
Wagnol 40 Pest Control Spray Concentrate Contains Diazinon1993

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Mr. J. David Wagner 
Wagnol, Inc. 
728 st Philip st. 
New Orleans, LA 70116 
Dear Mr. Wagner: 
ff!1- 13 
APR 1 3 1994 
Subject: Amendment - Change in signal word and 
-4 (-<i" J d?.:? 94 
revise per Agency letter dated August 2, 1993 
Wagnol 40 Pest Control Spray 
Concentrate contains Diazinon 
EPA Reg. No. 33912-1 
Your submission dated November 24, 1993 
The am~ndment referred to above, submitted in connection 
with a registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act is acceptable provided the following revisions 
are made prior to release for shipment under the amended 
1) In the Remarks for the control of Lawn Chinch Bugs, revise 
the end of the special directions for use in the North to 
read: "or 2 flo oz. in 12 gallons of water per 500 sq. ft.". 
i' 2) For the crop Cabbage, add the resistance limitation as 
tollows to the Timing/Special Directions for use against the 
pests group including "Aphids" to "Dipterous Leafminers": 
NOTE: Resistant leafminers will not be controlled by 
diazinon or similar type insecticides." 
A stamped copy of the label is enclosed for your records. 
The replacement Confidential statement of Formula (CSF) dated 
November 23, 1993 is acceptable and has been added to this 
product's registration file. 
KOTB - The label and associated Confidential Statement of Formula 
accepted at this time supersede all previous labels and formula 
state.ents on file for this product. 
Labeling released for shipment after the deadline imposed by 
the Diazinon Registration Standard, as amended, must be the 
revised amended label. As stipulated in the letter dated August 
2, 1993, from the Agency's Special Review and Reregistration 
Division, products containing 25% EC formulations of diazinon may 
not be released after August 31, 1993 and no pesticide product 
containing diazinon 25% EC formulation may be distributed or sold 
after August 31, 1994, unless the product is the new CAUTION 
formula with the appropriate approved Toxicity Category III 
George T. LaRocca 
Product Manager (13) 
Insecticide Rodenticide Branch 
Registration Division (H7505C) 
_ .. _-
"_:CoI.".".,... ........ "" OON(Jf 
MENT IS IUUlA8I.E. \VrMInO may Ullit 1SIW1· i 
lion onru",onl~. II il is necessary 10 lftGuce " 
wonnno. OM .am. onf'OI twO QUsse:s Of WOO' and 
Iftun 11"91' tn Olct 01 Inr01L Do nOI enouct 
VOfMIft9 01 OM Ift'(II'IInO bV moudlll Dtf"S,On 1$ 
WIICOI M'd Of conwI:si19. !.,. .- Remove WCIim ID trtSft .. irw:I10CltY 1111· 
~ 'aDft" ildQUCI. Get rnedC1I'lnenlOft. 
" .. SUI: WISII DnmIOIYMth soap and water. RInse _. Get 1IIOIId_ 
... eyer. RirM~ WIth DIen", OIl Mter 1!'ICI Ull 
pIIfSIaIR ill"liiCdQCety. 
N"e •• 'trlytlcl .. : This DrOGUCI'S an arOlno-
pftOSOfU,W II1seCIICIlfe. II symplomS or cl'lollnes-
lerut fNIIt)etJOn Ife present. lirootne suteale Dy 
IIIfKDO" cs anudolat 2.fAM is itSO ¥lUOOQIand 
InIY De 1ImRISIHtG. but oNy In COI'IIUflCDCHI wen 
I!n)DI'It. ThIS OI'DCIUCI COmDlS arorNIC De'1n'MVm 
CllstlliI!S 'NnICh fill'( ortSfftlln lSDttlDOn nmro. 
GuInc I3YlIqe nqy De n:2atfG If QrnOUCl was laken -
wi ... COMMENT' 
Ia EPA Loner D"",d 
Lawn & Garden Insect Control 
This product must 
not be used on goll 
courses and sod 
For outdoor use on 
Ihe home lawn and 
Ihe home garden 
Spray concentrate. 
Contains diazlnon 
Wagnol Inc. 
728 St. Philip St. 
New Orleans LA 
(504) 522:-6654 
Net Contents ' 
Active Ingredient: 
Dlazinon: O. O-Diethyl 
thio"te ........ 25.0'Jb 
Ingredients' : 75.0% 
Total: 100.0% 
• Contains aro",atic 
petroleum distillates. 
See side panel for 
::d:!i!!or.a: precCi~­
tionary statements. 
EPA Reg. NO. 3 3912. I 
Fruits and Nuts 
Roses, Flowers 
Trees, Shrubs 
nts, ApniOS 
Chinch 81 I g.o; 
~ . CII', ~orms .. 
: Frre:A.ntsl 
• .F.I!!.'L8eeties 
c;.ru~s, Mites 
SOil webwqrnt~ 
.. ;.3,,0 many others 
'Aids in cQntrlJj . 
See full label In bookl~i 
lqr CO"T1pl~\e 
directions tor nllJ(ln9 
and applying this prcd· 
·, :; " ....... 
.' •.. 
IMPORTANT: Read the enhfll OttKIIOnS tot UM and Ihe ConIMIOI'I$ at Sale MId WMranry before 
uslf'lQ thiS product. It terms "'. not .cc.pc~. return Ihe' unopened produCI cont • .,.., a' once. 
CondiUons of Sale and Wananry 
The o.ecllnnS 'Of' Use at thls produCI reflect the OC*\lon 01 ._pens based on 'leld use ~ ItSI$. 
