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Ingls p/ AFT 2017
Marina Marcondes e Prof. Roberto Witte Ð Aula 05	
www.estrategiaconcursos.com.br																						2	de	108	
Oi, pessoal! Tudo bem? Est‹o avanando nos estudos?
Hoje daremos continuidade ao nosso curso de ingls com a Aula 05 sobre Falsos
Cognatos, Cognatos, Prefixos e Sufixos. TambŽm vamos resolver diversas
quest›es das bancas CESPE e ESAF.
Sempre que houver dœvida, n‹o deixe de post‡-la no f—rum do curso.
Terei a maior satisfa‹o em respond-la!
Um grande abrao!
Marina Marcondes
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Appoint - nomear, marcar,
Apontar (para alguŽm ou alguma
coisa) - to point to, to point at
Appointment - compromisso
Apontamento (observa‹o) -
Assist - ajudar, dar assintncia Assistir (ver, olhar) - to watch
Attend - assistir, participar de
Atender (o telefone, a porta, a
campainha) - to answer the
telefone, answer the door, answer
the door-bell
Available - dispon’vel Avali‡vel - ratable
Avocado - abacate Advogado - lawyer
Balcony - sacada Balc‹o - counter
Barracks - caserna, quartel Barraca - tent
Bond - elo, v’nculo, liga‹o Bonde - tram
Brand - marca Brando - tender, soft, mild,
Cafeteria - refeit—rio, cantina Cafeteria - coffeehouse, coffee
shop, cafe
Camp - acampamento militar Campo - field
Cargo - carga Cargo - port, position
Carton - caixa de papel‹o Cart‹o - card
Chef - chefe de cozinha Chefe - boss, chief
China - porcelana, loua de
porcelana China (pa’s) - China
Cigar - charuto Cigarro - cigarette
Collar - gola, colarinho, coleira Colar (substantivo) - necklace
Colar (verbo) - to glue
College - faculdade ColŽgio - school
Commodity - artigo, mercadoria Comodidade - convenience
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Comprehensive - abrangente,
Compreensivo - understanding,
tolerant, sympathetic
Conceal - ocultar, dissimular Conselho - advice
Confidente - confiante Confidente - confidant
Construe - interpretar Construir - to build
Contest - competi‹o, concurso
Contestar - to impeach, to
impugn, to controvert, to
challenge, to object
Conversant - conhecedor
Conversador - talkative person,
Converse - inverso Conversa - chat, talk
Convict - rŽu, condenado Convicto - sure, certain, positive
Costume - fantasia, traje Costume - habit, custom
Curse - maldi‹o, praga Curso - course
Dairy - latic’nios Di‡rio (substantivo) - diary
Di‡rio (adjetivo) - daily
Data - dados, informa›es Data - date
Deception - engano, ilus‹o Decep‹o - disappointment
Dependable - confi‡vel
Dependente - dependant,
dependente, subordinate
Design - projetar, criar, projeto,
Designar - to appoint
Discrete - distinto, separado Discreto - discreet
Disgusting - nojento, repulsivo
Desgostoso - displeased,
Divert - desviar Divertir - to entertain, to amuse
Diversion - desvio Divers‹o - amusement, fun,
Doze - cochilar Doze (nœmero) - twelve
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Education - instru‹o, forma‹o
Educa‹o (boas maneiras) -
politeness, good manners
Elaborate - esmerar, aperfeioar Elaborar - to develop, to prepare
Engross Ð envolver, absorver Engrossar - to enlarge, to thicken
Enroll - inscrever-se, matricular-
Enrolar - to roll
Estate - bens, patrim™nio Estado - state
Eventually - finalmente Eventualmente - occasionally
Exigency - urgncia, situa‹o de
Exigncia - demand
Exit - sa’da
æxito - success, effect, result,
Expert - especialista, perito Esperto - smart, clever
Exquisite - refinado, requintado Esquisito - strange, weird, odd
Fabric - tecido F‡brica - plant, factory
Fate - destino Fato - fact, event, happening
Figure - nœmero, cifra Figura - picture
File - arquivo Fila - line
Gem - pedra preciosa, joia Gema (ovo) - yolk
Gentility - nobreza Gentileza - kindness
Gracious - cordial, bondoso Gracioso - graceful
Grand - grandioso, nobre,
Grande (tamanho, volume) - big,
Gratuity - gratifica‹o, gorjeta Gratuito - free
Grip - segurar firme Gripe - flu, influenza
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Gripe (noun) - queixa,
Gripe - flu, influenza
Gripe (verb) - segurar, agarrar Gripe - flu, influenza
Hazard - risco, perigo Azar - bad luck
Hostage - refŽm H—spede - guest
Idioms - express›es idiom‡ticas Idiomas - languages
Injury - ferimento Injœria - offense, insult
Intend - pretender Entender - to understand
J Journal - peri—dico Jornal - newspaper
Lecture - palestra, conferncia Leitura - reading
Legate - embaixador Legado - legacy
Legend - lenda Legenda - subtitles
Library - biblioteca Livraria - bookstore
Location - localiza‹o Loca‹o - rental
Mayor - prefeito Maior - bigger
Medicine - remŽdio,
medicamento, medicina Medicina - medicine
N Notice - aviso, notifica‹o Not’cia - news
Office - escrit—rio, consult—rio Of’cio - trade, profession,
Official - funcion‡rio, oficial
(adjetivo) Oficial militar - officer
Parente - pai ou m‹e Parente - relative
Particular - espec’fico, exato Particular - personal, private
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Pasta - massa (alimento) Pasta - folder
Patron - patrono, cliente, fregus Patr‹o - employer, boss
Phrase - express‹o consagrada,
locu‹o Frase - sentence
Physician - mŽdico F’sico - physicist
Policy - pol’tica, norma, ap—lice
(de seguro)
Pol’cia - police
Port - porto Porta - door
Prejudice - preconceito Preju’zo - damage, loss
Preservative - conservante Preservativo - condom
Pretend - fingir Pretender - to intend
Proper Ð apropriado, adequado Pr—prio - own
Pull - puxar Pular - to jump
Push - empurrar Puxar - to pull
Range (verb) - variar, oscilar Ranger (verbo) - to creak, to
Realize - notar, perceber,
Realizar - to make come true, to
Recipient - destinat‡rio, receptor Recipiente - container
Reclaim - recuperar Reclamar - to complain about
Record - gravar, disco, grava‹o Recordar - to remember, to recall
Requirement - requisito,
Requerimento - application
Respite - descanso, folga Respeito - respect
Resume - retomar, reiniciar,
continuar Resumir - to sumarize
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RŽsumŽ - curriculum vitae,
Resumir - to sumarize
Retired - aposentado Retirado - removed
Service - atendimento Servio - job
Sort - espŽcie, tipo Sorte - fortune, luck
Stranger - desconhecido Estrangeiro - foreign (adjective),
Foreigner (noun)
Support - apoiar, suportar Suportar (tolerar) - to stand, to
Sympathize - compadecer-se
Simpatizar - to feel na affection
Sympathy - compaix‹o,
Simpatia - affection, affinity
Syllabus - conteœdo
S’laba - syllabe
Tax - imposto Taxa - rate, fee
Tent - barraca, tenda Tentar - to try
Turn - vez, volta, curva, virar,
Turno - round, shift
U Ultimately - em œltima an‡lise Ultimamente - lately, recently
V Vegetables- verduras, legumes Vegetais - plants
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equivale ao
sufixo Ò-‹oÓ em
administration (administrador);
communication (comunica‹o);
organization (organiza‹o)
-LESS sem
hopeless (sem esperana; desesperado);
friendless (sem amigos); fearless
(destemido, sem medo); homeless
(desabrigado, sem teto)
UNbelievABLE INacreditçVEL
UNthinkABLE IMpensçVEL
DISrespectFUL DESrespeitOSO
Ingls p/ AFT 2017
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îrg‹o: MinistŽrio do Desenvolvimento, Indœstria e ComŽrcio (MDIC)
Cargo: Analista TŽcnico-Administrativo
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2014
1 The World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements cover
goods, services and intellectual property. They spell out the
principles of liberalization, and the permitted exceptions. They
4 include individual countriesÕ commitments to lower customs
tariffs and other trade barriers, and to open and keep open
services markets. They set procedures for settling disputes.
