
Curso de inglês Duolingo

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Você viu 3, do total de 102 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 6, do total de 102 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 9, do total de 102 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

Curso de Inglês 
Apostila de inglês baseado no aplicativo Duolingo. 
Esta apostila contém um vocabulário aproximado de 1400 palavras, e estão 
divididos em 52 temas. 
Tive a iniciativa de fazer este material, após ouvir inúmeras vezes, pessoas que 
não conseguiam estudar pelo aplicativo, muitas se queixavam que poderia 
haver um material físico com o conteúdo do aplicativo, que na minha opinião é 
um dos melhores e alavancou meu inglês. 
Finalizei o aplicativo uma vez, e a medida que fui completando a árvore, 
realizava várias anotações em um caderno para poder consultar depois, juntei 
essa ideia, e resolvi fazer este material, finalizando o aplicativo pela segunda vez 
no inglês (já havia terminado uma no espanhol também). 
Instrução para uso do material: Realizar a tradução das palavras, (recomendo 
utilizar um dicionário físico para ter mais contato com o idioma). Após cada 
tema estão os exercícios para aplicação das palavra em frases, nesta etapa tente 
não utilizar o dicionário, pois as palavras são as mesmas que acabou de traduzir. 
Os temas vão se acumulando nas frases, na medida em que você vai evoluindo. 
Desenvolvido por Vitor de Oliveira, formado em Gestão de Produção Industrial, 
pela Faculdade Pitágoras Jundiaí SP. 
Meus contatos: 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vitor-oliveira-4747b0b3/ 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vitor.oliveira.9847 
Espero que este arquivo lhe seja útil, e compartilhe com quem desejar. 
Críticas e sugestões, entre em contato através dos links acima. 
Curso de Inglês 
Pronouns – Pronomes 
Subject pronouns: Têm a função de sujeito na oração 
I – Eu 
You – Você, Tu 
He – Ele 
She – Ela 
It – Isto, isso, ele, ela (usado para coisas e animais) 
We – Nós 
You – Vocês, vós (plural e singular) 
 He is an actor – Ele é um ator 
 It is a pen – Isto é uma caneta 
 You and I will finish the lesson together – Você e eu vamos terminar a lição juntos 
Object pronouns: Na oração tem como função de objeto direto ou indireto 
Me – Mim, me 
You – Te, ti, o, a, lhe 
Him – o, lhe, ele 
Her – a, lhe, ela 
It – o, a (usado para coisas e animais) 
Us – nos, nós, conosco 
You – vos, lhes 
Them – Os, as, lhes 
Examples: I love him very much – Eu o amo muito 
 Tell her news – Conte-lhe a novidade 
 They never talk to us – Eles nunca conversam conosco 
Possessive pronouns: É usado para substituir construção, possessive adjective vai depois do 
Mine – Meu, minha, meus, minhas 
Your – Seu, sua, seus, suas, teu, tua, teus, tuas, 
His – Dele, seu, sua, seus, suas 
Hers – Dela, seu, sua, seus, suas 
Curso de Inglês 
Ours – Nosso, nossa, nossos, nossas 
 They aren’t her books. They are mine. – Eles não são os livros dela. Eles são meus. 
 A teacher of mine is Italian. – Um de meus professores é italiano. 
Possessive adjectives: adjetivos possessivos acompanham substantivos. 
My – Meu, minha, meus, minhas 
Yours – Teu, tua, teus, tuas, seu, sua, seus, suas 
Its – Dele, dela, seu, sua, seus, suas (usado para coisas e animais) 
Their – Deles, delas, seu, sua, seus, suas 
 Where are your parentes. – Onde estão seus pais. 
 He Always drives her cars. – Ele sempre dirige o carro dela. 
 She was in my car. – Ela estava em meu carro. 
Common expressions 
Good morning – Bom dia 
Good afternoon – Boa tarde 
Good evening – Boa noite (chegada) 
Good night – Boa noite (saída) 
Thanks – Obrigado 
Thank you – Obrigado 
You´re welcome – De nada 
Please – Por favor 
Hi – Oi 
Hello – Olá, alô 
How are you? – Como vai você? 
Sorry – Desculpe 
Excuse me – Com licença 
Curso de Inglês 
Exercise: Translate the verbs below=
Write _____________________________ 
Walk –_____________________________ 
Swim –____________________________ 
See – _____________________________ 
Cook – ____________________________ 
Sleep – ___________________________ 
Run – ____________________________ 
Want – ___________________________ 
Like – ____________________________ 
Pay – ____________________________ 
Goes – ___________________________ 
Play – ____________________________ 
Use – ____________________________ 
Love – ___________________________ 
Rain – ___________________________ 
Listen – __________________________ 
Say – ____________________________ 
Touch – __________________________ 
Hear – ___________________________ 
Need – ___________________________ 
Find – ____________________________ 
Know – ___________________________ 
Make – ___________________________ 
Support – _________________________ 
Feel – ____________________________ 
Work – ___________________________ 
Take –____________________________ 
Show – ___________________________ 
Design –__________________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbo TO BE 
Com o conhecimento do verbo “To be”, que significa “ser” e “estar”, é o próximo passo para dominar a conjugação 
de verbos no presente. A regra é basicamente a mesma para a maioria dos verbos. Exceto para a terceira pessoa do 
singular (She, He e It), a conjugação no presente consiste em juntar o sujeito com o verbo sem o “To”. 