TM dttecllOf'lS ... e beke'lo'ed to be ''''~l*I and shouloJ be foWowed C.1Ir.fulty. However, .. 'S 
unposslbte 10 elmtNle.aM 'l$okS IftM.ttMty assocl.1eO Wllh u~e 01 ttws product Crop .... JUry . .nel· 
leaweness. Of oth., untnlendfod consequences ~y fes~ beCause 01 SUCh laC1Ot'$ .s weather 
'nncJIbons. pt~'" 01,. ""'enaIS. 01' the mAI'Vlef cl us. Of' ~catlOn'" of which .,. beyond 
'''Ie COC'ttrOi 01 \.t4'6NQ. Of the 51!'" AI Sueh nsa:s shal bt assumed by me 8u,..... 
w;:i 0" flJ ",atranlS 11'1101 !tlts produ(:t conIOfms to Ihf' Chem<al oesc;'lP'lOI"l 01 lhe label and is 
• ~,oIDty' ""Of t~ ~ooses ,.Ierred to In lhe Olltct.;)nS fof Us. subteCt to lhe "'herent riSkS 
r.'tNTed 10 .above \.Cbl'~Jt,.;IL nate, no alhec" eltPft'$$ or omplt«J warranty of Fitness or Mt,-
cnant.lblllry- 01 any Olher .",HeS.!. Of tmplted .. a"anty In no cue shaM WA(;.N.,t..Of the S ••• r 
be 1Ia~ lot consequen:.al. spec.aI. or ondIrect df,m~yl'S resultIng hom the use 01 handltng of 
IhtS prOOUCI. 
\NIt'-...,..", ~no th. Seller oller tn.s CM'oc:h,;el. and thE HtI~r ~nd user accepl it. Sub)8C1 10 the 
l()fego.ng CondIhons 01 Sale anCI w~,,~n!y. wtuch m.v be v.roed onfy by ~reement In wflllng 
Signed by • Guty ~uu'Ooz«t f@ptesenlallv. 01 \IVA v/ll lJ ... 
II IS • 'oI'IOIailOn at fOe,.l Iii'" 10 use Ih:S product III il l11.nner .neonsISt.nl wllh liS I~be .. ng 
G@nef"~ '"'Onnallon 
ThiS p-odUCI IS .an @muls,hab" concenllale produc: wt\teh must be diluted Wllh wwater belore 
app"UloOn. Rel@r 10 the Secloon How 10 Mil and :"pply Th.s prodUC1 JilINs many ouidcOf 
IIlsec(s whlCft damage lawns. tOS@S. How@1"$ trees. s"'utls. vege'oIIbles. h\lTCs .and nuts. anO 
.nsects 'lfhll:h ~nnoy pelS and people Contil.ns dla.z.~o", Insecllclde whtCh provld.s J)OSII'~·. 
contr04 0' many ··hard·IO· ... III·· SUC""ng and cheWing ,n:;e;:ts D,.allnon wol1(s last anO ~pllCa· 
ttOns s,"",~1d ~ '~peat~ only il5 d,recled to malnu,f. =OI"'''Of 
DISPOSAL OIRECnQNS. (2) Do not use Ifllhe hQm@ 13: 00 not use on tems. potnsenla. htbtscus. 
p.apaya. Ptte,a. 9~fdenl~ Of OfCho(lS Slll(:fI '"Jury ma.,. xcur (4) Use IhlS prOOUct on Succulent 
peas ~no bt'~ns only 00 not .... sa on dned pea or O@an "afl@hes (5) 00 nol olIpo1y to 100d crops 
grown In gre-enhOuses 
Prwc;,autKltU: (I) Wear a 1ofJ9,sIH:ved $hM1 .nd Iong-I@gt;l@dpan.'"s wh«1 $pf.y'ng. (2) Soray Wlm 
ltIe WW'H1 to your o.CIf. (31 Do not sptay on ... ~ O"'.·S ,,,};f clOllWIg be'Comes wet lrom s"'.Y 
dunng us~. femove CIOt""ng ah.r SP"'VV'g. ",.sh ."ec/.?1 Dod" areas rhOl"04Ighly """,,, SOolO and 
W'fitI. and "UII~' Dotr""9 before we"If)(} 'g'lt'! 
How to Mil .nd Apply 
Step '1: Del~rm.ne sue of spt".ylng fOb. fOilawn.; .110 v~~laDles. me-asure the are. to;le 
sprayed FOf aU other ,appllcalo()f"ls apply as a lnorOU9n COver spray Mak. applications wwt\en 
.nSKiS r"51 ~a' APOhc.allOl"!$ sneola be rePt'al~ Dl1iy as d,rected to 111';:lnlaln conlro( 
Step '2: Use clean 5Pfilyer. C.ar~luny measure and mil Ine oImount Of Ih.S nroduC1 and waler 
.as SuggeSled If'I Ihe rale chan 
Step 'J: SpraY.5 dlrecled in rate chen. Thorough co ... eraqe's .mPOrtanl Flush sO'ayer Wlm 
clea..., _ .. Ier ~he' e-ae" vse 
See cn .. " for camalete Itsl 01 use siles Crops. and InseCIS contralle-G. US" the rale 9,ven 
In tho!' '::"IAn lor Il"1e I.,.pe of n"l~C1 you "'al1l 10 con:",. on Ihe Sft('- Of crop yoU ,ue spraY'''9 
'. "." . 
Puts rnazinon 2S~£C Walet 
lil\lll'n Ctt.nch Bugs '·1.'2 lI.bte$POORS 3 gals 
pel 1255Q II 
loa .. '" .)11 oz. per 
roo .. • Id-
AnIS ..... rmyworms. '·112 labfesPOOllS 3 gals 
BermuCIa9'us pel 1250 5Q • MI'es. CloYer '" /9'" Miles. Spnngliuts 311 oz .. ' (Collembola). ;->0 .. • CricketS. 1;)...-
Cutworms. O'99et' 
WUPs. EilfWogS. 
