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Theory, Evaluation, Utilization
Groundwater of meteoric origin permeates the upper parts of the Earth’s crust in spatially
organized flow systems down to several kilometres. Since the discovery of the flow-system
concept in the 1960s, hydrogeology’s basic paradigm has shifted from confined flow in
aquifers to cross-formational flow in drainage basins. Consequently, groundwater has been
recognised as a fundamental geologic agent, generating and modifying natural processes
and phenomena of scientific, practical and economic interest.
This book is the first to present an extensive and illustrated overview of the history, princi-
ples, studymethods, practical applications and natural effects of gravity-driven groundwater
flow. Its user-friendly presentation requires no advanced background in mathematics, with
the necessarymathematics being explained in full, and the physicalmeaning of the equations
emphasized. The author highlights significant inter-relationships between the broad range
of seemingly disparate processes and systems, demonstrating how these can be traced to
a common root cause involving gravity-driven groundwater flow. Examples are used to
illustrate practical applications in areas as diverse as hydrogeology, land-use planning,
environment protection, wetland ecology, agriculture, forestry, geotechnical engineering,
nuclear-waste disposal, mineral and petroleum exploration, and geothermal heat flow.
Written by one of the founding fathers of modern hydrogeology, and including an exten-
sive glossary to aid students and researchers from a variety of disciplines, this book is a key
reference for researchers, consultants and advanced students of hydrogeology and reservoir
józsef tóth began his study of geophysics inHungary in the early 1950s, butmoved to the
university ofUtrecht in theNetherlands in 1956 following theHungarian revolution.He later
emigrated to Canada, where he joined theAlberta Research Council in 1960. He shifted the
paradigm of strata-bound groundwater flow in drainage basins to cross-formational water
movement by two ground-breaking papers in 1962 and 1963 before defending his PhD
thesis in Utrecht in 1965, and has contributed fundamental concepts and observations to
the role of groundwater as a geologic agent. He joined the University of Alberta in Canada
as a sessional instructor in 1966 and as a full-time faculty member in 1980. He currently
holds the positions of Professor Emeritus at the University ofAlberta, and Titular Professor
at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.
Professor Tóth has received many awards for his work in hydrogeology, including: the
first O. E. Meinzer Award from the Geological Society of America in 1965; the 1999 Pres-
ident’s Award from the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH); the 2002 Prix
R. N. Farvolden Award from the Hydrogeology Division of the Canadian Geotechnical
Society; the 2003 M. King Hubbert Science Award of the National Ground Water Associ-
ation (NGWA) of the USA; and the 2004 C.V. Theis Award of the American Institute of
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2009Downloaded from Cambridge Books Online by IP on Wed Nov 27 22:06:21 WET 2013.
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2013
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2009Downloaded from Cambridge Books Online by IP on Wed Nov 27 22:06:21 WET 2013.
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2013
Theory, Evaluation, Utilization
University of Alberta, Canada; Eo¨tvo¨s Loránd University, Hungary
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2009Downloaded from Cambridge Books Online by IP on Wed Nov 27 22:06:21 WET 2013.
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2013
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521886383
© J. Tóth 2009
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without
the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2009
Printed in the United Kingdom at the University Press, Cambridge
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-0-521-88638-3 hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or
accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to
in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such
websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
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To my wife Erzsike, who has patiently endured the many lonely days,
weeks and months that I have devoted to my hobby
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Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2009Downloaded from Cambridge Books Online by IP on Wed Nov 27 22:06:21 WET 2013.
Cambridge Books Online © Cambridge University Press, 2013
Preface page ix
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The subject matter: definition, history, study methods 1
1.2 Portrayal of groundwater flow systems 8
2 The ‘Unit Basin’ 26
2.1 The basic flow pattern 26
2.2 Basic patterns of fluid-dynamic parameters 29
3 Flow patterns in composite and heterogeneous basins 33
3.1 Effects of basin geometry 33
3.2 Effects of basin geology 50
3.3 Effects of temporal changes in the water table: transient pore
pressures and flow systems 71
3.4 Hydraulic continuity: principle and concept 81
4 Gravity flow of groundwater: a geologic agent 91
4.1 Introduction 91
4.2 The basic causes 93
4.3 The main processes 97
4.4 Manifestations 102
4.5 Summary 126
5 Practical applications: case studies and histories 128
5.1 Characterization and portrayal of regional hydrogeologic
conditions 129
5.2 Effects of recharge–discharge area characteristics on
groundwater-related practical problems 143
5.3 Site-selection for repositories of high-level nuclear-fuel waste:
examples for groundwater flow-system studies 188
5.4 Interpretation and utilization of observed deviations from
theoretical patterns of gravity-driven groundwater flow 206
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viii Contents
5.5 Exploration for petroleum and metallic minerals 225
5.6 Potential role of flow-system analysis in surface geochemical
prospecting 231
6 Epilogue: gravitational systems of groundwater flow and the
science of hydrogeology 244
Glossary 248
References 259
Appendices 274
Appendix A 275
Appendix B 281
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         
        