1ª pessoa do singular – I I am Eu sou/estou 
2ª pessoa do singular – you you are Você é/está 
3ª pessoa do singular – he, she ou it he/she/it is Ele é/está – Ela é/está – Isto é/está 
1ª pessoa do plural – we we are Nós somos/estamos 
2ª pessoa do plural – you you are Vocês são/estão 
3ª pessoa do plural – they (Eles, Elas) they are Eles são/estão 
Verbo “To work” (Trabalhar) 
I work here. (Eu trabalho aqui) 
They work there. (Eles trabalham ali) 
Já para a terceira pessoa do singular, em geral se acrescenta o “S” no final do verbo. 
Verbo “To talk” (Falar) 
She talks to me (Ela fala comigo) 
He talks to you (Ele fala contigo) 
Mas existem alguns casos diferentes para a terceira pessoa, algumas exceções: Se o verbo termina em S, SS, SH, CH, 
X, Z ou O quando precedido por consoantes, deve ser acrescentado ES, não apenas S. 
Wash – Washes / Dress – Dresses / Do – Does / Go – Goes / Buzz – Buzzes 
O verbo Have é uma exceção. Na terceira pessoa do singular ele se torna HAS: 
I have two brothers. (Eu tenho dois irmãos) 
She has a pink dress. (Ela tem um vestido rosa) 
E, por último, se o verbo terminar com Y e também for precedido por consoante, deve se substituir o Y por IES. 
Cry – Cries / Try – Tries / Study – Studies 
Importante lembrar que quando o Y é precedido por vogal, segue a regra básica. Como por exemplo “Play” é 
conjugado como “Plays”. 
Curso de Inglês 
Eu vejo você 
Ele escreve 
Elas cozinham 
She loves me 
Eu corro, ele caminha 
Ela dorme, eu trabalho 
Eu quero você! 
Ela gosta dele 
I know her 
I support you 
She finds me 
They need you 
He goes 
She says, I listen 
Eles nos pagam 
We make 
_________________________Eu toco em você 
Nós jogamos 
Eu te mostro 
Nós ouvimos 
Ela nada 
Curso de Inglês 
Other basics words
Man – ____________________________ 
Woman – _________________________ 
Girl – ____________________________ 
Boy – ____________________________ 
Child – ____________________________ 
Children – _________________________ 
Read – ____________________________ 
Book – ____________________________ 
Newspaper – ______________________ 
The – ____________________________ 
An/a – ____________________________ 
And – ____________________________ 
Translate the foods
Fish – ____________________________ 
Orange – __________________________ 
Wine – ____________________________ 
Coffee – __________________________ 
Egg – ____________________________ 
Chicken – _________________________ 
Plate – ____________________________ 
Sugar – __________________________ 
Lunch – __________________________ 
Juice – ____________________________ 
Pasta – ___________________________ 
Breakfast – ________________________ 
Cheese – _________________________ 
Fruit – ____________________________ 
Food – ____________________________ 
Beer – ____________________________ 
Beef – ____________________________ 
Tomato – _________________________ 
Soup – ____________________________ 
Strawberry – ______________________ 
Lemon – __________________________ 
Salt – ____________________________ 
Dinner – __________________________ 
Meal – ____________________________ 
Meat – ____________________________ 
Corn – ____________________________ 
Onion – __________________________ 
Rice – ____________________________ 
Eat – ____________________________ 
Drink – ____________________________ 
Sandwich – _______________________ 
Bread – ___________________________ 
Milk – ____________________________
Curso de Inglês 
Cat – ____________________________ 
Dog – ____________________________ 
Horse – __________________________ 
Bird – ____________________________ 
Elephant – ________________________ 
Duck – ____________________________ 
Turtle – ___________________________ 
Bear – ____________________________ 
Crab – ____________________________ 
Mouse – __________________________ 
Spider – ___________________________ 
Snake – ___________________________ 
Lion – _____________________________ 
Tiger – ____________________________ 
Monkey – _________________________ 
Pig – ______________________________ 
Cow –_____________________________ 
Butterfly –__________________________
Wear – ___________________________ 
Dress – ___________________________ 
Shoes –___________________________ 
Skirt – ____________________________ 
Shirt – ____________________________ 
Coat – ____________________________ 
Pants – ___________________________ 
Hat – ____________________________ 
Suit – ____________________________ 
Socks – ___________________________ 
Yellow – ____________________________ 
Red – ______________________________ 
Green – ____________________________ 
Black – _____________________________ 
White – ____________________________ 
Blue – ______________________________ 
Orange – ___________________________ 
Gray – ______________________________ 
Brown – ____________________________ 
Pink – ______________________________ 
Purple – ____________________________ 
Colorful – ___________________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Exercises: translate the sentences
They are girls 
The boys have a ball 
You are a man 
The girls have a dog 
We have a house 
You love the elephant 
We hear an animal 
The girl hears the dog 
The cat likes the dog 
The boys have breakfast 
She eats fruit 
We see the lemon 
She eats a tomato 
The meal has fish 
He loves them 
I like him 
My hats, your shoe 
She wears an orange dress 
We have a suit 
I have a brown plate 
The skirts are white 
The elephant is gray 
Vermelho e azul são cores 
The hats are colorful 
My shirt is orange 
The cat is black 
She wears a purple dress 
Your color is purple 
He wants an apple 
He cooks the food 
She writes and I read 
Curso de Inglês 
If – ______________________________ 
Because – ________________________ 
Or – _____________________________ 
But – ____________________________ 
When – ___________________________ 
While – ___________________________ 
Whenever –_______________________ 
That – ___________________________ 
Exercises: translate the sentences
He eats chicken or fish 
But you like her 
If you want 
He drinks, but not beer. 
