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l L
Livro do Professor
Volume 5
Livro de 
Língua Inglesa
Alexandre Batista
©Editora Positivo Ltda., 2017 
Proibida a reprodução total ou parcial desta obra, por qualquer meio, sem autorização da Editora.
Dados Internacionais para Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) 
(Maria Teresa A. Gonzati / CRB 9-1584 / Curitiba, PR, Brasil)
B333 Batista, Alexandre.
 Língua inglesa : livro de atividades : livro do professor / 
Alexandre Batista. – Curitiba : Positivo, 2017.
 v. 5 : il.
 ISBN 978-85-467-1509-1
 1. Ensino médio. 2. Língua inglesa – Estudo e ensino. 
I. Título.
CDD 373.33
The world of 
The imperative mood is a verb form used to give orders, advice, instructions, warnings, and to make invitations, offers, and requests, among 
other uses. To form the imperative, use the base form of the verb. For negatives, use don’t (do + not) before the base form. See the examples 
Stand up!
Be quiet!
Wear sunscreen.
Study for your test.
Cook the meat before adding the vegetables.
Don’t (do not) press the yellow button.
Watch your step!
Be careful with the wires.
Come and have breakfast with us.
Drop by some time. 
Have some cake.
Get a free ticket. 
Help me with my homework, please*.
Please*, do the dishes. 
 * In requests, please should be added to the beginning or end of the 
sentence to make it more polite. 
The auxiliary verb do can be added before an affirmative imperative to
Do sit down, please.
Do stay where you are.
Do take an umbrella. It is going to rain.
2 Volume 5
Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause. Therefore, they must be used when the subject and object 
are the same. 
Subject pronouns Reflexive pronouns
I myself
you yourself
he himself
she herself
it itself
we ourselves*
you yourselves*
they themselves*
*Note that -self becomes -selves in the plural form. 
The TV (It) turned itself off. 
You need to believe in yourself.
He did it himself.
We taught ourselves to play the piano.
When used in the beginning or end of sentences, reflexive pronouns give emphasis to the subject. Study the examples below.
Myself, I don’t appreciate exotic food.
I don’t appreciate exotic food myself. 
They also indicate that something is done without help. In such cases, reflexive pronouns can be placed right after the subject or at the end 
of the sentence. When placed at the end of the sentence, the preposition by is added before the pronoun. See examples.
Helen herself designed the logo. It was a huge success. 
She designed the logo by herself. It was a huge success.
True or false cognates
True cognates are words from different languages that look similar and have the same meaning. False cognates are words from different 
languages that look similar, but have different meanings. They are also called false friends. 
True cognates False cognates
animal, moral, hospital, capacity, logical, tourist, dentist, 
enthusiasm, science, intelligence, favor, actor
balance, avocado, college, deception, gem, fabric, lecture, lunch, 
pasta, sensible, spectacles, support
3Língua Inglesa
1. (UFSM – RS) 
Profile perfect
By Karen Ann Monsy | January 7, 2011
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Orkut — all over the place, aren’t you? 
Now find out how a single snap can say it all. 
Researchers suggesting people pay more attention to the kind of 
pictures, specifically profile shots, they post on their Facebook/Twitter 
accounts are on the rise.
According to freelance photographer Tiffany Schultz, “People don’t 
think much about their profile pictures — but they should because 
social networking sites are becoming such a huge part of our lives 
today”. Included in Tiffany’s list of absolute no-nos are the self-shot 
kinds (you know the ones: images taken with a mobile camera — and 
part of the person’s arm extending upwards into the frame) as well 
as the badly cropped ones (complete with some poor anonymous 
chappie’s arm flung around your shoulder).
According to research, the photographs we share online are one of the most important methods of 
building relationships on social networks. In fact, they create a more powerful connection than even 
the words we pick to describe ourselves.
Facebook and Twitter are generally seen as personal networking sites but profile pictures on 
LinkedIn and other corporate networking sites are equally important. “Potential employers may 
not be able to access your entire profile, but they can definitely see your profile picture,” Tiffany 
cautioned. The question is: what exactly do you want them to see?