Fm Fbes. lil .... n 
8 11IbU95, 
SOd WeDw()(ms 
(Uwn Molhs). 
Bmwn Dog TI(ks. 
'-'12 ""'OS"""", r-2'" Chtqgers. FIe.ils I)t" t25 S(l ft 
'" ' J ft. 01 ~r ¥9a1S 
f'OO SO .- /d 
l1VJ)t'fOCles Wee"" '·II2I.11b1eSOQOnS J gals 
pel 12550 II 
'" ,,19.115 .~. OZD« 
;0050 • I j.-
MIIl,pedes 1·1/2 tabfespoons 3 gals 
pet' 125 sq II 
'" (;." 3' oz 00' JOO SO • 
R!'JooE-sgrass ,·112 labtespoons i J gals 
Scales pel 125 SQ II 
'" . 
/ga/5 In Ol 0<' I 
s<oo .. • I f-l- -
JilOanese Beetle per 125 SO II 
tV-ope .... Cn.'e, Of " 
Thotough4y wei clown grass 
• lew hOurs before .. pp.ylng 
In the North. If Chinch Bugs 
art! th. only o~~b:em. a lowe: 
(ille Of apphC21!'Of1 C2n O~ 
us'" J le..s::;::lO":.::' .rn 31);"$ 
of wal~ covEr$. 125 'SQ no' 
II at. U'I 24 gil:$ (;1 WOller :,er 
1.000 sq " ThorOugh',;, wo: o~""'n 9,as$ a 
few hOurs belOtt: ?:>Pt\,"1ng 
For .nlS and .:IU;S-=I W"SPS. 
SP(lll SP4"V ant nills ilno .... asp 
I gfOUno neSI Qpe'l"'95 Fo' 
dogger .... asps .aj)J;ly ill 
duSk. _hen w~ps ;lIfe nOlI 
BINbu9 conual Apply ..... hen 
actIVity IS '1f51 ooserved or 
when che ..... ed Of brown <!irass I 's ",.son! ""'''''''"g aamag" 
'rom 'he ",sect 
For 'til Illes. mo",", ~f.lSS and 
I waler It.Qtougtl'v before lI;:al mt!nI. bu' delay .lpphC.ll:on un, .. grass .s dry 
NOTE 00 001 app.y m.s 
prOOuCI 10 ,amrr.als 
FOO' blOwn dog ItCl"s ~"r"'t' 
grass .!!Inc! under Sl'lruO:J('1 
p~nlCUlarlv ng~( house 
---• Tre.n 0I0blem areas In mod· 
A:M"o/ ana "ga,n 10 fflld·May 
Waler gr.2iS !floroughly after 
Thcrovgnly wei ;j!r')ss all:' ..... 
hours belOIt' applying 
I AOiJIy v.nt,n tr.a ..... er~ IWSI 
i emerge 
- --
A.c~y .ny "me ue' ..... ee ... a!.:> 
J ... 'y ana earlv OCIOt)@, \Va!,;>' 
, ,.:filSS moroughly aner appl'e.;, 
, "en 
While GI'\IDS or 1112 loiIOiesOOOflS I 
::,'>L.:nern Cnaler )11 01 oe-r 
fOO SQ " ------ -LL ____ : __________ _ 
CltSl l'lIUllE een1 
5~ 13 
NUlunc. P.s's Outside th. Hom. 
Ants. Box.lder Bugs. Brown Cog 
TICkS. Chtggt'rs. ClOver MI"s. 
Cock'OKMS. Cnck'lI. EarwtQs. 
F'-as. FII.S. MIlItpe<NI, SowbuOS 
(PIUbugS,. SpCfets. Spnnglalls 
MI ..... i'11 oz. In gals. of _alt, and lhofoughly splay 
'llll'1I'Idow and dooI sc,"ns. saNs. foundallOnS. porch 
MMJ parJO 'llll'a"l. enUancew.ya. waltr.". 9011'019' cans. 
VM lrunks. and InlO cracks and OIhe, plac.s where 
IOsects can hKle. 
FIf, AnlS 
To p'event entry II'Ito houses. spray a f,v.'oot band 01 
S<KI around th. hOuse n,1l1 to the IounClatlOR .rn:t 
spray Ii'll loundauon of the hous. 10 a hetghl 01 2·3 
' .... Repea, applic:abon as necessary. 
00 not tr •• t ,Nmals wUh tty, product. Do not 
tr." plMt. (other tNn tr .. trunkS, .. this 
nv;unc. pes. rat,. 
To aid "'lhe control of fitt antS In hOme lawna ancJ 
other ouldoof' hOm, f'K'''lIOn .... U. appty 2 'a"" 
spoon. In • minimum 01 1 gal. 0' wa'er as a dr.nch. 
Appty OYer .nd 6 inch.s .round .. eh mound. Apply 
genlty to a¥Oid disturbing anlS. Reapply as neclssary. 
Larg., QU.nlllt.s 0: soiulM)n can t)ei prepar..CI tOt 
m ..... ..,.. mound 'reatmen,s Use eQuipment capable of 
C1ehvenng 11'1. diluted proctuel as a genII. r.", at the 
rat. 01 1 gal. per mound. Htgh PI.ssur. Splays may 
dlSluro tl'l' anti and eaus. tnIgIallOft. redUCing pro-
duct e"tCllv.n.ss. 
NOTE For best resufts. appty In coo 'llll'tlathttf 
65-80-F. at lit .arty motn.ng or tat. ,venlng hOurs. 
Tr.al new mounds as they appear. 
Insect Control on Omamental Tree •• Shrubs and Flow .... 
Trees .nd Shrub. 
Arborvlta •• 
Azale.s. elleh. 
C~metilas. Douglas 
FIf. Elm. 
