
Livro No Doubts Basic

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 3, do total de 65 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 6, do total de 65 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 9, do total de 65 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

How Do You Spell ?
When you listen a name or a word and you need to write but don’t know for sure what are the words that you have to write, you need that the peron spell the name or word that you have to write. 
Now spell your last name for a partner. And you write the name of your partner here:
When you Greet someone formally you use :
Miss or Ms - with single women
Mrs or Ms - with married women
Mister - with men
Greet someone informally
Greet someone formally
Maria– Hello, Steve
Steve—Hi, Marta. How are you ?
Maria—Fine, thanks. How are you?
Steve—Not Bad.
“Para Cumprimentar alguém usamos algumas expressões que podem ser Formais e Informais”
Verb To Be
Atenção! Veja que nas “short answers” na afirmativa não se usa contração do verbo e o pronome—Yes, He is
Personal Pronouns
You know your Classmates”first names. Circulate around the room.
Decode your Classmates’last names. Then spell the names out loud.
How are you?
What’s Up !
Grammar Point
O verb to be significa “ser” e “estar”. Veja as formações de sua forma nos tempos afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo.
Forma Longa
I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Forma Curta
Am I ?
Are You ?
Is He ?
Is She ?
Is It ?
Are We ?
Are You ?
Are They ?
Forma Longa
I am not
You are not
He is not
She is not
It is not
We are not
You are not
They are not
Forma Curta 2
You aren’t
He isn’t
She isn’t
It isn’t
We aren’t
You aren’t
They aren’t
Forma Curta
I’m not
You’re not
He’s not 
She’s not
It’s not
We’re not
You’re not
They’re not
I am Brazilian - Jake is tall . They are Happy.
I’m not Lucy. - We aren’t Tired. - Laura isn’t from Germany.
Are we late? - Are you and Tom American ? - Am I right ?
 Practice the conversation uisng contractions
Maggie— I am Maggie Sloane.
Carolyn— My name is Carolyn Duval
 I am your new neighbor.
Maggie— It is nice to meet you, Carolyn.
Carolyn— It is nice to meet you, too
 Complete the sentences conjugating verb to be :
We ................ students and she ............. the teacher.
The boys ............ in front of the club.
........... the girl at home?
She ......... my girlfriend.
........... you fine today? 
How to ask questions with verb to be
Você faz perguntas usando o verbo to be na forma interrogativa, onde pode-se iniciar um diálogo ou apenas saber algumas informações, pois não há muito vocabulário a se usar além do verbo to be; Ex:
Are you the English teacher?
Is she your girlfriend?
Mas para melhorar o diálogo vamos acrescentar os WHs questions, que são:
What - where - when - why - who - How
Artigos Indefinidos: A e An
	a e an são os artigos indefinidos no inglês, e correspondem ao um (ou uma) no português. Não há diferença nenhuma entre a e an quanto a significado. Veja: 
 A bear is an animal. Um urso é um animal. I'm a Brazilian actor. Eu sou um ator brasileiro.
	Os substantivos em inglês não tem feminino ou masculino, portanto a e an são usados à frente de qualquer substantivo. A diferença entre eles é que an é usado à frente de palavras que começam com som de vogal. Veja exemplos:
 an animal    a machine 	an hour    a day
	Quando dizemos "uma casa antiga" ou "um ator famoso" em inglês, devemos lembrar que o adjetivo virá sempre à frente do substantivo. Por exemplo, não dizemos a house old para "uma casa antiga", ou an actor famous para "uma ator famoso". Dizemos an old house e a famous actor - assim, a e an são usados à frente dos adjetivos. Veja como fica:
	a house ---> an old house [uma casa antiga] 	an actor ---> a famous actor [um ator famoso]
	Atenção: apesar das letras Y e W soarem como vogais para nós, usa-se a (e não an) à frente de palavras que começam com essas letras. Veja estes exemplos:
	a woman ---> a young woman 	a year ---> an excellent year 	I'm a teacher. They are teachers 	Maria is a lawyer. Paula and Tadeu are lawyers.
Em frases no Plural, os artigos A / An não são usados.
0 oh, zero, love
1 one 
2 two 
3 three 
4 four 
5 five 
6 six 
7 seven 
8 eight 
9 nine 
10 ten
11 eleven 
12 twelve 
13 thirteen 
14 fourteen 
15 fifteen 
16 sixteen 
17 seventeen 
18 eighteen 
19 nineteen 
20 twenty
21 twenty-one 
30 thirty 
40 forty 
50 fifty 
60 sixty 
70 seventy 
80 eighty 
90 ninety 
100 a/one hundred
1,000 a/one thousand 
10,000 ten thousand 
100,000 a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000 a/one million 
1,000,000,000 a/one billion
Soletrando os números Cardinais:
Apenas adicione TH no numero:
four - fourth
eleven - eleventh 
one - first
two - second
three - third
five - fifth
eight - eighth
nine - ninth
twelve - twelfth
421st = four hundred and twenty-first
5,111th = five thousand, one hundred and eleventh
Fill in the blanks with the correct answers: ___ Mary's brother doesn't play ___ soccer but he plays ___ guitar and ___ drums. 
a) The - the - the - X 
b) X - X - X - the 
c) X - the - X - X 
d) X - X - the - the 
e) The - X - X – the
"I want ___ one-dollar bill to buy ___ envelope and ___ useful book", said ___ boy who has just arrived. 
a) the - an - an - an 
b) an - an - an - the 
c) an - a - a - a 
d) the - the - the - an 
e) a - an - a – the
 Neste exercício você terá que completar os diálogos abaixo com as frases de cortesia e demais vocabulários que você aprendeu durante esta aula de Inglês.
A. Good morning sir. Are you a new principal? 
B.Of course I am.  
A.                                  name, sir? 
B. My name is Andrew !  
A. Pleased                               ! Andrew . Welcome to our school!
B.                                  ! 
A. Mary I would like                                  my new boyfriend. 
A:                           Michael my new boyfriend. 
B. Hi! Nice to meet you! Michael.
C.                                        too.
Complete as frases abaixo com o verbo to be conjugado corretamente : 
a) I               the school's director.
b) Only Anne               allowed to enter in this room. 
c)It               my cat called lazycat.
d)Steven and I                 cooking the dinner. 
e)He            a security guard at the bank. 
f)They            our new neighbors.
g)You           our best salesperson! 
h) I                waiting for an email from my teacher. 
Vamos falar sobre os membros da família, de forma detalhada e simplificada para tirar as dúvidas e para acrescentar mais o vocabulário. Segue abaixo a lista dos membros:
Pais e filhos
Wife: esposa
Husband: esposo
Parents: pais
Father: pai
Mother: mãe
Son: filho
Daughter: filha
Brother: irmão
Sister: irmã
Avós e netos
Great great grandfather: tataravô
Great great grandmother: tataravó
Great grandfather: bisavô
Great grandmother: bisavó
Grandparents: avós
Grandfather: avô
Grandmother: avó
Great grandson: bisneto
Great granddaughter:bisneta
Grandson: neto
Granddaughter: neta
Tios, sobrinhos e primos
Uncle: tio
Aunt: tia
Cousin: primo e prima
Nephew: sobrinho
Niece: sobrinha
Father-in-law: sogro
Mother-in-law: sogra
Brother-in-law: cunhado
Sister-in-law: cunhada
Padrinho e madrinha
Godfather: padrinho
Godmother: madrinha
Stepfather: padrasto
Stepmother: madrasta
Halfbrother: meio irmão
Halfsister: meia irmã
1 Choose the INCORRECT alternative: 
Your father's father is your grandfather.
Your mother's sister is your cousin.
Your brother's son is your nephew.
Your sister's husband is your brother-in-law.
O alemão quase tornou-se a língua oficial dos EUA. Com a independência, o "Congresso Continental" resolveu escolher um novo idioma para a nova pátria, conforme alguns historiadores, a fim de cortar toda e qualquer relação com a Inglaterra.
