

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

In the sentence: "The first driver is on the right", how many R's would be pronounced by a non-rhotic speaker? 
	b) 2 
	c) 1 
	e) none 
	d) 3 
	a) 4 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:47:14
 "The first driver is on the right"
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound. 
	 2a Questão 
	Which word has the stress on the first syllable in American accent? 
	a) adult 
	e) detail
	b) ballet 
	c) cigarette 
	d) cliché 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:47:22
First-syllable stress in RP but second-syllable stress in GA: adult, baton, ballet, beret, bidet, blasé, brochure, buffet, café, chalet, chauffeur, cliché, coupé, debris, debut, décor, detail, flambé, frappé, garage, parquet, pâté, précis, sachet, salon, vaccine.
Common words where GA has a first-syllable stress and RP has last-syllable are address, cigarette, magazine.
	 3a Questão 
	Mark the only option which has a silent letter.
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:47:53
cupboard = silent letters = /p/ /a/
	 4a Questão 
	Mark the only word wich does not have a silent letter:
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:52:39
climb - "b"
half - " l"
Autumn - "u" - "n"
Answer - "w"
	 5a Questão 
	What are the silent letters in the following words: salmon - lamb - sign - wrap 
	e) n - m- g - w 
	b) l- m - g - w 
	d) l - b - g - w 
	a) n - b - g - w 
	c) n- m - n - w 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:51:28
salmon -/ˈsæmən/
lamb - /læm/
sign -/saɪn/
wrap /ræp/
	 6a Questão 
	In the sentence: "Richard never drives slowly", how many R's would be pronounced by a non-rhotic speaker? 
	b) 2 
	e) none 
	d) 1 
	c) 3 
	a) 4 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:49:09
A RHOTIC accent will say every /R/ that is written. Speak aloud the following sentence and if you hear and feel yourself saying every /R/ sound, you are a RHOTIC speaker. 
Let¿s analyse the following sentence:
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog.
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound. 
Non-rhotic speakers would pronounce the R¿s in:
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog.
	 7a Questão 
	What many R's are pronounced in a non-rhotic accent in the following sentence?
 'Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog.' 
	a) 9 
	e) 6 
	d) 7 
	b) 10 
	c) 8 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:48:53
A RHOTIC accent will say every /R/ that is written. Speak aloud the following sentence and if you hear and feel yourself saying every /R/ sound, you are a RHOTIC speaker. 
Let¿s analyse the following sentence:
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog.
NON-RHOTIC speakers say the /R/ sound ONLY if it is followed by a vowel sound.  
Non-rhotic speakers would pronounce the R¿s in:
Rebecca ran quickly through the flowers and around the river to catch Rover, her overactive dog.
	 8a Questão 
	In which alternative there isn't a silent letter? 
	e) begin 
	b) Calm 
	a) Wednesday 
	d) Mnemonic 
	c) Knee 
	Respondido em 22/04/2020 15:48:26
begin - all the letters are pronounced.

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