Ha"llll1hOm. HOlly. 
Juntptr. lJIae. 
LOCUSt. Maple. 
Mimosa. Oak. 
Pint. Orn.menta' 
P'um. popl .... 
Sprue •• WillOw 
Aza .. as. 
Cam"" ... 
GI.doOft. lIlac. 
Eulopean P",. 
Shoot Moths. 
HoUy Bud Moths. 
Azalea. Blleh. 
8o:.:wood. Holly. 
Oak). LeafhOppers. 
Mealybugs. Mites 
(Clover. CyelatNn. 
Europe.n Red. 
Pnvet. Two-sponed 
Spider). Obscuft 
ROO( WMVlts. 
Omnrvorous Leaf· 
tiers. Scale 
Lec.anlUm. Pine 
Nted". PII. San 
JoM. Son) 
(Juniper. Marnosa,. 
Appr..nd· Thom 
H.mlQcll. Charmes. 
Oak LOOOtrs. 
P.ar SWgs. 
T .nt Cal.,ptUars. 
(C01OntUIt,. F.II, 
E..,.,., .... 
Sea" Cr •• Ie". 
Flta aHlIts. 
Leafhoppers . 
..... lybugS. M"es 
rC.tn.,1Oft 8ucI 
C~marlOf1 Shool 
CYClamen EurO-
~an Red. 
SPIder, Tf\r,ps 
I WhtteUtt, 
R.t. per 
3 Gala. 0' W.ter 
2 lab .... 
Rat. per 
3 Gale. 
0' W.t" 
2 lat)te. 
Appty as a thOrOugh lohar spray 
Wei "aves and branChes 10 th. 
dllppmg poM'It. Try 10 pen.U';lIIa 
dense fohage 'l1li'111'1 spray 
Appiy as ! lrorough foliar SPlilY 
Munosa Weo-lII'Ofms: apply as a 
thOrough fottar S9'ay when 
adults '''51 appear. Mak. twO 
additIOnal ",plleallOfts al 4·5 
weeII: Interv.ls. 
Apply as il thOrough IOI,ar spray 
APOIY &'1 a thotouq'l Ioh.ar spr'y 
Try 10 S4)1'.y UncMrsldt 01 I.a .... ' 
and Plnerr." ~n,. lohage 
Frutl. and Nut. 
Statt 1Pt'aY""9 .Ift..- b1oonung. ApplleatM;t\S shook:f be molde acCOrdltMJ to M'I'.st .. tton Of when 
.Iphtds. mtles, and cr .. w", Sl~es 01 sc .. ,. Insects .lor. '""51 ",ned 
Observe SUlled IMrI • ."ttN.lIS berween laSlaophcatlOf1 and harvest 01 the Crop. U 1IIeM ~s Intet. 
vals belw •• n .. ppllC .. tIOnS .and 10t.aJ number of .aPOllc.allOns thai can be maCle pet ,e.asan 
Crop PHI" 
AprICOtS 2' 
Bl.ICkbemes , 
Boysenberries , 
e_ 2. 
Oewoerr .. s , 
Grapes 2. 
log.nbemes , 
Nect .. nnes 2. 
Peaches 2. 
PhJms 2' 
Prunes 2' 
A.spberrtes , 
S!rilwbenlH 5 
WatnulS 45 
"PHI _ Pr.Harvesllnlerval. or the number o' a .. '('1 Der.or~ the laSI .applicatlOn .. OO " .. rvest 
""Dorm .. ". SP'.yonly. 
Nl)te: To protec1 bees. dO nOl .apply to Irult trees wheon ttees ()# SUbsl.antlal ~bers of wHaS 
.round 'he Ifees af. tn btoom. 
e",p A_ 
(CA only) 
: Pnt 
San Jose sca ... 
P"".lon' scale 
2 t'OI~Sl"oQOflS 
In 3 ~.aJs of 
I TImtng/Speclal Direction. 
Appfy only as .. dOrmant 
SPray 00 not apDfy mOf. 
Ihan 6 gallOns per 500 sQ 
ft. of Otf;h.ltd. 
I ThiS pfoduct may he used on .almonds onlV on CA 00 
I not use IhlS proouci on . almonds grown on a:~r 
! Slates 
.. -
·Mis, ... ~·j:r-~ 
Apncots Aptllds. 
APftCOt W ... lybugs. 
MIl.s (Stown. 
Two-~ted Spder,. 
Seale C,.wters 
(Olive. San Jose, 
Cane- Aptllds. 
beffln leal~. 
(CA. OR. Raspbeny Ff\,ItfWOfms, 
WA only}: Two-spone<l Sptdef 
Bt.;act... Metes. Thrips 
Chernes Btack ChaffY Aphids. 
CherTy FnlflJlltes. 
CherI'} FtUltWOfTl1$ 
Frultt'ft leahaUers. 
Md., (Cherry Rust,. 
Sale Crawlers 
(5.an Jose) 
Grapes Apntd$, 
Grape Berry Moths, 
Grape leano&def1i 
-, " 
.-.: -~ 4-
. ' 
Nectarines AphidS. 
Wit •• (6lOW". 
Two-spott~ Sp.cIef). 
Sale Crawters 
(Okwe. San Jose) 
Peacnes ",phld$. 
Miles (Brown. 
Two.SPOrteCI Sp.(Ier). 
Scale Crawters 
(OIoYo,Son Josel 
Plums A"""" and (Leafeurt Plum. 
PI'lJ"\IIIS Me.ty Ptum. TtM511.). 
Miles (aro.;n. 
Europea" R'!'dl 
Sltaw· Aphtds. 
~rnes TW()-$poned Sptdet 
St,aWberry L@ahotietS 
Walm.IS ."" ,". , eeA only) SCil~ C,awl@" 
IW ... lnul l1ahan p .... , 
• le~spoon, 
M'I 2 gals at 
In 3 gats. 01 .a, ... 
