorimetry, mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and X-ray diffraction 
(XRD). Most authors use the ceramic waste as a supplement. Further-
more, in Brazilthere is only one metakaolin company located in the state 
of São Paulo, far from other regions of the country. The region of the 
municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes has a predominance of kaolin-
itic mineral clay, the company researched burns its ceramic bricks be-
tween 600 and 630 ◦C and turns into metakaolinite, presenting great 
potential in the region, which has around 100 ceramics [18]. 
2. Materials and methods 
The ceramic waste used in this research was collected from a ceramic 
industry located in the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes. This 
waste was obtained from the disposal of ceramic blocks that went 
through the firing process at temperatures between 600 ◦C at 630 ◦C 
[19,20]. Soon after, the ceramic waste was properly crushed in a ball 
mill, which contains about 9 steel balls with a diameter of 40 mm for 
each 5 kg of waste, with rotation at 750 rpm for 1 h. After this process, 
both the waste and the sand were passed through an 8x2 stainless steel 
granulometric sieve, 0.85 mm opening, 20 mesh, thus disregarding the 
effect of moisture on the materials for making the mortars, and properly 
dried in an oven (110 ◦C for 24 h). The appearance of the ceramic waste 
at each stage is shown in Fig. 2. 
Table 1 presents the results of the Chemical Analysis by X-ray 
Fluorescence (FRX) of the ceramic waste and cement, equipment used 
para análise was Rigaku Primi with a palladium X-ray source, showing 
Fig. 1. Waste in the ceramics yard. 
Fig. 2. Ceramic waste process: (a) Ceramic waste (b) Milling (c) Post grinding. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
that the ceramic residue is mainly composed of silica (51.85 %) and 
alumina (29.37 %). It also has other elements such as iron oxide, po-
tassium oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide, silver oxide, phos-
phorus pentoxide, sulfuric oxide and chloride [3,12,17,21,22]. There is 
also a high percentage of iron oxide that gives the reddish color to the 
blocks that gave rise to the ceramic waste. The composition of Portland 
cement has silica and calcium oxide as the main components, where 
their sum represents almost 80 %, also presenting other elements such as 
alumina, iron oxide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, silver oxide, 
phosphorus pentoxide, sulfuric oxide and chloride [17,23,24]. 
Fig. 3 shows the results found by X-ray Diffraction of ceramic waste 
and cement. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) was performed in a Proto 
Manufacturing AXRD Powder Diffraction System diffraction meter 
operating with a voltage of 30 kV, current of 20 mA and Cu-Kα radiation, 
Table 1 
Elements SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO CaO P2O5 SO3 Cl 
Ceramic waste (%) 51,85 29,37 12,89 2,43 0,79 1,07 0,40 1,10 0,11 
Cement (%) 15,75 4,42 4,760 0,97 1,07 67,62 0,39 4,88 0,14 
Fig. 3. Result of XRD test of ceramic waste and cement, M (mica); Q (quartz); H (Hematite); F (Feldspar); G (Gypsum); A (C3S); B (C2S); C (C3A). 
Fig. 4. Granulometry curve of the ceramic waste and sand. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
with an angular step of 0.02◦ with an interval of 1 s and an angle of 2θ 
ranging from 5◦ to 70◦. To determine the peaks, the HighScore Plus 
software was used in reference to the PDF-2 database of the Interna-
tional Center for Difraction Data (ICDD). In cement there is the presence 
of gypsum, C3S (tricalcium silicate), C2S (dicalcium silicate), C3A (tri-
calcium aluminate) [25]. Identifying that the ceramic waste has 
mineralogical phases of quartz, mica, hematite and feldspar [20]. The 
hematite peaks must come from the goethite present in the clay and also 
from other amorphous iron hydroxides, such as limonite, which are not 
identified by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) [2]. The presence of mica in the 
composition of the ceramic residue is confirmed when the K2O content is 
above 1.18 %, identified in the chemical analysis, in which the K2O was 
2.43 % [26]. The highest peak was found at 26.6◦ quartz [3], which has 
a well-defined peak, there are also several mica and hematite peaks. The 
ceramic residue comes from kaolinitic clays from Campos dos 
Goytacazes-RJ, and the kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) transforms into met-
akaolinite (Al2O3⋅2SiO2 + 2H2O) from 550 ◦C, amorphous phase, so is 
not detected by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), as the ceramic residue was 
burned between 600 and 630 ◦C [20,27,28]. 