O alemão era o favorito entre os congressistas, por várias razões: Haviam muitos falantes de alemão em diversos estados (hoje 22 % dos americanos descendem de alemães); os inúmeros colonizadores holandeses poderiam aprender o alemão facilmente; e os próprios americanos não teriam tanta dificuldade, já que o inglês tem uma raiz em comum com o alemão (ao contrário do Francês, por exemplo)...
Mas quando a proposta foi votada, o inglês foi escolhido como a língua da nova república; Pela diferença de apenas um voto!
Where are you from ?
I am from Chima.
I am Chinese
James: Hello.
Lisa: Hi. 
James: How are you? 
Lisa: I'm good. How are you? 
James: Good. Do you speak English? 
Lisa: A little. Are you American? 
James: Yes. 
Lisa: Where are you from? 
James: I'm from California. 
Lisa: Nice to meet you. 
James: Nice to meet you too.
A palavra “ GOODBYE” em inglês é corruptela da expressão “ God be with you” algo como “ Vá ou fique com DEUS” que as pessoas usavam ao se despedirem antigamente
Grammar Point
There is e there are representam o nosso há ou existe(m). A diferença é que usamos there is para uma só coisa, pessoa ou situação. Quando dizemos que há mais de uma coisa ou pessoa, usa-se a forma plural there are. 
Veja que em português falamos na conversa de todo dia "Tem um homem no carro" ou "Tem 40 alunos na minha classe" ao invés de usar há. No inglês, não se usa o verbo have (ter) para isso. 
There is a man in the car. e não Has a man in the car. / There are 40 students in my class. e não Have 40 students in my class.
Any é uma palavra muito usada em perguntas com there is e there are. Neste uso específico, any significa aproximadamente 'algum(a)':
Are there any apples in the refrigerator? [Há alguma maçã na geladeira?] Yes, there are. [Sim, há.] Usamos any na resposta também com o sentido de 'nenhum(a)': Is there any milk in the refrigerator? [Tem (algum) leite na geladeira?] No, there isn't any. [Não, não tem (nenhum).]
forma longa
forma contraída
there is há, existe
There is a man in the car.
Há um homem no carro.
there are há, existe
There are 40 students in my class.
Há 40 alunos na minha classe.
Negative (forma longa)
(forma contraída)
(forma contraída)
There is
There is not
There's not
There isn't
There are
There are not
There aren't
There is
Is there?
There are
Are there?
This, That, These, Those
This, that, these e those são palavras usadas no inglês de maneira similar à que usamos o grupo de palavras isso, aquele, essas, aquelas, etc., ou seja, quando queremos demonstrar ou especificar algo/alguém com relação à distância no espaço ou tempo. This e these referem-se a algo ou alguém próximo no espaço ou no tempo. This corresponde a isso, esse(a) ou este(a): EX- This ruler is orange. [Essa régua é laranja] These é a forma plural de this: EX- These pencils are yellow. [Esses lápis são amarelos] / These are yellow pencils. [Esses são lápis amarelos] That e those referem-se a algo ou alguém distante no espaço ou no tempo. That é usado, quase sempre, como aquilo/aquele(a). EX- That wallet is brown. [Aquela carteira é marrom] EX- That is a brown wallet. [Aquela é uma carteira marrom.] Those é a forma plural de that: EX- Those books are blue. [Aqueles livros são azuis] EX- Those are blue books. [Aqueles são livros azuis.]
1 -Complete as frases a seguir com there is ou there are. 
__________ a few eggs in the fridge.
__________ a good movie on TV later.
__________ two universities in this city. There's also a small college.
__________ so much meat in the fridge! Let's have some of that for dinner.
__________ several kinds of toys to choose from.
__________ no way I'm going to go out tonight.
__________ money on the kitchen table.
2—Complete as sentenças conjugando o verbo to be:
We ________Students and she _______ the teacher.
The boys _________ in front of the club.
__________ the girl at home?
This _______ my house and my bike ______ in front of it.
_______ that your English school?
These _______ the soccer players.
This ______ my friend and those _____ my parentes. 
3—Put the articles A / NA ou THE nos espaços em branco quando necessário:
He plays _______ guitar very well.
I´m ______ engineer.
Are you coming to playchess after ______ breakfast?
You have _______ class on Monday.
I eat _____ big breakfast in ______ morning.
English is _____ importante language.
I work
eu trabalho
you work
você trabalha
he works
ele trabalha
she works
ela trabalha
it works
ele(a) trabalha
we work
nós trabalhamos
you work
vocês trabalham
they work
eles(as) trabalham
Presente Simples Afirmativo
Usamos o Present Simple para falar de fatos reais, hábitos e rotinas.
    I live in São Paulo. [Eu moro em São Paulo.]
    You work for a big company. [Você trabalha emuma empresa grande.]
    They play tennis every afternoon. [Elas jogam tênis toda tarde.]
Perceba que, ao contrário do português, o inglês não possui muitas variações na conjugação dos verbos no presente. A única exceção é feita para a terceira pessoa do singular (he, she, it) que, na maioria dos verbos recebe a letra "s" no final.
Presente Simples Negativo
forma contraída
I do not work
I don't work
eu não trabalho
you do not work
you don't work
você não trabalha
he does not work
he doesn't work
ele não trabalha
she does not work
she doesn't work
ela não trabalha
it does not work
it doesn't work
ele(a) não trabalha
we do not work
we don't work
nós não trabalhamos
you do not work
you don't work
vocês não trabalham
they do not work
they don't work
eles(as) não trabalham
resposta curta (short answer)
resposta longa
Do I like ice cream?
Eu gosto de sorvete?
Yes, I do. No, I don't
Yes, I like ice cream. No, I don't like ice cream.
Do you like ice cream?
Você gosta de sorvete?
Yes, you do. No, you don't
Yes, you like ice cream. No, you don't like ice cream.
Does he like ice cream?
Ele gosta de sorvete?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.
Yes, he likes ice cream. No, he doesn't like ice cream.
Para fazermos perguntas usando o Presente Simples, também podemos usar os WH questions:
Vamos Praticar
Leia a conversa a baixo, depois tente descobrir alguma informação dos seus colegas de classe:
A What´s your date of birth?
B Excuse me?
A When were you born?
B October 15th, 1965.
A Where were you born?
B Here in Campinas-SP.
Check (_) the correct sentence.
Where do you from?
Where are you from? X
Where do you are from?
1a. Why do you study English?
1b. Why are you study English?
1c. Why are you doing study English?
2a. What does you do?
2b. What do you do?
2c. What do you are doing?
5a. What’s your name last?
5b. What’s your last name?
5c. Your last name what is it?
6a. What’s your address?
6b. Your address what are?
6c. What are your address?
7a. Where was you born?
7b. Where were you born?
7c. Were where you born?
Tom Excuse me—Where´s the Grocery, please?
Woman Hmm.... I think it´s that way. Or is it that way?
 I´m not sure.
Tom Excuse me—Where´s the Grocery?
Man That way.
Woman No dear, it´s that way.
Man Honey, you´re wrong. The Grocery is on
 Second avenue, next to Fred´s Restaurant.
Woman No, it´s not dear. It´s on the corner of 
 State and Fifth.
Man No dear....
Tom Excuse me—Is the grocery near here?
Man I´m sorry, I don´t know.
Tom Thanks anyway.
Tom Excuse me, Sir—Where is the Grocery, please?
Man Just walk to the corner and turn left. That´s Second Avenue. Go straight ahead for two blocks, and it´s on the right,
Tom Let´s see — left at the corner and straight for two blocks.
Man That´s right. It´s across from the park, between Main and High.
Tom Thank you very much.
Man You´re welcome But hurry! It closes at five.
Para pedir informações sobre a localização de um ponto da cidade e ou de algum endereço existem algumas expressões que ajudam muito, veja abaixo: 
Could you help me, please? Você poderia me ajudar, por favor?