We speak because we know 
He sleeps while I cook 
The shirt is white or gray 
If he walks, I walk 
I know that you know 
I speak while I eat 
Se você quer 
Nós falamos porque nós sabemos 
Curso de Inglês 
Mother –______________________ 
Father –_______________________ 
Parents –______________________ 
Son –__________________________ 
Daughter –_____________________ 
Brother –______________________ 
Sister –_______________________ 
Siblings –_______________________ 
Husband –_____________________ 
Wife –_______________________ 
Uncle –_______________________ 
Aunt –_______________________ 
Family –_______________________ 
Marriage –_____________________ 
Dad –_________________________ 
Grandmother –__________________ 
Grandfather –___________________ 
Name –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos presente 2 
Sign – ________________________ 
Open – ________________________ 
Think – ________________________ 
Change – ________________________ 
Return – ________________________ 
Call – ________________________ 
Save –________________________ 
Look –________________________ 
Live –_______________________ 
Come –_______________________ 
Study –_______________________ 
Offers –_______________________ 
Give –_______________________ 
Offer –_______________________ 
Try –__________________________ 
Includes –_____________________ 
Ask –_________________________ 
Present –______________________ 
Works –_______________________ 
Talk –________________________ 
Mark –_______________________ 
Feel –________________________ 
Makes –_______________________ 
Shows –_______________________ 
Remember –____________________ 
Stop –_________________________ 
Wish –________________________ 
Hope –_______________________ 
Searches –_____________________ 
Fail –__________________________ 
Include –_______________________ 
Pass –_________________________ 
Raise –________________________ 
Believe –_______________________ 
Follow –_______________________ 
Returns –______________________ 
Thank –_______________________ 
Comes –_______________________ 
Consider –_____________________ 
Takes –________________________ 
Seems –_______________________ 
Rest –_________________________ 
Answers –______________________ 
Starts –________________________ 
Ends –________________________ 
Trust –________________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Exercises: translate the sentences
The dad 
The hat is for my husband 
My mother goes to her house 
Where is my sister? 
Father and daughter 
Eu quero casamento e uma família 
My parentes eat rice 
What is your name? 
He and my mother are siblings 
Ele trabalha 
Uma menina responde 
We look at the menu 
I think about her 
I wish for a son 
The girl comes with him 
A mulher responde 
He takes my food 
Please consider it 
I offer her pasta 
A girl answers 
I think he is a doctor 
Eu desejo um filho 
Curso de Inglês 
I rest 
Save the woman! 
Passar ou falhar? 
Come whenever you want 
They thank the family 
Ela procura por sua mãe 
It seems that he is fine 
Eu acredito em você 
She searches for her mother 
Pass me the sugar, please. 
Nós falhamos com você 
Eu acredito no meu pai 
I believe that she is at my house 
We fail you 
We save the animals 
Curso de Inglês 
Little –_______________________ 
Tired –_______________________ 
Bilingual –_____________________ 
Same –_______________________ 
Next –_______________________ 
General –______________________ 
Real –_______________________ 
Local –_______________________ 
Special –_______________________ 
Own –_______________________ 
Personal –______________________ 
Main –_______________________ 
Private –_______________________ 
Clean –_______________________ 
Dirty –_______________________ 
Different –_____________________ 
Left –_________________________ 
Human –_______________________ 
Recent –_______________________ 
Legal –_______________________ 
Important –____________________ 
Professional –___________________ 
Available –_____________________ 
Future –_______________________ 
Possible –____________________ 
Popular –______________________ 
Living –_______________________ 
Official –_______________________ 
Final –________________________ 
Whole –_______________________ 
Necessary –____________________ 
Military –______________________ 
Independent –__________________ 
Responsible –___________________ 
Excellent –_____________________ 
Perfect –_______________________ 
Beautiful –_____________________ 
Modern –______________________ 
Positive –______________________ 
Normal –_______________________ 
Minimum –_____________________ 
Traditional –____________________ 
Wrong –_______________________ 
Historical –_____________________ 
Cultural –_____________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Interesting –____________________ 
Religious –_____________________ 
Serious –_______________________ 
Famous –______________________ 
Negative –_____________________ 
Efficient –______________________ 
Expensive –_____________________ 
Familiar –______________________ 
Impossible –____________________ 
Alive –_______________________ 
Convenient –___________________ 
Opposite –_____________________ 
Afraid –_______________________ 
Sad –_______________________ 
Frequent –_____________________ 
Wooden –_____________________ 
Own –_______________________ 
Legal –_______________________ 
Living –_______________________ 
Independent –__________________ 
Responsible –___________________ 
Modern –______________________ 
Wrong –_______________________ 
Cultural –______________________ 
Interesting –____________________ 
Serious –_______________________ 
Efficient –______________________ 
Impossible –____________________ 
Frequent –____________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Exercises: translate the sentences
We are opposite
The work is a whole day 
I have my own cats 
He is a modern man 
I am not afraid 
Yes, they are real 
The skirt is perfect 
They are not human 
It is cultural 
We use an efficient model 
He is a professional writer 
I like local food 
O juiz diz que não é legal 
The boy has a wooden horse 
But they are expensive 
A resposta é negative 
Are they legal? 
