
Atividade 2 - Ingles para Computadores

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Atividade Extra 2
Exercicio 1
Questão: 1.1
1. Place the following sentences into the negative and interrogative form:
a) The computer is working.
b) My keyboard is broken.
c) Jonathan is tired.
d) Marta and Gloria are operating windows system.
a) Is the computer not working?
b) Is my keyboard not broken?
c) Is Jonathan not tired?
d) Are Marta and Gloria not operating the Windows system?
Questão: 1.2
2. Use the correct form of the verb to be.
a) Computers ____ machines that perform tasks or calculations.
b) It ______ the “brain” of your computer.
c) The web ______also a shopper’s delight.
d) A website ______ a collection of interconnected webpage.
e) These computers _____built to perform a limited number of tasks.
a) Computers are machines that perform tasks or calculations.
b) It is the “brain” of your computer.
c) Is the web not also a shopper’s delight?
d) Is a website not a collection of interconnected web pages?
e) Aren't these computers built to perform a limited number of tasks?
Questão: 1.1.2
letra A)
a) The computer is working.
d) Marta and Gloria are operating windows system.
a) The computer is not working.
d) Marta and Gloria are not operating the Windows system.
Letra b)
a) The computer is working.
d) Marta and Gloria are operating windows system.
a) Is the computer working?
d) Are Marta and Gloria operating the Windows system?
Questão: 1.2
a) Computers ____ machines that perform tasks or calculations.
b) It ______ the “brain” of your computer.
c) The web ______also a shopper’s delight.
d) A website ______ a collection of interconnected webpage.
e) These computers _____built to perform a limited number of tasks.
a) Computers are machines that perform tasks or calculations.
b) It is the “brain” of your computer.
c) The web is also a shopper’s delight.
d) A website is a collection of interconnected webpages.
e) These computers are built to perform a limited number of tasks.
Exercicio 2
Questão 2:
tiny - miniscule
flully - completely
device - equipment
through - via
case - cabinet
to require - to have need
brain - cerebrum
well-known - famous
to run - to operate
huge – immense
Exercicio 3
A) Computers are machines created to perform numerical calculations, and over time,
they evolved to process all the programs that humans created for them.
B, C, and D) The computer operates based on a set of essential internal components,
which are: CPU, motherboard, RAM, HDDs or SSDs, power supply. In the peripheral
devices that the user interacts with the most are: keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The
extremely important component is the CPU as