
Seminários em Ling. Inglesa Discurso Literário - Aula 3

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Teste do Conhecimmento - Seminários em Ling. Inglesa - Discurso literário - 
	Ref.: 201502944462
	 1a Questão
	According to our studies, Spencer-Oatley (2012) provided some key caracteristics of culture. Choose the INCORRECT option:
	Culture is shared by some sort of social group or society.
	Culture is not uniformly distributed, i.e., group members do not share identical behaviors, attitudes and so on. Rather, they show family resemblances.
	Culture is manifested at different layers of depth.
	There is no such thing as a HIGH or LOW culture. Cultures are either similar or different from each other.
	Culture is something we do not learn.
	Ref.: 201502483468
	 2a Questão
	Choose the alternative that is WRONG in relation to the definition of language:
	Language gives access to the accumulated records of other people's experience
	Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious art; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations."(Edward Sapir)
	Language is succinctly defined in our glossary as a "human system of communication that uses arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols."
	Language is communication of specific and limited through a system of prdictable signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
	Language is far too complicated, intriguing, and mysterious to be adequately explained by a brief definition.
	Ref.: 201502483497
	 3a Questão
	Which of the items below CANNOT be considereda key characteristic of culture:
	Culture is learned.
	Culture is always both socially and psychologically distributed in a group.
	Culture has both universal and distinctive elements.
	Culture is eirther an individual construct or a social construct.
	Culture is associated with social groups.
	Ref.: 201502483500
	 4a Questão
	Which of the items below CANNOT be considereda key characteristic of culture:
	Culture is a descriptive not an evaluative concept.
	The various parts of a culture are not related at all.
	Culture is subject to gradual change.
	Culture is both an individual construct and a social construct.
	Culture is learned.
	Ref.: 201502483493
	 5a Questão
	Which of the items below CANNOT be considereda key characteristic of culture:
	Culture can be differentiated from both universal human nature and unique individual personality
	Culture is not associated with social groups.
	Culture is manifested at different layers of depth
	Culture affects behavior and interpretation of behavior.
	Culture influences biological processes.
	Ref.: 201502483490
	 6a Questão
	Which of the items below CANNOT be considered part of the concept of culture?
	Individual habits
	Ref.: 201502483489
	 7a Questão
	Just as the two faces of a coin, literature and culture are connected to each in an indisputable and inseparable way. Chhose the alterantive that correctly shows this close relation.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its common form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Painting, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to hide those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.
	Literature, through its unique form of expression, is not able to highlight those factors which are essential for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization.

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