Excuse me, I’d like to know… Com licença, eu gostaria de saber…
Where is the restroom (US)/toilet (UK) / bathroom Onde fica o banheiro?
Excuse me. Where is the bank? Com licença, Onde fica o [banco]?
Excuse me, could you tell me where [the bank] is? Com licença, você poderia me dizer onde é o [banco]?
How can I get to… Como posso chegar a…?
It’s seven blocks north. Fica sete quarteirões ao norte.
It’s on the right / left. Fica à direita / esquerda.
It’s near the.. É perto do / da…
It’s next to the… Fica ao lado de / junto do (a)…
It’s not far from… Não fica longe da / do…
In front of… ————- Em frente de…
Between [the trees]. ———— Entre [as árvores].
Downtown. ——————— No centro da cidade.
On the corner. —————— Na esquina.
Go straight ahead. —————- Siga direto em frente.
Turn right / left at the traffic light. Vire à direita / esquerda no semáforo.
Walk to the corner. ——— Caminhe até a esquina.
Make a left / right turn. Faça uma curva à esquerda / direita.
Walk for two blocks. — Ande por dois quarteirões.
By bus / by subway / by taxi / on foot De metrô / de ônibus / de taxi / a pé
Bakery —————— Padaria
Movie Theater —————— Cinema
News stand ——————- Banca de Jornal
Restaurant —————— Restaurante
Bus stop ——————— Ponto de ônibus
Bus station —————- Rodoviária
Grammar Point
Para lembrar! Nós usamos o Simple Present para indicar rotina, coisas que fazemos todos os dias ou com frequência.
One Day in my Life
I usually get up very early—at about 6 o´clock. I have breakfast with my wife, and then leave for work at 7:15. I go to work by train, and get to the office just before nine.
When I arrive at the office. I Always check my e-mail. I get a lot of messages from our overseas officers. Then I usually have a meeting with my team from 11 to 12 o´clock.
I have lunch in the office cafeteria at 12. The food isn´t very good, but it´s Che ap. After lunch I sometimes meet clientes, or write reports.
I usually finish work at about 6 o´clock, although I occasionally work overtime. I get home about an hour later, and have dinner with my Family.
In the evening, I help my children with their homework, and watch television with my wife.
He gets up
Escolha o verbo, e escreva na forma correta.
He ............... breakfast with his wife.
He ............... his email.
He ............... clientes in the afternoon.
He sometimes ..................... reports.
He occasionally ................ overtime.
He .................. home at about 7 o´clock
Practice Point
....................................................................................? He gets up at about 6 o´clock.
....................................................................................? He has breakfast with his wife.
....................................................................................? He goes to work by train.
....................................................................................? He gets to the office just before nine.
....................................................................................? He has lunch in the office cafeteria.
....................................................................................? The food isn´t very good, but it´s cheap.
....................................................................................? He meets clientes in the afternoon.
....................................................................................? He finishes work at about six.
Food and Beverages
hot dogs
meat loaf
orange juice
ice cream
salad dressing
What Time Is it?
Para perguntar as horas podemos falar: What’s the time? ou What time is it?. Usamos a forma It’s + time para dizer que horas são e quando for a hora exata acrescentamos o’clock. 
It´s three o´clock
It´s one o´clock
It´s six twenty –five— twenty—Five past six
It´s ten five - Five past ten
It´s One and Thirty - One and a half
It´s Two fifteen - Two and a quarter - a quarter past two
It´s eight Forty Five - A quater to Nine
It´s four and a half
Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma adequada do verbo destacado - Tempo verbal: Presente simples
A)John...............with his parents in a country town.(Live)
B)That guy..................a lot of important information.(Have)
C)Our great grandfather................a pension.(Get)
D)She.................English well but her brother.................it.(Know/hate)
E)Ronaldo......................goals when he´s in good shape.(Score)
F)We...............control of our lives due to bad habits.(Lose)
G)Mary and Anna.................to college in the evening.(Go)
Faça perguntas para as respostas abaixo usando os “Questions Words” .
1) _______________________________________________________________________________________________?
They're AT THE CLUB right now. 
2) _________________________________________________________________________________?
She's from POLAND. 
3) _________________________________________________________________________________?
4) _________________________________________________________________________________?
5) _________________________________________________________________________________?
The party is NEXT SATURDAY. 
Complete os espaços com a conjugação correta dos verbos no Presente Simples do inglês.
Kristin_____________ (wake up) everyday at 7. She ___________(brush) her teeth and then __________ (take) a shower. Then she __________(meet) with her friend Jennifer and together they _______________(have) breakfast at a little diner near the office. They ______________(get) to the office at around 8:30. Kristin ___________(go) to the first floor, where she _____________(work), and Jennifer _____________ (take) the elevator to the 11th floor, where her office ____________(be). Later, they ___________ (meet) again at 12 to have lunch. 
Kate linda!
Linda Kate! How are you? Do you work around here?
Kate Yes, I work in that building across the street.
Linda Really! What do you do? 
Kate I´m a Lawyer
Linda Oh, that´s interesting.
Kate What about you? What do you do?
Linda I work at the memorial Hospital
Kate Oh... Are you a doctor?
Linda No, I´m a biologist. I do research.
Linda Here´s my bus
Kate That´s my bus too
Linda Oh, where do you live?
Kate On Grand Avenue
Linda Really? Where on Grand ?
Kate At 356
Linda You´re Kidding ! We are Neighbors.
 I live on the next block.
Kate Do you live alone, Linda?
Linda No, I don´t. I live with my Family
 How about you?
Kate I´m married now. I got married 
 Last year.
Linda Really? Congratulations.
Grammar Point
Present Continuous
Utilizamos o presente contínuo para indicar ações que estão em andamento. Ou seja, estamos "no meio" da ação. Sua forma é
Verbo to be + verbo+ING
I'm watching TV. Estou assistindo TV. / She is dancing. Ela está dançando.
forma contraída
I am working
I'm working
eu estou trabalhando
you are working
you're working
você está trabalhando
he is working
he's working
ele está trabalhando
Atenção: os verbos que terminam em CVC (consoante + vogal + consoante) dobram a última letra, desde que essa sílaba seja tônica:
Sit --> sitting swim --> swimming / Run --> running forget--> forgetting 
Veja este caso: open --> opening / visit --> visiting (não dobra-se a letra pois, apesar de terminar em CVC, não é a sílaba tônica)
Por fim, os verbos que terminam em "e" perdem a vogal final e acrescenta-se "ing":
Have - having / Live - living / Make - making
What are you doing? I'm having a sandwich. [O que você está fazendo? Estou comendo um sanduíche.]
forma contraída
I am not working
I'm not working
eu não estou trabalhando
you are not working
you're not working you aren't working
 você não está trabalhando
he is not working
he's not working he isn't working
ele não está trabalhando
Alguns exemplos:
I am not learning Italian. [Não estou aprendendo italiano.] 
The cat isn't drinking milk. [O gato não está bebendo leite.]
It isn't raining at the moment. [Não está chovendo no momento.]
Veja a formação do presente contínuo na interrogativa:
resposta curta (short answer)
Am I working?
eu estou trabalhando?
Yes, I am / No, I'm not
Are you working?
você está trabalhando?
Yes, you are / No, you aren't
Is he working?
ele está trabalhando?
Yes, he is / No, he isn't.
Is she working?
ela está trabalhando?
Yes, she is / No, she isn't.
Are they working?
eles(as) estão trabalhando?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren't
Alguns exemplos:
Are they sleeping? [Eles estão dormindo?]
Is he waiting for the bus? [Ele está esperando pelo ônibus?]
Pronome Objeto na oração tem como função de objeto direto ou indireto:
me – me, mim
you – te, ti, o, a, lhe
him – o, lhe
her – a, lhe
it – o, a
us – nos
you, vos, os, as, lhes
them – os, as, lhes
Ex.: I Love him very much. (Eu o amo muito.)
Ex.: Tell her the news. (Conte-lhe a novidade.)