7 These agreements are not static; they are negotiated from
time to time and new agreements can be added to the package.
Os acordos da Organiza‹o Mundial do ComŽrcio (OMC)
abrangem bens, servios e propriedade intelectual. Eles dizem
claramente os princ’pios da liberaliza‹o e as exce›es
autorizadas. Eles incluem os compromissos de cada pa’s para
reduzir as tarifas alfandeg‡rias e outras barreiras comerciais,
bem como para abrir e manter abertos os mercados de servios.
Eles estabelecem procedimentos para a resolu‹o de lit’gios.
Esses acordos n‹o s‹o est‡ticos; eles s‹o negociados de tempos
em tempos e novos acordos podem ser adicionados ao pacote.
The WTOÕs procedure for resolving trade quarrels under
10 the Dispute Settlement Understanding is vital for enforcing
the rules and therefore for ensuring that trade flows smoothly.
Countries bring disputes to the WTO if they think their rights
13 under the agreements are being infringed. Judgments by
specially appointed independent experts are based on
interpretations of the agreements and individual countriesÕ
16 commitments.
O procedimento da OMC para resolver disputas comerciais
no ‰mbito do Acordo de Solu‹o de ControvŽrsias Ž vital para o
cumprimento das regras e, portanto, para assegurar que o
comŽrcio flua facilmente. Os pa’ses trazem disputas para a OMC
se eles acham que os seus direitos no ‰mbito dos acordos est‹o
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îrg‹o: Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal (TCDF)
Cargo: Analista de Administra‹o Pœblica
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2014
This text refers to the items from 17 through 24.
Este texto refere-se aos itens de 17 a 24.
1 Over the past three decades, information technology has
slowly but consistently permeated government organizations
and institutions at all levels. This has largely been the result of
4 an inevitable process of converting information from analog
to digital forms. The lifeblood of government is information
and the digital revolution has allowed government
7 organizations to more effectively and efficiently store,
analyze and retrieve information. E-government, a catch-all
phrase for use of the Internet by government to deliver
10 services, collect data and enhance democratic processes,
has become the technological innovation du jour. Although
there are several important uses associated with e-
13 government such as direct delivery of services to citizens,
it is, at its core, simply another information technology being
adapted to governmental use. In that regard, many of the
16 earlier, more general lessons of both technological and
organizational change may apply to it. Yet, as has been true
for each previous wave of new information technology,
19 proponents of e-government claim it provides the
mechanism to radically redesign governmental organizations.
Unfortunately, this sounds all too familiar. Almost 20 years
22 ago a similar debate arose around public-management
information systems, pitting proponents of new information
technology against those who suggested that existing
25 organizational and political relationships would
dramatically influence any use of new technology.
Ao longo das œltimas trs dŽcadas, a tecnologia da
informa‹o tem desacelerado, mas tem se difundido
consistentemente nas organiza›es e institui›es
governamentais em todos os n’veis. Em grande parte, isso
tem sido o resultado de um processo inevit‡vel de convers‹o
da informa‹o anal—gica para o formato digital. A fora vital
do governo Ž a informa‹o e a revolu‹o digital tem permitido
que as organiza›es governamentais armazenem, analisem e
recuperem as informa›es de forma mais eficaz e eficiente. E-
governo, uma express‹o abrangente que trata do uso da
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provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT
governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be
largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to
increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT
governance in the public domain. The second concept involves
the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-
practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the
effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving
IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As
such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice
mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
Ë luz do aumento da conscincia pœblica, organismos
profissionais, como a Associa‹o de Auditoria e Controle de
Sistemas de Informa‹o (ISACA) empreenderam uma sŽrie de
medidas para fornecer orienta‹o na implementa‹o da
governana de TI eficaz. A abordagem adotada pela ISACA
parece ser baseada principalmente em dois conceitos. O
primeiro conceito refere-se ao aumento da conscincia dos
acontecimentos e ideias relacionadas ˆ governana de TI no
dom’nio pœblico. O segundo conceito envolve o provimento de
orienta›es e a identifica‹o das melhores pr‡ticas
relacionadas aos mecanismos de governana de TI.
Curiosamente, a efic‡cia destes mecanismos de melhores
pr‡ticas na melhoria da governana de TI Ž amplamente
baseada em argumentos conceituais. Como tal, torna-se
importante verificar se esses mecanismos de melhores
pr‡ticas tm impacto sobre o n’vel de governana de TI.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and
pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied
to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate
governance, most notably, a sound system of internal
controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical
underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that
minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Ë medida em que a TI se expande em termos de
import‰ncia e dissemina‹o nas opera›es das empresas, est‡
inexoravelmente ligada a mecanismos espec’ficos
recomendados para a boa governana corporativa, mais
notadamente, um sistema robusto de controles internos.
Assim, a efetiva governana de TI Ž um alicerce fundamental
para um bom sistema de governana corporativa que
minimiza as perdas de atividades de uma empresa.
Internet: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com> (adapted).
Internet: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com> (adaptado).
Ingls p/ AFT 2017
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îrg‹o: Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF)
Cargo: Analista Judici‡rio
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2013
The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some
people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere
thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and
the virility of a steam train. Others, like the authorÕs friend
Colin, look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with
middle-aged outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In
women the former condition is common but women rarely
suffer from the latter, being fired with the insatiable drive of
ambition for either an independent and distinguished career in
a still male-dominated world, or a home and seven children by
the time they are thirty followed by an independent and
distinguished career as a Cheltenham councillor or a public
relations agent for Jonathan Cape, in later life.