Positivo ou negativo 
We are apposite 
O trabalho é um dia inteiro 
Curso de Inglês 
From –______________________ 
In –________________________ 
On –_______________________ 
At –________________________ 
Of –________________________ 
Between –_____________________ 
By –_________________________ 
For –_______________________ 
About –_______________________ 
Without –______________________ 
With –________________________ 
To –__________________________ 
Like –________________________ 
As –__________________________ 
After –________________________ 
Out –_________________________ 
Under –_______________________ 
Among –_______________________ 
Behind –__________________________ 
Towards –______________________ 
Near –_______________________ 
Except –_______________________ 
During –_______________________ 
Over –_______________________ 
Against –_____________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
I take off my coat 
The shirt is under the pants 
He swims like a fish 
Please take off your shoes 
I am against him 
I walk after lunch 
She walks by me 
It rains over us 
Not during dinner 
Eles saem para jantar 
Curso de Inglês 
Datas e Tempo 
Today –_______________________ 
Tomorrow –____________________ 
Tonight –______________________ 
Night –_______________________ 
Morning –______________________ 
Afternoon –____________________ 
Time –_______________________ 
Calendar –_____________________ 
Monday –______________________ 
Tuesdays –_____________________ 
Wednesday –___________________ 
Thursday –_____________________ 
Friday –_______________________ 
Day –_________________________ 
Saturday –_____________________ 
Sunday –_______________________ 
Year –_________________________ 
Age –__________________________ 
Week –_______________________ 
Month –_______________________ 
Hour –_______________________ 
January –______________________ 
February –_____________________ 
March –_______________________ 
April –_______________________ 
Date –_______________________ 
May –_______________________ 
June –_______________________ 
July –_______________________ 
August –_______________________ 
September –____________________ 
October –______________________ 
November –____________________ 
December –____________________ 
Season –_______________________ 
Winter –_______________________ 
Spring –_______________________ 
Summer –______________________ 
Fall –_______________________ 
Period –_______________________ 
Minute –_______________________ 
Century –______________________ 
Party –_______________________ 
Stage –_______________________ 
Generation –___________________ 
Birth –_______________________ 
Moment –______________________ 
Evening –______________________ 
Fair –_______________________ 
Decades –______________________ 
Second –_______________________ 
Bit –_______________________ 
Until –_______________________
Curso de Inglês 
Em junho, chove dia após dia 
See you at the fair 
Thursday afternoon 
As horas do dia 
Our generation likes coffee 
The birth of na animal 
I sleep in the evening 
Até amanhã 
A escolha 
A etapa 
Do you have time 
The minutes of the hour 
I have time tomorrow morning 
Agosto e setembro são meses do ano 
The month of April 
Hoje é quarta-feira 
On Tuesdays I eat cheese 
February, March and April 
We read a bit of the book 
Uma maçã por criança 
Curso de Inglês 
Student –_______________________ 
Doctor –_______________________ 
Work –_______________________ 
Author –_______________________ 
Job –_______________________ 
Models –_______________________ 
Staff –_______________________ 
Director –_______________________ 
Career –_______________________ 
Police –_______________________ 
Artist –_______________________ 
Secretary –_______________________ 
Workers –_______________________ 
Lawyer –_______________________ 
Professional –___________________ 
Judge –_______________________ 
Writer –_______________________ 
 Officer –_______________________ 
Guard –________________________ 
Actors –________________________ 
Captain –_______________________ 
Soldiers –_______________________ 
Boss –______________________________ 
Profession –_____________________ 
Farmer –________________________ 
Architect –_______________________ 
Engineer –_______________________ 
Waiter –_______________________ 
Waitress –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
You are doctors 
The man is an engineer 
I am a waitress 
He speaks with the guard 
A sopa é para o capitão 
Os policiais vestem camisas azuis 
Nós somos os trabalhadores 
He loves his career 
What is her profession? 
O capitão 
É só um urso 
Curso de Inglês 
There –_______________________ 
Very –_______________________ 
Too –_______________________ 
Now –_______________________ 
More –_______________________ 
So –_______________________ 
As –_______________________ 
Never –_______________________ 
Then –_______________________ 
Here –_______________________ 
Pretty –_______________________ 
Always –_______________________ 
Also –_______________________ 
Once –_______________________ 
Only –_______________________ 
Just –_______________________ 
Well –_______________________ 
Even –_______________________ 
Much –_______________________ 
Still –_______________________ 
However –_____________________ 
Really –_______________________ 
Again –_______________________ 
Yet –_______________________ 
Away –_______________________ 
Already –______________________ 
Least –_______________________ 
Ever –_______________________ 
Else –_______________________ 
Usually –_______________________ 
Far –_______________________ 
Currently –_____________________ 
Later –_______________________ 
Enough –_______________________ 
Soon –_______________________ 
Almost –_______________________ 
Late –_______________________ 
Especially –_____________________ 
Finally –_______________________ 
Sometimes –____________________ 
Easily –_______________________ 
Generally –_____________________ 
Completely –___________________ 
Approximately –_________________ 
Exactly –_______________________ 
Clearly –_______________________ 
Anywhere –____________________ 
Twice –_______________________ 
Possibly –______________________ 
Normally –_____________________ 
Neither –_____________________ 
Normally –_____________________ 
Necessarily –___________________ 
Definitely –_____________________ 
Slowly –_______________________ 
Perfectly –_____________________ 
Together –_____________________Curso de Inglês 
A comida está cara como sempre 
She drinks wine once a day 
Nor black coffee 
They do not have much 
Nós precisamos pelo menos de uma hora 
She is not a doctor yet 
She reads easily 
It is possibly an elephant 
I love you too 
Ele nada como um peixe, mas não é necessariamente 
um peixe. 
