
TOEIC Vocabulario

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3 Air travet
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about airplane travel and check your understanding of the words in bold.
When you arrive at the airport terminal, take ¡¡our baggagc/ lutgase ticket¡ and
identlfrcation to the chcck ln desk, Passengers who only have a.carryron bagcan.also'
cheek Jn online,or on' conputerg at the airport, Then proceed'througl'r.securlty to the
horrdlnggate..Check the information boards'to.see iiyour fllght:ls detayed or how
long of a layovcr you may have. As you borrd your plane, a memher of the cablncrew
will check your boardlng'pas and dÍrect you to'thecorrect¡l¡lc and aeat. When you
arrive'at your destination, pick up'),our baggage from lhe,carousel If your flight was
internatlonal, you will go through euctomc and p-assport control."If you havecrossed
several tlme zones, you may suffer from fstlag when you arrive.
e I Ð Underline the correct word.
r Even though I had nothing to declare, I was stopped and questioned atbosrding / customs.
z Sorry I'm late. The flight wasietlogged / delayed because of bad weather.
¡ Erika flew across several time zones / loyovers so she woke up at 4:o0 A.M.
4 With these new e'tickets, lost luggøge / check-in is much easier than it used to be.
5 Excuse me. Could you tell me which carousel/ boording gote the baggage from the Dubai
flight will be on?
0 When I fl¡ I always choose the øisle / carry-on seat because it's easier to get up and walk
around the plane.
z The security / cobin crew helped me when I needed medicat attention during my ftight.
8 I've been waiting for half an hour lor my possport / baggøge to arrive. I hope they haven't
lost it.
G Z Þ a Match the wo¡ds with the definitions.
r delaysb a Peoplewhotravelinavehiclewithoutcontrollingordrivingthevehicle.
z flights 
3 passen8ers 
e security-
b When you have to wait longer than expected for something to happen.
c The things that are done to keep someone or something safe.
d The buitding people go through before getting on or after getting offan ai
5 terminal- e Journeys in an airplane that carries passengers from one place to another
b Use the words to frlt in the blanks in the afticle on the next page.
4 shopping
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about shopping. Check your understanding ofthe words in bold
When a customer wants to buy something, they have to choose the type of (tetail)
store they want to go to. Some stores are oUtlets of large chains and some are Small
private businesses. When a eustomer enter6 a store they see the display of the stock/
merchandise that is for sale. Alt the merchandise has a'price tag or a label with a bar
code. If customers don't find what they are loolting for, they can place an order. The sales
clerk at thê countel uses the bar code to enter the pdce of the product into the çsh
register. The customer pays for the purchases with cash ora credit çard and anystorê
coupons or special gift certificates, It is ìmportant for customers to keep their recelpts
in case there is a problem with the merchandise. Ifthere is, the customer returns the
purchase to the store with the receipt within a certain time period f6r a refund;
(, 1 þ Read these email extracts and then complete the definitions with the correct word in italics.
$,ffi1 W ;fu1 t*J'T# q=d
Fot1*l¡rd hiût
Sår tÉrt Id E.€¡ot
OelÊtc *ePþY ReÞly All
I've just come back from the
mall. I went with mY brothers
and sisters to try to buY
birthdaY Presents for Mom'
Jessica had some couPons
from the newsPaper to get
t0 cents off Mom's favorite
brand of soap' so that's what
she got. Matthew and Sarah
decided to buY a gift certificate
for Mom so she could choose
her own birthdaY Present.
I didn't get anYthing - I still
haven't decided what to buY.
Have you got anY ideas?
Jeff is so ambitious. He used to be a sa/es
clerkin a supermarket, and then he bought
a small hardware store. He's determined to
turn his small business into an intemational
charn with ouflefs throughout the world, A new
shopping mall with a lot of refal sfores has just
opened near his house, but he's not worried
about the competition. And people do seem
to be making alolol purchases 
his cash
regisferwas full last time I was therel
Some words have the same noun and verb form and are pronounced the same.