Fig. 4 show the granulometry of the sand and ceramic waste, which 
was carried out using the procedures of Brazilian standard [29], by the 
combined process of sieving and sedimentation, which classifies clay 
with dimensions smaller than 0.002 mm, sand has a diameter between 
0.06 mm and 2.0 mm, being subdivided into coarse, fine and medium, 
boulders with diameter assimilated about 2.0 and 60.0 mm, divided into 
fine, medium or thick and silt with diameters between 0.002 mm and 
0.06 mm. It is possible to notice through the granulometric curve of the 
sand, that there is a greater predominance of coarse sand with 46.5 %. 
There is also the presence of 40 % of medium sand, 5.6 % of fine sand, 
0.6 % of silt, 0.5 % of medium gravel and 6.8 % of fine gravel. It is also 
possible to identify that the sand has 0.2437 mm in d10, 0.6454 mm in 
d50 and 2.935 mm in d90. As for the ceramic waste, there is a greater 
predominance of silt with 74.9 %, clay with 11 %, 10.9 % of fine sand, 
2.4 % of medium sand and 0.8 % of coarse sand, 0.0016 mm in d10, 
0.023 mm in d50 and 0.080 mm in d90 according to Azevedo et al. 
(2019). Already Hoppe Filho et al. (2021) used the ceramic waste that 
was fired at 950 ◦C and ground in a Los Angeles abrasion apparatus 
using 12 iron balls (Ø 47 mm, 445 g each) and cycled for 3.5 h at 33 rpm, 
indicating that the waste ceramic is 0.0018 mm in d10, 0.0069 mm in d50 
and 0.028 mm in d90. Thus, the waste of this research has coarser par-
ticles than those found by Hoppe Filho et al. (2021), which can be 
explained by the difference in milling time. It is important to highlight 
that the ceramic waste has finer particles than the fine aggregate 
(natural sand) [22]. 
Mortars were made with a ratio of 1:6 (cement: sand) [30,31]. The 
partial replacement of sand by ceramic waste was used in different 
proportions (0, 10, 20 and 30 %) [32], with the use of OPC, according to 
Table 2. 
The amounts established in Table 2 were used for the preparation of 
the mortars according to the procedures using the procedures of Bra-
zilian standard [33]. The percentage of replacement of sand by ceramic 
waste was limited to 30 %, after applying the mortar on test walls 
(Fig. 5), due to the presence of cracks in the walls of red ceramic bricks 
in the traces with 20 and 30 % of ceramic waste. 
The tests performed were the consistency index, which consists of 
determining the amount of water needed to maintain the spread be-
tween 260 mm ± 5 mm. Still in the fresh state, the mass density was 
performed using the procedures of Brazilian standard [34]. The incor-
porated air content was performed by the pressuremetric method and 
the water retention by the modified Buchner funnel method, using the 
recommendatios of Brazilian standard [35]. The isothermal calorimetry 
test monitors the development of hydration reactions of cementitious 
pastes through the amount of heat released over time, performed in 
accordance with using the recommendations of the American standard 
[36], in a two-channel Calmetrix I-CAL 2000 calorimeter. For this, each 
sample had approximately 128 g of mortar, which were monitoredfor 
48 h, with a temperature maintained at 22 ◦C ± 0.02 ◦C. Before mixing, 
all the materials needed to make the mortars were kept in an environ-
ment with a temperature of 22 ◦C for 24 h. There was a time interval of 
approximately 5 min between the start of mixing and positioning of the 
sample in the calorimeter. Thus, the registered specific heat flux and the 
heat released were obtained. 