Dr Asi Sharabi, social psychologist for Cosmopolitan, feels a person’s expression in his/her 
profile picture is a dead giveaway about his/her current status. A pouting pose, for example, would 
project a provocative, sensual symbol that indicates someone seeking intimacy or a partner; one of 
yourself on a carefree holiday indicates a possible tendency for escapist fantasies or over-stressing 
in daily life; on the other hand, a shot of yourself looking away from the camera would indicate a 
headstrong and confident approach to life.
Here are a few tips from Tiffany for how best to create that memorable profile shot:
after sunset. 
They’re you. So make the most of them.”
that way. Even slightly raised eyebrows work too.
come across as having something to hide.
Asset: dote físico, qualidade.
Flattering: atrativo, cativante.
Headstrong: determinado(a).
Huge: enorme. 
Shot: fotografia.
Snap: fotografia.
To caution: alertar.
To crop: recortar.
4 Volume 5
 A alternativa cujo fragmento apresenta o mesmo 
modo verbal dos segmentos sublinhados em “Avoid 
the stiff smile! Go for the ‘after laugh’ smile instead” 
(ℓ. 28) é
X a) “Don’t cover freckles” (ℓ. 31). 
b) “all over the place, aren’t you?” (ℓ. 1). 
c) “but they should” (ℓ. 7). 
d) “Tiffany cautioned” (ℓ. 19-20).
e) “if you’re looking for classic and flattering” (ℓ. 37).
 Which of the following sentences is in the same 
grammatical mood as the one in the picture above?
X a) Live and let live.
b) Racism is a crime.
c) Fighting racism is necessary.
d) Diversity is important.
e) The more racially diverse, the better.
Observe o cartum a seguir e responda às questões 3 e 4.
3. The bear gives his son two pieces of advice. In which 
mood are they?
X a) imperative
b) subjunctive
c) conditional 
d) indicative
e) interrogative
4. In “Don’t hibernate during class”, the underlined 
structure has the same function as in
(01) Do sit down. 
X (02) Please, do not leave me. 
(04) Do be quiet. 
X (08) Don’t you believe her.
X (16) Don’t make me go there!
5. Read the following sentences.
 I. Sir John said he could write the speech.
 II. She can pack her luggage . You don’t need 
to help her.
 III. Arthur and Mackenzie were cooking dinner . 
 IV. Peter and I had trouble living by when 
the kids left for college. We almost split up.
 V. Nora can’t do it all by . She has to call 
 The correct sequence to fill in the blanks (from I to V)
a) I – himself; II – herself; III – himself; IV – ourselves; 
V – herself.
b) I – himself; II – itself; III – himself; IV – ourselves; 
V – itself.
c) I – herself; II – himself; III – themselves; 
IV – ourselves; V – himself.
d) I – himself; II – herself; III – ourselves; 
IV – themselves; V – herself.
X e) I – himself; II – herself; III – themselves; 
IV – ourselves; V – herself.
Língua Inglesa 5
 What is true about the sentence in the picture above?
X (01) It isin the imperative mood.
 (02) Its negative form is “not learn to love yourself”.
 (04) It is a warning.
X (08) “Yourself” is a reflexive pronoun.
 (16) “Yourself” could be replaced by “herself”.
X (32) “Yourself” refers back to “you”, which is the 
subject of the sentence.
 (IFPB) Leia o texto e responda às questões 7 e 8.
Why You Are So 
Stressed About 
July 16, 2014 11:41 am
NPR conducted 
a study about how 
stressed out we are as a 
country, and the results, 
released last week, show that one in four 
Americans reported feeling stressed in the 
last month and one in two has experienced a 
major stressful event in the last year. 
Smithsonian Magazine, recommending the 
study, reports that this likely underestimates 
the actual stress load on Americans: “The 
survey only measures stress that people are 
conscious of, NPR explains, but research 
shows that people can suffer unaware from 
other forms of stress.”
In short, according to Smithsonian, “stress 
is becoming the national psyche.”
So we are barraged with new studies and 
ideas about stress and how it may be harming 
us – but many of them are contradictory.
