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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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from all the junk food. After years of this “sleep eating,” 
her nerves were so jangled that she became unglued at 
the slightest upset. “Someone would knock over the salt 
shaker and I’d go into orbit,” she says. It wasn’t until 2001 
that Egemo, now 37, found a doctor who could tell her 
what her problem was and how to treat it.
Egemo’s condition is called sleep-related eating 
disorder (SRED), and it’s one of two night eating problems 
that doctors are just beginning to take seriously. The other 
is night eating syndrome (NES), in which patients wake 
multiple times during the night and are unable to fall asleep 
unless they eat something. Although the two differ in some 
important ways — most notably, whether the person is 
conscious or not — they share some similarities. […]
UNDERWOOD, Anne. Newsweek, 4 abr. 2004. Disponível em: <www.
newsweek.com/doughnuts-dark-125063>. Acesso em: 12 ago. 2020.
1 Unesp Os pronomes relativos who, which e who, des-
tacados no primeiro parágrafo do texto, referem-se 
respectivamente a:
A wife’s side of the bed; night rambles; her problem.
b child; she; Egemo.
c sleepwalker; potato chips; doctor.
d Shelly; cookies, candy and potato chips; doctor.
E sleepwalker; she; doctor.
2 Unesp O assunto do primeiro parágrafo do texto pode 
ser corretamente resumido por:
A Shelly tem um problema de distúrbio alimentar que 
foi recentemente detectado e agora ela já possui 
meios para tratá-lo.
b O marido de Shelly não aguenta mais encontrar 
restos de comida em sua cama, pois sua mulher é 
muito desleixada.
c Shelly tem andado muito nervosa, com os nervos 
em frangalhos, por causa do apelido que seu ma-
rido lhe deu.
d Shelly teve uma overdose alimentar após ingestão 
de muita comida de má qualidade e procurou um 
E Shelly é uma pessoa muito glutona e seu marido 
já não sabe mais o que fazer para que ela pare de 
comer e engordar.
3 Unesp A oração que continua o segundo parágrafo 
com coerência deve ser:
A None of them is similar.
b They are very different, anyway.
c Both are hybrids of sleep and eating disorders.
d One is a sleeping disorder and the other, an eating 
E According to the doctor, Shelly’s husband must be 
4 UFSC 2020 
On social media 
[Pet Shop Boys]
When you care about the issues of the day 
And check your facts on Wikipedia 
You can and get into an argument right away 
If you’re on social media 
The world is changing everywhere 
With a speed that couldn’t be speedier 
But you feel so ahead of the curve 
When you’re on social media 
When you’re on social media (4x) 
You’re part of the conversation 
You’re there in every debate
From football to religion to contemporary art 
You’re ready to pontificate
While democracy is losing its way 
And greed is getting greedier 
Console yourself with a selfie or two 
And post them on social media 
When you’re on social media (4x) 
My likes are in the thousands 
My tweets are being retweeted 
My family pics or holiday snaps 
With total love are greeted 
It’s so nice when people like you 
You’re feeling hashtag blessed 
You’re part of the conversation
It’s like you passed the test 
When you’re on social media (4x) 
And sometimes you can fuel the debate 
By biting the hand that feeds you
Expressing pure anonymous hate 
When you’re on social media 
When you’re on social media (4x) 
I feel so empowered 
LOWE, Christopher Sean; TENNANT, Neil Francis. 
“On social media”. Intérprete: Pet Shop Boys. In: Agenda. 
Londres: x2 Recordings Limited, 2019. Faixa. 2.
Select the proposition(s) that contains (contain) a 
possible translation for the underlined expressions as 
they are used in text.
01 care about: ignorar 
02 get into an argument: construir um argumento 
04 right away: imediatamente 
08 console yourself: aconselhar-se
16 fuel the debate: evitar o debate 
32 biting the hand that feeds you: sendo ingrato
Soma: 
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
LÍNGUA INGLESA Capítulo 10 Me, myself and I 98
Disponível em: <https://assets.amuniversal.com/
1 Unicamp Qual é o nome da personagem que aparece 
na tirinha usando uma coroa? Como se pode chegar a 
essa conclusão pela leitura da tirinha?
2 Unicamp Uma das páginas eletrônicas de uma organi-
zação sem fins lucrativos norte-americana (TV Turnoff 
Network) contém uma série de citações de pessoas 
ilustres. Algumas dessas citações foram utilizadas 
para compor o texto abaixo.
TV-Turnoff Network is a national nonprofit 
organization that encourages children and adults 
to watch much less television in order to promote 
healthier lives and communities.
We have reconstructed the Tower of Babel, and it 
is a television antenna: a thousand voices producing a 
daily parody of democracy, in which everyone’s opinion 
is afforded equal weight regardless of substance or merit. 
– Ted Koppel
I find television very educating. Every time somebody 
turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. 