Soon after, prismatic specimens with dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm 
were molded, each test in the hardened state had three specimens ac-
cording using the recommendatios of Brazilian standard [37]. The 
curing procedure of the specimens was carried out for 28 days at room 
temperature of 21 ◦C and a relative humidity of 78 %. The mass density 
tests in the hardened state were carried out using the procedures rec-
ommendatios of Brazilian standard [38] and the flexural and compres-
sive strength tests were carried out with the aid of an INSTRON 5582 
press with a maximum capacity of 10 tons. The load used in the test was 
50 ± 10 N/s at a speed of 1 mm/min in the flexural strength test and in 
the compressive strength test a load of 500 ± 50 N/s at a speed of 10 mm 
was used /min, according to procedures recommendatios of Brazilian 
standard [37]. The capillary water absorption test was also carried out 
following recommendatios of Brazilian standard [39]. Finally, micro-
structural characterization tests were carried out at 28 days, through 
porosimetry by mercury intrusion, which allows the analysis of pa-
rameters related to porosity, such as: distribution of pore sizes and their 
average diameter, the test was performed according to the manual of the 
equipment. The equipment used for the analysis was the AutoPore IV 
9500 porosimeter from Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, USA, 
which uses an automatic mercury injection porosimeter in samples 
measuring approximately 6 × 6 × 6 mm. Mercury intrusion and 
Table 2 
Mixtures OPC (g) Sand (g) Ceramic waste (g) 
CPV00 286 1710 – 
CPV10 286 1540 171 
CPV20 286 1360 342 
CPV30 286 1200 513 
Fig. 5. Appearance of mortars. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
extrusion were investigated under pressures between 0 and 33.000 Psi, 
equivalent to 228 MPa, with pore diameters reading between 0.01 µm 
and 100 µm. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) was performed in a Proto 
Manufacturing AXRD Powder Diffraction System diffraction meter 
operating with a voltage of 30 kV, current of 20 mA and Cu-Kα radiation, 
with an angular step of 0.02◦ with an interval of 1 s and an angle of 2θ 
ranging from 5◦ to 70◦. To determine the peaks, the HighScore Plus 
software was used in reference to the PDF-2 database of the Interna-
tional Center for Difraction Data (ICDD). The samples were crushed and 
passed through a 75 µm sieve (n◦ 200). Afterwards, the samples were 
mixed with isopropyl alcohol for 3 min at a volumetric ratio of 1:10 
(sample: isopropyl alcohol) in a glass container with a glass rod. Soon 
after, it was filtered and dried in a desiccator at 20 ◦C until constant mass 
was obtained. 
3. Results and discussion 
Table 3 presents the results of the workability, respecting the limit 
recommended of Brazilian standard [40], which indicates that the 
consistency index must be 260 mm ± 5 mm. It is observed that the mixes 
that have partial replacement of sand by ceramic waste showed a higher 
water/dry materials ratio and, consequently, a higher w/c ratio, in 
relation to the reference mixture, even the mixes having a w/c ratio 
greater than one, mortars have less pores and water has difficulty 
percolating in less porous material, so the permeability is lower. It is 
noteworthy that as the addition of ceramic waste increases, the mortar 
needs more water during the mixing of the materials to maintain con-
sistency, as the ceramic waste comes from burning, therefore, part of the 
material such as the hydroxyls volatilize and lose mass. The ceramic 
waste has a deficit of OH–, therefore, it absorbs water easily by electrical 
attraction with the water, which is an electric dipole [3,41]. 
Figs. 6 and 7 show the density and content air content results, 
respectively. In general, it is possible to notice that the replacement of 
sand by ceramic waste caused an increase in the mass density in the fresh 
state of the evaluated mortars, becoming denser and with a lower con-
tent of incorporated air, with a pozzolanic reaction with the finer par-
ticles and nucleation [16,42]. It can be seen that the mixture with the 
lowest density was the CPV00 (reference) with 1.90 g/m3, while the 
Table 3 
Workability results. 
Mixture Consistency index (mm) Water/dry materials ratio W/C 
CPV00 257 0.205 1.43 
CPV10 263 0.237 1.66 
CPV20 260 0.276 1.92 
CPV30 257 0.312 2.18 
Fig. 6. Density results. 