Ex.: They never talk to us.(Eles nunca conversam conosco.) 
Possessive adjectives vão concordar com o possuidor, sendo ele sujeito ou não:
my – meu, minha, meus, minhas
your – teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, sua, seus, suas
his – dele, seu, sua, seus, suas
her – dela, seu, sua, seus, suas
its – dele, dela, seu, sua, seus, suas 
our – nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas
their – deles, delas, seu, sua, seus, suas 
Ex.: Where are your parents? (Onde estão seus pais?)
Ex.: He always drives her cars. (Ele sempre dirige os carros dela.)
Ex.: She was in my car. (Ela estava em meu carro.)
Possessive pronouns é usado para substituir a construção possessive adjective + substantivo:
mine – meu, minha, meus, minhas
yours – teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, sua , seus, suas
his – seu, sua, seus, suas, dele
hers – seu, sua, seus, suas, dela
ours – nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas
theirs – seu, sua, seus, suas deles, delas
Ex.: They aren’t her books. They are mine. (Eles não são os livros dela. Eles são meus.)
Ex.: A teacher of mine is Italian. (Um de meus professores é italiano.)
Existem algumas regras para se escrever as palavras no plural, aqui vão as regras com os exemplos para que fique mais fácil de memorizar.
A regra geral do plural você acrescenta o s ao substantivo:
Boy – Boys
River – Rivers
Notebook – Notebooks
Nos substantivos terminados em ch, sh, ss, x, z e o acrescentamos es:
Church – Churches
Brush – Brushes
Glass – Glasses
Box – Boxes
Topaz – Topazes
Potato – Potatoes
Os substantivos abaixo terminados em f ou fe, mudam o f para v e recebem es para formar o plural. As demais palavras terminadas em f ou fe fazem o plural regular com s.
Wife – Wives                 Calf – Calves
Life – Lives                  Leaf – Leaves
Knife – Knives                Loaf – Loaves
Wolf – Wolves               Thief – Thieves
Shelf – Shelves               Half – Halves
Self – Selves                 Sheaf – Sheaves
Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de consoante substitui o y por ies:
City – Cities
Family – Families
Story – Stories
Os substantivos terminados em y precedidode vogal seguem a regra geral:
Boy – Boys
Day – Days
As palavras estrangeiras conservam geralmente o plural de origem:
Datum – Data
Phenomenon – Phenomena
Genius – Genii
Crisis – Crises
Nucleus – Nuclei
Substantivos com plural irregular:
Tooth – Teeth
Foot – Feet
Child – Children
Mouse – Mice
Woman – Women
Man – Men
Complete com os pronomes apropriados nos espaços em branco:
The green book and the yelow book are ____________(HE).
___________ (I) brother is the one with the red hair.
I saw _________(YOU) father last week. He was looking well.
These socks are ___________ (YOU). Those one are ___________(HE).
Here is __________(I) English book and this is __________(SHE).
Coloque a forma correta do plural nas palavras abaixo:
1) desk - ___________
2) pencil - ___________
3) bike - ___________
4) cat - ___________
5) invitation - ___________
6) watch - ___________
7) game - ___________
8) cage - ___________
9) cake - ___________
10) box - ___________
Complete com o verbo correto as frases abaixo:
The children__________________ questions. (not/to ask)
Nick__________________ to the gym? (to go)
I________________ the door. (not/to open)
He_____________ jokes. (to tell)
The baby_____________ now. (to cry)
We ___________________ a farm. (not/to visit)
__________They ______________ the phone? (to answer)
Complete as perguntas conjugando o Presente Continuo corretamente:
__________Richard________________ in the garden? (to work)
__________she ________________ a cup of tea? (to have
__________the children ______________ their homework? (to do)
__________you _____________ the kitchen, Tom? (to clean)
__________the cat ________________ in the basket? (to sleep)
__________Cliff and Oliver ________________ friends? (to meet)
__________your mother _______________sandwiches? (to make)
Months of the Year!
 Across  Down
3) Month 02  1) Month 12
5) Month 10  2) Month 01
6) Month 07  4) Month 11
8) Month 03  7) Month 08
9) Month 06   8) Month 05
11) Month 09  10) Month 04
Já estudamos nas lições anteriores os tempos verbais usados para se referir as ações no presente, SIMPLE PRESENT e o PRESENT CONTINUOUS, porém ainda há bastante dúvidas no uso deles, nesta unidade vamos exercitar os dois para termos a certeza de que usaremos de maneira correta.
SIMPLE PRESENT— é usado toda vez que falamos de ações rotineiras, coisas que fazemos ou que acontece com frequência. 
Pronome + Verbo no presente ( os verbos usados com os pronomes da 3° pessoa no singular HE / SHE / IT terminarão com “S” . 
EX: I play tennis every week. / They go to church on Sundays.
 She does the homework everyday.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS—é usado para ações que acontecem no exato momento que se esta falando, na sua maioria usamos NOW ou AT THE MOMENT.
Pronome + Verbo TO BE + Verbo +ING
EX: We are talking on the phone now. / I am walking to school at this moment.
DICA: Existem alguns Advérbios de tempo que usamos no Presente :
every ...
Também podemos usar— Once / Twice / Three Times...
Usamos at com horários e alguns períodos do dia.
at six o’clock (às seis horas)
at nine-thirty (às nove e meia)
at around eight (lá pelas oito horas)
at midnight (à meia-noite)
at noon (ao meio-dia)
at night (à noite)
at the end of the year (no final do ano)
at the beginning of October (no começo de outubro)
Usamos on com dias da semana e datas com dia e mês.
on Sunday (no domingo)
on Sundays (aos domingos)
on weekdays (nos dias de semana)
on business days (em dias úteis)
on the weekend (no fim de semana)
on weekends (nos fins de semana)
on Monday morning (na segunda de manhã)
on Friday night (na sexta-feira à noite)
on March 19 (no dia 19 de março)
Usamos in com anos, meses do ano, estações e alguns períodos do dia.
in 2010 (em 2010)
in April (em abril)
in the summer (no verão)
in the spring (na primavera)
in the fall (no outono)
in the winter (no inverno)
in the morning (de manhã)
in the afternoon (de tarde)
in the evening (de noite)
Também usamos in com o sentido de “daqui a …”.
in two weeks (em duas semanas, daqui a duas semanas)
in six months (em seis meses, daqui a seis meses)
in a few days (em alguns dias, daqui a alguns dias)
Não usamos as preposições at, in ou on com as palavras this (este), next (próximo), last (último, passado) e every (todos, cada um).
next Monday (na próxima segunda-feira) e não on next Monday
this Friday (nesta sexta) e não on this Friday
every day (todos os dias) e não on every day
As preposições em inglês têm poucas regras e temos de seguir algumas para usá-las corretamente.
Aqui estão os principais usos para as Preposições de tempo: AT - IN - ON
1) The Cat in ON the chair. 
2) The foot rest is UNDER the table.
3) The bigger Computer is BETWEEN the others
4) The printer is NEXT to the scanner. 
5) There is a Clock ABOVE the TV.
6) There is a notebook BESIDE the chair.
7) The Table is IN FRONT OF the kitchen.
8) The fridge is BELOW the bedrooms.
9) The chairs are AT the table.
10) The vase is BEHIND the table. 
The Cat is IN the Wardrobe.
The Dog is OUT OF the Wardrobe.