Cats sleep anywhere 
He always plays well 
She is still a girl 
See you soon 
I am not as tired as you 
It is not necessarily personal 
They are normally brown 
She is currently a secretary 
My hat is there 
I really like you 
No entanto, eu sempre vejo o soldado 
Finally, it is Friday 
I sleep away from you 
O urso come o suficiente para o inverno 
It is enough for me 
Ele é, no entanto, meu pai 
I am green, so what? 
I am really sorry! 
He is currently an actor 
Even the girls talk 
Às vezes eu corro nas terças-feiras 
As meninas estudam juntas 
Please walk more 
Then what 
Ela nada perfeitamente 
You write especially for us 
I hear you perfectly 
We need at least an hour 
Curso de Inglês 
House –_______________________ 
Restaurant –____________________ 
Beach –_______________________ 
Hotel –_______________________ 
Yard –_______________________ 
Bathroom –____________________ 
Kitchen –_______________________ 
Airport –_______________________ 
Street –_______________________ 
City –_______________________ 
Church –_______________________ 
Castle –_______________________ 
Country –_____________________ 
Place –_______________________ 
Along –_______________________ 
Into –_______________________ 
Home –_______________________ 
Site –_______________________ 
Center –_______________________ 
Office –_______________________ 
Area –_______________________ 
Address –_____________________ 
Department –__________________ 
Property –______________________ 
Room –_______________________ 
Market –_______________________ 
Park –_______________________ 
Building –______________________ 
Garden –_______________________ 
Region –_______________________ 
Island –_______________________ 
Front –_______________________ 
District –_______________________ 
Bank –_______________________ 
Bar –_______________________ 
Inside –_______________________ 
Station –_______________________ 
Ground –_____________________ 
Valley –_______________________ 
Museum –_____________________ 
Coast –_______________________ 
Zone –_______________________ 
Corner –_______________________ 
Avenue –______________________ 
Route –_______________________ 
Neighborhood –_________________ 
Border –_______________________ 
Tower –_______________________ 
Cinema –_______________________ 
Prison –_______________________ 
Palace –_______________________ 
Town –_______________________ 
Capital –_______________________ 
Community –___________________ 
Port –_______________________ 
Right –_______________________ 
Square –_______________________ 
Top –_______________________ 
West –_______________________ 
North –_______________________ 
Farm –_______________________ 
Zoo –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
What is your address? 
Sorry, where is the bathroom? 
Eu sou do departamento de polícia 
The inside 
I see the churches 
Ela leva comida para o escritório 
O porto 
O Banco 
A capital 
I cook for the community 
As crianças brincam no bairro 
We know about our rights 
The military zone is open 
A costa 
Are you at the restaurant? 
They sleep in a hotel. 
She is at the beach 
The site 
He walks on the street 
O museu 
Eu moro na costa oeste 
I have properties here 
The is a duck in the yard 
O restaurante fica no topo do hotel 
It is na importante avenue 
O centro 
A prisão 
O edifício é perfeito 
They want a place 
I live by the station 
He cooks in the kitchen 
Now I am at the airport 
A ilha é popular 
Curso de Inglês 
Table –_______________________ 
Bed –_______________________ 
Chair –_______________________ 
Bowl –_______________________ 
Spoon –_______________________ 
Bottle –_______________________ 
Magazine –_____________________ 
Window –_____________________ 
Television –____________________ 
Computer –____________________ 
Radio –_______________________ 
Mirror –_______________________ 
Clock –_______________________ 
Cellphone –____________________ 
Watch –_______________________ 
Sofa –_______________________ 
Lamp –_______________________ 
Desk –_______________________ 
Basket –_______________________ 
Battery –_______________________ 
Soap –_______________________ 
Bedsheet –_____________________ 
Wallet –_______________________ 
Door –_______________________ 
Box –_______________________ 
TV –_______________________ 
Screen –_______________________ 
Razor –_______________________ 
Toothpaste –___________________ 
Telephone –____________________ 
Wall –_______________________ 
Floor –_______________________ 
Bag –_______________________ 
Wheel –_______________________ 
Umbrella –_____________________ 
Roof –_______________________ 
Cabinet –______________________ 
Letter –_______________________ 
Key –_______________________ 
Pool –_______________________ 
Sponge –_______________________ 
Thing –_______________________ 
Bell –_______________________ 
Phone –_______________________ 
Pan –_______________________ 
Paper –_______________________ 
Engine –_______________________ 
Machine –______________________ 
String –_______________________ 
Piece –_______________________ 
Sheet –_______________________ 
Motor –_______________________ 
Root –_______________________ 
Chain –_______________________ 
Flag –_______________________ 
Novel –_______________________ 
Powder –______________________ 
Comb –_______________________ 
Through –______________________ 
Fork –_______________________ 
Knife –_______________________ 
Toothbrush –___________________ 
Cup –_______________________ 
Scissor –_______________________ 
Glass –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
The bag 
Where is the wheel 
The sheet is white 
Where are the mirrors? 