Fig. 7. Incorporated air content results. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
mixture with the highest density was the CPV10 with 1.99 g/m3. It is 
also possible to observe that the density decreased as the amount of 
ceramic waste increased, since the specific mass of the waste (2.59 g/ 
cm3) is smaller than that of the sand (2.64 g/cm3). Density reduction is a 
positive point as long as it does not affect the other properties [4,43]. 
The amount of incorporated air decreased as the amount of ceramic 
waste increased, as there are more pozzolanic reactions of finer parti-
cles, with nucleation occurring. This is also related to the fact that the 
residue has a filler effect, that is, it fills the voids between the grains. 
Observing the values found, the mixture with the highest content of 
incorporated air is the CPV00 with 10 % and the lowest content of 
incorporated air is the CPV30 mixture with 4.2 %. As the granulometry 
of the waste at 1.73 µm in d10, 12.74 µm in d50 and 47.20 µm in d90, that 
is, fine particles, filled the existing voids, consequently reducing the 
content of incorporated air, shown in Fig. 7, and as the waste consumed 
a lot of water, there was a drop in density, as the specific mass of water is 
lower than that of the ceramic waste, as shown in Fig. 6. 
Fig. 8 shows the water retention results. It is possible to observe that 
there is an increase in water retention, as the amount of ceramic waste 
increases. The water retention of mortars must not be lower than 75 %, 
as it can impair the mortar’s strength [21]. However, retention cannot 
be greater than 95 %, as there may be poor adhesion between the mortar 
and the substrate [44]. However, all mixtures are within the re-
quirements established by the references, it is a positive result, since 
water retention is a property that is directly related to the ability of fresh 
mortar to maintain its workability when subjected to requests that cause 
loss of mixing water, either through evaporation or absorption of water 
[45]. It is also observed that the reference mixture has a higher value 
than the CPV10 and CPV20 mixtures, indicating that mixtures with 
higher percentages of ceramic waste are more recommended. The 
CPV30 mix has better water retention with 94.50 %. A possible expla-
nation for the improvement caused by mortars with ceramic waste is 
attributed to the fact that the ceramic waste comes from the burning of 
clay and the clay presents surface activity due to the clay minerals that 
compose it, which makes this material present electrical attraction to the 
water particles [46,47]. 
Fig. 9 shows the results of calorimetry through the released heat.It 
can be seen that the main hydration of all mortar mixtures occurs in the 
first 15 h [48]. In stage I, where it occurs in the first minutes, it presents 
the first peak of the evolution of the heat of hydration, whose main re-
action is the dissolution of tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and calcium 
sulfate (CaSO4), forming ettringite. The CPV30 mixture has a higher 
Fig. 8. Water retention results. 
Fig. 9. Calorimetry results. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
release. This is due to the filer effect resulting from the low granulometry 
of the ceramic waste, responsible for providing nucleation points [49]. 
In stage II, during the dormancy period, the mixtures present very close 
values of released heat, which shows that the ceramic waste did not 
affect the induction period. In stage III, where the second exothermic 
peak occurs, the CPV10 mixture had a large peak at 7.5 h, while the 
CPV20 had a large peak between 5.5 and 6 h, thus presenting greater 
heat released. In this phase, tricalcium silicate (C3S) and dicalcium sil-
icate (C2S) react with water and rapidly form amorphous hydrated 
calcium silicate (C–S–H) and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) [50]. After 
this step, the mixtures entered the final stage of hydration, with low 
reactivity, but with gain in strength. 
Fig. 10 shows the accumulated heat, the CPV20 and CPV00 mixtures 
have more accumulated heat, with 380 and 350 J/g, respectively. As the 
amount of ceramic waste increased, there was a decrease in the accu-
mulated heat. This can also be explained by the consistency index test, 
Fig. 10. Calorimetry results. 
Fig. 11. Density results in the hardened state. 
Fig. 12. Flexural strength in bending results. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
where the mixtures with the highest amount of ceramic waste had the 
highest water consumption, the highest amount of water or the increase 
in water contente amount of ceramic waste may be causing the reduc-
tion of heat release. It is also possible to notice the exothermic peaks, 
indicating that nucleation of the finest particles occurs, converging with 
the 11 % clay fraction of the ceramic waste. 