Order (nounlverb); onswer (noun/verb); purchose (noun/verb)
Some words have the same noun and verb form but have a different pronunciation.
Record(noun),record(verb); increase(noun), íncrease(verb); ¡efund (noun),
refund (verb)
ü Vocabulary note
5 Business trips
ID Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about business trips and check your understanding ofthe words in bold.
Usualty a business trip is less stressfuI if the traveler knows something about the
dcstlndlon before making the journey and has a well-planned ltlncnry. During periods
when there are exhibfdons or conferonces, all kinds of acconmodation(s), from expensive
hotels to lower-priced gurst'houses, can fill up quickty. When there are not many vacanclø,
hotel ¡rccptlonl¡ts witl not accept booklng¡ unless they get lâst-minute canos{lrtlon¡. So
company representatives traveling on business trips should rc¡Grye their hotel rooms
ahead of time. Fortunately, most hotels pubtish brochurcs, either online or in paper form,
advertising the facitlths and anenlths available. These amenities may include such things
as the availability of a tym or swimming pool, and complinentary meals. The hotel may
provide courtesy transportrtlon. In case it doesn't, a traveler shoutd have some local
currency available to pay for the taxi farc. Before registerlng at a hotel, travelers should
pay attention to this information if they don't want to be disappointed.
Words like /øre and foir mlght be in answer choices in the exam
because they are pronounced in the same way. A fore is the
charge paid for transportation, such as a bus or train. Atrode føir
orsåoryis an exhibition of products or services usua[y organized
by or aimed at the business community.
( 1 ) Complete the sentences with the words in itatics.
I The Clive Hotel offers guests a breakfast ¿¡1f, ¿ cnurtøst¿ bus to the
airport. courtesy I complimentory
z I am going to [ook for comfortable at a small within a few
blocks of the station. occommodations I guesthouse
3 We can offer cheap and fast
to your next 
. destinotion I
4 My is planned so I can attend several in the same region
iti nerary / conferences
s I have at a hotel with excelrent 
. facítities / registered
ó I'm sorry. We are fully for next weekend, but we can put your name on a waiting
The word exhibit can be a noun or a verb.
We exhìhlted our new rønge of DVD players.
The noun refers to an item in an exhibition.
This exhìblt is the most voluable in the museum.
Vocabuløry note
list in case of an unexpected voconcy / booked
eroperty 7
this paragraph about property and check your understanding of the words
people, buying a residence is the most important purchase they
mke. Because it is so expensive to buy a single-family house or just an
within a bullding, buyers usualty finance their purchase by making a
,rym.il on a percentage of the agreed price and taking out a morttlte
remaining balance. Most people arrange the buying and setling through
tûtete egent, or lu¡ltol, who rereives a fec or commlssion. Usually a
buyer makes an offer for a property and if they make a deal with the
, he or she ilccpts the ofier. Some people buy property as an investment.
they will renovatc and then rmt out or lc¡¡e the propert¡ either
or unfurnished, through a realtor. These include commcrcirl ¡Daces
as residential housing, both downtown and in the ¡ubu¡ts. The landlord
a contract with the tenant(s), which includes details about the rights and
ofeach party.lbe the words in the box to complete Nancy's comments about moving.
commission down payment landlord
offer owner realtor suburb tenant
fYe been living in a one bedroom I apaft¡¡e¡þ downtown for a couple of
Fars now, but I've decided to move. As a 2 in the center of
bun, I have to pay a lot of rent and I've also had problems with the
I . Last month I went to see a 4 about
buyrng my own house in a nice 5 outside of downtown Austin
ln the window ofthe real estate agency, I saw the house of my dreams and I have iust
anough money saved for a 6 , but I will have to get a
I I have made an 8 to buy this property,
¡nd now I am waiting to hear if the 9 wi[[ accept it. There are
nany costs when buying a house, but at least the 10 the agent
ritl get for selling this house will be paid by the setter.
