
Módulo V

Esta é uma pré-visualização de arquivo. Entre para ver o arquivo original

É  importante sempre colocar em prática aquilo que se aprende para que não fique aquela sensação de estarmos decorando regras gramaticais apenas, sem nenhuma serventia.
Então é imprescindível que comecemos a esboçar pequenos textos, aplicando as estruturas da Língua Inglesa aprendidas até agora para verificarmos nosso nível de entendimento do idioma e o quanto ainda precisamos melhorar ou aprimorar nossos conhecimentos.
Vou deixar aqui um modelo de texto, em que o Simple Present é usado basicamente para descrever as ações do dia a dia de uma pessoa. Depois faça o mesmo exercício de escrita, tendo como base as perguntas deixadas como guia.
A day in the life of Sarah Robbins
Sarah Robbins is a newsreader. She reads the news on the early morning show on the radio. Millions of people listen to her voice every morning as they prepare to go to work. Many people do not recognize her when they see her on the street, but everybody knows her voice.
Sarah’s day usually starts when most people are still asleep. Her alarm clock normally goes off at 3 am. Her news program starts at 6am and she needs to be at the studio at 4.
She always drives to work. “It’s too early to get a train. The first train leaves at half past five”, she says. She arrives at the radio studios at about quarter to four. She always goes to the café for breakfast. She has a cup of coffee and some toast. “Then I go up to the studio and start work.” First she looks at the day’s newspaper and checks the news agency reports on the computer.
At 6am everything is ready and Sara sits down at her desk and says “good morning” to all her listeners. At nine o ‘clock, when most people are starting work, Sarah is finishing. “At the end of the program we have a short meeting to talk about the next day’s program and then we have a second breakfast!”
Sarah never goes back home after work. She prefers going to the gym, or sometimes she goes swimming or to a yoga class.
Sarah never goes out in the evening during the week because she needs to be in bed by nine o’clock. But sometimes she invites friends to her house for dinner.
At weekends, her life is quite different. On Saturday morning she gets up at 10 o’clock and has a long, slow breakfast at home. She doesn’t often go away for the weekend, “I prefer to spend some time at home.” Sometimes she goes on a day trip to visit friends, or she catches the train to go up to London to go to the theater or the movies, but mainly she likes to stay at home.
Perceba que o texto inteiro acima está escrito no Simple Present. Note a flexão da terceira pessoa do singular.
Para desenvolver parágrafos simples como o texto acima, deixo aqui algumas perguntas que servirão de base para a estruturação de seu texto.
Logo após, segue mais um texto (modelo de descrição de rotinas), seguindo estas mesmas questões e, agora, escrito em primeira pessoa do singular e primeira pessoa do plural. Veja como é fácil desenvolver as ideias.
Writing Skills
Talking about yourself
1)  What’s your name? How old are you? What do you do? Where do you work?
2)  Where do you live? Who do you live with? Have you got any pets?
3)  What time do you usually get up?
4)  What do you do in the morning before leaving home to go to work?
5)  How do you go to work?
6)  What time do you usually have lunch? Where do you have lunch? What do you usually order for lunch?
7)  What time do you leave your job?
8)  What time do you get to your house / college?
9)  What things do you normally do before going to bed?
10)            What do you like doing at weekends?
I’m Jessica and I’m 25. I’m a secretary and work in a law office. I live in a good apartment in Edinburgh, Scotland. Near my apartment there are a lot of parks and other buildings. From my bedroom window I can see the subway station and crowds of people going to work in the morning. I live with my mother and sister and I don’t have pets. I think animals need space and apartments aren’t good places for them. I usually get up at 6 every day and have breakfast at home. I usually eat bread and cheese, some fruit and drink a glass of strawberry juice.
      Before leaving home I take a shower, get dressed and go to work by car. Wow! I was about to forget to say that I always check my emails before going to work!
    Arriving at work I check the agenda, answer emails, schedule meetings and talk to people. It’s always a busy work day.
    At midday sharp I have lunch. Sometimes alone, others I have lunch together with some co-workers.
    We usually go to a cheap and good restaurant near the office. I usually order grilled chicken and some green salad. I seldom drink during my meals.
     Then I go back to the office and work until 6pm.
     After organizing everything in the office I go back home.
     I usually arrive home at 7 or 7:30 pm. The traffic is mostly heavy.
    When I am finally at home, I turn on my computer, the T.V and prepare something to eat. Sometimes there is some food ready.
    I go to bed at about 11pm every night. And on the weekends I like to go jogging at the park, visit some friends or travel to the countryside to visit some relatives.
Depois de treinar os parágrafos aplicando a gramática aprendida nos módulos estudados, vou deixar aqui um modelo de texto, em que o Simple Past é usado basicamente para descrever as ações que aconteceram em um tempo determinado. Depois faça o mesmo exercício de escrita, tendo como base o texto lido.
Hi, how are things? Thanks for your e-mail. Congratulations on passing your driving test. Is it still safe to go out on the road?
       We had a superb weekend last weekend. We didn’t go when you were here, but do you remember the mountain? Mount Olympus? The one with the fires that burn naturally out of the rock? We decided to go and see them _ and it was great. There are some photos at the end of the message _ they’re really great!