Fig. 11 shows the results found for the bulk density in the hardened 
state. The mixture with the highest density value is CPV10, with 1.86 g/ 
m3. The mixture with the lowest density is CPV30, with 1.64 g/m3. 
Values that corroborate with those obtained by Cabrera-Covarrubias et 
al. (2016) e Gayarre et al. (2017). One explanation for the reduction in 
the values of this test is the density of recycled aggregates being lower 
than that of natural sand. However, this is not a property that limits the 
use of recycled aggregates in the manufacture of mortars [41,42]. 
Fig. 12 presents the flexural strength in bending results, while Fig. 13 
presents the compressive strength results. The highest strengths were 
with 10 % of the ceramic waste, reaching 3.24 MPa of flexural strength 
and 11.22 MPa of compressive strength, with higher percentages of 
waste there was a decrease in strength. In general, the behavior of the 
loss of flexural and compressive strength related to the increase of the 
ceramic waste may be caused by the physical characteristics of the 
ceramic waste, such as lower densities than sand and higher absorptions 
[52]. In the study by Gayarre et al. (2017), found a range of 1.5 MPa to 
2.5 MPa for flexural strength and a range of 5.5 MPa to 8.5 MPa for 
compressive strength. Mohit and Sharifi (2021) was in the range of 2.86 
MPa to 3.84 MPa for flexural strength and the best strength was with the 
use of 10 % of the waste, a result that corroborates with what was found 
in this research. 
Fig. 14 presents the results of the capillarity coefficient, indicating 
that the mixture with the highest capillarity coefficient is the reference 
mixture (CPV00), with 9.33 g/dm2.min1/2, results also found by For-
migoni et al. (2019). As the amount of ceramic waste increased, so did 
the capillarity coefficient. The increase in the coefficient may be asso-
ciated with the linear increase in the fine material (ceramic waste), as its 
density is lower than the fine aggregate. The fact that the reference 
mixtures have higher capillarity coefficients may be associated with the 
fact that these mixtures have larger capillary pores and, consequently, 
the water can infiltrate more easily and, thus, absorb a greater amount of 
Fig. 15 presents the results of Mercury intrusion (a), Cumulative pore 
volume (b) and Pore volume fractions (c). Through Fig. 15 (a) it is 
possible to notice that the mixtures presented pores in the range of 0.1 to 
40.0 µm. The mixtures CPV10, CPV20 and CVP30 had higher mercury 
intrusion in the smaller pore diameters, while the reference mixture 
(CPV00) had higher mercury intrusion in the pore diameters between 1 
and 10 µm. The CPV20 and CVP30 mixtures had greater mercury 
intrusion than the CPV10 mixture in pore diameters between 1 and 10 
µm. In the pore diameter range between 10 and 100 µm, the mixtures do 
not show significant differences. The CPV10 mixture had its highest 
peak in mercury intrusion at 1 µm at 0.12 mL/g. The reference mixture 
has larger average pores than the mixtures containing ceramic residue, 
that is, the reference mixture is more porous and the CPV20 and CPV30 
mixtures are more porous in relation to the CPV10 mixture. This can be 
explained by the fact that the ceramic residue is filling the mortar. The 
decrease in porosity with the increase in the amount of ceramic waste 
may also be associated with the firing temperature of the blocks, as the 
high temperature leads to a decrease in porosity [53]. When comparing 
with the results of water absorption by capillarity and water absorption 
by immersion and void index, where the mixtures with waste use had 
higher absorptions, it can be explained, because higher percentages of 
small pores increase absorption [10]. In the study by Torres et al. (2020), 
the reference mortar had a greater volume of pores, staying in a size 
range of approximately 10 to 80 µm, while the mortars with ceramic 
Fig. 13. Compressive strength results. 