Complete as sentenças abaixo usando Simple Present Tense ou Present Continuous Tense dos verbos em parênteses:
a) Jane ______________________ to learn how to swim every day. ( to try)
b) They often ______________________ in the club on weekends. ( to dance)
c) She ______________________ her mother every day. ( to kiss)
d) The children ______________________________ in the park now. ( to play)
e) At this moment I ______________________________ apples to make a pie. ( to cut)
f) I always ______________________ newspaper at the corner. ( to buy)
g) The boy ______________________ the bus to school at 10 o’clock every day. ( to catch)
h) We ______________________________ for school now. ( to leave)
i) Ted and I __________________________________ in the park at present. ( to run)
j) We never ______________________ dinner after 8 o’clock in the evening. ( to have)
k) My friend ____________________________ in London now. ( to live)
l) She usually ______________________ her hair before going to sleep. ( to brush)
m) Karen and I frequently ______________________ our homework together. ( to do)
n) Linda _________________________________ now. ( to study)
o) We often ______________________ out of town. ( to go)
p) Terry seldom ______________________ her tennis lesson. ( to enjoy)
q) The girls _________________________________ now. ( to swim)
r) Mr. Taylor ______________________ his shop at 8 o’clock every day. ( to open)
Complete com a alternativa correta as questões abaixo:
2. “Hello, Ann, What are you doing?”
 “I _________________ my books”.
a) were looking
b) has been looking
c) looks
d) had looked
e) am looking for
3. Everybody ____ waiting, because the American people ____ working on the project.
a) is / are
b) are / are
c) was / is
d) is / is
e) are / is
4. Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she ________________ her lesson.
a) studys
b) is studied
c) is studying
d) studied
e) has studying
10. He can’t talk to us now because he ________ a bath.
a) has
b) has having
c) have
d) having
e) is having
11. Smith always ___________________ to classes on time.
a) is coming
b) come
c) had come
d) comes
e) cames
12. Usando-se corretamente os verbos “to live “e “to have” (present tense), a frase seguinte:
 “Peter__________ in Spain and __________________ a bride there”.
a) lives – have
b) lived – had
c) live – has
d) lives – had
e) lives – has
13. Escolha a pergunta cuja resposta é: “No, he isn’t”.
a) Are the students cheating?
b) Is Mary worrying about the future?
c) Is Tom working in the lab?
d) Is the lesson interesting?
e) Does he know to enjoy his life?
14. “What _________________________? “
 “Peter _____________ and Alice ________________.”
a) are Peter and Alice doing / is working / is cooking.
b) Peter and Alice are doing / is working / is cooking.
c) Do peter and Alice do / is working / is cooking.
d) Is Peter and Alice doing / is working / is cooking.
e) Peter and Alice’s doing / works / cooks
15. John is a good student, so he ______________ to school every day.
a) go
b) goes
c) to go
d) going
e) come
Preencham os espaços em branco com a preposição mais adequada: in, at ou on.
1. We were_______the farm last weekend. It was great fun.
2. They're living_______Brazil but they are from the USA.
3. I'm______my bedroom now. Where are you now?
4. He was________home when the accident happened.
5. She was_________the bus when I saw her.
6. There are many people________a big city.
7. Don't talk about it_______work. Don't worry.
8. The animals slept_______the floor. 
Escolha a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco.
1.I don´t like it much but they say it´s good....you.
2.They are.....the entrance.Are they waiting....you?
3.It is.....the border of Brazil and Argentina.
4.He´s been living ....the farm.It´s not very far....here.
5.You´re just....time for dinner.
6.Don´t be rude....your parents.
7.The picture is.....the wall.
8.What do you mean.....that?
Grammar Point
O futuro é uma forma verbal utilizada para expressar eventos que ainda não aconteceram, O futuro simples em inglês é construído pelo verbo to be no futuro will, ou pelo menos comum shall, seguido do verbo principal no infinitivo, sem to. 
O simple future é formado da seguinte maneira: 
WILL + verbo 
Os usos mais comuns são: 
· Falar sobre uma decisão que está sendo tomada no momento da fala. 
Ex: I’ll give you the money right now. (Eu te darei o dinheiro agora mesmo). 
· Fazer uma oferta.
Ex: I’ll get the money. (Eu darei o dinheiro). 
· Fazer uma predição sobre o futuro. 
Ex: You’ll be very rich. (Você será muito rico). 
· Fazer um pedido. 
Ex: Will you ask them to be quiet? (Você pedirá a eles para ficarem quietos?). 
· Recusar alguma coisa. 
Ex: No, I won’t be quiet. (Não, eu não ficarei quieto). 
· Fazer uma promessa, ameaça, dar um aviso ou um comando. 
Ex: I’ll call the teacher. (Eu chamarei o professor). 
· Fazer um convite. 
Ex: Will you join us tonight? (Você se juntará a nós esta noite?). 
· Falar a respeito de acontecimentos sobre os quais você não está totalmente certo. Neste caso, usa-se advérbios que indicam probabilidade, como: perhaps (talvez), maybe (talvez), certainly (certamente), probably (provavelmente), it’s possible/probable that... (É possível, provável que) Ex: I’ll probably be late tomorrow. (Eu provavelmente estarei atrasado amanhã). 
Geralmente são acompanhados por alguns advérbios ou locuções adverbiais, como: tomorrow, soon, next month/week/year, in a few days, in a short time, in hours... 
Observação: é possível usar shall para expressar o futuro, seguido de verbo no infinitivo sem to. O Shall é mais usado para as primeiras pessoas (I e We). Quando usado para as demais pessoas dá ênfase à frase. Ex: I will go, he shall. (quer dizer que eu irei à algum lugar, mas o fato de ele também ir merece ser detectado.) 
I Will / I´ll
I Will Not / I´ll Not / I Won´t
Will I ?
You Will / You´ll
You Will Not / You´ll Not / You Won´t
Will You?
He Will / He´ll
He Will Not / He´ll Not / He Won´t
Will He?
She Will / She´ll
She Will Not / She´ll Not / She Won´t
Will She?
It Will / It´ll
It Will Not / It´ll Not / It Won´t
Will It?
We Will / We´ll
We Will Not / We´ll Not / We Won´t
Will We?
You Will / You´ll
You Will Not / You´ll Not / You Won´t
Will You?
They Will / They´ll
They Will Not / They´ll Not / You Won´t
Will They?
O futuro também pode ser expressado pela forma Be going to e para utilizá-la é necessário conjugar o verbo to be de acordo com a pessoa a que o verbo se refere e acrescentar o verbo principal no infinitivo. 

O be going to pode ser usado para: 
- Falar de planos que foram feitos com antecedência. Ex: I'm going to buy a car next month. (Eu vou comprar um carro mês que vem). 
- Fazer previsões num futuro próximo. Ex: I think it's going to rain. (Eu acho que vai chover). 
- Também pode ser usado com a palavra probably (provavelmente) Ex: I probably going to talk with her. (Eu provavelmente 
leiam o texto abaixo
My plans for the future
I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work. My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.
- Allan Jones
Responda as perguntas do Texto: 
a. Where will Allan Jones work?
b. Will Allan Jones be rich?
c. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your answer.
3. Marque Verdadeiro ou Falso
a. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. (………)
b. Allan Jones won’t have children. (……..)
c. Allan Jones will feel down every day. (………)
d. Allan Jones will have a very good wife.(………)
e. Allan Jones will have faith.(……..)
f. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children.(………)
4. Corrija as frases se necessário:
Some people say that you’ll be the champion. Will you? 
Maybe, I do. 
Come on! Won’t you run as fast as you can? 
I’d try my best, but it depends on the others. 
5) Coloque as palavras na ordem correta:
a) be able competition won’t you for the. 
b) hard he will for test the study. 
c) they will gift some give me? 
6) Choose the correct answer in the parenthesis:
a) They ___ (will find / found) work at New York next month. 
b) He ___ (won’t get / get) up early tomorrow, because he slept at 4am! 
c) It ____ (will rain/will rains) for days and days. 
d) We ____ (will make/will made) our best, ok? 
7) Choose the correct answer for the following question:
Who will be able for the war that is about to begin?
a) They will cry a lot before the war.
b) Richard will be here in a couple of days and he’s a soldier.
c) We will pray for those at the war.
d) I will be able for being at home under my blankets. 
Existem palavras que parecem ter um significado, mas na verdade tem outro, são os chamados False Friends!
Ex: I Can´t record his voice. It´s too low.
 I Can still remember her name.
Ex: I´m out of work, actually.