Stress can hurt your health, but stressing 
too much about stress is even worse for your 
health. Stress can make you sleep badly or 
it can make you fall asleep. People are most 
Buzz Feed made a cute video asking whether 
stress can actually kill you. (“Those under 
significant stress can have more clogged 
arteries” and that “can ultimately lead to 
heart attack.”) 
Nevertheless, longstanding medical studies 
do show that chronic stress can lead to 
anxiety, depression, digestive problems, 
trouble sleeping, heart disease, weight gain 
and memory or concentration impairment. 
Alexandra Drane, a health care consultant, 
told NPR that those experiencing “toxic 
stress” were “2.6 times as likely to have 
diabetes, 2.9 times as likely to have back 
pain. They were 5 times as likely to be having 
Disponível em: http://op-talk.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/16/why-
you-are-so-stressed-about-stress/?ref=opinion. Acesso em 16 de 
julho de 2014.
7. Com base na pesquisa relatada no texto, é correto 
a) os entrevistados não têm consciência de que estão 
b) um em cada quatro entrevistados sentiu-se 
estressado no último ano.
X c) um em cada quatro entrevistados sentiu-se 
estressado no último mês.
d) um em cada dois entrevistados nunca vivenciou 
uma situação estressante.
e) os entrevistados, embora saibam que estão 
estressados, não acreditam que o problema possa 
afetar a saúde.
8. Qual das palavras retiradas do texto e listadas a seguir 
NÃO é uma palavra cognata?
a) Americans.
X b) people.
c) stress.
d) national.
e) ideas.
Biblioteca do Congresso/Dorothea Lange
6 Volume 5
All work and no p
makes Jack a dull b
Modal verbs
Modal verbs can be classified by the different meanings they 
 He can be annoying at times. 
 We could take the train or we could take the bus. 
 It may/might rain today. 
 You should take a vacation. 
 Logical deduction
 Beatrice should be at school by now. 
 You must wear a helmet. 
 I should do it today, but I’m tired. 
 They can speak two languages. 
 I could run fast when I was a kid. 
 Paul can’t whistle. 
 Can you open the door, please? 
 Could you turn off the lights, please? 
 You can’t watch TV now. 
 We mustn’t use our mobile phones here. 
 May I go to the bathroom? 
 Can I come in? 
Short answers are formed with the appropriate subject and modal 
Can Pamela dance? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t.
Should I put on a jacket? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t.
May I borrow your eraser? Yes, you may. / No, you may not.
Modal verbs are used before the infinitive form of other verbs 
to indicate ideas related to certainty, advice, permission, ability or 
obligation. They do not take -s in the third person singular form and 
the verbs following them must be in the base form. 
leave now.
For negatives, add not after the modal verb or use the contraction. 
Note that may not is not usually contracted. 
should not/shouldn’t
could not/couldn’t
must not/mustn’t
might not/mightn’t
may not
leave now.
For questions, place the modal verb before the subject.
leave now?
7Língua Inglesa
 (UFAC) The questions 1 and 2 refer to the text entitled Starting a new job, by Rose Walker.
Starting a new job
“You just got the phone call and the position is yours. It’s been a long time since you have started a 
people treat you and can you get along with them? These are some of the questions that might run 
through your mind when you start a new job. 
Before you start your new position you need to get in the right frame of mind, so you can do the 
best job you can do. 
The first step in preparation for this new journey is to let all your fears go. Don’t walk into a new 
job will become a reality and this will cause problems right there. Stay in the same frame of mind you 
had when you applied for the position. This was something that you obviously wanted to do and was 
excited about doing. Keep those same thoughts and attitude when you actually start working your 
new job. By keeping that attitude you will eliminate a lot of your problems in the beginning with this 
new position. Your way of thinking will become your way of acting. Do a thorough research on your 
new company so you can understand what they do and how you will play a part in it. 
have for you to succeed. This will allow you to have the confidence you will need to start this new job 
will allow you to get along with your co-workers even better. Everyone when they start a new job 
is considered the new kid on the block. This can make you feel left out right there, since everyone 
usually know everyone else and already have a comfort zone with each other. You have to let them 
know by being in the right frame of mind when you start that you can work with each and every 
one of them. If you come in with that fear, it’s going to seem like you are an unfriendly person and 
automatically no one will want to have anything to do with you. This will be a bad way to start off on 
your new job. You plan to be there for a while and communicating with your co-workers on a daily 
Your attitude and the way you present yourself in the beginning is very important. It will determine 
important, it can help you to succeed or be one of the causes to make you want to leave. 