      
           
         
              
        
            
           
           
            
            
             
           
            
           
            
          
               
         
        
            
    
                
            
          
           
        
             
         
           
         
             
             
            
             
          
             
               
 
          
          
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            
            
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       
          
            
               
              
           
           
              
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            
           
           
         
            
           
         
               
         
         
           
          
            
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           
          
        
              
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        
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          
             
              
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            
            
            
           
            
          
          
      
       
         
             
              
           
            
              
             
            
            
        
     
            
             
 
            
          
           
         
    
            
   
           
            
           
             
         
                
            
            
               
   
         
         
          
           
             
                 
           
              
              
              
           
            
 
          
          
    
           
                
              
                
             
    
           
          
            
               
          
            
           
            
            
            
        
            
    
          
             
            
           
           
           
          
         
     
        
           
          
          
          
           
           
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        
          
            
           
         
           
          
             
      
        
              
        
         
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         
           
          
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         
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        
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      
          
             
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          
         
           
         
         
             
           
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           
             
           
            
            
             
        
      
            
         
                
            
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           
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               
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            
           
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             
              
              
            
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            
             
            
         
          
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            
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           
          
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              
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           
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          
            
              
               
          
             
           
                
                
                
             
              
           
                 
               
                 
           
                
             
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             
          
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                
             
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                 
           
             
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                
                
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             
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              
              
               
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            
             
              
       
           
           
             
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            
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               
              
          
               
              
            
              
             
              
               
       
          
               
              
             
             
        
          
          
          
             
              
               
            
               
             
              
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            
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          
         
        
      
            
             
           
             
               
       
           
           
           
          
        
          
      
         
         
     
            
             
                
              
           
                 
              
               
            
               
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           
               
               
            
      
            
            
              
            
              
               
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            
              
            
            
           
       
             
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          
          
             
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          
     
             
          
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                
            
        
               
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           
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            
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          
          
             
            
       
                      
     
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            
           
           
           
         
             
    
 
         
      
     
       
      
      
      
       
  
    
     
      
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         
         
         
             
              
     
              
               
              
              
             
             
              
               
         
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            
              
             
              
   
            
            
             
            
            
            
             
           
              
             
               
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        
               
             
            
         
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             
           
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        
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            
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                 
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             
               
               
               
               
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                
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          
              
              
            
             
            
          
            
             
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            
             
        
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         
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             
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            
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            
           
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             
           
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             
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           
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               
               
              
            
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         
            
          
             
          
                
             
          
            
        
               
                
              
             
              
                  
              
             
                
                 
    
           
                 
             
           
        
            
            
          
            
        
              
          
           
      
     
              
             
           
         
           
         
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             
               
             
             
           
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           
           
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           
           
         
               
           
               
              
            
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