Fig. 14. Capillarity coefficient results. 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
residue had a greater volume of pores in intervals of smaller diameters, 
between 0.7 and 3 µm. 0.0 µm. This same trend also occurred in the 
study by Grilo et al. (2014), where the reference mortar had a greater 
volume of pores in the range of 0.5 to 10 µm. This same trend occurred in 
Fig. 14, but with larger pore diameters. In Fig. 14 (b) The mixture CPV10 
showed a lower cumulative volume of mercury intrusion of 0.11 mL/g in 
pores from 0.1 to 40 µm, suggesting less pores and greater densification 
of this trace, converging with the result of Fig. 11. The other traces 
showed cumulative intrusion volume between 0.12 mL/g to 0.14 mL/g. 
Fig. 14 (c) shows a refinement in the pore size for the CPV10 mixture, 
containing pore sizes between 0.1 and 50 µm of 0.65 cm3/g, a smaller 
value between the mixtures, being more efficient in reducing pore vol-
ume, converging the results of Figs. 12, 13 and 14. This was already 
expected to occur because the nucleation of finer particlesin the CPV10 
mortar was observed in Fig. 9 in the fresh state by calorimetry and, also 
in Fig. 15, with the presence of the amorphous halo referring to the 
formation of C–S–H and the disappearance of portlandite peaks, 
making the CPV10 mortar denser and more resistant. 
Fig. 16 shows the presence of ettringite, portlandite, quartz and 
calcite [55–58]. The calcite phase, coming from the limestone filler that 
composes the anhydrous OPC and the carbonation of the sample, can be 
justified by the presence of OPC as a component of the formulation [23]. 
The amorphous halo in the diffractogram between 18◦ and 29◦ 2θ, 
which does not have a well-defined crystal structure, that is, it has 
characteristic peaks together with a baseline bump in the aforemen-
tioned region. The ceramic residue consumed portlandite and generated 
more calcite formation, the amorphous halo comparing the CPV10 
mixture with the reference one (CPV00) has fewer peaks, converging 
with the flexural and compression strengths, in which the mortar with 
the highest strengths had 10 % of ceramic residue, the highest density in 
the fresh and hardened state, calorimetry, by porosimetry that proved 
that it has fewer pores. On the other hand, the CPV20 and CPV30 traits 
had the presence of ettringite, interfering with the decrease in 
4. Conclusions 
Based on the results obtained, it is possible to conclude that: 
- The use of ceramic waste promotes an increase in water consumption 
in the mortar and an increase in workability. The mixtures with 20 % 
and 30 % of ceramic waste showed a decrease in density both in the 
fresh state and in the hardened state, proving that the specific mass of 
Fig. 15. (a) Mercury intrusion; (b) Cumulative pore volume; (c) Pore volume fractions. 
Fig. 16. XRD results. Caption: A/CPV (cement + water), CPV00 (sand +
cement + water), CPV10 (ceramic waste + cement + water), CPV20 (ceramic 
waste + cement + water), CPV30 (ceramic waste + cement + water), E 
(ettringite), P (portlandite), Q (quartz), C (calcite). 
M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
Construction and Building Materials 367 (2023) 130256
the ceramic waste is lower than that of sand. The increase in the use 
of ceramic waste caused a reduction in the amount of incorporated 
air, indicating that the waste fulfilled the role of filler. The mixtures 
with 10 % of the ceramic waste showed better flexural and 
compressive strengths and promoted a lower capillarity coefficient. 
- The ceramic waste consumed portlandite in the use of CPV, the 
amorphous halo comparing the mixture containing ceramic waste 
with the reference one has fewer peaks, converging with the flexural 
and compression mechanical strength, in which the mortar with 
higher strengths had 10 % ceramic waste, the highest density in the 
fresh and hardened state, calorimetry, by porosimetry that proved 
that it has fewer pores. 
- The use of 10 % of the ceramic waste did not affect the properties of 
the mortar, presenting values higher than the reference mortars. In 
this way, through the analysis of the properties, the most indicated 
mixtures are with the use of 10 % of ceramic waste. 
Declaration of Competing Interest 
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial 
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence 
the work reported in this paper. 
Data availability 
No data was used for the research described in the article. 
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M.G.P. Cherene et al. 
	Technological and microstructural perspective of the use of ceramic waste in cement-based mortars
	1 Introduction
	2 Materials and methods
	3 Results and discussion
	4 Conclusions
	Declaration of Competing Interest
	Data availability

Outros materiais