 Nowadays very few men wear hats.
The Hamburguer
	The Hamburguer is made of beef, not ham. The idea of chopping meat into very small pieces comes from Turquey. The name Hamburguer comes from the town of Hamburguer in Germany,
	The Pickle, or pickled cucumber, copmes from Eastern Europe. It is popular in Poland and Russia.
	The Word Ketchup comes from China. “Ke-tsiap” is the Chinese name for a sauce made of pickled fish and spices. The first recipe for tomato Ketchup is in 1792 American cookbook.
	Mayonnaise, sometimescalled “mayo”, is a yellow-white sauce made of eggs, oil, and lemon juice. It comes from the Spanish island of Minorca, but its name is French. Mayonnaise is also used as a dressing for salads.
	The bun is a kind of Bread. It comes from na English recipe, and the sesame seeds on top come from the Middle East.
	So, the “American” hambúrguer is a truly international meal!
You probably think that the hamburguer is a typical American food. Americans often have a hamburguer for a quick lunch or snack. But do you know that the favorite American “ fast food” actually comes from many diferents countries?
Entre as diversas formas de indicar o futuro em inglês, utilizamos a estrutura BE + GOING TO + VERB para indicar:
 1. Previsões baseadas em evidências, sobre algum evento futuro. Temos certeza que algo acontecerá.
Look at the those clouds! It‘s going to rain this afternoon. [Olhe aquelas nuvens! Vai chover hoje à tarde.]
That car is going to hit the wall. [Aquele carro vai bater no muro.]
2. Intenções, planos (note que as decisões já foram tomadas).
I‘m going (to go) to France next month. [Irei à França no próximo mês.]
He is going to graduate in December. [Ele vai se formar em dezembro.]
They are going to discuss this topic. [Eles discutirão esse assunto.]
Grammar Point
Future - continuation
living room – sala de estar
dining room – sala de jantar
kitchen – cozinha
bedroom – quarto
closet – guarda-roupa
bathroom – banheiro
garage – garagem
office – escritório
garden – jardim
stairway – escada
balcony – sacada, varanda
lobby – corredor
first floor – primeiro andar
second floor – segundo andar
upstairs – andar superior
downstairs – andar inferior
roof –telhado
intercom – interfone
bed – cama
table – mesa
Forma Negativa
forma contraída
I am not going to work.
I'm not going to work.
You are not going to work.
You aren't going to work.
He is not going to work.
He isn't going to work.
She is not going to work.
She isn't going to work.
It is not going to work.
It isn't going to work.
We are not going to work.
We aren't going to work.
You are not going to work.
You aren't going to work.
They are not going to work.
They aren't going to work.
Forma Affirmativa
Forma Contraída
I am going to work.
I'm going to work.
You are going to work.
You're going to work.
He is going to work.
He's going to work.
She is going to work.
She's going to work.
It is going to work.
It's going to work.
We are going to work.
We're going to work.
You are going to work.
You're going to work.
They are going to work.
They're going to work.
Forma Interrogativa
Am I going to work?
Are you going to work?
Is he going to work.
Is she going to work.
Is it going to work.
Are you going to work.
Are you going to work.
Are they going to work.
Passado Simples To Be
O verbo be geralmente significa ser ou estar em português. Veja sua formação no tempo passado simples, com sentenças afirmativas:
I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
forma longa
forma contraída
I was not
I wasn't
you were not
you weren't
he was not
he wasn't
she was not
she wasn't
it was not
it wasn't
we were not
we weren't
you were not
you weren't
they were not
they weren't
Was I?
Were you?
Was he?
Was she?
Was it?
Were we?
Were you?
Were they?
Passado Simples Afirmativo - Outros Verbos
Usamos o Past Simple para falar de fatos ocorridos no passado e, na maioria das vezes, ele vem acompanhado de expressões que indicam o tempo da ação: yesterday (ontem), two hours ago (duas horas atrás), last week (semana passada), in 1980 (em 1980) etc.
      I lived in São Paulo im 1999. [Eu morei em São Paulo em 1999.]
      You worked for a big company. [Você trabalhou em uma empresa grande.]
      They played tennis yesterday. [Elas jogaram tênis ontem.]
      It rained a lot in London last year. [Choveu muito em Londres ano passado.]
I worked
you worked
he worked
she worked
it worked
we worked
you worked
they worked
Perceba que, ao contrário do português, o inglês não possui nenhuma variação na conjugação dos verbos no passado simples. Bastou acrescentar -ed no final do verbo. Isso ocorre para todos os verbos que chamamos de verbos regulares.
Alguns exemplos:
We watched TV last yesterday. [Nós assistimos TV ontem.]
You washed your car. [Você lavou seu carro.]
Atenção: as regras de ortografia que aprendemos para a terceira pessoa do singular no presente valem para o simple past:
study - studied I studied English in 1999. [Eu estudei inglês em 1999.]
play - played He played the piano. [Ele tocava piano.]
stop - stopped The police stopped the blue car. [A policia parou o carro azul]
plan - planned We planned to go to London. [Nos planejamos ir a Londres].
Passado Simples (irregulares)
I run everyday.
I ran last night.
I speak English with Tom.
I spoke Spanish with her.
You write an email in the morning.
You wrote an email last Sunday.
I have a blue car.
I had a green bike.
I drink a lot of coffee.
I drank water.
I put the book on the table.
I put the pen on the desk yesterday.
	Alguns dos verbos mais comuns em inglês são os chamados verbos irregulares. Isso pois eles não seguem a regra de acrescentar -ed para formar o passado nem obedecem a uma regra específica. Veja alguns exemplos:
Passado Simples Negativo e Interrogativo - Outros Verbos
Passado Simples Negativo
o presente usamos o auxiliar do/does + not para as frases negativas. Para o passado, atulizaremos apenas o did+not para todas as pessoas (sujeitos).
forma contraída
I did not work
I didn't work
eu não trabalhei
you did not work
you didn't work
você não trabalhou
he did not work
he didn't work
ele não trabalhou
she did not work
she didn't work
ela não trabalhou
it did not work
it didn't work
ele(a) não trabalhou
we did not work
we didn't work
nós não trabalhamos
you did not work
you didn't work
vocês não trabalharam
they did not work
they didn't work
eles(as) não trabalharam
Repare que utilizamos o auxiliar did not + infinitivo. Ou seja, não usamos "I didn't played" ou "He didn't came", mas sim "I didn't play" e "He didn't come".
Passado Simples Interrogativo
No presente usamos o auxiliar do/does antes do sujeito para as frases interrogativas. Para o passado, utilizaremos apenas o did para todas as pessoas (sujeitos).
resposta curta
(short answer)
resposta longa
Did I work?
eu trabalhei?
Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.
Yes, I worked.
No, I didn't work.
Did you work?
você trabalhou?
Yes, you did.
No, you didn't.
Yes, you worked.
No, you didn't work.
Did he work?
ele trabalhou?
Yes, he did.
No, he didn't.
Yes, he worked.
No, he didn't work.
Did she work?
ela trabalhou?
Yes, she did.
No, she didn't.
Yes, she worked.
No, she didn't work.
Did it work?
ele(a) trabalhou?
Yes, it did.
No, it didn't.
Yes, it worked.
No, it didn't work.
Did we work?
nós trabalhamos?
Yes, we did.
No, we didn't.
Yes, we worked.
No, we didn't work.
Did you work?
vocês trabalharam?
Yes, you did.
No, you didn't.
Yes, you worked.
No, you didn't work.
Did they work?
eles(as) trabalharam?
Yes, they did.
No, they didn't.
Yes, they worked.
No, they didn't work.
