

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

– 5
aula 1
Exercícios propostos
 1 Complete as lacunas abaixo com os seguintes 
advérbios e ou expressões:
carefully – ever – often – late – fast – a year ago – 
perhaps – probably – next week – yet
a) She probably knows her phone number. 
b) Perhaps you will see her next week.
c) He bought a new machine a year ago .
d) John drives very fast .
e) Jim arrived late last night.
f) Peter hasn’t come yet .
g) I am often tired.
h) Have you ever driven a Ferrari?
i) She drove her car carefully .
j) She will travel to London next week .
 2 Qual é a posição correta dos seguintes advérbios nas 
frases abaixo?
a) She travelled III II I .
( I) last week / II) by plane / III) to London ) 
b) He did his work II I III .
( I) at home / II) carefully / III) yesterday )
c) He III goes I II .
( I) to Rio / II) by car / III) often )
 3 Put the words in brackets into the sentences in the 
correct order:
a) She watches TV in the evening. (usually)
She usually… 
b) He comes here. He is a busy person. (never)
He never comes… 
c) Peter brushes his teeth. (always / three times a day)
Peter always brushes his teeth three times a day. 
d) My wallet has been stolen. (probably)
My wallet has probably been stolen. 
e) She can walk because she walked all day long. (hardly). 
She can hardly... 
 4 Put into English the sentences below:
a) A casa dele foi totalmente destruída no acidente na 
noite passada.
His house was totally destroyed in the accident last night. 
b) Eu não posso comprar um novo carro. Ele é 
extremamente caro.
I can’t afford to buy a new car. It is extremely expensive. 
c) O inverno irá começar tarde este ano.
Winter will start late this year. 
d) É difícil dizer qual deles é o melhor jogador de futebol 
no Brasil.
It is hard to say which of them is the best soccer player in Brazil. 
 5 Write the Simple Past and Past Participle forms of the 
following verbs and translate them:
a) to grow grew grown = crescer
b) to share shared shared = compartilhar
c) to keep kept kept = manter
d) to lend lent lent = emprestar
e) to win won won = vencer
f) to learn learned/ learnt learned/ learnt = aprender
g) to show showed shown = mostrar
h) to mean meant meant = querer dizer, significar
i) to come came come = vir
j) to undergo underwent undergone = passar por
6 – 
 6 Complete com o advérbio adequado:
a) She hasn’t finished the essay yet . (ainda)
b) My feet are swollen. I can hardly walk. (mal)
c) Have you ever driven a bus? (alguma vez)
d) He has never gone there. (nunca)
e) I haven’t seen John lately . (ultimamente)
 7 Transforme os adjetivos abaixo em advérbios:
a) serious: seriouly d) bad: badly 
b) quiet: quietly e) careful: carefully 
c) heavy: heavily 
 8 Match the columns:
1. so far a) anterior
2. challenge b) poderoso
3. priest c) desafio
4. advantage d) meios
5. earlier e) vantagem
6. nouns f) até agora
7. fast g) substantivos
8. powerful h) rapidamente
9. means i) sacerdote
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
f c i e a g h b d
Nas questões de 1 a 4, assinale a alternativa correta:
 1 When we arrived at the cinema, the film had ______ 
a) still b) ever c) yet d) already e) never
a) ainda: orações afirmativas d) já
b) já, alguma vez e) nunca
c) ainda: orações negativas
Resposta: D
 2 He looked at me ______ when I interrupted him.
a) angry b) hungry c) hurry d) angrily e) hurried
a) irritado c) pressa e) apressado
b) com fome d) irritadamente
Resposta: D
 3 Have you been doing anything interesting _________?
a) late b) soon c) almost d) lately e) slowly
a) tarde c) quase e) lentamente
b) logo d) ultimamente
Resposta: D
 4 She has ______ gone home again.
a) never b) late c) until d) almost e) slowly
a) nunca c) até e) lentamente
b) tarde d) quase
Resposta: a
 5 What’s the meaning of the underlined words?
a) You can’t watch this film because you are underage.
 Underage = ________________________________
b) This medicine may trigger headaches.
 To trigger: _________________________________
c) This manager will oversee all the project.
 To oversee = _______________________________ 
d) Reading this book about Rio prompted him to go on 
 Reading = _________________________________ 
e) When I go abroad, I hardly ever use my credit card.
 Hardly ever = _______________________________
a) menor de idade d) ler
b) causar / provocar e) quase nunca
c) supervisionar
aula 2
Exercícios propostos
