
exercicio_registro de frequencia_Literatura_I

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Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is 
	In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is Wessel Hall 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		What was one of the contributions of ´The Canterbury Tales´ to English literature?
	To create a new way of building characters.
	To mix fantasy with reality, vampires and fairies.
	To set the basis for the Gothic novel.
	To tell a story based on Italian folk tales.
	To be able to create a chivalry romance with heroes who loved married women. 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		How were Mordred and King Arthur related? 
	Uncle and nephew
	Father and son 
	Grandfather and grandson 
	They were not related
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		Arthur was the son of ......... 
	Arthur Pendragon 
	Uther Pendragon 
	King Ban 
	Sir Ector 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		Beowulf was written in
	middle English
	modern English
	old English
	modern French
	old French
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is 
		Where wasWilliam Shakespeareborn? 
	New York 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		When Christianity came to Ireland as soon merged with Druidism that there still existed. The result was a religion more mystical, deeper and more philosophical than Roman Christianity. How this religion was called?
	New Druidism
	English Christianity
	Celtic Christianity
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		The Monk, Prioress, and Friar were all members of the 
	clerical estate 
	English court 
	the French society 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		Courtly love motifs first appear in The Canterbury Tales with the description of the Squire in 
	the religious tales 
	the end of the poem 
	the general prologue 
	the last tales 
	the tale about the knight 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		What is one of the contributions of Morte D´Arthur, by Tomas Malory, to English literature?
	It was able to show the world the English social values in the XVIII century.
	As it is a carefully constructed myth of the rise and fall of a powerful kingdom ¿ a legendary kingdom, it attracted the interest of not only many readers at the time it was published but also in our century. 
	As it was the first Gothic novel in French literature, it became a legendary symbol
	It was built up based on the life of a real French King, who won several wars.
	It was the first epic poem in English literature.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		In which month did the pilgrims march towards the Canterbury? 
	Who is the character that sets the action on in the play HAMLET?
	The ghost.
	Prince Hamlet.
	As we have seen in the play, much of Hamlet is concerned with getting behind appearances to the truth of things. 
What is prince Hamlet´s attitude to try to find out if his uncle was really to blame for his father´s death? 
	Hamlet tries to lay an ambush so as to kill his uncle.
	He invites Claudius for a sword fighting.
	He asks his mother to try to find out if Claudius had really killed his father.
	The prince pretends to be feeble-minded to throw his uncle off guard, so as to kill his uncle in revenge.
	He tells Laertes Claudius had killed Polonius so that Laertes would kill Claudius.
	Shakespeare is the subject of innumerable books, written in a whole lot of different languages all over the world. He has been studied exhaustively. Yet , it seems that every now and then, we can find some new aspect of this great writer. What was a common practice during the XVI and XVII centuries in England? 
	It was common to have plays acted in big castles open to the high society as well as to the gentry.
	Ladies were not allowed to go to the theatre since plays were considered improper for women.
	As was common to practice during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Shakespeare borrowed for his plays ideas and stories from earlier literary works.
	Female actresses would play the role of men in tragedies.
	Playwrights were not taken seriously because they talked about unreal characters in their stories which did not have any appeal to the public.
	This term suggests any attitude which tends to exalt the human element or stress the importance of human interests. Developed first in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Italy, it was marked by a passion for rediscovering and studying ancient literature. It spread to other continental countries and finally to England, where a series of efforts culminated successfully late in the fifteenth century with an enormous optimism about the potential scope of human understanding. 
The explanation above is associated with 
	Renaissance humanism.
	Gothic literature.
	What is a characteristic of the character of prince Hamlet in the play which bears his name?. 
	Prince Hamlet had been raised to be a King one day. He was used to fighting in battles to conquer new countries.
	Hamlet was a coward, that´s why he delayed taking an action.
	Prince Hamlet was a scientist at the time he lived.
	Shakespeare made his Hamlet a philosophically minded prince 
	Hamlet was a traitor who wanted to be made King of Denmark.