Ihe word commerciol can be a noun or an adjective.
The noun means an advertisement on the television or radio.
Ithought the new commerclol for Pizzo Pløzo was very funny.
fhe adjective means intended to make money, or related to a
business intended to make money.
*e sell both residentiol ond commerclal properties.
Vocabuløry note
I aanking
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about banking and checl< your understanding of the meaning of the words in botd
The easiest way to get cash from your savings,or checking account is to use your debit card and
PIN number at an ATM machine, but you can also complete,a variety oftransactions.inside a bank.
If you want to deposit a.check or withdraw money, the bank teller can do that for you. White you
are at the bank, you might want to check your balance or perhaps talk to a financial advisor to
discuss different wa)¿s you'can invest your money to get a better interest rate. Or you might want
to borrow money to buy a house or set up a business. The bank.wilt approve the loan if-you have
a good credit rating. 0f course, nowadays, you can also pay your bills, transfer funds, and even
appty for loans online.
( 1 ) ljse the words to complete the sentences. Use each word twice, once as a verb and once as a noun.
balance cash' check credit deposit loan
r I have a personal ch?r* that I want to in my savings account
z The I made was enough to cover the payment of my
3 My is good because I always my accounts carefu[[y.
+ Could you me some untiI payday?
s I have to my to see if my salary is now in the bank.
o I have two checks. I want to this one, and would you that one
to my savings account?
The words loon, lend, and borrow can be confused.
I need a loøn.(= a sum of money that needs to be paid back)
Can you loan I lend me some money? ( = let me have some money temporarily)
Can I borrow your car? ( = use your car temporarity)
The borrower receives something and the [ender gives something.
A person who takes out a loan borrows money.
The person or frnancial institution that provides the loan lends the money.
ü Vocøhulary note
9 commuting
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about commuting and check your understanding of the words in bold
C 1 ) Match the definitions below with the following words.
r car Poo[ e
z congestion
r pubtic transportation 
4 road rage
s rush hour
6 commuter pass
z fue[ efficient
I urban
a operating with relatively little gas
b located in a city
c the condition when there is so much traffrc that it makes movement difficutt
d the time when traffic congestion and crowding on public transportation is at its worst
f vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times for public use
g anger or violence between drivers, often caused by diffrcutt driving conditions
h a ticket that can be used many times within a [imited period and is cheaper than paying
separately for each use
Match a word from Column A with a word from Column B and use the two words to complete
this newspaper article. You can combine some words in Column A with more than one word in
column B, but in the article only one combination is correct in each blank.
rus h
com muter
la nes
s paces
tra ns portatio n
hou r
further complaint f¡om those people who use 4 is that
there is a lack of 5 near their workplaces' New measures
sometimes over an hour more than usual. There have even been reports of
3 with frust¡ated coÍlmuters fighting on the streets' A
include an imProvement in 6 so that there will be more
buses running, the introduction of cheap 7 for regular
commuters, and the construction of a system of8
84 the side of streets for commute¡s 
who don't want to use cars or buses'
L 1 company structure
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about company structure and check your understanding of the
words in bold.
Often a company is a busjness owned by one owner or proprietor. The owner
receives the profit from the business, but also takes on the risks. When two or
more individuals own the business it is catted a pailnership. Some companies
merge with others or expand and restructure to become corporations that raise
capital by offering shares to stockholders. The company can use the money from
the shares to invest in its products or services and make a profit. The management
of corporations is performed by directors who do not own the company but follow
the instructions of the stockholders. Sometimes a company expands by making
a successful takeover bid for another company through purchasing a majority of
the shares. When a company does business, the earnings received are used to
pay overhead (the cost of running the business) and the stockholders receÍve the
remaining money in the form of dividends.
