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Mills suggests that the task and the purpose of sociology is to study the way in which 
individuals fit into cultures that produce them, and that they themselves -----------------
------ over time. 
start and put an end 
 mantain and recreate 
write about and calculate 
destroy and forget 
vary and explore 
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Choose the option which best completes the following statement: The nature of society 
from a Marxist point of view is one in which unnatural systems of power must be made 
to seem as though they are a natural and organic outgrowth of the progress of ---------
local groups 
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Choose the WRONG alternative 
Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, 
creative, unconscious and active individuals 
 Identity is not essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of 
thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals 
 Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, 
creative, conscious and active individuals 
Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is not to take place amongst a society of 
thinking, creative, conscious and active individuals 
Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is isolate a society of thinking, creative, 
conscious and active individuals 
Identity is essential if meaningful interaction is to take place amongst a society of thinking, 
creative, conscious and active individuals 
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Assinale a alternativa incorreta: 
a família é responsável por garantir a proteção e assistência. 
por meio da transmissão dos primeiros sistemas simbólicos a identificação do 
indivíduo com seu meio social vai sendo construída, fato essencial para a 
manutenção de qualquer sociedade; 
 Cabe à escola a perpetuação da diversidade social, cultural e genética; 
a família é responsável por transmitir as primeiras regras e hábitos sociais que 
tornarão o indivíduo um ser social; 
religião, afeto, personalidade, moral, gostos são primeiramente construídas pela 
Cabe à família a perpetuação da diversidade social, cultural e genética; 
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Para Herbert Marcuse "cultura afirmativa" é, exceto: 
Qualquer indivíduo pode realizar para si ¿a partir do interior¿, sem transformar a 
realidade de fato. 
Somente nessa cultura as atividades e os objetos culturais adquirem sua 
solenidade elevada tanto acima do cotidiano: sua recepção se converte em ato de 
celebração e exaltação. 
 Uma cultura que, no seu próprio desenvolvimento, levaria a distinguir e elevar o 
mundo material, nos termos de esfera de valores autônoma, em relação à 
 Uma cultura pertencente à época burguesa 
Seu traço decisivo é a afirmação de um mundo mais valioso, universalmente 
obrigatório, incondicionalmente confirmado, eternamente melhor, que é 
essencialmente diferente do mundo de fato da luta diária pela existência, 
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Modernity was based on what is called the spirit of the -------------- the 
eighteenth-century philosophical movement that stressed the importance of 
reason and the replacement of religion and superstition with science and 
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Semiology is a science which studies the role of signs as part of social life. This is said 
Humberto Eco 
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Functionalism main goal is 
analyse problematic elements of a social system, trying to understand how these 
elements are related to other elements of the same social system and to social 
system as a whole. 
analyse key elements of a social system, trying to make these elements 
functional to other elements of the same social system and to social system as a 
 analyze key elements of a social system, trying to understand how these 
elements are related to other elements of the same social system and to social 
system as a whole. 
analyse problematic elements of a social system, trying to to make how these 
elements are related to other elements of the same social system and to social 
system as a whole. 
analyse all the elements of a social system, trying to understand how these 
elements are related to other elements of the same social system and to social 
system as a whole. 
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Studies about Feminism content are important, especially in Latin America because 
The political reality in this continent is marked by women crises, the increase of 
social differences and prejudice against men. 
The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the 
decrease of social differences and valorization of women. 
The political reality in this continent is marked by women crises, the decrease of 
social differences and prejudice against women. 
The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the 
increase of women differences and prejudice against men. 
 The political reality in this continent is marked by authoritarian crises, the 
increase of social differences and prejudice against women. 
Acerto: 1,0 / 1,0 
Você deve estar lembrado que a Revolução Industrial provocou mudanças 
significativas no âmbito social e rural, formando novos tipos de comunidades. 
I. Howard Joseph Newby, sociólogo britânico, publicou muitos livros e artigos 
sobre mudança social na Inglaterra rural. 
II. Para ele, o êxodo rural foi o único responsável pela na nova versão de 
comunidade que se formava. 
A asserção I é falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira. 
As asserções I e II são verdadeiras, e II é um exemplo correto da I. 
As asserções I e II são verdadeiras. 
As asserções I e II são proposições falsas. 
 A asserção I é verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa. 
Howard Joseph Newby escrevia sobre a mudança social na Inglaterra rural mostrando a 
comunidade do ponto de vista das inovações tecnológicas da agricultura, como 
responsáveis diretas na nova versão de comunidade que se formava

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