
Extra Grammar - Reported Speech

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EnglishBay | Video Course | Extra Grammar 
Copyright © since 2018 | All Rights Reserved 
Part 01 – Reported Speech 
Usamos o Reported Speech quando falamos para uma terceira pessoa o que nos foi falado. Ao 
reportarmos à alguém o que nos foi dito usamos algo chamado backshifting, que é voltar um 
tempo verbal. 
Direct Speech - Present Simple 
Carl: I like your new shoes. 
(Eu gosto dos seus sapatos novos.) 
Reported Speech - Past Simple 
Carl said (that) he liked my new shoes. 
(Carl disse que gostou dos meus sapatos novos.)
Direct Speech - Present Continuous 
Meg: I am studying. 
(Eu estou estudando.) 
Reported Speech - Past Continuous 
Meg said (that) she was studying. 
(Meg disse que ela estava estudando.) 
DS - Past Simple 
Tom: Sue missed the plane. 
(Sue perdeu o avião.) 
RS - Past Perfect 
He said (that) Sue had missed the plane. 
(Ele disse que a Sue tinha perdido o avião.) 
DS - Past Continuous 
Kevin: Mark was sleeping. 
(Mark estava dormindo.) 
RS – Past Perfect Continuous 
He told me (that) Mark had been sleeping. 
(Ele me falou que o Mark tinha estado dormindo.) 
EnglishBay | Video Course | Extra Grammar 
Copyright © since 2018 | All Rights Reserved 
DS - Present Perfect 
Ann & Bill: We have studied here for a year. 
(Nós temos estudado aqui por um ano.) 
RS - Past Perfect 
They said (that) they had studied here/there for a year. 
(Eles disseram que eles tinham estudado aqui/lá por um ano.) 
* O Past Perfect não muda no Reported Speech. 
DS – Past Perfect 
Ruth: I had watched this movie. 
(Eu tinha assistido este filme.) 
RS – Past Perfect 
Ruth said (that) she had watched that movie. 
(Ruth disse que ela tinha assistido aquele filme.) 
DS – Present Perfect Continuous 
Mary: I have been living here for two months. 
(Eu tenho estado morando aqui por 2 meses.) 
RS – Past Perfect Continuous 
Mary told us (that) she had been living here/there for two months. 
(Mary nos contou que ela tinha estado morando aqui/lá por 2 meses.) 
DS – Can 
Wes: Paul can speak Spanish. 
(Paul pode falar espanhol.) 
RS – Could 
Wes told me (that) Paul could speak Spanish. 
(Wes me contou que o Paul podia falar espanhol.) 
DS – Will 
Gary: I will see you later. 
(Eu verei você mais tarde.) 
RS – Would 
He said (that) he would see me later. 
(Ele disse que ele me veria mais tarde.) 
EnglishBay | Video Course | Extra Grammar 
Copyright © since 2018 | All Rights Reserved 
DS – May 
Louie: We may attend the party. 
(Nós podemos comparecer à festa.) 
RS – Might 
Louie told us (that) they might attend the party. 
(Louie nos contou que eles poderiam comparecer à festa.) 
* Other modal verbs don’t change in reported speech. 
DS – Should 
Emma: You should drink more water. 
(Você deveria beber mais água.) 
RS – Should 
Emma told me (that) I should drink more water. 
(Emma me disse que eu deveria beber mais água.) 
DS - Am/Is/Are Going to 
Peg: I am going to join the gym tomorrow. 
(Eu irei entrar na academia amanhã.) 
RS - Was/Were Going to 
She said (that) she was going to join the gym the following day. 
(Ela disse que ela iria entrar na academia no dia seguinte.) 
Part 02 – Reporting Questions, Orders and Requests 
Direct question: What time does the train leave? 
(Que horas o trem parte?) 
Reported question: She asked (me) what time the train left. 
(Ela (me) perguntou que horas o trem partia.) 
Direct question: Did she live in England? 
(Ela morou na Inglaterra?) 
Reported question: He asked me if/whether she had lived in England. 
(Ele me perguntou se ela tinha morado na Inglaterra.) 
EnglishBay | Video Course | Extra Grammar 
Copyright © since 2018 | All Rights Reserved 
Direct question: Are you crying? 
(Você está chorando?) 
Reported question: They asked me if/whether I was crying. 
(Eles me perguntaram se eu estava chorando.) 
Kim: Can you help me? 
(Você pode me ajudar?) 
She asked (me) if/whether I could help her. 
(Ela (me) perguntou se eu podia ajudá-la.) 
She asked me to help her. 
(Ela (me) pediu para ajudá-la.) 
John: Open the door. 
(Abra a porta.) 
He told/asked me to open the door. 
(Ele me disse/pediu para abrir a porta.) 
Teacher Julio: Don’t give up! 
(Não desista!) 
Teacher Julio told me not to give up. 
(Teacher Julio me disse para não desistir.) 

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