
Aula 09

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Prática Oral em Língua Inglesa ll
Rozangela Nogueira 
de Moraes
Aula 9
CHAPTER 4 - Professional Project and Lecture (9)
Objetivos de sua aprendizagem:
Prepare a lecture;
Present a lecture.
Tips on preparing your presentation
It is better to: 
Talk than read.
Stand than sit. 
Move than stand still. 
Vary your voice’s pitch than speak in a monotone.
© Monkey Business Images | Dreamstime.com
Speak loudly facing your audience rather than mumble and speak into your notes or blackboard 
Use an outline and visual aids than present without them 
Tips on preparing your presentation
© Lightpoet | Dreamstime.com
The keys to effective public speaking 
Public speaking is a skill you can learn. 
1. Overcoming stage fright¹
Physical activity helps
Exercise reduces tension, releases nervous energy, and helps you concentrate. Go for a walk. Stretch. Inhale deeply, and then exhale loudly.
© Richard Thomas | Dreamstime.com
1. [uncountable] a feeling of fear
An effective performance is grounded in an effective rehearsal /rɪˈhɜr·səl/. 
Practice in front of a mirror.
Give a mock job talk in your department. 
Know your material well enough so that you don’t have to read your notes word for word. Rid yourself of distracting mannerisms, such as finger tapping, lip licking, playing with coins or jewelry, adjusting hair or clothing. 
Focus on your message and your performance, not on your emotions.
Don’t drink caffeine before your speak. It will make you hyperactive. 
2. Prepare for the worst 
Leave nothing to chance. Bulbs burn out. Adapters get lost.
Have a backup plan: Multiple copies of your presentation; a one-page outline; and handouts. 
3. Speak to your audience 
Resist the temptation to simply read your presentation, or from your PowerPoint slides.
Begin by speaking to one person. 
4. Be animated
Your talk’s success doesn’t depend solely on its content. 
Non-verbal communication is also important. So be lively and enthusiastic. 
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Maintain eye contact 
Have an erect posture 
Use appropriate movement and gestures 
Use vocal special effects, including dramatic pauses, repetition, varying your pitch and volume
Present a lecture.
You can start with an introduction, a general information on the topic and explain to your listeners what exactly you are going to talk about in your presentation. 
I want to give you a short presentation about…
Another important thing to do is to subdivide your presentation into some sub-topics:
Let me begin by explaining why …
First I want to talk about...
Now I want to give you an insight into...
Let's now move to...
Some ideas on how to present pictures and graphics
The graphic shows that...
As you can see (in the picture)...
In the next picture, you can see...
Here is another picture.
How to make a conclusion:
We should not forget ...
Summing up…
Finally it can be said that ...
That was my presentation on ...
I am now prepared to answer your questions.
Get people's attention
Welcome them
Introduce yourself
State the purpose of your presentation
State how you want to deal with questions
1. Get people's attention
If I could have everybody's attention.
If we can start.
Perhaps we should begin? 
Let's get started.
2. Welcome them
Welcome to Universidade Estácio. 
Thank you for coming today. 
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 
On behalf of Centro Universitário Estácio, I'd like to welcome you.
3. Introduce yourself
My name's Jane Shaw. I'm responsible for travel arrangements. 
For those of you who don't know me, my name's Tom Stotter. 
I'm the new Marketing Manager.
4. State the purpose of your presentation
This morning I'd like to present our new EaD methodology. 
Today I'd like to discuss our failures in the Japanese market and suggest a new approach. 
5. State how you want to deal with questions
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them as we go along. 
Feel free to ask any questions. 
Perhaps we can leave any questions you have until the end? 
© Andrey Popov | Dreamstime.com
CORTIANO, Edson José; PALMA, Cândida Regina. Inglês instrumental. Curitiba: IESDE Brasil S.A. 2009. 
ADAMS, Keith; DOVALE, Rafael. Global links 1. English for international business. White Plains, New York: Longman. 2001.
GRANT, David; HUGHES, John & TURNER, Rebeca. Business Result. Elementary Student’s Book. Oxford University Press: 2009
Prática Oral em Língua Inglesa ll
Rozangela Nogueira 
de Moraes
Atividade 9
Prepare a presentation in a less formal approach, observing the structure to the opening. 
Get people's attention
Welcome them
Introduce yourself
State the purpose of your presentation
State how you want to deal with questions

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