O processo de envelhecimento afeta a todos n—s em
velocidades diferentes. Algumas pessoas de cinquenta e trs
anos, como o estimado autor, parecem ter meros trinta e
cinco anos, com brilhantes olhos castanhos, um belo andar e a
virilidade de uma locomotiva a vapor. Outros, como Colin,
amigo do autor, parecem pequenos homens de meia idade aos
vinte e um, com aspecto de meia-idade de formas definidas e
futuros planejados. Nas mulheres, a primeira condi‹o Ž
comum, mas as mulheres raramente sofrem desse œltimo,
sendo demitidas com o insaci‡vel desejo de ambi‹o tanto por
uma carreira independente e not‡vel, em um mundo ainda
dominado pelos homens, quanto por uma casa e sete crianas
aos trinta anos, seguida por uma carreira independente e
destacada como um vereador de Cheltenham ou um agente
de rela›es pœblicas para Jonathan Cape, na vida futura.
No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on
the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four
Charles had a beard and was sexually active.
N‹o houve sorte para Charles Charlesworth, que nasceu
em 14 de maro de 1829, em Stafford. Com quatro anos de
idade, Charles tinha barba e era sexualmente ativo.
In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he
developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair,
senile dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh
year he fainted and never gained consciousness.
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The intelligence chiefs appeared against a backdrop of
angry accusations by European allies that the United States
7 spies on their leaders and citizens, accusations prompted by
highly classified documents that Snowden leaked to media
Os chefes da inteligncia surgiram em um contexto de
acusa›es furiosas dos aliados europeus, em que os Estados
Unidos espionam seus l’deres e cidad‹os, denœncias
motivadas por documentos altamente secretos que Snowden
vazou para os meios de comunica‹o.
10 Army General Keith Alexander, testifying with other U.S.
spy chiefs before the House of Representatives Intelligence
committee, sought to defuse a growing controversy over
13 reports of NSA snooping on citizens and leaders of major
U.S. allies.
O General do ExŽrcito Keith Alexander, testemunhando
com outros chefes de espionagem dos EUA perante a
comiss‹o da C‰mara dos Representantes de Inteligncia,
tentou atenuar uma controvŽrsia crescente sobre relat—rios de
espionagem da NSA sobre os cidad‹os e l’deres dos principais
aliados dos EUA.
The hearing took place as Congress is weighing new
16 legislative proposals that could limit some of the NSAÕs
more expansive electronic intelligence collection programs.
A audincia aconteceu conforme o Congresso pondera
novas propostas legislativas que poderiam limitar alguns dos
programas de coleta de inteligncia eletr™nica mais
expansivos da NSA.
More than any previous disclosures from the Snowden
19 documents, the reports of spying on close U.S. allies have
forced the White House to promise reforms and even
acknowledge that AmericaÕs electronic surveillance may have
22 gone too far.
Mais do que qualquer divulga‹o prŽvia dos documentos
de Snowden, os relat—rios de espionagem sobre os aliados
pr—ximos aos EUA foraram a Casa Branca a prometer
reformas e atŽ mesmo reconhecer que a vigil‰ncia eletr™nica
da AmŽrica pode ter ido longe demais.
Internet: (adapted).
Internet: (adaptado).
Judge the following items according to the text above.
Julgue os seguintes itens de acordo com o texto acima.
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îrg‹o: Superintendncia de Seguros Privados (SUSEP)
Cargo: Analista TŽcnico
Banca: ESAF
Ano: 2010
Read the text below entitled ÒRegulation ModernizationÓ in order
to answer questions 21 to 23:
Leia o texto abaixo, intitulado "Regulamento Moderniza‹o", a
fim de responder ˆs perguntas 21 a 23:
Regulation Modernization
Moderniza‹o da Regulamenta‹o
Source: www.iii.org (Adapted) Jan, 2010
Fonte: www.iii.org (Adaptado) Jan de 2010
Insurance is regulated by the individual states. The move
to modernize insurance regulation is being driven in part by the
globalization of insurance services. Some large U.S. companies
that operate in other countries support the concept of a federal
system that provides one-stop regulatory approval while others
believe the merits of a state system outweigh the virtues of a
single national regulator. As a result of discussions about the
merits of each system, states are making it easier for insurers
to respond quickly to market forces.
O seguro Ž regulamentado pelos estados individualmente.
O movimento para modernizar a regulamenta‹o dos seguros
est‡ sendo impulsionado em parte pela globaliza‹o dos
servios de seguros. Algumas grandes empresas norte-
americanas, que operam em outros pa’ses, apoiam o conceito
de um sistema federal que fornea aprova‹o regulat—ria em
uma œnica etapa, enquanto outros acreditam que os mŽritos de
um sistema estatal superam as virtudes de uma œnica entidade
reguladora nacional. Como resultado das discuss›es sobre as
vantagens de cada sistema, os estados est‹o facilitando para
que as seguradoras respondam rapidamente ˆs foras do
States monitor insurance company solvency. One
important function related to this is overseeing rate changes.
Rate making is the process of calculating a price to cover the
future cost of insurance claims and expenses, including a margin
for profit. To establish rates, insurers look at past trends and
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Read the text below entitled ÒRecent developmentsÓ in order to
answer questions 27 to 30:
Leia o texto abaixo "Evolu‹o recente" direito, a fim de
responder ˆs perguntas 27 a 30:
Recent developments
Desenvolvimentos recentes
Source: www.bls.gov (Adapted)
Jan 28th, 2010
Fonte: www.bls.gov (Adaptado)
28 de janeiro de 2010
The recent financial crisis has resulted in large losses for
the insurance industry. Industry conditions in the near term
remain tenuous, particularly as many companies will continue to
experience declining revenues, investment losses, and credit
rating downgrades, which can affect an insurerÕs ability to repay
debt by having to pay a higher interest rate. Additionally,
insurance companies that were trading in credit default swaps
and other risky instruments without sufficient hedging suffered
especially hard, and some companies even became insolvent.
Companies with prudent risk management strategies also
suffered large losses, becausemost investment instruments
owned by insurance companies experienced falling values as
they were being sold or marked down as the stock market
deteriorated in late 2008. Nonetheless, as insurers rebuild
capital and adhere to stricter Federal regulations, the insurance
industry is likely to stabilize.
A recente crise financeira resultou em grandes perdas para
a indœstria de seguros. As condi›es da indœstria no curto prazo
permanecem tnues, especialmente pois muitas empresas
continuar‹o experimentando o decl’nio das receitas, perdas de
investimentos e rebaixamentos de classifica‹o de crŽdito, que
podem afetar a capacidade de uma seguradora pagar dŽbitos
por ter que pagar uma taxa de juros mais elevada. AlŽm disso,
as companhias de seguros que estavam negociando os swaps de
crŽdito e outros instrumentos de risco sem cobertura suficiente
sofreram ainda mais e algumas empresas atŽ se tornaram
insolventes. Empresas com estratŽgias prudentes de gest‹o de
risco tambŽm sofreram grandes perdas, porque a maioria dos
instrumentos de investimento de propriedade das seguradoras
enfrentou queda de valores, enquanto eram vendidos ou tinham
o preo reduzido, ˆ medida em que o mercado de a›es se
deteriorava, no final de 2008. No entanto, conforme as
seguradoras reconstroem o capital e aderem ˆs mais rigorosas
regulamenta›es federais, a indœstria de seguros tende a
The Internet is an important tool for insurance carriers in
reaching potential and existing customers. Insurance carriers
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Many people do see faith as a source of division and conflict.