	A good playwright constantly seeks ways to sustain the interest of his audience and to make their time in the theater as stimulating as possible. In Hamlet, Shakespeare introduces uncertainties in the play, which in fact make the play even more interesting. 
Which of the following is one of the uncertainties found in the play? 
	Whether the ghost is the product of the soldiers imagination or not.
	Whether the French Prince Fortimbras would ever invade England. 
Hamlet continues to love Gertrude even as he praises her.
	Whether Hamlet´s mother, Gertrude, shares in Claudius´s guilt. 
	Whether Laertes is also involved in the death of the former King of Denmark
		Concerning John Milton, one can say that ...
	Even though he enjoyed reading the classics in Greek and Latin and learning new theories in mathematics and music, he was never recognized as a great writer.
	He wrote sonnets in Italian as a teenager. While a student at Cambridge, he was invited to address a speech written entirely in Latin. 
	By the age of thirty, Milton was one of the most ambitious poets Germany had ever produced. 
	By the age of thirty, Milton had made himself into one of the most brilliant minds of England, however none of his novels turned into a best seller.
	He appreciated writing tragedies and his most famous one is Heaven Lost
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		John Milton´s view on marriage 
	is not mentioned in any books about him. 
	expressed his belief that any sort of incompatibility: sexual, mental, or otherwise, is justified grounds for a divorce. 
	saw women as inferior to men, believing that wives should be subservient to their husbands.
	was typical of the period of time he lived.
	alluded to biblical passages that identify man as the master of woman.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		The mid seventeenth-century was a time of great social and cultural turmoil. Milton was an activist in his middle years, fighting for human rights. How did Milton express his political ideas? 
	As a product of Renaissance England, Milton expressed his political ideas by means of his paintings.
	Knowing he was not a fighter, he demonstrated his activism by writing lengthy, rhetorical pamphlets that thoroughly and rigorously argue for his point of view - against the rule of England´s leaders, whom he believed were inept. 
	By means of his musical creation since he was an accomplished musician. 
	As Milton was a fervorous Catholic, he fought for human rights by giving lectures at different Catholic churches throughout the country. 
	By promoting meetings of philosophers at the Universities  to fight for communism. 
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		How does Milton begin his famous Paradise Lost?
	By presenting images of the fresh English countryside.
	By presenting mythological characters in an idealized setting for the development of a romantic theme. 
	By telling the readers they are going to be reading about the creation of Heaven and Hell.
	By stating that his subject will be Adam and Eve´s disobedience and fall from grace.
	By introducing Galileo´s theories as a means of preparing the reader for the development of the poem.
		Milton is often spoken of as the last Renaissance man. At the same time he had his political views. Which were John Milton´s political ideals? 
	He claimed we all needed to be ruled by a benign God in the manner of an earthly King. As God´s forces prove superior, the King, as a representative of God, ought to be obeyed by his subjects.
	Milton´s poetry and prose reflect deep personal convictions, a passion for peace. He was against political turbulence and defended the King´s rights.
	He championed the absolute freedom of the individual, he believed that power corrupted human beings. He distrusted anyone who could claim power over anyone else, and believed that rulers should have to prove their right to lead other people.
	He exalted God´s forces and was definitely anyone who didn´t believe in God. 
	As he believed in God, he adopted a traditional political view about how to rule the world, following rules dictated by the Church.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		John Milton was nearly thirty and he had already established his reputation as a young man of letters, and with it, he gained entrance into the circles of the most learned men in Europe. 
How did he build such a firm poetic foundation? 
	In his twenties, Milton wrote three masterful long poems, each of them influential and important in its own separate way: The Wanderer, which talked about a man in search for God, L´Allegro, in which Milton described the birth of Melancholy and Il Penseroso, in which he dealt with country pleasures. 
	He studied at Harward University in the U.S.A.
	Not only did he go to the best schools but was on the side of the King and the Church of England.
	Through his intense study of languages, philosophy, and politics, and fused it with his uncanny sense of tone and diction.
	As a result of his faith in God, his literary output was believed to have been granted by God. 
		Geoffrey Chaucer was taken in prisoner in Europe in 1353. In which country?