       We traveled from Antalya by bus and arrived in Çiralli on Friday evening at about four o’clock. The bus stopped on the main road and we walked down to the village with our tents and backpacks. We were really tired when we got there! We had a cup of tea and something to eat in one of the cafés. Then we started the walk up the mountain. We arrived at the flames after about 40 minutes.
And then the sun started to go down. What a view! We watched the sun go down and the sky turn red and then the stars started to come out. It was really beautiful. The flames are incredible. We cooked sausages over one of the flames. We stayed awake all night. We talked and told stories. One of my friends had a guitar and he played all our favorite songs. Then the sun came up _ it was fantastic. We didn’t want to leave.
       Next time you come to visit we can go there together.
       Take care,
Convencionalidade: Abrange tudo o que é convencional e por esse termo entendemos aquilo "que é de uso ou de praxe; consolidado pelo uso ou pela prática" ou "que obedece a padrões aceitos; não original, comum". (Houaiss)
É costume em nossa sociedade cumprimentar alguém por ocasião do Natal, seja dando-lhe um presente, enviando-lhe um cartão ou simplesmente dizendo Feliz Natal. Esse costume é chamado de Convenção Social.
A mesma noção de convenção pode se aplicar à língua, tanto no nível social, quanto no nível linguístico, ou seja, saber como dizê-lo. Assim, há expressões que são convencionais por estarem intimamente ligadas a um fato social e há outras em que o que é convencional é sua forma. Por exemplo, Feliz Natal é uma expressão convencional social, pois está ligada à comemoração do Natal.
Idiomaticidade: É quando a convenção passa para o nível do significado. Dizemos que uma expressão é idiomática apenas quando seu significado não é transparente, isto é, quando o significado da expressão toda não corresponde à somatória do significado
de cada um de seus elementos. Assim, bater as botas não significa dar pancadas com o calçado, mas quer dizer morrer. (Tagnin, Stella E. O. O jeito que a gente diz. São Paulo: Disal, 2005).
A gambit is a conversational tool that gets us going. We have four types of Gambits: Openers, Links, Responders and Closers. 
"Guess what? My teacher just got engaged again."
"Speaking of bosses, I heard a good joke the other day."
There are special gambits for nearly all situations. If you want to state an opinion, you might start out by saying;
"I think that ..."
"In my opinion..."
Or if you want to agree with the speaker enthusiastically, you might try
"That's precisely the point!"
You know most of these gamits already; the point of these three modules is to get enough practice so you can use them actively when the situation calls for them.
There are four types of gambits. The first group is openers. They are used to lead into something that you have on your mind. For instance, suppose you're thinking of something disagreeable and you want to introduce that topic. So you say:
 "We'd better face the fact that ..."
"Whether we like it or not ..."
If you want to tie into what has just been said, you will probably want to use links. If you disagree with the speaker and want to offer your own opinion, you might say:
"I think the real problem is money, not time."
Or then, you may want to give your conversational partner some feedback about what he's saying. In that case you use responders, like:
"You're right!"
"No doubt about that!"
Finally, one speaker usually has to tell the other that he's like to go on doing something else. Then he uses closers such as:
"Well, it was nice talking to you",
"Sorry, I've really got to go now."
Question: The English expression "green thumb" is related to:
Mark the right alternative:
a. uma pessoa que tem um talento especial para jardinagem
b. uma pessoa que tem o polegar verde
c. uma pessoa que é do Partido Verde
d. uma pessoa que está com hepatite
e. uma pessoa que não tem o polegar
Resposta: alternativa “a”
Comentário: De acordo com o conceito de Idiomaticidade, quando a convenção (aquilo que é consolidado pela prática) passa para o nível do significado, tem-se uma expressão idiomática, que tem um significado não transparente para o leitor, pois o significado da expressão toda não corresponde à somatória do significado de cada um de seus elementos. Portanto, o significado da expressão “green thumb” não corresponde à somatória de “green” = verde, e “thumb” = polegar, resultando, assim, em “polegar verde’’,  mas sim à pessoa que tem um talento especial para jardinagem.
Veja mais algumas expressões idiomáticas e seus significados em Língua Inglesa:
Smell a rat = to be convinced that something is definitely wrong.
Go to the dogs = to become run-down and in serious need of repair.
Fishy = strange and suspicious.
Take the bull by the horns = to act decisively to correct the situation.
Let the cat out of the bag = to tell someone something before the official presentation.
For the birds = totally uninteresting and meaningless.
Straight from the horse's mouth = to get the information from a very reliable source.
Horse around = without proper supervision.
Cat got your tongue? = to keep quiet.
Get in someone's hair = to bother someone and make him very angry.
Shoot off one's mouth = to give opinions without knowing all the facts.
Jump down someone's throat = to get angry.
Pay through the nose = to pay such a high price for something so rare.
Tongue-in-cheek = to have no idea.
Pull someone's leg = to try to fool someone.
Play it by ear = not to know what to expect. 
Stick out one's neck = to be taking a great risk and  possibly getting hurt. 
All thumbs = clumsy and awkward.
Get off my back = to stop bothering.
Drive someone up a wall = to annoy somebody.

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