Starting a new job can be a wonderful experience. Sure all of us are nervous about stepping into 
a new environment and meeting and dealing with new people. That’s what’s so exciting about it, 
everything is new. You have to look at it as a new journey in your life and not a dreaded trip that you 
have to make. Erase all those negative thoughts and fears you have so you can go in with a positive 
attitude that will let you be a positive person. Let this be a new spectacular and fantastic time in your 
 I. It’s not important to have a good understanding about the new company. 
 II. Your way of thinking will become your way of acting. 
 III. The first step in preparation for a new job is to let your fears go. 
X a) F – T – T. b) T – F – T. c) T – T – T. d) F – F – T. e) F – F – F. 
8 Volume 5
a) How to prepare yourself to get a new job. 
b) How to prepare yourself to let all your fears go. 
c) How to prepare yourself to get along with your family. 
d) How to prepare yourself to take an exam.
X e) How to prepare yourself mentally to start a new job.3. (UEPA)
 As tecnologias do mundo moderno têm afetado de maneira significativa a vida das pessoas, como mostra a charge. 
a) o poder do Estado sobre aqueles que burlam as leis. 
X b) a exposição exagerada existente no mundo virtual. 
c) as várias formas de conectar-se às redes sociais. 
d) a maneira que tratamos os infratores virtuais. 
e) o perigo embutido em sites desconhecidos.
4. (UNIR – RO) 
Língua Inglesa 9
 No primeiro quadro, o verbo auxiliar should indica
a) permissão.
b) probabilidade.
c) possibilidade.
d) capacidade.
X e) sugestão.
 (UFPB) Leia o texto a seguir para responder às questões de 5 a 9.
My teen daughter’s addiction to technology is ruining our 
family life – what should I do?
Question: I am the mother of three daughters (15, 13, and 11). Although I try to set limits, technology 
is ruining my family life. My oldest daughter in particular is addicted to Facebook, Skype, texting, etc. 
– whenever I try to reduce or eliminate her access, she finds a way to be in touch with her friends. Plus, 
when she does interact with friends via technology, she gets anxious, which leads to increased use. What 
do you suggest?
Anxious about Addiction
Answer: Dear Anxious,
As a teenager, your daughter is pursuing key developmental tasks through her media use – 
seeking experience, establishing individual identity, and connecting with peers. But the amount 
of time she is devoting to it, the exclusion of family, and the anxiety she is experiencing when 
interacting via technology – and the fact that she responds to it by increasing her use – are causes 
for concern and could be symptoms of addictive behavior. Although the formal diagnosis has not 
been established in this country, Internet Addiction Disorder is a recognized and serious problem 
in parts of Asia and Europe, and it is causing real problems for American adolescents and their 
Address this issue quickly, directly, and with compassion. First, at a time when things are 
good and you are not in open conflict about your daughter’s media use, sit down and have a 
conversation with her. Ask how she feels about her media use. Listen to her. She may be unhappy 
or uncomfortable and may say so if she doesn’t feel criticized or attacked. Then, when the 
opportunity presents, tell her that she seems anxious when she communicates online, and that 
you are concerned for her. Ask her what she thinks might help.
It’s possible that she’s feeling lots of pressure to be constantly available. If she acknowledges 
that that’s the case, enlist her help in finding peace for herself and your family, but be prepared to 
help her with concrete guidance and boundaries. Offer to take the blame if her friends criticize 
her for not being available at all times – she can complain that mom takes the phone away to 
charge it between 9 pm to 6 am, or for even longer if she uses it too much. This way, she can save 
face while reducing her anxiety, as well as learning to manage her media use in the context of 
everything else she needs to do in a day.
It is possible, though, that she will resist any and all of your attempts to address the situation 
with her. If nothing you try works – if she really can’t stop and it continues to wreak havoc for 
her and your family – you may need to seek professional help.