There is another side that the world of faith isn«t often good
enough at putting forward Ð which is about compassion,
solidarity, social justice.
Muitas pessoas realmente vem a fŽ como uma fonte de divis‹o
e conflito. H‡ um outro lado em que, frequentemente, o mundo
da fŽ n‹o Ž suficientemente bom em apresentar - que Ž sobre a
compaix‹o, a solidariedade e a justia social.
Question 2: How do you think President Barack Obama is
doing as a leader and healer on the world scene?
Pergunta 2: Como voc acha que o presidente Barack Obama
est‡ se saindo como um l’der e curador no cen‡rio mundial?
He«s created a situation where there is a possibility of a
completely different form of engagement with the world of Islam
and with the outside world. The single most important thing for
him is that his decision to reach out is answered by the rest of
the world by a decision to reach back. As I keep saying to
people, he doesn«t want cheerleaders; he wants partners. You
know, he doesn«t want people to tell him how great he is; he«s
perfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff, as it
were, around the new president and the first hundred days.
He«s trying to change the world in partnership, and he needs
partners to do it.
Ele criou uma situa‹o em que existe a possibilidade de uma
forma completamente diferente de envolvimento com o mundo
do Isl‹ e com o mundo exterior. A œnica coisa mais importante
para ele Ž que a sua decis‹o de se aproximar seja
correspondida de volta pelo resto do mundo. Como eu sempre
digo para as pessoas, ele n‹o quer l’deres de torcida; ele quer
parceiros. Voc sabe, ele n‹o quer pessoas para lhe dizer o
qu‹o —timo ele Ž; ele est‡ perfeitamente consciente da natureza
transit—ria dessas firulas, por assim dizer, em torno do novo
presidente e dos primeiros cem dias. Ele est‡ tentando mudar o
mundo atravŽs de parcerias e ele precisa de parceiros para fazer
21- In his answer to question 1, Mr Blair
Em sua resposta ˆ pergunta 1, o Sr. Blair
a) disregards the role played by faith.
ignora o papel desempenhado pela fŽ.
b) excludes faith from his analysis.
exclui a fŽ de sua an‡lise.
c) defines faith as a source of division.
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Read the text below which is entitled ÒEconomic recovery: the
case of the BRICsÓ in order to answer questions 25 to 27:
Leia o texto abaixo, que Ž intitulado "A recupera‹o econ™mica:
o caso dos BRICs", a fim de responder as perguntas 25 a 27:
Economic recovery: the case of the BRICs
A recupera‹o econ™mica: o caso dos BRICs
Source: www.economist.com
June 18th 2009 (Adapted)
Fonte: www.economist.com
18 de junho de 2009 (Adaptado)
According to the IMF«s Mr Felman, in early 2008 all the
contribution of investment to growth came from non-state-
owned enterprises, mostly the private sector; since December
2008, more than half has come from state-owned enterprises.
Something similar is happening in Brazil. Between last
September and this January credit from foreign-owned and
domestic private banks rose by 3%; credit from public banks
rose by 14%. The beneficiaries seem to be large firms, where
loans are growing four times as quickly as at small ones.
De acordo com o Sr. Felman do FMI, no in’cio de 2008
toda a contribui‹o do investimento para o crescimento veio de
empresas n‹o estatais, principalmente do setor privado; desde
dezembro de 2008, mais da metade originou-se de empresas
estatais. Algo semelhante est‡ acontecendo no Brasil. Entre
setembro passado e janeiro atual, o crŽdito proveniente de
bancos privados de capital estrangeiro e domŽstico aumentou
em 3%; o crŽdito de bancos pœblicos aumentou em 14%. Os
benefici‡rios parecem ser as grandes empresas, onde os
emprŽstimos est‹o crescendo quatro vezes mais rapidamente
do que nas pequenas.
It is not clear how far, in the long run, the BRICs (Brazil,
Russia, India and China) will be affected by a big rise in the size
of the government and large state-owned firms. But that rise is
probably inevitable. China and, to a lesser extent, Brazil and
India, benefited hugely from America«s appetite for imports in
2000-08. That appetite has fallen and is likely to remain low for
years, as American consumers adjust their spending and
savings habits. The rise may also be difficult to reverse: the
experience of the West has been that the public sector expands
relentlessly until it reaches between 40% and 50% of GDP
(Gross Domestic Product). But if the BRICs cannot export their
way out of recession, the expansion of government is the main
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Read the text below entitled ÒHappy new yearÓ so as to answer
questions 28 to 30:
Leia o texto abaixo intitulado "Feliz Ano Novo" para responder
as perguntas 28 a 30:
Happy new year
Feliz Ano Novo
Source: www.economist.com
Jul 2nd 2009 (Adapted)
Fonte: www.economist.com
02 de julho de 2009 (Adaptado)
The mantra in Washington, DC is simple: spend billions
now, pay later. Congress has been crafting ambitious plans for
energy, health care and transport. But the mood in state
capitals has been different. Forty-six states had a deadline of
June 30th to pass their budgets. Just as important, those
budgets had to be balanced. With the sole exemption of
Vermont, America«s state governments, unlike the federal one,
are not allowed to run deficits. June was an agonizing month.
O mantra em Washington, DC Ž simples: gastar bilh›es
agora, pagar depois. O Congresso tem elaborado planos
ambiciosos para a energia, saœde e transporte. Mas o clima nas
capitais dos estados tem sido diferente. Quarenta e seis estados
tiveram um prazo atŽ 30 de junho para aprovar os seus
oramentos. T‹o importante quanto isso, esses oramentos
tinham que ser equilibrados. Com a œnica exce‹o de Vermont,
os governos estaduais da America, ao contr‡rio do federal, n‹o
est‹o autorizadosa incorrer em dŽficits. Junho foi um ms de
On the morning of July 1st, the first day of the new fiscal
year for most states, taxpayers had reason to be glum.
Connecticut, North Carolina and Ohio had passed temporary
extensions. California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Illinois did not
have a balanced budget as required. Most states that did pass
budgets imposed painful cuts, higher taxes and fees on
everything from pesticides in Minnesota to hunting licences in
Na manh‹ do dia 1¼ de julho, o primeiro dia do novo ano
fiscal para a maioria dos estados, os contribuintes tinham raz‹o
para estarem mal-humorados. Connecticut, Carolina do Norte e
Ohio tinham aprovado acrŽscimos tempor‡rios. Calif—rnia,
Arizona, Pensilv‰nia e Illinois n‹o tinham um oramento
equilibrado conforme exigido. A maioria dos estados que
aprovaram oramentos, impuseram dolorosos cortes, impostos
e taxas mais altos sobre tudo, desde pesticidas em Minnesota
atŽ licenas de caa em Maine.