( ! ¡ Read the extract from a business podcast and fill in the blanks with a word from
the box.
corporation directors partnership preprieter
stocl<hotders produce exPansion
0ne of the most interesting news stories this week was that the L ProÞr'Let'or
of ATC, Phittip Atten, has decided to enter into a 2 with
another we[t-known business person, Lucia Mendez, to set up a new IT company.
It is understood that the partners wil[ continue as 3 of
the new company, which witt be called ATech. The plan is to become a major 4
in the high tech sector. 5 are eagerly
awaiting a new share offering which witt raise much needed capitalfor the
plans. It is thought that ATech will 7 a6
range of new high defrnition mobile communication devices.
The word produce has two different pronunciations.P¡oduce is the noun
and produce is the verb.
The nouns produce and product have different, but related meanings.
Produce refers to the food that farmers grow'
We can buy fresh produce at the former's market.
Produce can be used as an adjective.
We have fresh strawberries in the produce sectíon'
Product refers to goods that have been manufactured.
Parts of mony products are mode in different countries.
t Voeabulary note'
12 rmployment contracts
D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about contracts and check your understanding of the words in bold.
Before you decide to,accept a iOb offer, you should carefutty read the contract
of employment if the employer priovides one. The contract is a legat,agreement :
that defines various term5.and.conditions that both employer and employee must
follow. These will include such things as the amount of vacation time you are
entitled,to per annum or how much paid sick,teave you can take off olwork, It may
also state.regulations.concgrning,a leave of absence foreúents such as maternity -
/ paternity leave, A very important condition concerns how much notice you,have
io siue if you wish.to quit your job, in other words terminate your,contract. The - .
contract willatso mention how many days notice the employer has'to give yourif
they are g usethey no longer need you, as'well as state how '
your empl are guitt¡r of misconduct¡The contract witl also
state a nu tegulations that you must understand and agree
to when you sign.
I t ) Read this conversation between Clarissa and Tom. The words in italics are in the wrong
ptace. Put them in the correct place.
Clarissa: I have been looking atthe terminøfe of employment here. And I don't
understand something. I a
Tom: What is that? Have you read it carefully?
Clarissa: Well, it says here that they can per onnum my contract if I don't futfrlt att the
sick lesve.2 ,3
Tom: Yes, that is right. They can fire you if you are guitty of sþn, for example
Clarissa: 0h dear. And what about if I get sick?
Tom: Welt, they a[[ow you a certain number of days lot conditions'
And what does misconduct mean? 6
0h, that just means in one Year.
Oh I didn't l<now that. Thank you. I guess I wil[ ferms the contract then
Cla rissa:
4 2 t Underline the correct word form.
1 The regulotes f regulotions are very clear about parking in the loading zone.
z Sandra witl be absent / obsence from the offrce for 10 days while she goes on a training
cou r5e.
3 Mr. Henrick has received an occeptance / accept letter for the job that we offer to the
best candidate.
4 Tim isn't going to sign / signoture the contract untiI he has talked to his [awyer.
s We have Lo termínote f termínotion the project because of a lack of funding.
6 It states here in your contract that your entitled / entitlement for paid vacation time is
four weeks.
14 satety at work
D VocabularY
KeY Vocabulary
words in bold.
risks of slippery floors or dangerous gases'
6, t)MatchthewordsincolumnAwithawordincolumnBtomakeacompoundnoun
Column A Column B
a aid
b extinguisher
c goggles
d exit
e system
f material
g hat
r fire
I 2 ) Match one of the compound nouns from 1 with its meaning'
t frxe øxttxguLshet a piece of equipment used to put out flames
an escape route from a buitding
items that are dangerous
a way to bring fresh air into an area
protective head cover
immedìate care for an injury or sudden illness
protective glasses
z hard
r flrst
+ safetY
s hazardous
6 ventitation
7 emergency
15 Meetings
D VocabularY
KeY VocabularY
Read the paragraph about meetings and check your understanding of the meaning of 
the words
in bo[d.