Enjoy your media and use them wisely,
The Mediatrician®
Disponível em: <http://cmch.typepad.com/mediatrician/2011/11/my-teen-daughters-addiction-to technology-is-ruining-our-family-life-what-
should-i-do.html> Acesso em: 25 jul 2012. (Adaptado)
10 Volume 5
5. According to the text, “Anxious about Addiction” (line 6) is a nickname for the oldest daughter’s
a) humiliated mother. 
b) addicted mother.
X c) worried mother.
d) irritated mother.
e) distracted mother.
6. According to the text, Anxious about Addiction writes to The Mediatrician’s blog in order to
X a) ask for some advice. 
b) seek for spiritual help. 
c) learn how to manage media. 
d) talk about the benefits of technology.
e) deny Internet Addiction Disorder problems.
7. Considering the Mediatrician’s suggestion in the sentence “Ask how she feels about her media use.” (line 18), 
a) How does she feel about her media use? 
X b) How do you feel about your media use? 
c) How will you feel about your media use?
d) How did she feel about her media use?
e) How would you feel about your media use?
8. According to the Mediatrician’s suggestion (line 29-31), it is correct to affirm that the mother should ask for 
professional help only if her daughter
X a) resists being helped. 
b) avoids staying online. 
c) stops accessing Facebook.
d) enjoys dining with her family.
e) admits using the phone much.
9. Considering the suggestion at the end of the blog Enjoy your media and use them wisely, (line 32), identify the 
 I. One should make use of their media prudently.
 II. One should entertain with their media carelessly.
 III. One should benefit from their media intelligently.
 IV. One should have fun with their media responsibly.
a) I and II 
b) II and III 
c) II and IV 
d) I, II and IV 
X e) I, III and IV
Língua Inglesa 11
10. (ISEAF – PI) 
Drinking Wine Can Rot Your Teeth 
October 22, 2009
Drinking wine can damage your teeth. That’s the conclusion of a report from the Johannes 
wines on teeth from men and women aged between 40 to 65. They discovered all of the wines 
damaged the enamel that protects our teeth. This makes our teeth more sensitive to hot and cold 
food and drinks. It, ----04---- , means the teeth will stain quicker ----03---- someone drinks coffee. 
The research team said white wine causes more damage than red. The acid in white wines attacks 
the enamel and wears it away. The bad news is that brushing your teeth after drinking wine will 
The research has been published in the journal “Nutrition Research”. Report co-author Dr. Brita 
consumption of white wines might lead to severe dental erosion.” The researchers did have some 
good news for wine lovers. They said food that is rich in calcium can help limit the damage. 
The report stated: “The tradition of enjoying different cheeses for dessert or in combination with 
drinking wine might have a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion because cheese contains 
calcium in a high concentration.” Other factors can also help reduce the amount of erosion wine 
causes. Less frequent sips and swallowing the wine a little more quickly can help save your teeth.
 O verbo modal “MIGHT” sublinhado no texto acima expressa
a) advertência.
b) obrigação.
c) dedução.
X d) probabilidade.
e) permissão.
11. (PUC-Rio – RJ) 
They do it late at night when their parents are asleep. They do it in restaurants and while crossing 
busy streets. They do it in the classroom with their hands behind their back. They do it so much 
their thumbs hurt. Spurred by the unlimited texting plans offered by different carriers, American 
teenagers sent and received an average of 2,272 text messages per month in the fourth quarter 
of 2008, according to the Nielsen Company — almost 80 messages a day, more than double the 
average of a year earlier. 
The phenomenon is beginning to worry physicians and psychologists, who say it is leading to 
anxiety, distraction in school, falling grades, repetitive stress injury and sleep deprivation. Dr. Martin 
said he found that many were routinely sending hundreds of texts every day. “That’s one every few 
minutes,” he said. “Then you hear that these kids are responding to texts late at night. That’s going 
to cause sleep issues in an age group that’s already plagued with sleep issues.” 
The rise in texting is too recent to have produced any conclusive data on health effects. But 
three years, said it might be causing a shift in the way adolescents develop. “Among the jobs of 
adolescence are to separate from your parents, and to find the peace and quiet to become the person 
you decideyou want to be,” she said. “Texting hits directly at both those jobs.” 