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sobrepondo os dados de v‡rias milhares de fazendas situadas
em regi›es com diferentes graus de calor e secura, Ž poss’vel
fazer algumas suposi›es fundamentadas sobre o que o efeito
sobre o rendimento das culturas, e, portanto, sobre o PIB, seria
se as temperaturas subissem e as chuvas ca’sssem.
Some Latin countries are already doing things to reduce
net carbon emissions that put them ahead of governments
elsewhere. Much of the region«s power comes from
hydroelectricity and biofuels. The result is that emissions of
carbon dioxide per unit of power are 74% lower than in India
and China.
Alguns pa’ses latinos j‡ est‹o fazendo coisas para reduzir
as emiss›es l’quidas de carbono que os colocam ˆ frente de
governos de outros lugares. Muito da energia da regi‹o vem da
hidroeletricidade e dos biocombust’veis. O resultado Ž que as
emiss›es de di—xido de carbono por unidade de energia s‹o
74% menores do que na êndia e na China.
There are obstacles to taking these policies further. In
Brazil, plans for more hydroelectric dams in the Amazon are
opposed by some environmentalists; they claim the resulting
flooding of forest prompts methane-producing rotting
H‡ obst‡culos para levar essas pol’ticas adiante. No
Brasil, os planos para mais hidrelŽtricas na Amaz™nia s‹o
combatidos por alguns ambientalistas; eles alegam que a
inunda‹o resultante na floresta acarreta a decomposi‹o da
vegeta‹o produtora de metano.
13- As regards the potential economic cost caused by climate change,
No que diz respeito custo econ™mico potencial causado pela mudana
clim‡tica, os nœmeros
a) cannot be set.
n‹o podem ser definidos.
b) are going to be presented.
ser‹o apresentados.
c) would have to be shown.
teriam que ser demonstrados.
d) seem to minimize its effect.
parecem minimizar o seu efeito.
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îrg‹o: MinistŽrio do Desenvolvimento, Indœstria e ComŽrcio (MDIC)
Cargo: Analista TŽcnico-Administrativo
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2014
1 The World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements cover
goods, services and intellectual property. They spell out the
principles of liberalization, and the permitted exceptions. They
4 include individual countriesÕ commitments to lower customs
tariffs and other trade barriers, and to open and keep open
services markets. They set procedures for settling disputes.
7 These agreements are not static; they are negotiated from
time to time and new agreements can be added to the package.
The WTOÕs procedure for resolving trade quarrels under
10 the Dispute Settlement Understanding is vital for enforcing
the rules and therefore for ensuring that trade flows smoothly.
Countries bring disputes to the WTO if they think their rights
13 under the agreements are being infringed. Judgments by
specially appointed independent experts are based on
interpretations of the agreements and individual countriesÕ
16 commitments.
WTO agreements contain special provisions for developing
countries, including longer time periods to implement
agreements and commitments, measures to increase
19 their trading opportunities, and support to help them build
their trade capacity, to handle disputes and to implement
technical standards. The WTO organizes hundreds of technical
22 cooperation missions to developing countries annually. It
also holds numerous courses each year in Geneva for
government officials. Aid for trade aims to help poor countries
25 develop the skills and infrastructure needed to expand their
Internet:<www.wto.org> (adapted).
According to the text above, judge the following items.
21 One of the roles the WTO plays is that of an arbitrator that will hear the cases
of countries arguing about trade.
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22 In the text, the word ÒsmoothlyÓ (l.13) means cautiously.
23 The WTO provides technical expertise to developing countries.
24 In the fragment Òfor enforcing the rules and therefore for ensuring that trade
flows smoothlyÓ (l.11-13), ÒthereforeÓ expresses the idea of in consequence of
25 The chief aim of the WTO is to make its agreements seem flexible.
1 Industrial property can usefully be divided into two main
areas, namely, one that can be characterized as the protection
of distinctive signs, in particular trademarks which distinguish
4 the goods and services of one undertaking from those of other
undertakings, and geographical indications which identify a good
as originating in a place where a given characteristic of the good
7 is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
The protection of such distinctive signs aims to stimulate
and ensure fair competition and to protect consumers, by
10 enabling them to make informed choices between various
goods and services. The protection may last indefinitely,
provided the sign in question continues to be distinctive.
13 Other types of industrial property are protected primarily
to stimulate innovation, design and the creation of technology.
In this category fall inventions protected by patents, industrial
16 designs and trade secrets.
The social purpose of industrial property is to provide
protection for the results of investment in the development of
19 new technology, thus giving the incentive and means to
finance research and development activities.
While the basic social objectives of intelectual property
22 protection are as outlined above, it should also be noted that
the exclusive rights given are generally subject to a number of
limitations and exceptions, aimed at fine-tuning the balance that
25 has to be found between the legitimate interests of right
holders and of users.
Internet: <http://wto.org> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
26 If industrial property laws did not exist, it is likely that there would be less
interest in and money for research and
development of new technology.
27 When you Òmake informed choicesÓ (l.11), you are still in doubt about
something and need further information to make up your mind.
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28 The word ÒaimsÓ (l.9) can be correctly replaced with goals.
29 It is correct to infer that if wine-producers from the French province of
Champagne decide to prevent a new kind of sparkling wine made in Brazil to be
calledchampagne, they will have the full support of industrial property laws.
30 If after some time a certain product that has enjoyed the protection of
industrial property laws loses its unique qualities, it will cease to have that status.
îrg‹o: Tribunal de Contas do Distrito Federal (TCDF)
Cargo: Analista de Administra‹o Pœblica
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2014
This text refers to the items from 17 through 24.
1 Over the past three decades, information technology has
slowly but consistently permeated government organizations
and institutions at all levels. This has largely been the result of
4 an inevitable process of converting information from analog to
digital forms. The lifeblood of government is information and the
digital revolution has allowed government organizations to more
7 effectively and efficiently store, analyze and retrieve
information. E-government, a catch-all phrase for use of the
Internet by government to deliver services, collect data and
10 enhance democratic processes, has become the
technological innovation du jour. Although there are several
important uses associated with e-government such as direct
13 delivery of services to citizens, it is, at its core, simply
another information technology being adapted to governmental
use. In that regard, many of the earlier, more general lessons of
16 both technological and organizational change may apply to
it. Yet, as has been true for each previous wave of new
information technology, proponents of e-government claim it
19 provides the mechanism to radically redesign governmental
organizations. Unfortunately, this sounds all too familiar. Almost
20 years ago a similar debate arose around public-management
22 information systems, pitting proponents of new information
technology against those who suggested that existing
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organizational and political relationships would dramatically
25 influence any use of new technology.
