
Semana 4 -Unit 4 - 03 092020

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Inglês Instrumental I - 2020
Prof. Edley Matos dos Santos
4.1 Look at the pictures and write the questions.
(you/ enjoy/ the film?
Are you enjoying the film?
(you/ watch/ it?
Are you watching it?
(you/ write/ a letter?)
Are you writing a letter? 
(that clock/ work?
Is that clock working?
(you/ go/ now?)
Are you going now?
Is ir raining?
4.2 Look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use one of these verbs: cry, eat, go, laugh, look at, read.
Why are they laughing? 
Why are you crying?
What are they looking at?
Where is she going?
What are you eating?
4.3 Write questions from these words. Use is or are and put the words in order. 
Is Paul working today?
1 (working / Paul / today?) _____________________________________________What are the children doing?
2 (what / doing / the children?) _________________________________________Are you listening to me?
3 (you / listening / to me?) _____________________________________________Where are going your friends?
4 (where / going / your friends? _________________________________________
5 (your parents / television/ watching?) __________________________________What is Ann cooking?
Are your parents’ watching television?
6 (what / cooking / Ann?) ______________________________________________Why are you looking at me?
7 (why / you / looking / at me?) _________________________________________Is the bus coming?
8 (coming / the bus?) _________________________________________________
4.4 Write short answers (Yes, I am. / No, he isn’t. etc.).
1 Are you watching TV? No, I’m not.No, I am not.
2 Are you wearing a watch? ___________________________________No, I am not.
3 Are you eating something? __________________________________It is not raining.
4 Is it raining? ______________________________________________No, I am not.
5 Are you sitting on the floor? _________________________________Yes, I am.
6 Are you feeling well? _______________________________________

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