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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

1) Read an email written by an exchange student what has been living in Brazil: 
Dear Ana, 
I’m having a great time in Brazil. I’ve just arrived from a trip to Curitiba. What a nice city! Beautiful and 
clean! And we really enjoyed the cold weather for a change. Have you ever been there? If not, I totally 
recommend it! 
Things are going well here. I’ve met a lot of Brazilians at university and they have been extremely helpful. I 
understand the university assessment system way better now. I’ve done well on my exams. 
I miss you! 
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta uma explicação coerente para os usos dos tempos verbais e advérbios 
em destaque. 
a) O advérbio just, articulado ao Present Perfect Simple, expressa o fato de Samara ter voltado há 
bastante tempo de Curitiba. 
b) O advérbio ever em Have you ever been there? limita a pergunta de Samara à época em que sua 
amiga era criança. 
c) O uso da forma verbal I’ve met expressa uma ação que ocorreu recentemente e é contada à amiga 
como uma novidade. Alternativa assinalada 
d) O uso de have em have been não está de acordo com a norma-padrão, pois a 3a pessoa exige a 
forma has. 
e) A forma done na locução I’ve done corresponde à flexão do verbo to do no Past Simple. 
2) Lucas is the manager of a company and his responsibility is to keep track of all his employees’ tasks. 
This is what he can see on his computer’s screen at the moment: 
Employee Activity Status 
Ernesto study project changes not started 
Patricia prepare meeting started – 1:30 p.m. 
Daniel and Sophia write reports started – 2 p.m. 
Barbara take personality test finished 
Soraya send emails not started 
Considerando que agora sejam 2:30 p.m., assinale a alternativa que contém uma frase compatível com os 
dados da tabela. 
a) Ernesto hasn’t studied project changes yet. Alternativa assinalada 
b) Patricia has been preparing a meeting for 1:30. 
c) Daniel and Sophia have been writing reports since one o’clock. 
d) Barbara hasn’t still taken her personality test. 
e) Soraya hasn’t sent her emails just. 
3) Leia o seguinte post de um blog de viagens: 
Hello, guys! How are you? 
I’ve__________ around the North of Brazil for ten days. I’ve been to the city of Manaus, the capital of 
Amazonas, and I’ve also been to a lodge along the Negro river. The river is enormous! Really impressive! 
People from here are quite cheerful. There’s always a smile in their faces. __________ I’ve been in the area 
for a long time, I haven’t seen many wild animals. I guess it is not very common to see jaguars and 
__________ Manaus is a large city with a population of more than 2 million inhabitants, the area of the lodge 
is not populated, because it is in the jungle. 
I recommend you bring light clothes when you come here for a vacation, because the weather in the jungle 
is extremely hot! 
I’ll keep you posted about my new adventures here in the North! 
Talk to you soon! 
O texto acima contém três lacunas que podem ser respectivamente preenchidas por: 
a) traveled – although – despite. 
b) traveled –whereas – although. 
c) traveled – despite – in spite of. 
d) been traveling – although – because. Alternativa assinalada 
e) been traveling – despite – whereas. 
4) Os adjetivos em destaque na frase a seguir podem ser acompanhados de advérbios que modificariam 
sua intensidade: 
She is a (1) good driver. In fact, most of the time she is (2) cautious, which is good because it seems like 
people are not (3) careful. 
Uma das maneiras de mudar o sentido dessa essa frase é adicionar advérbios de forma a dar a ideia de 
mais intensidade a (1), de excesso a (2) e de (não) suficiência a (3). 
Qual alternativa atende à sugestão de transformação da frase? 
a) very good; (2) too cautious; (3) careful enough. Alternativa assinalada 
b) quite good; (2) very cautious; (3) enough careful. 
c) a bit good; (2) excessively cautious; (3) careful enough. 
d) slightly good; (2) too cautious; (3) careful enough. 
e) good a lot; (2) cautious too much; (3) enough careful. 
5) Leia o trecho da seguinte canção: 
Waiting, (1) I'd been waiting so long for this 
Waiting, all my life (2) had been hit and miss 
I knew in my heart this was only the start of a new life. 
Analise as afirmativas a respeito dos trechos (1) e (2), em destaque: 
I. O trecho (1) indica uma ação não concluída com alguma relação com o momento presente. 
II. O trecho (2) indica uma ação concluída. 
III. A forma ’d em (1) é a abreviação de would. 
IV. A forma interrogativa de (2) é “had all my life been hit and miss?”. 
A respeito dos destaques no texto, estão corretas as afirmativas: 
a) I, III e IV, apenas. 
b) II, III e IV, apenas. 
c) I, II e IV, apenas. 
d) I e III, apenas. 
e) II e IV, apenas. Alternativa assinalada 
6) Leia o trecho da canção a seguir: 
No you didn't have to stoop so low 
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number 
I guess that I don't need that though 
Now you're just somebody that I used to know 
(Backer, Walter; Bonfa, Luiz. Somebody That I Used To Know. AZ Lyrics. Disponível em: 
<http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/gotye/somebodythatiusedtoknow.html>. Acesso em: 29 jun. 2017.) 
