
E1 ING Módulos 31.doc Phrasal ON + OFF

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Tipo: 1o ano do ensino médio
Matéria: Inglês
Frente: única
Assunto: Phrasal Verbs II (ON and OFF)
Número do módulo:
( 15 da Segunda Parte (Módulo 31 no geral)�
	Vamos estar frente a frente da sintaxe geral dos PHRASAL VERBS e neste capítulo com a partícula BACK, aproveitando para observarmos as propriedades da mesma. SUA COMPREENSÃO É ESSENCIAL PARA SE TER UM BOM VOCABULÁRIO DENTRO DO INGLÊS AMERICANO.
1) ON
This preposition indicates a forward movement (march on!), the CONTINUATION OF AN ACTIVITY (read on!), POSITION (the cat is on the table.) OR SOMETHING THAT IS CONNECTED OR FUNCTIONING (the lights are on.).
	* Why don't you back your car on further ?
* I know that Sarah is at home because the lights are on.
* Why is this switcher on ?
* Oh, look ! The guests arrive by car but John comes on a horse !
* Well, I go ahead and you come on later.
* Why do you drive on if you are so tired?! It's very dangerous !!
* Why do you have to fly onto another airport ?
* Why don't you get your coat on before 
 going to the office ?
* At what time will you get breakfast on tomorrow ?
* How is your work getting on ?
* The street lights go on when it gets dark and go off in the morning. 
* Can you please hang on while I see if Mr. Gama is?
* Why don't you help the lady on the bus ?
* The mother helps the son on the bed.
* Why do you want to hurry on to the next lesson ? 
* The paper is catching fire but Jerry is jumping on it to put out the fire.
* Keep on with your studies to get good grades !
* Everybody is tired off, but Mark keeps on dancing.
* Why do you leave the price tags on your clothes ?
* Leave a message on the door, please.
* In spite of being tired, the soldiers march on !
* Move on, thieves, the police car is over there !
* The parade stops for a moment and then it passes on.
* Please, put the light on !
* Why don't you put fire on this paper ?
* I'm sorry, I can't read on anymore. My throat is bad!
* Weren't you riding on for five hours ?
* Do you still ride on horses with your mother's company?
* Why do you have to run on further instead of stopping to eat ?
* Why don't you run onto the next bank to see if it is open?
* He needs to rush on to arrive at school in time.
* Always when I arrive at the desk, they send me on to you.
2) OFF
	* Why did the crowd back off when the police arrived?
* Are you sure the lights are off ?
* Carlos, be sure the TV set is off before having lunch.
* Mary broke off some pieces of chocolate to give to the children.
* Why did the handle of the door come off in your hand ?
* Didn't a button come off your coat ?
* I'll cross your name off the list.
* Cross the word off the sentence.
* How many pieces of cake did she cut off ?
* How many of your boys and girls can dive off the top diving board ?
* When did she say goodbye and drive off to Rio ?
* My shirt buttons have all dropped off and I can't find them.
* Isn't he in the hospital with a broken leg that he got when fell off the second floor ?
* Why didn't the plane fly off the runway ?
* The place was so dirty that it took her several days to get the dirt off.
* The lights went off as soon as we started the meeting.
* The prisoners had hurried off before the reporters could have a chance to speak to them.
* When the thief saw the police, he jumped off the bridge into the river.
* We missed the bus because it moved off suddenly.
* You shouldn't be picking off the flowers from my garden.
* As soon as he got home he pulled his T-shirt off and sat down.
* Who pushed the man off the 15th floor ?
* We must push off now because it's getting late.
* Where did Mark ride off to ?
* How many copies of the book did they run off ?
* The children rushed off as soon as the teacher gave them permission.
* Mary complained about getting up early in the morning to send children off to school.
* Shut off that noisy motor and listen to me.
* She quickly slipped her clothes off and took a hot shower.
* What happened when the criminal stepped off the bus?
* Please switch off the lights as you leave the room.
1. Aren't the buttons sewed on the cloth?
( Resolução: Aqui, podemos notar que a preposição ON está apenas cumprindo o seu papel mais simples: a idéia de POSIÇÃO, uma vez que os botões (the buttons) estão costurados (sewed) “sobre” o tecido (idéia de superfície). Logo a tradução seria: 
( Os botões não estão “presos” ?