Base  Past   Past   Portuguese
Form Tense Participle   
-------  -------       -------     -------
arise arose arisen erguer-se
awake awoke awoken      despertar
be    was,were been     ser, estar
beat  beat  beaten      bater
become became become    tornar-se
befall befell befallen  acontecer
begin  began  begun     começar
behold beheld beheld    contemplar
bend   bent   bent      curvar
bet    bet    bet       apostar
bite   bit    bitten    morder
bleed  bled   bled      sangrar 
blow   blew   blown     assoprar
break  broke  broken    quebrar
bring  brought brought  trazer
build  built   built    construir
buy    bought  bought   comprar
catch  caught  caught pegar 
choose chose   chosen   escolher
come   came    come     vir
cost   cost    cost     custar
creep  creptcrept    rastejar
cut    cut     cut    cortar
deal   dealt  dealt   negociar 
Base  Past   Past  Portuguese
Form Tense Participle   
-------  -------       -------     -------
dig    dug    dug    cavocar
do     did    done    fazer 
draw   drew   drawn   desenhar 
drink  drank  drunk   beber
drive  drove  driven dirigir
eat    ate    eaten   comer
fall   fell   fallen cair
feed   fed    fed     alimentar
feel   felt   felt   sentir 
fight  fought fought lutar
find   found  found   achar
fly    flew   flown   voar
forget forgot forgotten  esquecer
forgive forgave forgiven  perdoar
freeze froze   frozen    congelar
get    got     gotten    obter 
give   gave    given      dar
go     went    gone       ir
grind  ground  ground     moer
grow   grew    grown      crescer
have   had     had        ter
hear   heard   heard      ouvir
hide   hid     hidden    esconder
hit    hit     hit        bater
Base  Past   Past   Portuguese
Form Tense Participle   
-------  -------       -------     -------
hit   hit   hit         bater
hold  held  held        segurar
hurt  hurt  hurt        machucar
keep  kept  kept        guardar
know  knew  known       saber
lay   laid  laid     assentar
lead  led   led         liderar
leave left  left        partir
let   let   let         deixar 
lose  lost  lost        perder
make  made  made        fazer 
mean  meant meant significar
meet  met   met         encontrar
pay   paid  paid        pagar
put   put   put         colocar
quit  quit  quit        abandonar
read  read  read        ler
ride  rode  ridden      andar
ring  rang  rung tocar 
rise  rose  risen       erguer-se
run   ran   run         correr 
saw   sawed sawn        serrar
say   said  said        dizer
see   saw   seen        ver
sell  sold  sold        vender
Base  Past   Past  Portuguese
Form Tense Participle   
-------  -------       -------     -------
send  sent  sent        mandar
shake shook shaken    sacudir, 
shine shone shone     brilhar
show  showed shown    mostrar 
sing  sang  sung      cantar
sink  sank  sunk      afundar
sit   sat   sat       sentar
sleep slept slept     dormir
speak  spoke  spoken  falar
spend  spent  spent   gastar
stand  stood  stood  parar de pé
steal  stole  stolen  roubar
swear  swore  sworn   jurar
sweep  swept  swept   varrer
swim   swam   swum    nadar
take   took   taken   tomar
teach  taught taught  ensinar
tell   told   told    contar
think  thought thought pensar
throw  threw  thrown  arremessar
wear   wore   worn    vestir
win    won    won     vencer
write  wrote  written escrever
Making Negatives.
Write the questions:
I went to Asia in 19______ .
When_______________________________________________________________ ?
I went to _______ on my last vacation.
Where_______________________________________________________________ ?
We stayed in _____ .
Where_______________________________________________________________ ?
We stayed there for _______ weeks.
How Long ___________________________________________________________ ?
We had ________ weather.
Did _____________________________________ good weather ?
2) Making Negatives
Correct the sentences
A. Shakespeare wrote stories.
B. Christopher Columbus discovered India
C. Beethoven came from France.
D. Leonardo da Vinci lived in Mexico.
E. Americans landed on the moon in the nineteenth century.
Complete the text with a verb from the Box in the Past Simple
Fall Find break
Laugh spend leave
Lose need take
Celebrate save
Can´t (past= couldn´t)
	Yesterday Gary Smith ______________ his twenty-first birthday, but He´s Lucky to be alive. In March this year, He was mountain climbing, when He (1) _____________ his way and (2) _____________ 16 hours in sub-zero temperatures.
	“My friends (3) _____________ at me for having so much survival equipament, but it (4) _____________ my life.”
	On the first night, the weather was so bad that it tore his new mountain tent to pieces, so He moved into a Youth Hostel. He (5) ____________ the hostel at10:00 the next morning, but that afternoon He was in trouble. “ I (6) ____________ off a rock and (7) ___________ my left leg. I (8) ____________ move.”
	Mountain rescue teams went out to look for Gary, and (9) ______________ him at 9:00 the next morning, A helicopter (10) _____________ him to a hospital, where He (11) ___________ several operations. “Next time I´ll go with my friends, not on my own!” He joked.
By Fernando Diniz
Put one of these verbs in each sentence:
buy catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach throw win write
Mozart ..................... More than 600 pieces of music.
‘How did you learn to drive?’ ‘My father ......................................... Me.’ 
We couldn´t afford to keep our car, so we ............................. It.
I was very thirsty. I .............................. The water very quickly.
Paul and I played tennis yesterday. He´s much better than me, so He ......................easily.
Don ............................ Down the stairs this morning and ....................... his leg.
Jim ............................. The Ball to Sue, Who ........................ It.
Ann .............................. A lot of Money yesterday. She ................................ Address which 
 ................................ £ 100.
Os verbos modais são verbos distintos dos outros, pois possuem características próprias, como:
Não precisam de auxiliares;
Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no infinitivo, só que sem o “to”;
Não sofrem alteração nas terceiras pessoas do singular no presente. Logo, eles nunca recebem “s”, “es” ou “ies”.
São verbos modais: can (pode), could (poderia), may (pode, poderia), might (pode, poderia), should (deveria), must (deve), ought to (precisa) e used to (costumava).
Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habilidade.
Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de poderia, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu podia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de idade).
Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por favor?).
May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos mais formais que o can.
It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no passado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoçar com a gente amanhã).
Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conselho.
You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médico).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fumar).
Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábitodo passado.
I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costumava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade).
Complete the sentences with can / can´t / could / couldn´t + one of these verbs:
 come eat hear run sleep wait
A— I´m afraid I ......................... To your party next week.
B— When Tim was 16, He was a fast runner. He ....................................100 meters in 11 seconds.
C— ‘Are you in a hurry?’ ‘ No, I´ve got plenty of time. I ........................................’ 
D— I was feeling sick yesterday. I .............................................. Anything.
E— Can you speak up a bit? I .......................................................... You very well.
F— ‘ You look tired.’ ‘ Yes, I ............................................ Last night.’ 
2) Leia as situações abaixo e escreva o que você deve dizer. Use as palavras em parênteses (...)
A— You want to borrow your friend’s câmera. What do you say to him/her? (could I ....?)
B— You have a car and you want to give somebody a lift. What do you say? ( Can I ...?)
C— You have to go to the airport, but you Don´t know how to get there. You ask a passerby. (Could you ....?)
D— You are at a meeting with your boss. You want to smoke a cigarette. What do you ask first? (May I ....?)
E— You want to invite someone to come and stay with you for the weekend. ( Would you like....?)
Algumas palavras em inglês possuem a mesma origem de outras palavras em português—que dificilmente imaginaríamos! Alguns exemplos:
- A palavra “pen” (caneta) tem a mesma origem da palavra “pena” em português! (as primeiras “canetas” eram feitas de penas de aves, e a língua inglesa pegou o nome emprestado do latim “Penna”...) 
- A palavra “Exit” (saída) tem a mesma origem da palavra “êxito” ! (ambas do verbo latino “exire” que significa “sair”. “Exito”, em, português , é a saída de uma dificuldade ou problema...)
The British and American Flags
The British flag has three colors, It´s a juxtaposition of three crosses representing the union of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland which once were independent countries. The flag of England was White with na upright red cross. The flad of Scotland was blue with two diagonal White crosses and the flag of ireland was White with two diagonal red crosses.