It is an object 
I need batteries 
Eu nado na piscina 
Do we have White bedsheets? 
Where is the toothpaste? 
O melhor homem venceu 
Os muros 
O motor 
A corda 
I like your comb 
O romance 
Ela sempre diz a mesma coisa 
I see you through the window 
The cabinet is red 
I do not have walls 
She goes to bed 
Do you have a cellphone? 
I use the spoon 
Ela ouve rádio aos domingos 
Eu tenho uma tigela 
A chave 
Our sofa is yellow 
Thanks for the letter 
My basket is under the table 
There is a boy near the door 
Há um telefone aqui? 
I do not have the keys 
I need a razor 
The pan is yours 
It is your desk 
A bandeira é oficial 
A cup of coffee 
The bottle is green 
Are you a machine? 
Where is my clock? 
Does she have paper? 
Nós estamos incluindo o Brasil 
We eat on the floor 
Curso de Inglês 
Person –_____________________ 
Baby –_______________________ 
Friend –______________________ 
Boyfriend –____________________ 
Girlfriend –____________________ 
Public –_______________________ 
Enemy –_______________________ 
Human –_______________________ 
Committee –____________________ 
Conference –____________________ 
Culture –________________________ 
Foundation –_____________________ 
Population –_____________________ 
Youth –_________________________ 
Relationship –____________________ 
Village –_________________________ 
Individual –_______________________ 
Couple –_________________________ 
Lady –___________________________ 
Citizen –_________________________ 
Victim –__________________________ 
People –__________________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Hoje o jardim está aberto ao público 
The summer is for the youth 
The enemy 
We are individuals 
We eat at the village 
Água é importante para humanos 
Eles são um casal 
She Works for a foundation 
He does not have enemies 
They talk ate the conference 
We are not a foundation 
We go to the village 
Os indivíduos vivem aqui 
It is open to the public 
They are an excellent couple 
Eu estou aqui para a conferência 
The humans are wrong 
The youth eat in the garden 
They are not people 
I love my boyfriend 
Curso de Inglês 
That –_______________________ 
This –_______________________ 
One –_______________________ 
These –______________________ 
Those –_______________________ 
No –_________________________ 
All –_________________________ 
Everybody –__________________ 
Every –_______________________ 
Any –_______________________ 
Other –_______________________ 
Another –_____________________ 
Each –_______________________ 
Something –___________________ 
Such –_______________________ 
Both –_______________________ 
Few –_______________________ 
Everything –___________________ 
None –_______________________ 
Someone –_____________________ 
Nothing –______________________ 
Anything –_____________________ 
Everyone –_____________________ 
Nobody –_______________________ 
Anybody –______________________ 
Thing –_________________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
I eat fish every day 
These are people 
Nobody wants that 
We do not have any property 
None of them is alive 
Which one is my window? 
Who are these men with you? 
Everyone loves milk 
I like such coffee 
Estes são meus amigos 
Nós não temos qualquer cão 
Ninguém é perfeito 
Both are in the room 
Whose cups are those? 
This is a kitchen 
Each cat has a bell 
All the women 
I want another apple 
Everybody hears me 
She is not afraid of anything 
This is your key 
Those are keys 
Cada gato tem um sino 
I am not from this country 
We need that bottle 
The other coat is red 
______________________________Curso de Inglês 
Não tem vinho naquela garrafa 
They have few books 
Is anybody home? 
They tell me everything 
The pool has no water 
I want that all 
Someone is at the door 
Do you have other shoes? 
This child eats fish 
I like that dog 
Ela fala com ele 
Eu como peixe todos os dias 
Curso de Inglês 
Travel –_______________________ 
Car –_______________________ 
Bicycle –_______________________ 
Suitcase –_____________________ 
Bus –_______________________ 
Train –_______________________ 
Motorcycle –___________________ 
Boat –_______________________ 
Airplane –______________________ 
Drive –_______________________ 
Backpack –_____________________ 
Guide –_______________________ 
Visit –_______________________ 
Spanish –_____________________ 
Portuguese –___________________ 
Map –_______________________ 
Road –_______________________ 
Ship –_______________________ 
Vehicle –______________________ 
Transportation –________________ 
Trip –_______________________ 
French –_______________________ 
Flight –_______________________ 
Adventure –____________________ 
Bridge –_______________________ 
Plane –_______________________ 
Journey –_____________________ 
German –_____________________ 
Departure –____________________ 
Tourist –_______________________ 
Subway –_____________________ 
America –______________________ 
France –_______________________ 
England –______________________ 
Germany –_____________________ 
Europe –_______________________ 
China –_______________________ 
Abroad –_______________________ 
South –_______________________ 
Chinese –_____________________ 
International –__________________ 
American –_____________________ 
European –_____________________ 
Around –_______________________ 
Turn –_______________________ 
Passport –_____________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Eu sou da inglaterra 
The wheel turns 
I drive the car 
Ela fala francês 
What is the departure time? 
Eles vêm em março para a visita 
My house is in France 
I have a friend in England 
The guide is available in English and 
When is the next departure? 
O guia 
The flight 
O turista vai ao museu 
Are you Chinese? 
The road 
Here comes the bus! 