1. Please, put the light on ! 
2. How can you slip onto here without being seen ?
3. Please, stay on as our teacher, there is no anyone else suitable !
4. Why do they have to step on the brakes so fast ?
5. Please, switch the light on, it's getting dark !
6. Why don't you turn the TV set on ?
7. Why don't they walk on to another restaurant ?
8. He took off his heavy clothes and put on his T-shirt and shorts.
9. Turn that tap off; there's water all over the place.
10. John, don't walk off, otherwise ...
11. Thick black ink like that won't wash off easily.
12. Here's a brush to wipe off the mud before you come into the house.
13. Wipe that word off the blackboard, please.
F) DIFFICULT QUESTIONS: Crie “8” frases em inglês com a ajuda de seu professor, “4” usando PHRASAL VERBS COM A PARTÍCULA BACK e “4” usando PHRASAL VERBS COM A PARTÍCULA OFF.
G) Leia o texto e responda às questões de 1 à 4. 
Hackers Breach Student Database at the University of Texas
 	 AUSTIN -- Hackers broke into a University of Texas database and stole the names, Social Security numbers and e-mail addresses of more than 55,000 students, former students and employees, officials said.	
	 It wasn't clear whether the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards or withdraw money from bank accounts. School officials said they were notifying the victims.				
	 Travis County prosecutor Ronnie Earle said search warrants related to the case were served late Wednesday in Austin and Houston. He declined further comment. Federal authorities did not immediately return calls.
 The theft was discovered Sunday when employees found a computer malfunction, according to Daniel A. Updegrove, the university's vice president for information technology, who described the incident on the school's Web site.	
The database was hacked into from a computer in Austin several times beginning on Feb. 26 and ending Sunday. Updegrove said the hackers used a program to query the database with 3 million potential Social Security numbers, resulting in about 55,200 successful matches.		Updegrove acknowledged that the breach could have been prevented with basic precautions.
							 Washington Post, March 7, 2003
Questão 1
Segundo o texto, alguns hackers
obtiveram endereçosde e-mail de estudantes e funcionários da Universidade do Texas.
inseriram nomes falsos no computador para obterem números de “Social Security”.
roubaram informações da Internet para obterem números de cartões de crédito.
conseguiram desviar dinheiro de algumas contas bancárias.
invadiram as dependências da Universidade do Texas para obterem acesso aos seus computadores.
Questão 2
Segundo o texto,
o incidente causado pelos hackers já havia sido previsto por Daniel A. Updegrove no site da escola.
o promotor Travis County afirma que as investigações haviam sido feitas na última quarta-feira em Austin e Houston.
Ronnie Earle se prontificou a fornecer comentários mais detalhados sobre o caso às autoridades federais.
o incidente ocorrido na Universidade do Texas foi descoberto por alguns funcionários ao detectarem uma falha no computador.
além dos funcionários da Universidade do Texas, um total de 55.000 estudantes foi vítima do incidente causado pelos hackers.
Questão 3
Assinale a alternativa em que o trecho “It wasn’t clear whether the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...”, no segundo parágrafo do texto, é reescrito de forma adequada e sem prejuízo de significado.
It wasn’t clear whereas the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...
It wasn’t clear when the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...
It wasn’t clear if the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...
It wasn’t clear why the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...
It wasn’t clear how the information was used to illegally obtain credit cards...
Questão 4
Considere a frase “School officials said they were notifying the victims.”, no segundo parágrafo do texto.
Assinale a alternativa em que a transposição dessa frase para o discurso direto está correta.
“We were notifying the victims,” school officials said.
“We are notifying the victims,” school officials said.
“We have been notifying the victims,” school officials said.
“We notified the victims,” school officials said.
“We notify the victims,” school officials said.
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões de 5 à 8.
Internet Cafes' Phone Service Fills a Void
	TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -- With their simple wooden desks and glowing computer screens, the Internet cafes in this capital city look much like those popping up around the rest of the world, except practically no one's typing. They're all talking.		A few inches from the door of the Multinet Cybercafe, a woman in sandals is gossiping about some acquaintances into a black phone-like receiver connected by a cord to the back of a machine. Across from her, a man is inquiring about a job.	Herman Mejilla, an accountant, is chatting with his fiancee in New Jersey, asking how her university studies are going.	