– Groucho Marx
The one function TV news performs very well is that 
when there is no news we give it to you with the same 
emphasis as if there were. – David Brinkley
Disponível em: <www.tvturnoff.org/quotes.htm>. (Adapt.).
a) Por que Groucho Marx considera a televisão edu-
b) O que David Brinkley afirma sobre os noticiários 
da TV?
3 Unicamp 2020 When 24-year-old fashion blogger Scarlett 
Dixon posted a picture of herself having breakfast, the 
internet turned nasty. “The best of days start with a smile 
and positive thoughts. And pancakes. And strawberries”, 
Exercícios complementares
Dixon wrote on her Instagram feed. The post was reposted 
on Twitter. “Instagram is a ridiculous lie factory made to 
make us all feel inadequate”, wrote Nathan from Cardiff. 
His post, which has garnered more than 111,000 likes 
(22 times as many as Dixon’s original) and almost 25,000 
retweets, prompted a wave of criticism, with comments 
going like “Fakelife!”. 
Instagram looks like the friendliest social network 
imaginable. But, for a growing number of users – and 
mental health experts – the very positivity of Instagram 
is precisely the problem. The site encourages its users to 
present an upbeat, attractive image that others may find 
at best misleading and at worse harmful. Instagram makes 
you worry that everyone is perfect – except you. 
 HERN, Alex. “Instagram is supposed to be friendly. So why is it making 
people so miserable?”. The Guardian, 17 set. 2018. Disponível em: 
Acesso em: 12 ago. 2020. (Adapt.).
O texto anterior apresenta uma crítica
A a Scarlett Dixon, por propagar uma autoimagem ex-
cessivamente positiva e irreal. 
b ao Instagram, por propiciar postagens que veicu-
lam uma autoimagem irreal das pessoas.
c ao post de Scarlett Dixon, por gerar uma onda de 
comentários negativos em outras mídias sociais. 
d à exposição excessiva da vida íntima das pessoas 
no Instagram e em outras mídias sociais.
4 Fuvest 2017 A study carried out by Lauren Sherman of the 
University of California and her colleagues investigated 
how use of the “like” button in social media affects the 
brains of teenagers lying in body scanners. 
Thirty-two teens who had Instagram accounts were 
asked to lie down in a functional magnetic resonance 
imaging (fMRI) scanner. This let Dr. Sherman monitor their 
brain activity while they were perusing both their own 
Instagram photos and photos that they were told had been 
added by other teenagers in the experiment. In reality, 
Dr. Sherman had collected all the other photos, which 
included neutral images of food and friends as well as 
many depicting risky behaviours like drinking, smoking 
and drug use, from other peoples’ Instagram accounts. 
The researchers told participants they were viewing 
photographs that 50 other teenagers had already seen andendorsed with a “like” in the laboratory. 
The participants were more likely themselves to “like” 
photos already depicted as having been “liked” a lot than 
they were photos depicted with fewer previous “likes”. 
When she looked at the fMRI results, Dr. Sherman found 
that activity in the nucleus accumbens, a hub of reward 
circuitry in the brain, increased with the number of “likes” 
that a photo had.
“How ‘likes’ affect teenagers’ brains”. The Economist, 13 jun. 2016. 
Disponível em: <www.economist.com/science-and-
Acesso em: 12 ago. 2020. (Adapt.).
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
Segundo o texto, como resultado parcial da pesquisa, 
observou-se que
A fotos com imagens neutras provocaram menor im-
pacto do que as que retratavam comportamento 
b os participantes mostraram tendência a “curtir” uma 
imagem que já havia recebido número considerá-
vel de “curtidas”. 
c os adolescentes demonstraram certo desconforto, 
quando solicitados a avaliar fotos produzidas por 
eles próprios. 
d as tarefas propostas aos participantes apresenta-
ram limitações, por terem foco exclusivo na rede 
E a metodologia adotada no experimento confirmou 
conclusões de estudos anteriores sobre redes 
Leia a tira para responder às questões 5 e 6.
Disponível em: 
5 Unesp 2014 No segundo quadrinho, “this stuff” refe-
re-se a
A recycling center.
b brochures.
c how to save.
d last load.
E the planet.
6 Unesp 2014 O humor da tira decorre
A da tarefa de um trabalhador obeso que deve carre-
gar peso excessivo. 
b da amizade e da competição entre colegas de ida-
des diferentes. 
c da diferença entre um jovem bem informado e um 
homem mais velho analfabeto. 
d do desperdício de papel com material que pre-
tende divulgar ideias ecológicas. 
E do conflito de gerações no ambiente de trabalho.
Leia o texto seguinte publicado na revista Newsweek, 
de 20/02/2006, e responda às questões 7 e 8.