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		Which of the characteristics below IS NOT applicable to the Enlightenment?
	The Enlightenment was a philosophical, cultural and social movement which spread through Europe in the XVIII century.
	The characteristics of the Enlightenment are a skepticism towards the doctrines of the church, individualism, a belief in science and the experimental method, the use of reason, among others.
	The Enlightenment was also an intellectual movement which took place in different European countries in the 1700s enabled by the Scientific Revolution which had begun as early as the 1500s.
	The Enlightenment represented a departure from the Middle Ages.
	The Enlightenment was marked by religious devotion and immeasurable cruelty by the Church.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		According to The Oxford dictionary, society is´ The community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations´. 
What was society like in England in the beginning of the XVIII century? 
	Society was highly hierarchical and serfdom was a widespread practice. There was no personal liberty or rights, mainly for the gentry.
	Society was depicted from the eyes of a narrow stratum of the upper-middle class and the nobility. Rules were established by the Church and soon social distinctions started disappearing. 
	Society changed as a result of the Enlightenment which transformed the Western world into an intelligent and self-aware civilization and women were finally accepted at Universities and allowed to work not only as teachers and housekeepers but also as writers, doctors, and any other sort of occupation they applied for.
	Society still kept the same values of the previous century, but serfdom had already been abolished and landowners were forced to pay high salaries to their servants.
	British society was stratified in the 18th century and in contrast to the gentry, the aristocracy lost much of the political and financial influence it had wielded since the days of the Tudor monarchs.
		In the Oxford dictionary,
society is defined as ´The community of people living in a particular country or region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.´
 What was society like in England in the beginning of the XVIII century? 
	Society was depicted from the eyes of a narrow stratum of the upper-middle class and the nobility. Rules were established by the Church and soon social distinctions started disappearing. 
	Society changed as a result of the Enlightenment which transformed the Western world into an intelligent and self-aware civilization and women were finally accepted at Universities and allowed to work not only as teachers and housekeepers but also as writers, doctors, and any other sort of occupation they applied for.
	Society was highly hierarchical and serfdom was a widespread practice. There was no personal liberty or rights, mainly for the gentry.
	Society still kept the same values of the previous century, but serfdom had already been abolished and landowners were forced to pay their servants.
	British society was stratified in the 18th century and in contrast to the gentry, the aristocracy lost much of the political and financial influence it had wielded since the days of the Tudor monarchs.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		French Revolution, also called Revolution of 1789 was the revolutionary movement that shook France between 1787 and 1799 and reached its first climax in 1789. 
What was one of the consequences of the French Revolution? 
	The French Revolution led to crop failures in much of the country, coming on top of a long period of economic difficulties, turned the monarchs into particularly restless rulers.
	The philosophers, who advocated social and political reform, took over the government and turned the country into a fascism.
	The French monarchy became stronger and the gentry were severely punished.
	The increasingly prosperous elite of wealthy commoners like merchants, manufacturers, and professionals which were representatives of the ancient regime in France decided to turn France into a communist country. 
	The French citizenry overthrew the monarchy of Louis XVI and established a representative government that was directly inspired by the Enlightenment.
	Faltam 5 minutos para o término do exercício.
		The Enlightenment is the period in the history of western thought and culture, stretching roughly from the mid-decades of the seventeenth century through the eighteenth century, characterized by dramatic revolutions in science, philosophy, society and politics. 
How did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment open a path for independent thought? 
	The Enlightenment ideals inspired and respectively marked the peak of its influence for independent thought in the XX century.
	New schools were created based on Freud¿s philosophies which contributed for the freedom of thought they were looking forward to.
	By producing numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, besides wars and revolutions which changed thought in the Middle Ages.
	By promoting scientific discussions open to the public about the importance of God in our lives in order to spread religious knowledge among different people. 
	The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment opened a path for independent thought, as it drastically updated and expanded the fields of mathematics, astronomy, physics, politics, economics, philosophy, and medicine. The amount of new knowledge that emerged was astonishing.

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