.. Il'aspoons 
11"1 , galS. of 
4·1 t2 teaspoons 
In 3 gals. of 
In 2 gals. of 
wat ... 
.. !"sPOOnS 
III 2: o~s. at 
.. teaspoons 
If"I 2 oats. of 
2 lilDIeSpoonS 
In J gats. of 
2 I I. aD sooons 
tn 3 9als 01 
Appty as a lull co .... ' sptay 
00 not appty more IhOl" 
.. gallons (lei' 500 SQ h 01 
orChwd 00 not make more 
than J ac:IC)fCatlOftS pet' 
season .. InInlft\Um Of '4 
days ~. 00 not apply 
wiClWI 21 dIIys of harvest 
Appty as a luti eoYet' spray 
00 not apPfy' more than 
S ~s pet SOl) SQ n 
01 t-eld Do ROC rNke mo~ 
than 5 appItcaho'\S pet' 
5ea$On .. mtf'Ml'l\um at t. 
cs.ys apatt Do noI apply 
Wlthtn 7 d~s 01 NnteSI. 
Ttus product may be use<'l 
on canebernes onty M'Io CA. 
OR and WA. 00 noI use 
thiS prOOUCt on can_be""s 
'Yawn '" other S • .ales 
Appty .as a full cowet 5C)fily 
00 not apPly mote than 
.. ~nons per SOO sq ft 
ot on:har(l 00 not make 
more than 3 appk:allOns 
per seasor. .. tn.",",um 01 
7 days ap.art Do not appty 
within 21 ClayS 01 Nlrvest 
APPly as a tun cover spray 
00 not a~y more II'Ian 
3 qaltons pet 500 SQ n of 
VlneyarCl 00 not make more 
than S iIp(llte:.tl,)l"lS pet 
s.ason a mlntmum 01 7 
clays Ipan Do not apply 
wtChIn 28 ClaY' 01 harvest 
APPly as a tuM cover spray 
00 ~ appty mOl. Inan 
.. galtons per sao SCI n of 
oteharCl 00 not IN.ke fl\Of. 
thAn 3 apptciluons pet' 
season .. mM"umum 01 I. 
Clays apan no not apply 
"WIthin 21 Clay" of harvest 
Appty as a tul cover spray 
00 nOl t.ppfy mOte ,nan 
.. 91llOns pet 500 $Q h of 
on::n.~CI 00 f\01 ~e more 
,nan 3 -lpplteallonS Der 
season a tnln.mum. ~I , .. 
dIIys apan 00 no. ~;':::''f 
.. thin 21 ClayS 01 "aNeSI 
A~y as a tuM cower spray 
00 nOC appty mOfe Ihan 
.. gallons per 5()0 sa " 04 oreNnl 00 not make 
more than 3 apptitaiions 
pet season a mtnlmum 01 7 
days apan 00 not a001y 
wctNn ~1 oays 01 "laNe'Sl 
Appty as a lull cove' 
SOIay 00 not apply more 
than J ~IIonS pe~ 500 SQ It 
01 IleId 00 not make more 
than J .DPkcal~ Ller 
I Mason a mvumutn 01 '1 
1 OayS .. part 00 net. aDOly 
1 ... .eh." 5 days 01 "'."'esl 
A I • , , I ppty as.iII u cove 'S0"'1 
I Do I'lOl apply lTI(Jf'e than 6 oaHOf'ts D@r sao so " {)I 
. . . . .... ~ 
Fot 1001a, Of SOtI apphc.lIOnS. this produC1 should be applied In the YOIume 01 wate, recommend-
ed in the I~le belOW to assure lnotOUgh coverage 01 tll& 1000age or sod 
Obse~e stated time '"te~als between laSI WPiK:ahOn and h.tWst ~ we" as mtervals b@tween 
~hons ~ ma.Jumum numbers of appllCallOns pet season 00 noc appty to 1000 ClopS gtO¥wn 
III greenhouses. 
Pre-Harvest Inle,." .. ' (PHI·, 101 Foliar Applications 
C,g. PHI" (Days) 
(sUCCl.o1ent "anell@$ only' lllna. Pole .ana Snap) 
Broccoli 7 
Cabbage 21 
Caullflo.er 7 
Chinese BrOCcoh Chinese ..... abbage COllardS ~ 10 
Crensnaws 3 
Cucumbers 7 
EnchYe (ESCMoIe) I. 
Hone~ Melons 3 
K_ 10 
l.nuce I. 
Muskmelons 3 
Ontons (Buill: and Gfeen). Parsnips " Peas' 7 
p ....... 5 
Pot'-ees (InSh) 35 
Radtshes. SPInach I. 
SQuash. Summer 7 
SQUash. WII'I'er 3 
Swee+COfn 7 
Turrups (Roots and Toosl I. 
Willerme~s 3 
'PHI • Pre·HaN.st Inlerv.al. 01' the num!).r 01 a.ays befWNn me la~1 apChc.atlOl'l and harvesl 
100 not use Ihls product on CSfled pea Of bean varle!le' Such as PInto beans. dried hma5 sphl 
pen 01t dnt''' blilC:k.-e.,t''' Deas 
j-!IfiIi . tt VI' .. 
\ IES1 lU'UIU COn j 
Fat ~11On to the foliage. thoroughty splay II plant ~. ~ton 10 the SOlI ShOUld M 
I'IMlled IMO Mw SOlI IfI\mfIdlalaty aft ... lPtHCabon. 
Crop , ... Ra'. .,......,... 