Knee repair
New ways of fixing the most troublesome joint
Knees are the bane of all athletes, but they’re 
particularly nettlesome to aging amateurs, whose joints 
have endured years of pounding. Fortunately, some of 
the technology inspired by doctors who treat professional 
athletes is trickling down to weekend warriors. Scientists are 
working on a number of strategies to coax the body’s healing 
powers to hasten the repair of damaged knee cartilage.
The knee is particularly tricky because it gets such little 
blood from the circulatory system, so it’s slow to heal. A 
technique called microfracture surgery is designed to draw 
blood to the injury. It involves making tiny holes in the 
bone on either side of the knee socket so that blood from 
inside the bone can seep up and nourish torn cartilage, 
supplying it with stem cells needed to repair. Doctors have 
been refining the technique for the past decade or so, and 
it’s now achieving its mainstream. The problem is that it’s 
difficult to control exactly where cartilage is replaced. With 
a new technique, called chondrocyte-transplant therapy, 
doctors avoid this problem by removing cartilage cells from 
the knee, growing them in a culture and transplanting the 
new tissue directly in the knee. This procedure, though, 
calls for opening up the knee twice, which is costly and 
makes for a long recovery. […]
BRISCOE, Daren. Newsweek, 19 fev. 2006. 
Disponível em: <www.newsweek.com/knee-repair-113165>. 
Acesso em: 12 ago. 2020.
7 Unesp Os pronomes pessoais it, em negrito no segun-
do parágrafo do texto, referem-se respectivamente a
A sangue, técnica e buracos.
b joelho, machucado e célula.
c sangue, cirurgia e buracos.
d joelho, técnica e cartilagem.
E sistema circulatório, técnica e cartilagem.
8 Unesp O grupo nominal “this procedure”, em negrito 
no segundo parágrafo do texto, refere-se à ideia de
A refino da técnica, remoção da cartilagem do joelho 
e abertura do joelho.
b transplante do novo tecido diretamente no joelho, di-
ficuldade de controlar o problema e refino da técnica.
c remoção das células de cartilagem do joelho, cres-
cimento delas em meio de cultura e transplante do 
novo tecido diretamente no joelho.
d dificuldade de controlar o problema, remoção da 
cartilagem do joelho e transplante do novo tecido 
diretamente no joelho.
E remoção das células de cartilagem do joelho, cresci-
mento delas em meio de cultura e abertura do joelho.
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
LÍNGUA INGLESA Capítulo 10 Me, myself and I 100
 Uma linguagem neutra
Com as contribuições dos estudos em gênero, o uso dos pronomes he e she tornou-se algo a ser discutido por diversas instituições de ensino de 
modo a evitar que qualquer desconforto fosse causado nos casos em que uma linguagem neutra seria a mais adequada. Observe o seguinte trecho 
sobre uma instituição estadunidense que se destaca pelo seu esforço em adotar tal tipo de linguagem:
Sarah Lawrence College [...] is one of many conscientious American institutions currently struggling to devise guidelines 
for the use of gender-neutral language on campus that avoids cisnormative presumption. [...] To be cisnormative is to assume 
that people identify with the gender of the sex they were born with. Sarah Lawrence’s solution [...] is to ask everyone to do his 
utmost (sorry, your utmost) to use the second person instead of the third person. When that can’t be done, they recommend 
the use of “non-gendered nouns as needed (student, person, individual).” [...] They advocate the broader use of the plural 
pronouns “they” and “them” to “replace singular gendered pronouns (he, she, him, her), even when it’s incorrect. […]
SCHILLINGER, Liesl. “Meeting Caitlyn, saying bye to Bruce - and pronoun confusion”. T: The New York Times Style 
Magazine, 5 jun. 2015. Disponível em: <https://web.archive.org/web/20191006030532/https://tmagazine.blogs.nytimes.
com/2015/06/05/caitlyn-jennifer-bruce-jenner-transgender-pronoun-confusion/>. Acesso em: 12 ago. 2020.
O texto apresentado foi publicado na época em que Caitlyn Jenner (conhecida anteriormente como Bruce Jenner) havia passado por uma cirurgia 
de mudança de sexo.
Você concorda com as recomendações mencionadas no texto nos casos em que uma linguagem neutra é preferida? Em que aspectos é possível 
mudar uma marcação linguística já compartilhada pela sociedade?
Texto complementar
Quer saber mais?
 y O dicionário online Merriam-Webster faz uma retrospectiva sobre o dilema do uso dos pronomes he or she: <http://p.p4ed.com/YBHPH>.
Pronouns e determiners contribuem para a construção de um texto, 
integrando tanto elementos linguísticos como extralinguísticos.
Ao adotar determinada marcação linguística indicando, por exemplo, pessoa, gênero, 
número e/ou espaço, criamos diferentes efeitos de sentido com base tanto em 
nossa interpretação de mundo quanto nas nossas intenções como falantes.
Ao escolher determinadas palavras para nos referirmos ao mundo, 
estamos organizando-o conforme nosso ponto de vista.
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP10_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (13:23) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL

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