 1 Put into English the sentences below:
a) Aqui estão três razões pelas quais nós achamos que 
seus investimentos no Brasil tem fundamentos sólidos.
Here are three reasons why we think your investments in Brazil have a 
solid foundation. 
b) O Brasil é um país de vastos recursos naturais.
Brazil is a country of vast natural resources. 
 – 7
c) Nós somos o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar e 
café, e nossas outras exportações incluem cacau, suco 
de laranja e soja.
We are the world’s largest producer of sugar cane and coffee, and our 
other exports include cocoa, orange juice, and soya beans. 
d) Hoje há mais de 200 milhões de telefones celulares 
e mais de 70 milhões de usuários de internet no Brasil.
Today there are over 200 million mobile phones and over 70 million 
internet users in Brazil. 
 2 Brazil’s mineral resources are:
a) iron: ferro 
b) manganese: manganês 
c) nickel: níquel 
d) tin: zinco 
e) bauxite: bauxita 
f) copper: cobre 
g) oil: petróleo 
 3 Match the columns.
English Portuguese
1. to show a) comércio
2. unemployment b) estrangeiro
3. trade c) famintos
4. foreign d) mais de
5. huge e) enorme
6. hungry f) mostrar
7. anywhere g) (em) qualquer (outro) lugar
8. over h) desemprego
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
f h a b e c g d
 4 Match these expressions with their explanations.
1. to grow a) one hundred years.
2. seed b) a person, usually no longer 
living, from whom a person 
3. decade c) a part of a plant that a new 
plant will grow from if it is 
4. century d) very old.
5. empowerment e) intelligence, especially 
intelligence that is a result 
of experience.
6. ancient f) a period of ten years.
7. wisdom g) power or authority to do 
8. ancestor h) to cultivate and nourish plants.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
h c f a g d e b
 5 Traduza o pequeno fragmento extraído do texto 
estudado em sala de aula:
“For more than a decade, Aveda has collaborated with 
the Yawanawa tribe in the Brazilian Amazon, helping 
them to protect their cultural wisdom. We have worked 
together to responsibly grow and market the red seed-
-pigment from the urukum palm. For centuries, this lushpigment has been used in daily life and tribal ceremonies 
to decorate and protect the body and face.”
“Há mais de uma década, Aveda colabora com a tribo Yawanawa na Ama- 
zônia brasileira, ajudando-os a proteger sua sabedoria cultural. Nós traba- 
lhamos juntos para, responsavelmente, cultivar e comercializar o pigmento 
extraído da semente de urucum. Há séculos, esse pigmento abundante tem 
sido usado diariamente em cerimônias tribais para decorar e proteger o 
corpo e a face.” 
 6 Complete with the missing word:
a) The car is our only means of transport. (meio)
b) There’s been no change so far . (até agora)
c) You can’t expect to master English in a few days; 
 after all , it’s a difficult language. (afinal de contas)
d) She passed her driving test at the second attempt . 
 7 Complete: Do you speak 
a) italiano Italian ? 
b) francês French ?
c) alemão German ? 
8 – 
d) polonês Polish ?
e) russo Russian ?
f) espanhol Spanish ?
g) chinês Chinese ? 
h) holandês Dutch ?
i) português Portuguese ?
 1 Na frase: “Maybe I’ll see her next week”, poderíamos 
substituir o advérbio em destaque por: _______________.
 2 Classifique as palavras abaixo em ( I ) para adjetivos 
e ( II ) para advérbios:
a) ( ) serious f) ( ) badly
b) ( ) carefully g) ( ) maybe
c) ( ) lonely h) ( ) lately
d) ( ) lovely i) ( ) usually
e) ( ) silly
a) I b) II c) I d) I e) I f) II g) II h) II i) II
 3 Dadas as sentenças:
I) She never is late.
II) have seen already that movie.
III) They haven’t painted the fence yet.
Constatamos que está(ao) correta(s):
a) apenas a I d) nenhuma
b) apenas a II e) todas
c) apenas a III
Resolução: C
Assinale a alternativa correta para os exercícios abaixo:
 4 A thriller is an exciting story, ________ about a crime.
a) seldom b) often c) never d) rarely e) lately
a) raramente d) raramente
b) frequentemente e) ultimamente
c) nunca
Resposta: B
 5 “Have you quit smoking?” “No, I __________smoke.”
a) yet b) already c) never d) still e) almost
a) ainda (orações negativas)
b) já
c) nunca
d) ainda (orações afirmativas)
e) quase
Resposta: D
 6 Have you _______seen a ghost?
a) ever b) never c) already d) almost e) still
a) já d) quase
b) nunca e) ainda
c) já
Resposta: a

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