The tourist does not have a guide 
A ponte 
O avião 
We are international 
A nossa viagem é em novembro 
A mulher é francesa 
Germany is his second home 
O trem é vermelho 
Curso de Inglês 
One –_______________________ 
Two –_______________________ 
Three –_______________________ 
Four –_______________________ 
Five –_______________________ 
Six –_______________________ 
Seven –_______________________ 
Eight –_______________________ 
Nine –_______________________ 
Ten –_______________________ 
Eleven –_______________________ 
Twelve –_______________________ 
Thirteen –______________________ 
Fourteen –_____________________ 
Sixteen –_______________________ 
Seventeen –____________________ 
Eighteen –_____________________ 
Nineteen –_____________________ 
Twenty –_______________________ 
Thirty –_______________________ 
Forty –_______________________ 
Fifty –_______________________ 
Sixty –_______________________ 
Seventy –______________________ 
Eighty –_______________________ 
Ninety –_______________________ 
Hundred –_____________________ 
Thousand –_____________________ 
Million –_______________________ 
Some –_______________________ 
More –_______________________ 
Less –_______________________ 
Many –_______________________ 
First –_______________________ 
Second –_______________________ 
Third –_______________________ 
Last –_______________________ 
Number –______________________ 
Much –_______________________ 
Amount –______________________ 
Enough –_______________________ 
Sum –_______________________ 
Majority –______________________ 
Fourth –_______________________ 
Meter –_______________________ 
Pair –_______________________ 
Average –______________________ 
Half –_______________________ 
Per –_______________________ 
Total –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
In forty years things change 
Nós somos cinco irmãos 
Cinco, quarto, três, dois, um 
Thousands of years 
A year has twelve months 
I live on the first door 
It is total 
Eu vou para a cama às onze 
My son is sixteen 
The amount of food is enough 
Ninety-nine people live here 
Nós corremos por quinze minutos 
We have enough time 
Twenty families live here 
Ela tem dezenove amigos 
Eu tenho oitenta camisas 
Eighteen, nineteen, twenty 
Quinze homens 
We are eleven people 
The sum is negative 
How much time do you have? 
She has many skirts 
Um metro é suficiente 
He runs one meter per second 
Em um minute há sessenta segundos 
I want less soup 
She has a dog and six cats 
Half of six is three 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos Presente 3 
Use –_______________________ 
Contain –______________________ 
Get –_______________________ 
Respect –______________________ 
Call –_______________________ 
Agree –_______________________ 
Give –_______________________ 
Appear –_______________________ 
Watch –_______________________Count –_______________________ 
Look –_______________________ 
Miss –_______________________ 
Live –_______________________ 
Follow –_______________________ 
Fill –_______________________ 
Produce –______________________ 
Reserve –______________________ 
Sign –_______________________ 
Mix –_______________________ 
Dry –_______________________ 
Fly –_______________________ 
Import –_______________________ 
Help –_______________________ 
Spend –_______________________ 
Support –______________________ 
Know –_______________________ 
Continue –_____________________ 
Deliver –_______________________ 
Leave –_______________________ 
Begin –_______________________ 
Present –______________________ 
Hate –_______________________ 
Assume –______________________ 
Tell –_______________________ 
Find –_______________________ 
Serve –_______________________ 
Create –_______________________ 
Believe –_______________________ 
Add –_______________________ 
Talk –_______________________ 
Visit –_______________________ 
Introduce –_____________________ 
Demand –______________________ 
Fell –_______________________ 
Open –_______________________ 
Explain –_______________________ 
Arrive –_______________________ 
Receive –______________________ 
Win –_______________________ 
Cut –_______________________ 
Put –_______________________ 
Think –_______________________ 
Announce –____________________ 
Wish –_______________________ 
Fit –_______________________ 
Ask –_______________________ 
Try –_______________________ 
Sing –_______________________ 
Allow –_______________________ 
Set –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
He fits in the bed 
Reserve an afternoon 
The glass contains water 
I spend time with her 
My brother uses this bicycle 
He assumes we are wrong 
Please introduce me to the 
Eles me apresentam seus pais 
She serves me the food 
Ela conta com sua família 
I hate sugar 
She looks like her mother 
Eu sinto a sua falta 
A filha visita os pais. 
Eu concordo 
He calls the lawyer 
Eles produzem pão. 
We all agree with you 
Elas aparecem à noite 
I dry the plates 
I fly 
Ele acredita que a garrafa tem vinho 
He knows women 
I deliver bottles of water 
Ele demanda comida 
They arrive in America 
Curso de Inglês 
He helps his mother 
O pai explica que ele está vivo 
He begins in America 
He explains his book 
Eu voo. 
Ele conhece o menino 
You deliver the food 
Ele começa na Amércia 
The dog helps the man 
Ele acredita que a garrafa tem vinho 
I sing 
Ela recebe seu carro 
Eu anuncio meu livro 
Ela deseja ter uma carreira 
Ele entrega comida 
She sets the table 
Ela deseja ter um castelo 
If your aunt allows it 
She tells me everything 
He adds 
Eu encho a garrafa de óleo 
Curso de Inglês 
Study –_______________________ 
Teacher –______________________ 
Note –_______________________ 
Pen –_______________________ 
School –_______________________ 
Program –____________________ 
Education –_____________________ 
Section –_______________________ 
Course –_______________________ 
Library –_______________________ 
Test –_______________________ 
Application –___________________ 
Example –_____________________ 
Class –_______________________ 
Word –_______________________ 
Knowledge –____________________ 
Chapter –______________________ 
Practice –______________________ 
Institute –______________________ 
Idea –_______________________ 
Professor –_____________________ 
Presentation –__________________ 
Preparation –___________________ 
University –___________________ 
Lecture –_______________________ 
Explanation –___________________ 
College –_______________________ 
Objective –_____________________ 
Meaning –_____________________ 
Teaching –_____________________ 
Training –______________________ 
History –_______________________ 
Page –_______________________ 
Report –_______________________ 
Document –____________________ 
Difficult –______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
My mother has many ideas 
The knowledge 
This has an explanation 
My horse needs more practice 
Estes programas são para estudantes 
I do not have practice 
I read a study about markets 
Aquela é a ideia 
My pen 
Sua educação é muito importante para 
A preparação está no calendário 
My brother likes teaching 
Hoje eu tenho dois testes 
Onde é a apresentação? 