The American flag also has three colors, It has thirteen stripes and fifty stars. The thriteen stripes represent the thirteen colonies which were part of the United States during the independence revolution. The fifty stars represent the fifty states than now form the United States of America.
Definition: A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another word or other words in a language. 
We often use synonyms in conversation because we Don´t want to repeat words.
lesson, course 
to desert 
to abandon 
huge, immense 
great, brilliant 
to administer 
to manage 
to answer 
to reply 
Complete the conversations using an adjective of similar meaning from the Box.
1. A “Mary´s family is very rich.”
 B “ Well, I knew her uncle was very ___________.”
2. A “Look at all these new buildings!”
 B “Yes, This city´s much more __________ than I expected.”
3. A “Wasn´t that movie wonderful?’
 B “Yes, it was ______________.”
4. A “George doesn´t have much Money, but He is thoughful.”
 B “Yes, He is. He´s one of the most ______________ people I know.”
5. A. “Steve and Elaine´s house is huge,’
 B. “Yes, it´s absolutely _______________.”
 sick of generous great enormous modern wealthy
Grammar Point
some / any / no

O uso de some, any e no é relativamente simples , já que existem regras "lógicas" para empregá-los. O erro mais comum é traduzir any genericamente como "nenhum", o que acaba causando alguns erros em seu emprego.
Também costuma-se generalizar dizendo que some é para frases afirmativas e que any é para perguntas e frases negativas. Isso ocorre em alguns casos, mas não em todos. Vejamos:
I have some English books.
I don´t play any sports.
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Mas existem casos, e são muitos, em que any é utilizado em afirmações:
Ex: I´m free tomorrow. We can meet at any time.
Assim como existem os casos em que se emprega some em perguntas (como, por exemplo, quando se oferece algo para comer ou beber) e frases negativas:
Ex: Would you like some coffee?
Some students didn´t do the test.
Note que any só tem o sentido de nenhum quando antecedido de not. 

I don´t eat any meat. (not + any)
No tem o mesmo significado de not + any
Ex: I have no free time. = I don´t have any free time.
Em perguntas significa algum e em afirmações, qualquer.
A.Escolha a opção que melhor preenche os espaços em branco.
1.He´ll buy........juice for his friend.She´s thirsty.
2.I´m going to choose........thing better this time.I promise you.
3.We had........way of calling you up.We were on a distant farm.
4.I don´t have........time to get it ready.
5.........body can do that.It´s very easy.
6.Would you like.......sugarcane juice?It tastes good!
7.I didn´t drink.......beer.I´m not drunk!
8..........people believe the world is coming to an end in 2012.
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done
Language Point
	The Pony Express is one of the most exciting stories in American history. Although it lasted only a short time, people still remenber the daring riders Who carried the mail across the country on horseback.
	Until 1860, cross-country mail moved only by stagecoach or ship. It took at least four weeks for news to cross the continent. In that year, a company called Russell, Majors, and Waddell bought 500 fast Indian ponies and built 190 stations along a 1966 mile route from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. They hired about 80 courageous riders, including “Buffalo Bill” Cody and “Pony Bob” Haslan. These men carried the mail. Each man rode about 75 Miles and changed his pony at each station, about every ten Miles.
	The riders faced danger and disconfort.
Humans beings and wild animals attacked them . The route crossed mountain ranges, deserts , and wide Rivers. Many riders were hurt. But only oncedid the mail noy get through.
	The first mail pouch left St Joseph on April 3, 1860 and reached Sacramento in ten days. Later trips were made in eight or nine days. The fastest trip, made in 1861, took only seven days.
	The Pony Express lasted less than two years, however. In October, 1861, the Western Union Telegraph Company started telegraph service across the continent. News could now accross from coast to coast by wire. Soon the Pony Express was only a memory—and a bad dream to Russell, Majors, and Waddell, Who lost $200,000.
Write a Composition : My Family
1 These problems come from a newspaper column where people write in with a problem, and other members of the public give their advice. Read the problems. What advice would you give?
Do I have to act my age?
Laura is 47. She is single, and her children have left home. She is very successful in her carrer and hás a lot of friends, but she isn´t satisfied. She longs to change her life. She wants to live abroad, paint, and write poetry, but her friends tell her she should stop being silly and act her age.
Do I have to be a slave to my cell phone?
Jason´s company bought him a cell phone. They want him to carry it with him all the time, so that they can contact him anywhere, anytime.He dislikes the idea of always being available, and he hates the way people use cell phones to have private conversations in public.
Should I throw my son out?
Sarah´s 24 yea-old son lives at home, stays in bed until late, and watch TV all Day. He´s a member of a gang that sometimes causes troubles in the neighborhood. He´s inteligent, but he dropped out of school. He´s never had a job. His father wants to throw him out, but Sarah worries that he could end up getting into trouble and put in prison.
We use the comparative to compare a person or a thing with another person or thing; We use the superlative to compare a person or thing to more than one people or things.
There are three things that I have to remind, when we talk about Comparative and Superlative:
1 Adjectives with one silable;
2 Adjectives with two silables
3 Adjectives with three or more sílables.
One sílable: We add ( er ) to form the compartive of the majority of the adjectives with one silable:
Curitiba is smaller than Sao Paulo.
Curitiba é menor que São Paulo.
clean - cleaner / cold - colder / tall - taller
Note: Adjectives like hot, big, fat, sad, wet ( verbs with consonant, vowel, consonant), we Double the final consonant:
hotter, bigger, fatter, sadder, wetter.
Two silables with 'y' (heavy): If the adjective with two silables end in 'y', we change 'y' for 'i' and we add (er):
Is an elephant heavier than a horse?
Um elefante é mais pesado que um cavalo?
busy - busier / pretty - prettier / noizy - noisier
Three or more silables: We use “more” before the adjectives with three or more silables:
This car is more confortable than that one.
Este carro é mais confortável que alquele.
expensive - more expensive/ 
beautiful - more beautiful
handsome - more handsome
upset - more upset 
boring - more boring 
Note: With some adjectives of two silables like (clever, common, narrow, pleasant, quiet, simple, stupid) we can use trhe two forms.
cleverer ou more clever
commoner ou more common etc
One Silable: We use “est” to the adjective:
I have the smallest car.
Eu tenho o menor carro (de todos).
clean - cleanest / cold - coldest / tall - tallest
Two silables with 'y' (heavy): If the adjective with two silables end in 'y', we change 'y' for 'i' and we add (est):
He is the heaviest
Ele é o mais pesado (de todos)
busy - busiest / pretty - prettiest / noizy - noisiest
Three or more silables: we use “most” before the adjectives with three or more silables:
Who has the most confortable car?
Quem tem o carro mais confortável? (de todos)
expensive - most expensive
beautivul - most beautiful
handsome - most handsome
Irregular comparatives:
Bad - worse - the worst
Far - farther - the farthest
Good - better - the best
Little - less - the least
Much, - Many - More - the most
1) Abby skipped two years of school, so she's _____ person in our 9th grade class.
the younger / the youngest / youngest
2) Who's _____ , Julie or Jennifer?
Smarter / the more smart / smartest
3) Why don't you take a nap, before you get even _____?
Tireder / less tired / more tired
4) David thinks the Guggenheim Museum is _____ than the Whitney Museum of American Art.
the more interesting / more interesting / the most interesting
5) Joe took you out for your birthday and then said he forgot his wallet? He's ____ guy I know!
the cheapest / cheapest / the cheaper
6) This spring was ____ than last spring. It rained just about every day!
the wetter / weter / wetter
7) Let's watch a Woody Allen film instead of this war documentary we're watching. It'll be ____.
Funnyer / funnier / the more funny
8) Why don't you heat that in the microwave? It'll be _____ than in the regular oven.
Quicker / the quickest / quickier
9) I can't believe you're giving Don the job offer. I thought he was ____ qualified of all of our candidates!
the least / less / lesser
10) Many people think that the pandas are _____ animals at the National Zoo in Washington, DC.
the cuter

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