
The War of Art_ Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles ( PDFDrive )-85

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4) We are committed over the long haul. Next year we may 
go to another job, another company, another country. 
But we'll still be working. Until we hit the lottery, we are 
part of the labor force. 
5) The stakes for us are high and real. Th i s is about 
survival, feeding our families, educating our children. 
It 's about eating. 
6) We accept remuneration for our labor. We're not here 
for fun. We work for money. 
7) We do not overidentify with our jobs. We may take 
pride in our work, we may stay late and come in on 
weekends, but we recognize that we are not our job 
descriptions. The amateur, on the other hand, overi-
dentifies with his avocat ion, his artistic aspirat ion. 
He defines himself by it. He is a musician, a painter, 
a p laywright . Res i s tance loves this. Res i s tance 
knows that the amateur composer will never write 
his symphony because he is overly invested in its 
success and overterrified of its failure. The amateur 
takes it so seriously it paralyzes him. 
8) We master the technique of our jobs. 
9) We have a sense of humor about our jobs. 
10) We receive praise or blame in the real world. 

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