Stuart Bretschneider. Information Technology, E-government, and
Institutional Change. In: Public Administration Review, December, 2003, vol
63, n.¼ 6, p.738 (adapted).
It can be concluded from the text that
17 the term e-government is used, in a broad sense, to cover a variety of
situations or possibilities related to the use of the Internet by the government.
18 the significant variation in the range and functionality of e-government
services provided through state portals is related to the fact that the adoption of
e-government services has taken place rapidly.
19 proponents of new information technology have suggested that existing
organizational and political relationships influence any use of new technology.
20 some common goals of the activities encompassed by e-governance would
certainly include improving efficiency.
21 information is an indispensable and vital part of government.
22 e-government has radically redesigned governmental organizations.
23 e-government can be used to boost democratic processes. Based on the text,
judge the following item.
24 In the text, the verb form ÒretrieveÓ (l.8) is synonymous with apply
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îrg‹o: Banco Central do Brasil (BACEN)
Cargo: Analista (çrea de Conhecimento: Gest‹o e An‡lise Processual)
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2013
Recent corporate collapses, such as EBS International and
SociŽtŽ GŽnŽrale, have brought about renewed scrutiny into
corporate governance mechanisms. Given the pervasiveness of
Information Technology (IT) in many organizations, the
examination of corporate governance mechanisms also includes
IT governance mechanisms. IT governance is defined as Òa
structure of relationships and processes to direct and control the
enterprise in order to achieve the enterpriseÕs goals by adding
value while balancing risk versus return over IT and its
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies
such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association
(ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide
guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The
approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two
concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness
of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public
domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines
and the identification of best-practice IT governance
mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-
practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely
based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes
important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do
impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness
in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific
mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance,
most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly,
effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of
good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a
Internet: <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com> (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
19 Internal control is a central issue on corporate governance.
20 In spite of the pervasiveness of IT in many organizations, it is essential for
enterprises to balance risks and detect fraud.
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21 Although considerable research has been devoted to IT governance, rather
less attention has been paid to corporate governance mechanisms.
22 The Information Systems Audit and Control Association have advised against a
number of steps concerning the implementation of effective IT governance.
23 IT governance mechanisms contribute toward an increased level of overall
effective IT governance.
îrg‹o: Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF)
Cargo: Analista Judici‡rio
Banca: CESPE
Ano: 2013
The aging process affects us all at different rates. Some
people of fifty-three, like the esteemed author, look a mere
thirty-five, with sparkling brown eyes, a handsome gait and the
virility of a steam train. Others, like the authorÕs friend Colin,
look like little middle-aged men at twenty-one with middle-aged
outlooks of set ways and planned futures. In women the former
condition is common but women rarely suffer from the latter,
being fired with the insatiable drive of ambition for either an
independent and distinguished career in a still male-dominated
world, or a home and seven children by the time they are thirty
followed by an independent and distinguished career as a
Cheltenham councillor or a public relations agent for Jonathan
Cape, in later life.
No such luck for Charles Charlesworth, who was born on
the 14th of March, 1829, in Stafford. At the age of four Charles
had a beard and was sexually active.
In the final three years of his life his skin wrinkled, he
developed varicose veins, shortness of breath, grey hair, senile
dementia and incontinence. Some time in his seventh year he
fainted and never gained consciousness.
The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to
old age.
Hugh Cory. Advanced writing with english in use. Oxford University Press, p.
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According to the text above,
18 women around 30 have had distinguished careers in spite of living in a male-
dominated world.
19 Colin looks and behaves as if he were much older than heactually is.
20 it is rather common for women to look older than they really are.
1 The head of the National Security Agency defended his
beleaguered organization, saying it acts within the law to stop
militant attacks and calling reports that the NSA collected data
4 on millions of phone calls in Europe false.
The intelligence chiefs appeared against a backdrop of
angry accusations by European allies that the United States
7 spies on their leaders and citizens, accusations prompted by
highly classified documents that Snowden leaked to media
10 Army General Keith Alexander, testifying with other U.S.
spy chiefs before the House of Representatives Intelligence
committee, sought to defuse a growing controversy over reports
13 of NSA snooping on citizens and leaders of major U.S. allies.
The hearing took place as Congress is weighing new
legislative proposals that could limit some of the NSAÕs more
16 expansive electronic intelligence collection programs.
More than any previous disclosures from the Snowden
documents, the reports of spying on close U.S. allies have
19 forced the White House to promise reforms and even
acknowledge that AmericaÕs electronic surveillance may have
gone too far.
Internet: (adapted).
Judge the following items according to the text above.
21 The word ÒbeleagueredÓ (l.2) is synonymous with besieged.
22 European representatives have shown anger at reports that the U.S. has
conducted surveillance of alliesÕ telephone calls.
23 Given the increasing threat of terrorist attacks in Europe and in the U.S.,
there must be no limits over the surveillance powers governments have.
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îrg‹o: Superintendncia de Seguros Privados (SUSEP)
Cargo: Analista TŽcnico
Banca: ESAF
Ano: 2010
Read the text below entitled ÒRegulation ModernizationÓ in order
to answer questions 21 to 23:
Regulation Modernization
Source: www.iii.org (Adapted) Jan, 2010
Insurance is regulated by the individual states. The move
to modernize insurance regulation is being driven in part by the
globalization of insurance services. Some large U.S. companies
that operate in other countries support the concept of a federal
system that provides one-stop regulatory approval while others
believe the merits of a state system outweigh the virtues of a
single national regulator. As a result of discussions about the
merits of each system, states are making it easier for insurers
to respond quickly to market forces.
States monitor insurance company solvency. One
important function related to this is overseeing rate changes.
Rate making is the process of calculating a price to cover the
future cost of insurance claims and expenses, including a margin
for profit. To establish rates, insurers look at past trends and
changes in the current environment that may affect potential
losses in the future.
Increasingly, even in the most regulated states, officials
are relying on competition among insurance companies to keep
rates down and are modernizing and streamlining the rate
setting process.
21- According to paragraph 1, the globalization of insurance services has
a) infringed the insurance regulation.
b) brought about a particular move.
c) lessened competition among insurance companies.
d) significantly enhanced their quality.
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e) helped precipitate a financial crisis.
22- According to paragraph 2, rates
a) differ in different situations.
b) remain unchanged over long periods.
c) are set by the individual states.
d) are not expected to vary.
e) represent the net profit of insurance companies.
23- According to paragraph 3,
a) rates must be kept down by officials.
b) competition may generate excessive rates.
c) competition is expected to impact on rates.
d) rates have to be kept below approved ceilings.
e) the rate setting process was at last streamlined.
Read the text below entitled ÒA world of connectionsÓ in order to
answer questions 24 to 26:
A world of connections
Source: www.economist.com (Adapted)
Jan 28th, 2010
To sceptics all this talk of twittering, yammering and
chattering smacks of another internet bubble in the making.
