
Estacio TC 3 Estudos Culturais Em Lingua Inglesa 10

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06/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793130&shwmdl=1 1/2
Exercício: CEL0559_EX_A10_201708445498_V1 06/11/2018 23:36:21 (Finalizada)
Disciplina: CEL0559 - ESTUDOS CULTURAIS EM LÍNGUA INGLESA 201708445498
 1a Questão
What are the main features of 'Western' culture
Progress through empirical science
Belief in universal rationality
 All of the above
Goals involving mastery of nature
None of the above
Originating in Europe, Western civilization is the heir of the classical Greek and Roman. Being so and empowered by the conscience inherited
from the civilizations that generated it is based in universal rationality, progress through empirical and its science goals involving mastery of
 2a Questão
Progress and technology have created an illusion of a cultural hegemonic world. Why?
 Because they provide a sensation that everybody may have access to everything the world offers.
Because they provide a sensation that nobody may have access to everything the world offers.
Because they provide a sensation that everybody may have access to everything the government offers.
Because they provide a sensation that everybody may have access to nothing the world offers.
Because they provide a sensation that nobody may have access to nothing the world offers.
Because they provide a sensation that everybody may have access to everything the world offers.
 3a Questão
Why are the concepts of race and ethnicity are important?
Because they favor the understanding of black people identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of special several
Because they problematize the understanding of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of determined
 Because they favor the understanding of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of determined groups.
Because they problematize the understanding that members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of several
Because they favor the problems of members identification, as they recognize themselves as participants of several groups.
 4a Questão
The emergence of the newspaper and novels strengths the idea of an imaginative national community. This way, we can say that the press
Mass communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
Upper classes communication and the consciousness of the diversified linguistic system.
Lower classes communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
Upper classes communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
 Mass communication and the consciousness of the diversified linguistic system.
 5a Questão
In a globalized contemporary world, high technology has emerged and developed different means of communication more and more. This
generates advantages and disadvantages, respectively:
 A large flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by
06/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793130&shwmdl=1 2/2
lower classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the easy access to technology by upper
classes, which creates violence between different communities.
A large flow of lies among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by
lower classes, which creates violence between different communities.
A large flow of ideas among different people by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by
upper classes, which creates violence between different communities.
Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to technology by lower
classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
 6a Questão
Reflexive Modernity is an expression used by authors as Anthony Giddens, Ulrich Beck and Scott Lash in order to characterize a contemporary
or post-modern society. According to this thought, reflection represents:
a possibility of the existence of one way of modernity, denying multiple possibilities of modernities.
 a possibility of modernity reinvention, opening the doors to multiple possibilities of modernities.
 a impossibility of modernity reinvention, closing the doors to multiple possibilities of modernities.
a possibility of modernity invention, closing the doors to a multiple possibilities of modernities.
a possibility of the existence of a single way of modernity, denying multiple impossibilities of modernities.
 7a Questão
In the past, the word 'race' was used to explain differences of skin color. Today, Sociology has brought a different meaning. According to this
Science, what is race?
A social class in which all the members share the same characteristics.
A social class in which all the members share bad inherited characteristics.
A population in which all the members share certain strange characteristics.
 A population in which all the members share certain inherited characteristics.
A population in which everybody share the same characteristics.
Gabarito Coment.
 8a Questão
People's concept of nation is generally distorted and called by scholars as 'the imagined nation'. Why is that imagined nation considered
limited and overvalued simultaneously?
Because the power of liberty depends on society.
Because the power of liberty depends on religions.
Because the power of liberty depends on our dreams.
Because the power of liberty depends on people.
 Because the power of liberty depends on the State.
Gabarito Coment.

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