Psychologists expect to see teenagers break free from their parents as they grow into autonomous 
adults, Professor Turkle went on, “but if technology makes something like staying in touch very, 
12 Volume 5
very easy, that’s harder to do; now you have adolescents who are texting their mothers 15 times a 
said, “if something next to you is vibrating every couple of minutes, it makes it very difficult to be 
in that state of mind. If you’re being deluged by constant communication, the pressure to answer 
student in Bethesda, Md., used to text on her tiny phone as fast as she typed on a regular keyboard. 
A few months ago, she noticed a painful cramping in her thumbs. 
he added, “Based on our experiences with computer users, we know intensive repetitive use of the 
upper extremities can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, so we have some reason to be concerned 
that too much texting could lead to temporary or permanent damage to the thumbs.” 
The New York Times, May 25, 2009
 “Might” in “...might be causing a shift...” (line 15) and “should” in “‘Should I get the red shoes or the blue shoes?’” 
a) ability – condition.
b) probability – duty.
X c) possibility – advice.
d) permission – obligation.
e) theoretical – assumption.
12. (IFMT) 
Subhankar Banerjee / Associated Press 
the most complicated issue facing world 
leaders. On the one hand, warnings 
from the scientific community are 
becoming louder, as an increasing body 
of science points to rising dangers from 
the ongoing buildup of human-related 
greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests. On the other, the 
technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved before a concerted worldwide 
effort to reduce emissions can begin have gotten no simpler, particularly in the face of a global 
economic slowdown. 
the making but that fell short of even the lowered expectations with which it opened. The 192 
nations in attendance at the end merely agreed to try to reach a binding accord before at a follow up 
approach might consist of small steps in separate fields that built toward wider consensus. 
At the heart of the international debate is a momentous tussle between rich and poor countries 
over who steps up first and who pays most for changed energy menus. 
Língua Inglesa 13
a scaled-down climate bill, in the face of opposition from Republicans and some energy-state 
In the meantime, recent fluctuations in temperature have intensified the public debate over 
weather in Florida in the winter of 2009-2010 were seized on by climate change skeptics. But the 
combination of flooding, heat waves and droughts in the summer were taken by most researchers 
trained in climate analysis as evidence to show that weather extremes are getting worse. 
The long-term warming trend over the last century has been well-established, and scientists 
immersed in studying the climate are projecting substantial disruption in water supplies, 
agriculture, ecosystems and coastal communities. Passionate activists at both ends of the 
discourse are pushing ever harder for or against rapid action, while polls show the public locked 
durably in three camps — with roughly a fifth of American voters eager for action, a similar 
proportion aggressively rejecting projections of catastrophe and most people tuned out or 
BANERJEE, Subhankar. Global Warming. Disponível em: <http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/science/topics/globalwarming/index.html?scp=1-
 Na frase “On the other, the technological, economic and political issues that have to be resolved […]” (linhas 8-9), o 
a) possibilidade.
b) conselho.
X c) necessidade.
d) contraste.
e) consequência.
13. (PUCPR) 
“In some cultures team members will be highly self-motivated to carry out their responsibilities 
without the need for a manager or colleagues to motivate them. In other cultures, team leaders may 
need to coach performance from team members and use positive feedback to motivate them.” 
Fifty ways to improve your intercultural skills. London: Summertown Publishing, 2009. p. 121
 In the sentence “In other cultures, team leaders may need to coach performance from team members and use 
positive feedback to motivate them”, the mo 
X a) possibility. 
b) prohibition. 
c) lack of need. 
d) habitual past action. 
e) possession.
14. (UNAMA – PA) 
Napoleon Bonaparte’s ambition to control all the area around the Mediterranean Sea led him 
and his French soldiers to Egypt. After losing a naval battle, they were forced to remain there for 
three years. In 1799, while constructing a fort, a soldier discovered a piece of stele (stone pillar 
bearing an inscription) known as the Rosetta stone. This famous stone, which would eventually 
lead to the deciphering of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics dating to 3100 B.C., was written in 
three languages: hieroglyphics (picture writing), demotic (a shorthand version of hieroglyphics), 
from right to left and in other directions as well. 