a ti ssion before the ir(person) starts the meeting by asking
or raise issues. They may need to voteon a motion either by a show of hands or by 
a (secret)
battot. If att members airee, then the result is unanimous' The motion is passed if the vote is
unanimous or has the majority of the votes. The final agenda point is "any other business" or
A0B. when the members have discussed the agenda items, the meeting is over. If they haven't
r AOB a written record of what was said at a meeting
be in comPlete agreement
subjects for discussion from the last meeting
the [ast thing to discuss on the agenda
the person who leads a committee, board, or meeting
voting on PaPer
t. 2 ) Match a word from the first box with a word or phrase from the second box and use the phrases
to comPlete the sentences below'
propose brainstorm agenda 5e€r€+ motion
passed a solution ba+lo+ ideas items
r This is a sensitive issue, so I think we shoutd vote on itby secxøL bd)'ob'
z can anyons to the parking problem? Any ideas at alt?
¡ I think we should for a way to promote the new store'
¿r I have severat to discuss so this may be a long meeting.
5 The after a long discussion about the issue
a. 3 ) Match the beginnings and endings of these questions from a meeting.
z minutes
¡ batlot
4 UnAnlmous
5 matters arising
o chair
r Ron, didn't You want to Propose
z Rose, did you want to raise
¡ Could I see a show
4 Do we agree to aPProve
the minutes from the previous meeting?
a possible sotution to the parking problem?
c the issue of the new Pension Plan?
o of hands for at[ those in favor of the motion?
trade shows 23
D VocabularY
KeY VocabularY
Read this paragraph about the organization oftrade shows and check your understanding
of the words in botd'
A trade show is an event that often tal<es place once a year and gives companies from
a particular industry the opportunity to showcase their products. Access to the venue
can be restricted to only those companies involved in that particular trade or can be
open to the pubtic. Participants use this opportunity to demonstrate and sometimes
launch their products, find out what their competitors are doing, and observe new
trends. They can also network during the fair and this is usefuI for meeting new
contacts. Before attending a trade show, companies should liaise with the trade
show organizers to organize the stand where they wilt exhibit their products. Some
companies sponsor events for extra pubticity. They may also decide to print leaflets
to promote their brand as well as produce items with their logo to distribute to fair
pa rtici Pa nts.
1 , Match the phrases in the two columns to describe the itaticized word.
t A stond is where a identify the company'
z A competitor is a company that se[[s 
n buyers interested in an item.
z A logo is a symbot used to c a fashion of movement is going'
rr Aproduct demonstratíonisawaytogetpotentia[-- d thecompanyexhibitsitsproduct
5 Avenue is where e people who maY be usefuI to l<now.
6 Networkingis making contacts with 
f a similar product to those of its rival
compa nies.t Atrend is the general direction g a planned event tal<es place
t' 2 ¡ Underline the correct form.
r The tetecommunications market is very competitive f competition'
3 Are you going to distribute / distribution those leaflets at the trade show?
4 we're thinking of sponsoring / sponsorship the annuaI city marathon run.
s I like to see the different demonstrations / demonstrates at trade shows'
[ 3 I Look at the following sets of words. Cross out the word that does not belong in each set'
r network
2 contacts
I logo
+ flier
i nte ract
exhi bit
lau nch
poste r
18 om." supplies
D Vocabulary
Key VocabularY
Read the paragraph about offrce supplies, equipment, and furniture and check your
understanding of the meaning of the words in bold'
not enough.for the modern offrce. Each office worker also'needs a PC-or laptop on
their desk. They also need,access to a printer,.a scanner, a fax machine, and a copy
d. 1 ) It is Giovanni's frrst day at a new iob. Read this conversation between Giovanni and his
new co¡eague, Andrea. Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.
Andrea: 5o,thisisthe 1 sLtpplyl equípmentroom. It's got everythingyou need, Ithink.
Each2laptop / shelf has a labelthat tells you what's on it. This one's for pens
and Pencits.
