
Teste 08

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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8a aula 
Exercício: CEL0556_EX_A8_201703243277_V1 26/05/2018 11:43:13 (Finalizada) 
Disciplina: CEL0556 - LITERATURA INGLESA I 201703243277 
Ref.: 201703446987 
 1a Questão 
A serious play with a theme of universal human import, which describes a struggle against insurmountable 
odds usually ending in death or downfall is classified as a 
Ref.: 201703892671 
 2a Questão 
Making an analysis of the characters in a play help us in literature. 
Compare and contrast Hero and Beatrice, characters in Much Ado About Nothing. 
Hero is charming, fabulous and cynical while Beatrice is generous, polite and gentle. 
Beatrice is an idle, eccentric and kindhearted woman and Hero is an old, joyful and illiterate character. 
 Hero is a clever, sharp and disrespectful young character, while Beatrice is a nice, beautiful and 
intelligent lady. 
Both are ambitious characters, but Hero is more ambitious than Beatrice. 
 Whereas Hero is polite, quiet, respectful, and gentle, Beatrice is feisty, cynical, witty, and sharp. 
Ref.: 201703449546 
 3a Questão 
The Medieval Era began in 476. What historical fact marks its beginning? 
The fall of the Persian Empire 
The fall of the English Empire 
The fall of the Celtic Empire 
 The fall of the Roman Empire 
The fall of the Russian Empire 
Ref.: 201703449560 
 4a Questão 
Literature in the Middle Ages was seen as a danger, so its decline during this period is understandable. I In 
which was based literature of this era? 
 In Christ's life and in moralistic stories. 
In the lives of poor people. 
In the lives of knights. 
In the building of new churchs. 
In the lives of pilgrims. 
Ref.: 201703449553 
 5a Questão 
During the Middle Ages, the thought of theological doctrine, put man and nature as divine creation, therefore 
the artwork was also seen as God's creation. How were the literary productions of this period called? Moral 
elevation?, Based on the lives of saints and their worldview of the time. 
 works of moral elevation, based on the lives of saints and their worldview of the time. 
works of moral elevation, based on the lives of priests and their worldview of the time. 
works of moral elevation, based on the lives of pilgrims and their worldview of the time. 
works of moral elevation, based on the lives of artists and their worldview of the time. 
works of moral elevation, based on the lives of knights and their worldview of the time. 
Ref.: 201703892479 
 6a Questão 
Some plays tend to be more famous than others. 
What makes Much Ado About Nothing so memorable? 
Hero and Claudio have a history behind them that adds weight to their relationship. 
The relationship between Hero and Claudio. 
The tragedy throughout the play. 
The fact that Hero's and Claudio's competitiveness reveals them to be childish novices when it comes 
to love. 
 The courtship between the older, wiser lovers Benedick and Beatrice. 
Ref.: 201703512496 
 7a Questão 
What can we say about Shakespeare´s comedies? 
They were the best example of how a great writer may sometimes confuses himself when he deals with 
They were responsible for his fame once his tragedies did not please the audiences. 
 Shakespeare´s comedies are generally identifiable as being full of fun, irony and dazzling wordplay. 
They also abound in disguises and mistaken identities with very convoluted plots that are difficult to 
Shakespeare was able to turn remarkable comic stories and into resonate with the most fundamental 
themes and problems of the Renaissance. 
They may have sounded funny for the XIV century, but one cannot regard them as so nowadays. 
Shakespeare introduces revenge and philosophical matters in the comedies. 
Ref.: 201703518779 
 8a Questão 
What was a typical characteristic of the early Greek comedy? 
Their main theme was the love between human beings and mythological characters. 
The plays didn´t give an indirect but valuable insight into Greek society in general or provide details on 
the workings of political institutions, legal systems, religious practices, education, etc. 
Quite similar to the tragedy, the plots had its origin in the traditional myth and legend. Its main theme 
was human relationship, mainly concerning love. 
 Unlike tragedy, the plots didn´t originate in traditional myth and legend, but were the product of the 
writer´s creative imagination. The main theme was political and social satire. 
It never gave much value to irony and legends were disregarded.

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