14 Volume 5
Twenty-three years after discovery of the Rosetta stone, Jean François Champollion, a French 
philologist, fluent in several languages, was able to decipher the first word – Ptolemy, name of an 
Egyptian ruler. It was written inside an oval called a “cartouche.” Further investigation revealed 
that cartouches contained names of important people of that period. Champollion painstakingly 
and an Englishman, Thomas Young, worked independently of each other to unravel the deeply 
hidden mysteries of this strange language. Young believed that sound values could be assigned to 
the symbols, while Champollion insisted that the pictures represented words. 
Adapted from BBC, “Days that changed the world” – documentary
In sentences, “…could be written…” (line 7) and “…values could be assigned…” (line 15), the word COULD is 
classified as and indicates . 
a) verb – permission 
b) modal – ability 
X c) modal – possibility 
d) modal – advice 
15. (UEA – AM) 
Drought brings Amazon tributary to lowest level in a century 
26 October 2010.
One of the most important tributaries of the Amazon river has fallen to its lowest level in over a 
century, following a fierce drought that has isolated tens of thousands of rainforest inhabitants and 
raised concerns about the possible impact of climate change on the region. 
The drought currently affecting areas of Amazonia has been described as the one of the worst in the last 
40 years, with the rio Negro or Black river, which flows into the world-famous rio Amazonas, reportedly 
hitting its lowest levels since records began in 1902 on Sunday. In 24 hours the level of the rio Negro 
near Manaus in Brazil dropped 6 cm to 13.63 metres, a historic low. The Solimoes and Amazonas rivers 
have also seen their waters plunge since early August, isolating village dwellers who rely on the Amazon’s 
waterways for transport and food and marooning wooden boats on brown sand banks.
Authorities say around 62,000 families have been affected by this year’s receding rivers. The 
problem has been particularly intense up river from state capital Manaus towards the border with 
Peru and Colombia. But the area around the city has also been badly hit. In Iranduba, 15 miles from 
Manaus, authorities are reportedly planning to build a small road through the rainforest in order to 
reconnect their community with the outside world.
ferried around 830 tons of food aid to isolated regions near the Amazon towns of Tefe and Tabatinga. 
“Medium and large boats have not been able to reach various places across the Amazon,” he said. 
“Our planes take the supplies to the airport and from there the transport has to be done in small boats 
or on foot – these are the only ways of reaching some communities.”
Meteorologists andactivists are divided on the drought’s causes – some point to hurricanes in 
the Atlantic which may have drained humidity from the Amazon while others blame forest fires 
for reducing rainfall or speculate that early effects of global warming may already be reshaping the 
drought, said that while the rise and fall of the Amazon’s rivers was a normal process, recent years had 
seen both extreme droughts and flooding become worryingly frequent. “If this situation continues the 
state of Amazonas will live in a permanent state of emergency. The changes in people’s lives would be 
guardian.co.uk. Adaptado.
Língua Inglesa 15
 No fragmento do último parágrafo – (...) early effects of global warming may already be reshaping the region’s 
climate patterns. – o vocábulo may indica a ideia de
X a) possibilidade.
b) permissão.
c) habilidade.
d) condição.
e) solicitação.
16. No contexto em que se insere, “external stuff”, no quarto quadro da tirinha, foi interpretado, pelo entrevistado, como
a) funcionários terceirizados.
b) exames de rotina para contratação.
X c) informações de menor importância.
d) dados de veracidade questionável.
e) dados investigados externamente.
17. Segundo a tirinha, em uma entrevista de trabalho
X a) está cada vez mais difícil falsear informações pessoais.
b) a empresa contratante exige uma série de exames clínicos que atestem a saúde do candidato.
c) a atitude do candidato é comprovada através de detalhada investigação laboratorial.
d) o desempenho do entrevistado é de suma importância para a construção de sua imagem.
e) as informações sobre o entrevistado, disponíveis online, não são mais importantes do que sua atitude e 
apresentação pessoal.
16 Volume 5

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