Beans. A_. 2_ ...... ThoroI.,ghty spray al plant 
l.rna. P04e CUCumber bftUn:. In 3 gals. 01 pans. R_1t appIICallOn 
and Snap GraUhoppeI'S. .aler 10 COOl ... ....., 5 doI1$ up 10 3 app'" 
(SVCCUMtOt leafhDppefs. 1.000 SQ. It. 01 eu.ons '* season. 00 
vanehes MezlCan Bean 8N11es. 9iIIrClen not appty w4hlft 7 cays at 
only) Sptder Mtln ........... 
Cutworms II tablespoons ~aSl to the $OtI ,,",st 
Isurlace. pet 500 SQ. It. bIIIote plvIllng. Immedlal~ 
Subtltrra..,.~) 11ft a minimum 'IIfOI1t ItlIG sOlI 2-3 inchitS for 
01 ;.tl2 gats. 01 SUlfat. cutwonns. J.6 
waler W1the's tor StJbCerranean 
cutwonn •. 
MOle Cnck.ets 2 tablespoons ~lotheSOll 
pet SOC) sq. It. t·2 (Q.ys belore pI"ntmg. 
""muuftlum Irnrn.cwtety wortc. 1n10 $CMI 
01 ,·1/2 gals. of 1·2 1ftC1'MtS. 
WlI'eworms 6 lilb'esPQOns ~st 10 lhe SOlI )Ust 
(Sflit) beallS Qntyj per 500 SQ. ft. bltor. ptantlng Immediately 
1f1 ill mm""'uftl WOf1iI, InlO sod ~ W"lCheS. 
of ",12 galS. 01 
NOTES. 11) 00 not apply this produC1 to dneCl bean vanehes SUCh ilS !)Inlo 
beans Of d,ted Ilma$. (2) To Pf'(MeC:t bees. do nOI ~ be.." Iotlige HeItoUne"1$ 
11 the b4N.ns or weec:lS If1 tM treatment area are In l*lOn\ 
Bt!ets. Rea Cutworms 6 tablespoons EkoAdCUI to the $ad JUSt 
(Table, ,surface. per 500 sq. n. belate p~nbng IrnmeCh-ltely 
sut)te«anean, :~ iI m.n.mum waft. "'to 5ot1 2-3 InCM' lOt 
01 ,.112 gals. 01 surfac. cutwOtIT\$. 3-6 
Will" wd'Ies for SUbtenantan 
cutwonn •. 
MOlt Cnckets 2 lable$pooI'\S Bro.dQst to the SCM! 1-2 
pet 500 sq. It daY$ before P'iIIntll'~ 
In iI mlrllmum II'M\e<:lla1t1y woc1I; lnlO sod 
of ','12 galS. 01 1-211"1(he$ 
BroccOlI. AphodS. 2 tarMes:l(lOnS Thcwougnty sDrily an plilnt 
OlamondDack Mo(hs. in 3 gals. of parts. Rf'ON.I apphcilllOn 
Flea Beetles willet" ICI caver ~ 1 Gays up to $ app4to 
Impaned 1.000 sq ft. of cation$; pe1' season. 00 
C~qewotms. 90'- noc apoty wCl'Mn 7 days ot 
Olt)terous leafmll'\ef'S _ftC 
NOTE, ReSislilnt Mi.lmlfle,., 
WII not bit CQI"IllQIled by 
Cha.Dnon Of ~mtla' type 
I""age Apttlds. 2 labIe$pOOns Thorovghty spray all planl 
O,arnoodDack M~hs. ...3~s.oI partS Repeal ~tlOl"l 
Flea B ... In. water tI) COY« tNWfY 7 days up 10 5 appk-
ImPOl'1ed 1.000 SQ ft. 04 tatO"S per $U$Of"I. 00 
Cab~'. 11'- not aopty wll;htn 21 days or 
DlPlerous l.afmnef'S "'_1 
Cutworms 6 tabtrhpoons Broaocul to me soeI lUst 
(,,,rfK •. per SOO sq. " belc:we pi.;lnl.ng. Imrnedtaltly 
Sublel'1anean l M"I .. mln,mum ~ If'lIO sod 2·3 Inches 'Of 
Of 1-112 9al5 01 surlae. tutwonns. 3~ 
WllM ItIChes tl)f SUb'lIfrlne~ 
Root Ma99O'S 6 tablespOOnS Bro~S1 to tl\e sod lUst 
per SOO sq " "-tor. p'an"'"'9. Immkhalely 
tn • nwttmum W(II1I. '"to SOlI 2-3 -:hes 
Of 1-112 gats of 
W"I!W()f"" 6 tables • 6ro~~1 10 Ihe s .. 
I , 
I , 
l4" . $-,.., 
CarrOlS AprMCl5, 2 tlblespoons Thoroughly spray a. pt.anl 
Flea Seetles. In 3 9i15. of patts. Repel' ~allon 
L."~S. .alel to cov., ~ery 1 days up to 5 appft· 
Q.plerous L.,f","*",. 1.000 sq. ft. 01 allOnS pef season 00 
Spdef Miles go'- not ~ wChen 14 days ot 
NOTE: ReSistant ae.tm.ners 
WIA noI be conlroHed by 
dl.il.Zlnon Of samttat typtl 
Cutworms 6 IKJ1espoons Bm-.ocast to the SOlI tvSI 
(surtac. •• per 500 sq. n. betQr. planting ~1.ty 
sublen anean) .n a m.nltTlum WOf1( into $011 2-3 'l'"lChes tor 
of 1-11'2 gals. Of surtac-e cutworms. J.6 
wa1er InCheS lot $ublerranean 
Mole CrICkets 2 labtespoons BroadCast 10 1he SOIt 1·2 
pet" 500 sq. n. days betOl. pIiInllng. 
III a tl'MnIfltutn Imflledlatety work tnto sOtt 
01 1·1/2 gals. of '·2 Inches. 