They argue that even a huge social network such as Facebook
will struggle to make money because fi ckle networkers will not
stay in one place for long, pointing to the example of MySpace,
which was once all the rage but has now become a shadow of its
former self. Last year the site, which is owned by News Corp,
installed a new boss and fi red 45% of its staff as part of a plan
to revive its fortunes.
Within companies there is plenty of doubt about the
benefits of online social networking in the office. A survey of
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1,400 chief information officers conducted last year by Robert
Half Technology, a recruitment firm, found that only one-tenth
of them gave employees full access to such networks during the
day, and that many were blocking Facebook and Twitter
altogether. The executivesÕ biggest concern was that social
networking would lead to social notworking, with employees
using the sites to chat with friends instead of doing their jobs.
Some bosses also fretted that the sites would be used to leak
sensitive corporate information.
24- According to paragraph 1, the site MySpace
a) has turned into the most popular social network.
b) attracts more networkers than Facebook.
c) played a minor role as a social-networking site.
d) convinced sceptics of its outstanding value.
e) laid off almost half of its staff.
25- According to paragraph 2, the benefits of online social networking in
the office are
a) undeniable.
b) numerous.
c) long-lasting.
d) uncertain.
e) predictable.
26- According to paragraph 2, some bosses also worried that through the
sites sensitive corporate information would be
a) altered.
b) distorted.
c) made classified.
d) disclosed.
e) negotiated.
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Read the text below entitled ÒRecent developmentsÓ in order to
answer questions 27 to 30:
Recent developments
Source: www.bls.gov (Adapted)
Jan 28th, 2010
The recent financial crisis has resulted in large losses for
the insurance industry. Industry conditions in the near term
remain tenuous, particularly as many companies will continue to
experience declining revenues, investment losses, and credit
rating downgrades, which can affect an insurerÕs ability to repay
debt by having to pay a higher interest rate. Additionally,
insurance companies that were trading in credit default swaps
and other risky instruments without sufficient hedging suffered
especially hard, and some companies even became insolvent.
Companies with prudent risk management strategies also
suffered large losses, because most investment instruments
owned by insurance companies experienced falling values as
they were being sold or marked down as the stock market
deteriorated in late 2008. Nonetheless, as insurers rebuild
capital and adhere to stricter Federal regulations, the insurance
industry is likely to stabilize.
The Internet is an important tool for insurance carriers in
reaching potential and existing customers. Insurance carriers
use the Internet to enable customers to access online account
and billing information, view insurance quotes, and purchase
27- According tothe text, large losses
a) have been faced by the insurance industry.
b) were easily foreseen by the insurance industry.
c) might be caused by the insurance industry.
d) should have been prevented by the industry.
e) may be overcome by the insurance industry.
28- The author defines the industry conditions in the near term as
tenuous, which means they are
a) strong, but predictable.
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b) stable and vigorous.
c) weak and likely to change.
d) positive and promising.
e) unfavourable and not changing.
29- According to the text,
a) the insurance industry has stabilized.
b) Federal regulations are becoming more severe.
c) management strategies prevented losses.
d) large losses were caused by insurers.
e) insurers were indeed capable of rebuilding capital.
30- According to the text, the role played by the Internet within the
insurance industry is
a) secondary.
b) undefined.
c) overvalued.
d) underestimated.
e) relevant.
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îrg‹o: MinistŽrio do Planejamento, Oramento e Gest‹o (MPOG)
Cargo: Especialista em Pol’ticas Pœblicas e Gest‹o Governamental
Banca: ESAF
Ano: 2009
Read part of the interview below entitled ÒFaith-based politicsÓ
in order to answer questions 21 to 24:
Faith-based politics
Source: Newsweek Magazine (Adapted)
May 25th 2009
Tony Blair, Britain«s longest-serving Labour Prime Minister, left
office in 2007 as a relatively young man of 54. At his office in
London, Blair spoke to NEWSWEEK«s Stryker McGuire.
Question 1: There«s much evidence that religious beliefs
have been a force for evil in the world. How do you
persuade people to put faith in faith?
Many people do see faith as a source of division and conflict.
There is another side that the world of faith isn«t often good
enough at putting forward Ð which is about compassion,
solidarity, social justice.
Question 2: How do you think President Barack Obama is
doing as a leader and healer on the world scene?
He«s created a situation where there is a possibility of a
completely different form of engagement with the world of Islam
and with the outside world. The single most important thing for
him is that his decision to reach out is answered by the rest of
the world by a decision to reach back. As I keep saying to
people, he doesn«t want cheerleaders; he wants partners. You
know, he doesn«t want people to tell him how great he is; he«s
perfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff, as it
were, around the new president and the first hundred days.
He«s trying to change the world in partnership, and he needs
partners to do it.
21- In his answer to question 1, Mr Blair
a) disregards the role played by faith.
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b) excludes faith from his analysis.
c) defines faith as a source of division.
d) points to other aspects of faith.
e) puts faith as a source of evil.
22- In his answer to question 1, Mr Blair refers to compassion, solidarity
and social justice as concepts Òthe world of faith is not good enough at
putting forward.Ó In other words, at
a) embracing.
b) preventing.
c) propounding.
d) discouraging.
e) experiencing.
23- In his answer to question 2, Mr Blair says that President Barack
Obama is Òperfectly well aware of the transient nature of all that fluff.Ó
In other words, the US President
a) believes its characteristics are lasting.
b) understands its ephemeral nature.
c) feels fluff is a sensitive issue.
d) underestimates the intensity of flattery.
e) conceives fluff as naturally unique.
24- In Mr Blair«s view, President Barack Obama
a) ought to have sought partnership.
b) wants to be approved and praised.
c) should consider building partnerships.
d) must prioritise some religious issues.
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e) is seeking partnership.
Read the text below which is entitled ÒEconomic recovery: the
case of the BRICsÓ in order to answer questions 25 to 27:
Economic recovery: the case of the BRICs
Source: www.economist.com
June 18th 2009 (Adapted)
According to the IMF«s Mr Felman, in early 2008 all the
contribution of investment to growth came from non-state-
owned enterprises, mostly the private sector; since December
2008, more than half has come from state-owned enterprises.
Something similar is happening in Brazil. Between last
September and this January credit from foreign-owned and
domestic private banks rose by 3%; credit from public banks
rose by 14%. The beneficiaries seem to be large firms, where
loans are growing four times as quickly as at small ones.
It is not clear how far, in the long run, the BRICs (Brazil,
Russia, India and China) will be affected by a big rise in the size
of the government and large state-owned firms. But that rise is
probably inevitable. China and, to a lesser extent, Brazil and
India, benefited hugely from America«s appetite for imports in
2000-08. That appetite has fallen and is likely to remain low for
years, as American consumers adjust their spending and
savings habits. The rise may also be difficult to reverse: the
experience of the West has been that the public sector expands
relentlessly until it reaches between 40% and 50% of GDP
(Gross Domestic Product). But if the BRICs cannot export their
way out of recession, the expansion of government is the main
alternative to the slump being endured in those other big capital
25- According to paragraph 1, in 2008, economic growth through
a) was mainly stimulated by state-sector businesses.
b) is yet to be translated into reliable figures.
c) did not derive from a single source.
d) is soon to be defined by the IMF«s Mr Felman.
e) did not come from the private sector.