"Te extraño," he says. I miss you. In Latin America and other developing areas, Internet cafes have become this generation's equivalent of the telephone booth.				The voice transmissions aren't perfect. They are sometimes garbled by static or metallic echoes. Calls occasionally get dropped or don't get through at all. But the phone cafes have become a lifeline for many Hondurans who often use them to talk to relatives and friends in the United States. In a country where home phone lines are hard to come by, the Internet phones are the only way many can keep in touch.	
In Honduras, only about 44 of every 1,000 people had a phone in 1999, the latest year for which figures are available from the World Bank Group's development indicators database. In neighboring Nicaragua, the figure is 30 of every 1,000; in Guatemala, 55; and in El Salvador, 76.				Internet phone service is not only more readily available than normal phone service, it's significantly cheaper, too: 5 to 10 cents a minute, vs. the $1 to $1.50 per minute charged by monopoly telephone providers. In Honduras, where per capita income was about $850 in 2000, it's an obvious bargain.					Phone cafes are concentrated in Latin America but have proliferated worldwide. Few of these businesses are run by corporations. They are mostly mom-and-pop operations.
		 Washington Post, April 18, 2002
Questão 5
Segundo o texto, a finalidade da maioria das pessoas que freqüenta os “Internet cafes” de Tegucigalpa é
reunir-se com os amigos para conversar.
participar de sessões de bate-papo pela Internet (chats).
conversar por telefone.
procurar emprego por meio da Internet.
comunicar-se com os pais e amigos nos E.U.A. via Internet.
Questão 6
De acordo com o texto, o serviço de telefone da Internet em Honduras 
é mais prontamente disponível do que o serviço telefônico convencional.
é mais caro do que o serviço telefônico convencional.
é, em sua maioria, administrado por corporações.
está disponível também em cabines telefônicas.
era acessível a apenas 44 entre 1.000 habitantes de Honduras em 1999.
Questão 7
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto do Presente Perfeito do verbo “become”, como em “...Internet cafes have become this generation’s equivalent of the telephone booth.”, no quinto parágrafo do texto.
He has become a political leader in 1984.
She has become a U.S. citizen before she moved to Australia.
She has become a widow right after the war.
She has become his wife five years ago.
He has become ill.
Questão 8
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a voz ativa correta da frase “Few of these businesses are run by corporations.”, no último parágrafo do texto.
Corporations ran few of these businesses.
Corporations run few of these businesses.
Corporations are ran by few of these businesses.
Corporations were run by few of these businesses.
Corporations have run few of these businesses.
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 9 e 10.
THERE’S NO DOUBT about it: birth control is maddening. Pills are simple enough to use but can cause damaging side effects. Condoms and diaphragms are expensive–and a pain. And, let’s face it, natural (read: unpredictable) birth control just doesn’t work.
Or does it? CycleBeads, a new, colorful, necklace-like gadget, serves as a visual aid to help a woman accurately track her menstrual cycle. They’re available online ($12.50 at cyclebeads.com) and they’re simple to use: just move the black rubber band from bead to bead during the course of the month. A red bead marks the start of a woman’s period, brown beads mark infertile days and glow-in-the-dark beads mark the fertile days. In trials, CycleBeads have proved more than 95 percent effective when used correctly. Now USAID hopes to make them available around the world.. “It will be very effective for a certain small select population,” says Susan Ross of CARE, who has been overseeing a CycleBeads study in Uttar Pradesh, India. The gadget could be especially useful in rural areas, says Ross, as women wouldn’t need to visit their health clinic to restock.
But not everyone is keen on reading the beads. Some family-planning groups are skeptical, arguing that natural methods work only with abstinence. Still, CycleBeads might be worth a shot. If nothing else, they make for a nice night light.
Newsweek, December 30, 2002
Questão 9
Segundo o texto,
os métodos anticoncepcionais estão cada vez mais sofisticados.
o diafragma é um método anticoncepcional caro.
o uso do diafragma pode causar dor.
o custo dos preservativos é barato para a população.
o controle da natalidade simplesmente não funciona.
Questão 10
Segundo o texto, CycleBeads é
um método fácil de ser utilizado, mas pode causar efeitos colaterais.
composto de contas vermelhas que marcam os dias inférteis do ciclo menstrual.
composto de contas marrons que marcam os dias férteis do ciclo menstrual.
composto de contas fosforescentes que marcam o início do ciclo menstrual.um instrumento de auxílio ao controle da natalidade semelhante a um colar.
H) CHALLENGE: Faça 10 AGTs do texto READING THE BEADS logo acima. Boa sorte !!

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