Assinale V para verdadeiro e F para falso nas afirmativas a respeito da expressão em destaque no trecho da 
( ) A expressão indica é representada na forma negativa por “I didn’t use to know”. 
( ) A expressão indica que o eu-lírico conheceu a pessoa, mas não a conhece mais. 
( ) A condição presente seria representada por “I use to know”. 
Assinale a alternativa com a sequência correta. 
a) F, V, V. 
b) V, F, F. 
c) V, V, F. Alternativa assinalada 
d) F, F, V. 
e) F, V, F. 
7) Os pais de Amanda estão economizando para poder viajar, mas apesar de já terem planejado a viagem, 
eles não estão confiantes de que isso será possível. Sua mãe se aposentará ainda este ano, em um ano e 
meio será a vez do seu pai e ela tenta encorajá-los fazendo uma projeção para daqui a dois anos, que é 
quando a viagem está marcada. 
Assinale a alternativa que contém a forma correta de como Amanda pode dizer isso a seus pais: 
a) In two years, you will travel the world, because by then the both of you retire and you’ll save money 
for five years. 
b) In two years, you will can travel the world, because by then the both of can already have retired and 
you’ll save money for five years. 
c) In two years, you will travel the world, because by then the both of you’ll have retire and you’ll have 
save money for five years. 
d) In two years, you are going to be traveling the world, because by then the both of you’ll already have 
been retiring and you have saved money for five years. 
e) In two years, you will be traveling the world, because by then the both of you’ll already have retired 
and you’ll have been saving money for five years. Alternativa assinalada 
8) Becky convidou sua amiga Kim para estudarem juntas em sua casa, mas não estava se sentindo bem. 
Então, Kim a aconselhou: 
“Becky, you don’t look OK. You should drink some tea and go to bed for a while. I will stay ______ the 
evening ______ you need me. I’ll be reading downstairs. Maybe ______ you wake up, I’ll have read the whole 
book. Then I can help you study for the test later. We have ______ Friday, anyway.” 
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas: 
a) until - in case - by the time - until. Alternativa assinalada 
b) by - if - by the time - before. 
c) after - because - when - until. 
d) until - if - until - by the time. 
e) during - in case - while - until. 
9) Despite living all in the same planet, when it comes to making it a better place people still point fingers 
and assign blame instead of taking action. Being green is so simple that even the smallestact can help it 
on the long term. As a matter of fact, changing very small actions can be the best way. 
Sharing a car with coworkers that live nearby, for instance, is a simple action that can improve traffic by 
reducing the number of cars on the street, consequently cutting down the time each car stays on the road 
and therefore lowering CO2 emissions, not only because of the smaller number of cars on the street each 
day, but also because of the shorter time each one takes to reach their destinations. 
Assign: atribuir; delegar; 
Blame: culpa. 
Share(-ing): compartilhar; dividir. 
Coworkers: companheiros de trabalho 
Traffic: trânsito. 
What are the types of the argumentative connectors used on the text? 
a) Concession; similarity; time; contrast; explanation 
b) Emphasis; explanation; result; time; purpose 
c) Contrast; explanation; emphasis; exemplify; result Alternativa assinalada 
d) Time; concession; similarity; result; adding information 
e) Purpose; explanation; adding information; result; concession 
10) Despite living all in the same planet, when it comes to making it a better place people still point fingers 
and assign blame instead of taking action. Being green is so simple that even the smallest act can help it 
on the long term. As a matter of fact, changing very small actions can be the best way. 
Sharing a car with coworkers that live nearby, for instance, is a simple action that can improve traffic by 
reducing the number of cars on the street, consequently cutting down the time each car stays on the road 
and therefore lowering CO2 emissions, not only because of the smaller number of cars on the street each 
day, but also because of the shorter time each one takes to reach their destinations. 
Assign: atribuir; delegar; 
Blame: culpa. 
Share(-ing): compartilhar; dividir. 
Coworkers: companheiros de trabalho 
Traffic: trânsito. 
Choose the alternative that gives an action that can be a different solution for the same problem presented 
on the excerpt in bold. 
a) Riding motorcycles to work. 
b) Replacing gasoline for ethanol. 
c) Using cars that run on biodiesel. 
d) Taking Uber/Taxi to work 
e) Going to work by bus. Alternativa assinalada

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