W".worms 6 tablesPOOnS Bl'QadcaSl to the sa.i fUSI 
pet 500 SQ n. betOt. planting. IrnmeOIalely 
If'! a fnuwnum WOtk "'to saM ...a IIlChes. 
01 1.112 9~S ot 
wat ... 
CaUlltk>wef Aphids. 2 1ablespC)Ot\s Tt\orOl.J9hfy SPfoily all plant 
Olamondback Moths. m 3 gab of parts Repeat apptlcatlOn 
Flea Bl!tIlIes. vwaer 10 toYer every 7 days UP 10 S, apph. 
Impot1ed '.000 sq n. 01 catton$ pet season. 00 
C~geWOfms.garoen nol a.ppfy within 7 days 01 
O"uerous leafmlf'lers narvest 
NOTE. ReSistant lea'mlners ", " -.; .~ ...... wl/l ncn be contfQfted by 
dlUK10n Of SImilar type 
Chines. Aptnds. 4!' tablespoons TIlorougI"lly spray alt plant 
Brocc$ I Olarnonclbact. MQl:hs. 1ft :) gats Of p.arts. Repeat .apphc;a .. on 
Flea Beet""s. wat., to coyer e'Very 7 oays up 10 S oiIppll-
ffj,J"t "'SS 
Imported 1.000 sq n. of catIOnS per season. 00 
Cabbagewotms. 90"'''' not a()pfy ."htn 10 <la~ 
OlOlert:KIS l..eafmlnetS .. " ...... 
NOTE: ResIstant .... Imln.~ 
"'. not be ccwurOlIe(l by 
dl4lZ1I"tOI'I Of Similar type 
Crnnese A""""" 2 lablesooons ThOfQughty spray .. U plant CabboJge o..mondback MothS. In J gats of parts R~at ;appt<:allOn 
lBOI<Choy Flea 8Hltn. woller 10 cover .....,.., 7 d.ays up 10 5 atIP"-
and Napa) '_ed '.000 sq. n. of cations DtIf season 00 
Caobagewonns. go"''' not aopty wrthlf1 '0 Clays of 
Dipterous lealm'"et"s ""_c 
NOTE. Restslanl leatmmers 
wll not be contrOlted by 
dtUlf'IOI"I Of SImilar ty~ 
CoNarOs AlW;ts, 2 labfespoons ThOroughly spray all ",Ianl 
Cka~1l Moths, In 3 gats of p.ilrts. Aeo-at APphc.allron 
Flea B.~les. water to cover ~"'Y 7 days up 10 5 app~ 
'''''''''''''' 1.00c SQ " at I c.akOfls ~ sea,sol'l 00 Cabbagewonns. garden not ~ .... Inun 1 a o.y1; of I OlOterous l .. 'mlners """'est 
NOTE FWs,stant "allTH"''' 
I ..... !'lOt be eonlr0l1ecl by dl.az:lf\On or sUTI.rat ftJ* ttlSec1liC!deS 
\ Itsl l1l\UIlE clff 
Tomaloes Aptuds. 21a01e~ Thoroughty spray •• plant 
COIofAdo POlito In 3 gats 01 pan$.. Repea, appIIcallon 
8",,-,. wale'lO~ ....-y 7 <Says up to S tpp5t- o 
Fa!! Amlyworms. 1,000 SQ n 01 cabOnS Pet' season. 00 
Fie. Beelles. 90- not appty wlI:Nn , day of 
Leafhoppers. harvest 
SOUthern AnnywormS. 
VIf-.g&f Flift 
(OI'Nq)ll. spp.) 
Cutworms ._- Broadcast 10 the SOtI IU$I 
(surface, per sao $.Q. ft. betOAl Planting. Imtnedtate1y 
subterranean) If'! a mlf1tmUm worit. 11'110 SOtt 2·3 .nches lei 
011·\12 oats. of $Urf.:e turwonns. 3-$ 
, walet' IncheS 101 subt8nanean 
W"eworms 6 tablespoons Bro.x..st 10 the soil tuSl 
pet" 500 SQ. n bekKtt plan,tnCJ. Immech.alely 
In II m,'''mum won:; "'10 ~ 4-8 InCheS. 
01 HI2 gals of 
Turn.ps ilnd AOhIds. 2 tal)leSOOOf\S ' ThOroughty spray a. plant 
Turrllp Tops Fit. ~lIes. In 3 9~S 01 parts. AePlla, appkCilltOn 
Leafhopper$, .,.a'., 10 cov., rHKy 7 c;Saiys up 10 S appl .. 
tmponed 1.000 sq. ft. of CltlOftS per Muon. 00 
., . . ...... ~ C~ge-wom'IS. 
garden not appty .tttwn 14 days of 
DIPterous lealnuners harvesl 
NOTE: Rnistan, ... tmll\et'$ 
.... not be conlroHecl by 
dlUJnOf'l or Similar ty~ 
Cutworms 6 lablttSpooos BroadQSl 10 1M sOtt tuS1 
!$ur1ac., per SOO SQ fL ~to,. planllng Immediately 
~ubten.nean) .., .. rntf\Imum WOfk Into so.t 2·3 .nc:::hes 
of 1·112 9aiS aI Ioc sul1ae. cutworm,. 3-6 
wat., tnCMS IOf sube."..".." 