Giovanni: Oh, you have a lot of supplies here. Can I take some stuff now? I need some
3 scanners / stationery. Printing paper and envelopes would be useful, for a
sta rt.
Andrea: you'tl find that you already have some paper and envetopes in your desk, but
I think you should take some 4tape / tabels because you might want to stick
notices or Pictures on Your wa[[s.
The words statìonory and stationery look and sound similar'
Stotioneryis a noun.
I stopped ot the offrce supply store for some stationery. (writing materials:
paper, envelopes, pens, pencils, notepads, etc.)
Stotionary is an adiective.The bus wos stationary. (not moving)
Vocabulory note
The word safe has more than one meaning.
Sofe can be a noun.
The jewetry was put into the safe. (= a box made of
steel used to store valuable objects)
Sa/e can be an adjective.
Hove o søfe iourney. (= free from danger or harm)
Vocabulary note
19 Presentations
ID Vocabulary
Key VocabularY
Read this paragraph about presentations and check your understanding ofthe words in botd.
Giving a successful presentat,ion:takes practice and preparation: You mu¡t decide
what kind of.visualaidswill effectivel
materials such"as a'flip chart or a whi
presenters'use a laPtoP a¡d'Proie
addition, a.stick ol laser pointer'i
screen: It is impor,tântto know youfra
You should also prepare a,clear outlin
confi dently, You can ctarìfi'informatio
graphs: It is also a good.idea:tq frnish the presentation wjth'a'suinmar'y of the'mainl i
ideas. A presenter may also prepare handouts of the key pointq although some people '
give them out after the presentation so that they do not create a distraction:
( 1 ) Match the words in the first column with their meanings in the second column.
I Charts and graphs are a the essential ideas in a presentation.
b the people who attend the presentation.
c equipment to write information on.
d hand-held objects used to point at a screen.
e pictures of data.
é 2 .) Cindy's colleague gave her the fotlowing feedback after she practiced giving her presentation
to her coworkers. Complete the feedback using the words in the box.
audience graphs handouts key points screen
outline visuaI aids summary projector s+id€s
Your information was we[[-organized. You gave a nice overview and showed the important
features ofour services. However, you wrote too much information on each ofyour
t sIiLes Your audience read that information instead of listening to your talk.
For the same reason, I suggest that you distribute your 2 after the talk.
You read through your presentation instead of talking to your 3
z Flip charts and whiteboards are
3 Laser pointers are
+ The audience are
5 Key points are
I suggest that you just make an 4
contact with the audience.
on note cards and be sure to make eye
Your 5 were attractive, and showed up nicely on the
6 , but in one case you had too manY 7 on one slide.
They were too small to be seen properly. Decide which ones show the I
most effectively, make them bigger, and show them one at a time. Delete the ones that are
secondary. You made a nice 9 of all the points at the end
One [ast thÍng. Don't forget to calI the conference center and make sure that they've got a
10 in the room you're going to be using
Common phrasal
Some phrasal verbs are common in TOEIC' The meaning
given is the one we often use in the workplace'
askfor = request
back out of = to decide not to do something you had
ptanned or agreed to do
bring out = launch
bring uP = introduce topic
buitd up = increase or develoP
carry out = accomPtish, Perform
cheikin/out = register arrival/departure at a hoteU
cut back = reduce
deat with = discuss, negotiate or cope with
do away with = remove
draw uP = compose Plan
frlt in/out = complete a form
find out = discover
get on with = continue
8o out of (business) = lose the business
go through = follow Procedures
hang uP = end a Phone call
hotd on = keep, wait
hotd up = delay
keep uP with = be uP to date
look for = search
took forward to = feel happy about something that is
Soing to haPPen
pay for = give moneY to buY
pay off = end debt
run out of = finish the suPPtY
set up = staft
take off = leave
take over = take the responsibility
turn down = refuse
write uP = record