
Av Parcial Seminários Ling. Inglesa Discurso Literário (2)

Prévia do material em texto

	Avaliação Parcial: CEL0568_SM_ V.1 
	Acertos: 10,0 de 10,0
	Data: 16/04/2018 13:58:43 (Finalizada)
	1a Questão (Ref.:201502944435)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	One can certainly affirm that the more ________________ a reader gets, the more pleasure and enjoyment he/she is able to derive from a literary piece.
	Gabarito Coment.
	2a Questão (Ref.:201502941731)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Mark in the options below the only one which cannot work as the function of texts:
	to inform
	to satirize
	to praise
	to calculate
	to persuade
	Gabarito Coment.
	3a Questão (Ref.:201502483453)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	After reading a good book ¿ a literary work - readers get transformed. The benefits of reading a literary work are countless and undeniable. Analyze the alternatives below and choose the alternative that DOES NOT reflect the previous statements.
	People also feel deeply enriched by a particular kind of knowledge.
	The reading of literary texts allows the development of intelligence in multiple instances
	People constitute a richer and more coherent understanding of life and human beings.
	People usually feel different in a positive way.
	After reading a literary text readers will end up with a quite limited understanding of life and human beings.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201502936278)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	When explaining the notion of the "uncanny' in literature, Todorov presents two key words that for him are crucial. What are they?
	reality and illusion
	reality and provocation
	reality and inertia
	inertia and illusion
	illusion and provocation
	Gabarito Coment.
	5a Questão (Ref.:201502483500)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Which of the items below CANNOT be considereda key characteristic of culture:
	Culture is a descriptive not an evaluative concept.
	Culture is both an individual construct and a social construct.
	Culture is learned.
	Culture is subject to gradual change.
	The various parts of a culture are not related at all.
	6a Questão (Ref.:201502483489)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Just as the two faces of a coin, literature and culture are connected to each in an indisputable and inseparable way. Chhose the alterantive that correctly shows this close relation.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is not able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Painting, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its common form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to hide those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	7a Questão (Ref.:201502859618)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Words are ____________________ because there is no natural resemblance between the forms of linguistic signs and their meaning.
	Gabarito Coment.
	8a Questão (Ref.:201502483533)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Human and animal language differ in many different levels. Which of the alternatives below is NOT CORRECT in relation to expose specificities concerning this two ways of communicating:
	Communication systems used by other animals such as bees or non-human apes are closed systems that consist of a closed number of possible things that can be expressed.
	Human language is unique in comparison to other forms of communication, such as those used by non-human animals.
	Human language evolves and diversifies over time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur.
	Animals master their language in a way that they can create different ways of expressing their feelings and emotions.
	Human language is open-ended and productive, meaning that it allows humans to produce an infinite set of utterances from a finite set of elements and to create new words and sentences.
	Gabarito Coment.
	9a Questão (Ref.:201502483531)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Having in minde the concept and the characteristics of language, choose the statement that is corretc in relation to it:
	Languages evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur.
	Languages evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by eliminating modern languages to determine which traits their modern languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur.
	Languages evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can not be reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur.
	Languages does not evolve and diversify over time, and the history of their evolution can not be reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their modern languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur.
	Languages evolve and diversify over a certain period of time, and the history of their evolution can be reconstructed by comparing ancient languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must have had in order for the later developmental stages to stop.
	Gabarito Coment.
	10a Questão (Ref.:201502947953)
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Mark the option which does not present a non literary text:

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