~ BtST AYAIlA8lE CO"] 
')0 1101 ........... he .. t Of open ft.".. SlOI'e In ~I ~ In an .rea Inaccessm.e to ct\lldlen 
Do not ,..". fWnpty coni......,. Th?fouOI\Iy rlftH Coni ........ SkUfety wrap It In MY.ral layers 
of MwSpa'*' ana Ckscarcl in ltast.. 11 disposal of a pathalty full conlener 15 necessary, m~k. 
sute c:.-" .. ~ dOSed. securefy wr-cJ ItW COOl __ '" M¥er" Jayers of 1leW$po1Ipet' and Oiscard 
in "'uti, 
ttazards 10 Humans and Domestic Animals 
Harmful II swa~, .nh*<I. Of abSOfbed Chfovgh slun. CAUSeS moderate eye InJUrY AVOId 
bf .. lhlnl] spray mist. AItO'd ContaCI wCh eyes. slun. Of clQthlng. Wash ttlOfougt"lty .... IU' $O~p 
an(! waler all ... hilnCSlin9. RenlCMI contiilmfN.ted ctothlng .. nd _ash befor. reuse. 00 not 
us. tnSlde the hOrne. AWid conUitntnaltOn 01 feed and Ioodstulls. 00 not us. on hOusehOld 
petS 01' huma"s. 00 not allow (.!"MkIr.n or !)e1s to go onto ~ treat~ .rea until the treateCI 
ar ..... SUdl as grass or SOlI. has dned 00 not contamnate ornamental !I$n ponds FOOd uten· 
sib such as spoons anc3 meaSunng cups must ."lOt be U$8d lOt food purposes aher us • .., 
~sul"Vlg pestICIde'S. 
SlIItement ot P,..ctic .. Treatment 
" .... ed: Cal a phySIcian ltl'lmecll.ltltly DO NOT INOUCE VOMITING UNLESS NO 
OTHER TREATMENT IS ",VAILABLE VOfftIttng may cause asparatJOO ptlet monl.J.. 111I:.s 
nec.ssary 10 tnduce YOI1\IlIng. grve \/Cum oMl Of IWO Qtasses 01 walf'r .ane ltlse" Iingef 11"1 
baek of ~t 00 not tnduce yonuttng Of gIVe anyth"'9 by meum if person IS uneonselOus 
or c,onwuls.ng. 
IIlnh.eeI: Remov. w:ttm 10 tr~ air .. -:.'::1 appfy ar11f'ta.a.l resptrauon d MlCaled Ge4 meClCal 
It an Sktn; Wash promplty ..... llh ~ and ..... at.r R .... se uwxoughty Gel medical anentlon 
" tn e.,.t;: Rinse .yes wen O""''Y Of ..... aler itnd caM a phySICian Ift\mttdlil.tety. 
HOC. to PI'lysk;lan: tht$ product is an organopho$phate tnsectlCl(ie II symptoms Of 
choII~rne IfthIbition ar. ptnent au~ sulfate by ."ecbOn IS anlOJtat 2..pAM IS,tso 
anbdoilal ana m-v be Mimtnl$l.red. bUt 0tWy tn COIlfUncttOn ..... tCh iIIttClplne Tht$ pI'Oduc1 con--
UiIftS .. romahc: petroleum dlsttiia.leS whtCh may present an aspwabc)n I'\a.z.fd. uUtl1C lavage 
may be tndttallKl .. poduet was taken If"IuNnalty. 
ThIS produet IS t.gtvv 10.-: 10 bIn:ts, Itsh. and 0Cher ..... 1IdIde &w0s. espeQally walerfowri. leed.ng 
or dnnll;~ on treated areas may be lulled. Bee.us. 01 the m.gralOfY habtlS 01 ce".aln 
Att ..... c Coast ww."t1owI. dO not apply thiS product 10 lawns 11"1 Nassau County, Ne..... yon.. 
between ~ 1 and May 20. 00 not el(~ lTIultnUm oermctted labeC rales. ApDliCa· 
lion '11e5 II)OYe those ~ s.gntfteanny ancr •• se po!:enhal h&l:aras 10 btrd$ and 
___ rlOWI. A¥'OId ~ (It $pf1,ys. FOf lawns. where.-ng&tIOt'I (walertng) 1$ recommen(j«i 
In 1ht dtfec1tOns Of II wateOowt. I. duck 01 gees.. an bt ifl(peeled "' the 'rUled area 
after 1rNtmen! (exceot soot treatment). w .. tet' lawn WIth allea51 114 tnCh 01 wa'iff mmedtalety 
.aher sc:wayr.g this produCt: however. SlOP ...... 't!f~ ttebe QUddIIng 0CCUtS. 1(8«) out at lakes 
streams. pond$. ltd .. matshes ana eSluanes Do not appty dtreetty 10 w.t .... 10 lreas wMre 
sUt'l~. w~n.r IS Ptesenl, Of 10 Iflter1Id.i1I ar.as belOw the me.., high "",al.r mat1t. Runof'l may 
be hazardous 10 aquallC Df9anlsms '" ne.ghbonng illreas Shfl"np WId crab mly be 
k.tlt!O" ap(JfC.a1Jon ~In reoommendeO on ttws label 00 no( apply whef. Mh. ShnfnO. erao. 
and Olhef aquanc W. are tr'I'IDCN1an' rncJUfCeS. 00 not conlamna1e "'alef by c'e.an.ng ot eQUO-
tn.nc Qt dISposal of equcptnenl ... asn _aters 
TIq peste'" IS h.ghty lOllte 10 bees e_C'O'Sed to direct trealfnent or 10 re$tdues on b'OOmtnQ 
CrQl:iS or • ..as. 00 nd .pOIy thrs oestlCld. or aMow II 10 dnlt to bfo()m'NJ erogs Of .. ~c:ts 
If ben are .lSItlng lhe lre.tment Mea 
PhysiQI or Chemical H.Z8rdS 
00 f'I(M use. ~. 'JC)tI. or ltOf. "~Olf ~.\ Of open Hame. 
Phi lip St. 
728 St 
New Orleans LA 70116 
~-.i"-• • •• 
{IES1 lU'UllE cm) 

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