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26- According to paragraph 2, a big rise in the size of the government in
the BRICs seems to be
a) controllable.
b) undesirable.
c) threatening.
d) unavoidable.
e) unlikely.
27- According to paragraph 2, the quantity of goods imported by the USA
a) decreased.
b) grown.
c) abounded.
d) risen.
e) halved.
Read the text below entitled ÒHappy new yearÓ so as to answer
questions 28 to 30:
Happy new year
Source: www.economist.com
Jul 2nd 2009 (Adapted)
The mantra in Washington, DC is simple: spend billions
now, pay later. Congress has been crafting ambitious plans for
energy, health care and transport. But the mood in state
capitals has been different. Forty-six states had a deadline of
June 30th to pass their budgets. Just as important, those
budgets had to be balanced. With the sole exemption of
Vermont, America«s state governments, unlike the federal one,
are not allowed to run deficits. June was an agonizing month.
On the morning of July 1st, the first day of the new fiscal
year for most states, taxpayers had reason to be glum.
Connecticut, North Carolina and Ohio had passed temporary
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extensions. California, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Illinois did not
have a balanced budget as required. Most states thatdid pass
budgets imposed painful cuts, higher taxes and fees on
everything from pesticides in Minnesota to hunting licences in
Matters would be worse if it were not for Washington«s
stimulus package, which provides more than $135 billion to
support state budgets. Most money, $87 billion, is for Medicaid,
the government«s health-care programme for the poor. A
further $48 billion created a State Fiscal Stabilisation Fund,
mostly for schools and universities.
28- According to paragraph 1,
a) ambitious plans have been devised by state governments.
b) on June 30th, 46 states had already trimmed their budgets.
c) deficits have been closed by forty-six states.
d) lower revenue collections had been forecast up to June 30th.
e) June was a very worrying and upsetting month.
29- According to paragraph 2, Òtaxpayers had reason to be glumÓ. In
other words, they
a) were understandably disappointed and sad.
b) ought to feel worried, but also relieved.
c) would rather be depressed.
d) might well be cautiously optimistic.
e) could reasonably seem hopeful.
30- According to paragraph 3,
a) Washington«s stimulus package was slashed.
b) state budgets are being supported.
c) a stimulus package is going to be provided.
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d) lay-offs and furloughs have been prevented.
e) states are going to close their deficits.
îrg‹o: Agncia Nacional de çguas (ANA)
Cargo: Analista Administrativo
Banca: ESAF
Ano: 2009
Your answers to questions 13 to 16 must be based on the article
below entitled ÒThe accidental environmentalistsÓ:
The accidental environmentalists
Source: www.economist.com Dec, 11th 2008 (Adapted)
More destructive hurricanes, shrinking forests, melting
glaciers, disappearing animals: the prospective damage to Latin
America and the Caribbean from climate change makes for grim
reading. A new World Bank report, timed to coincide with a
United Nations conference in Poland, tries to put numbers to the
potential economic cost. By taking the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change«s predictions for what the planet might feel
like in 2100 and then overlaying data from several thousand
farms situated in regions of varying heat and dryness, it is
possible to make some informed guesses about what the effect
on crop yields, and therefore on GDP, would be if temperatures
rose and rainfall fell.
Some Latin countries are already doing things to reduce
net carbon emissions that put them ahead of governments
elsewhere. Much of the region«s power comes from
hydroelectricity and biofuels. The result is that emissions of
carbon dioxide per unit of power are 74% lower than in India
and China.
There are obstacles to taking these policies further. In
Brazil, plans for more hydroelectric dams in the Amazon are
opposed by some environmentalists; they claim the resulting
flooding of forest prompts methane-producing rotting
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13- As regards the potential economic cost caused by climate change,
a) cannot be set.
b) are going to be presented.
c) would have to be shown.
d) seem to minimize its effect.
e) do not reflect its dire threat.
14- In some Latin American countries, carbon dioxide emissions per unit
of power
a) are unacceptably high in relation to other countries.
b) have increased significantly over the last few decades.
c) are considerably lower than those of India and China.
d) are being tackled through the construction of new capacity.
e) need to be reduced by around 74% as soon as possible.
15- In relation to the constructions of hydroelectric dams in the Amazon,
some environmentalists
a) support and supervise them.
b) have prevented them.
c) devised a number of them.
d) take part in their initial plan.
e) do not approve of them.
16- As regards the use of hydroelectricity and biofuels, both are linked to
a) the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
b) a likely cut in carbon dioxide emissions.
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c) the increase of carbon emissions.
d) reductions in gas emissions in China.
e) unforeseeable reductions in carbon emissions.
Your answers to questions 17 to 20 must be based on the article
below entitled ÒLooming water crisis simply a management
Looming water crisis simply a management problem
Source: www.newscientist.com August 20th 2008 (Adapted)
Today«s focus on the credit crisis and rising prices for
food and oil has temporarily put another global scarcity in the
shade: water. The UN predicts that by 2025, two-thirds of us
will experience water shortages, with severe lack of water
blighting the lives and livelihoods of 1.8 billion. According to the
UN World Water Assessment Programme, by 2050, 7 billion
people in 60 countries may have to cope with water scarcity. At
this year«s World Economic Forum, UN secretary-general Ban
Ki-moon recommended that water scarcity should be at the top
of the international agenda. ÒAs the global economy grows, so
will its thirst,Ó he said, warning of a future marred by conflicts
over water.
There is no doubt that we need to rethink how we use
water, especially with the human population growing rapidly,
and global warming likely to produce unpredictable patterns of
rainfall and drought. Nevertheless, my own research suggests
that the situation may not be as dire as many are suggesting.
Nations can thrive on surprisingly meagre quantities of fresh
water Ð provided they adopt water-efficient technologies and
encourage economic activity that does not guzzle water. I
believe the looming water crisis is primarily a problem of
distribution and management rather than supply. And we can
solve it with existing technologies, increased investment and
political will.
17- According to paragraph 1, water shortages
a) are not going to occur.
b) are foreseen.
c) would have to be calculated.
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d) have been compensated.
e) were not dealt with.
18- In paragraph 1, the author refers to Òa future marred by conflicts
over waterÓ. In other words, a future
a) unspoiled by them.
b) rid of them.
c) broadened by them.
d) clouded by them.
e) safeguarded by them.
19- In paragraph 2, the author says that based on his own research, the
a) might not be so severe.
b) must be promptly addressed.
c) could have been hindered.
d) may bring about catastrophic shifts.
e) should have been resolved.
20- In paragraph 2, the author implies that the problem of distribution
and management of water is
a) overestimated.
b) marginal.
c) paramount.
d) extraneous.
e) secondary.

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