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	Avaliação Parcial: CEL0556_SM_V.1 
	Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0
	Data: 21/04/2018 16:47:25 (Finalizada)
	1a Questão (Ref.:201701299403)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Mythology may have different definitions. It may be regarded as an allegorical narrative or as the myths dealing with the Gods, demigods and heroes of a particular group of people, among other definitions.
What was Celtic mythology?
	It was the mythology based on Greek Gods.
	It was the mythology based on Jewish Gods.
	It was the mythology which influenced fairy tales like: Snow White and Peter Pan.
	It was the mythology based on Indian Gods.
	It was the mythology of Celtic polytheism, the religion of the Iron Age Celts.
	2a Questão (Ref.:201701769728)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	The Celts had a very profound and positive attitude in the formation of the English country. Which of the following statements IS NOT applicable to the Celts?
	The Celts wrote Beowulf.
	We do not even know for certain whether the Celts invaded Britain or came peacefully as a result of the lively trade with Europe from about 750 BC onwards.
	The Iberian people of Wales and Cornwall took on the new Celtic culture.
	The Celts are important in British history because they are the ancestors of many people in Highland Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Cornwall today.
	The Celts were organized into different tribes, and tribal chiefs were chosen from each family or tribe, sometimes as the result of fighting matches between individuals, and sometimes by election.
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	3a Questão (Ref.:201701219103)
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	When Beowulf requests that he alone ¿May purge all evil from this hall,¿ what does he mean by purge?
	none of the above
	cleanse and purify
	overcome and conquer
	bury and forget
	drive out and bless
	4a Questão (Ref.:201701235092)
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	The English language history is divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English. The second half of the fifth century, when the Germanic invasions occurred, marks the beginning of the period known as:
	Middle English
	Modern English
	Celtic English
	Contemporary English
	Old English
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	5a Questão (Ref.:201701219167)
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	In the Canterbury Tales the fictional inn where the pilgrims meet is
	Wessel Hall
	6a Questão (Ref.:201701219145)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	How does Beowulf die
	He is stabbed by Hrothgar
	From a rare desease
	He is poisoned
	Old age
	He is defeated by the dragon
	7a Questão (Ref.:201701235093)
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	When Christianity came to Ireland as soon merged with Druidism that there still existed. The result was a religion more mystical, deeper and more philosophical than Roman Christianity. How this religion was called?
	English Christianity
	Celtic Christianity
	New Druidism
	8a Questão (Ref.:201701298349)
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	What is one of the contributions of Morte D´Arthur, by Tomas Malory, to English literature?
	It was built up based on the life of a real French King, who won several wars.
	As it was the first Gothic novel in French literature, it became a legendary symbol
	It was the first epic poem in English literature.
	As it is a carefully constructed myth of the rise and fall of a powerful kingdom ¿ a legendary kingdom, it attracted the interest of not only many readers at the time it was published but also in our century.
	It was able to show the world the English social values in the XVIII century.
	9a Questão (Ref.:201701769740)
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	Shakespeare is the most famous writer in the English language. Even though not much is known about his life, we do know some details about it.
How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
	He was twenty-five.
	He was eighteen.
	He was forty.
	He was twenty-eight.
	He was thirty.
	10a Questão (Ref.:201701235243)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Beowulf is written in Anglo-Saxon language with the use of alliteration. The only existing manuscript of it dates from the eleventh century, but it is believed that the original poem may have been written before. What is the literary characteristic of Beowulf?
	It is an epic poem.
	It is an epic poetry.
	It is a comedy.
	It is a sonnet.
	It is a tragedy.

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