I read the words 
He studies day and night 
I like teaching history 
Of course 
The difficulty 
The example 
The training 
O estudo tem um objetivo 
Os aplicativos estão na caixa 
Eu tenho um objetivo 
He goes to two universities 
I design the page 
Ele vai a uma palestra no instituto 
He takes two classes 
It is a sad chapter 
Write a report 
______________________________Ele trabalha no instituto 
A palestra 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos Passado 1 
Was –_______________________ 
Were –_______________________ 
Ate –_______________________ 
Drank –_______________________ 
Went –_______________________ 
Cooked –_______________________ 
Spoke –_______________________ 
Yesterday –_______________________ 
Walked –_______________________ 
Liked –_______________________ 
Wanted –_______________________ 
Loved –_______________________ 
Rained –_______________________ 
Touched –_______________________ 
Recently –_______________________ 
Played –_______________________ 
Heard –_______________________ 
Listened –_______________________ 
Saw –_______________________ 
Had –_______________________ 
Said –_______________________ 
Born –_______________________ 
Told –_______________________ 
Made –_______________________ 
Used –_______________________ 
Found –_______________________ 
Left –_______________________ 
Put –_______________________ 
Called –_______________________ 
Stared –_______________________ 
Thought –_______________________ 
Lost –_______________________ 
Came –_______________________ 
Took –_______________________ 
Wrote –_______________________ 
Informed –_______________________ 
Gave –_______________________ 
Died –_______________________ 
Turned –_______________________ 
Tried –_______________________ 
Supported –______________________ 
Decided –_______________________ 
Returned –_______________________ 
Looked –_______________________ 
Felt –_______________________ 
Knew –_______________________ 
Performed –______________________ 
Kept –_______________________ 
Beat –_______________________ 
Introduced –______________________ 
Won –_______________________ 
Happened –______________________ 
Finished –_______________________ 
Reached –_______________________ 
Showed –_______________________ 
Entered –_______________________ 
Opened –_______________________ 
Seemed –_______________________ 
Appeared –_______________________ 
Explained –_______________________ 
Stopped –_______________________ 
Fell –_______________________ 
Answered –_______________________ 
Stayed –_______________________ 
Talked –_______________________ 
Watched –______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
He ate at my house 
We went to my house 
She was born in England 
He explained his book 
It rained yesterday 
She aways knew 
Nobody listened to me 
Eu escrevi esta carta em francês 
Ela explicou aquilo 
Aqueles cachorros caminham 
Ela teve um gato 
He reached me 
I thought you were a doctor 
The child fell out of bed 
She performed well 
You spoke with my sister 
She had a cat 
Meus pais cozinham para meus amigos 
It seemed familiar 
My wife cooked rice 
He thought about me 
Eu falei com meus pais sobre aquilo 
He felt tired 
O pássaro caiu 
He tried the shoes 
Ela me apresentou ao seu namorado 
He appeared in the church 
She turned into a woman 
I heard a person in my house 
She used to have six dogs 
A festa começou ontem 
I touched the cat 
They started this 
Ela me apresentou ao seu namorado na 
The boy beat on the window yesterday 
Aquela noite ela me apresentou para 
todo mundo 
He stopped the car 
Curso de Inglês 
I liked those women 
I called my mother 
He put the book on the table 
I played with the cat 
He came from far away 
He entered my house 
I walked to the airport 
She returned 
Ele parou o carro 
We liked that hotel 
Ela voltou 
The girl answered the phone 
She showed me her house 
He love his sister 
O professor guardou a chave 
I saw him recently 
Nós decidimos isto 
He supported his children 
She already decided 
If she loved me 
Ele ficou no hotel 
Ele tomou água 
They drank beer at my house 
They left this at the door 
Eu assisti a apresentação dele na quarta-
Ele informou o público 
He opened the window 
He died 
She took out a knife 
He informed the public 
The party happened yesterday 
Ela abriu a porta 
Nós achamos comida 
Ela deixou o carro naquela rua 
He told me about her 
We found the car 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos Infinitivo 1 
Do –_______________________ 
Does –_______________________ 
Have –_______________________ 
Write –_______________________ 
Walk –_______________________ 
Swim –_______________________ 
Be –_______________________ 
See –_______________________ 
Cook –_______________________ 
Sleep –_______________________ 
Run –_______________________ 
Want –_______________________ 
Like –_______________________ 
Pay –_______________________ 
Let –_______________________ 
Go –_______________________ 
Speak –_______________________ 
Play –_______________________ 
Use –_______________________ 
Love –_______________________ 
Close –_______________________ 
Rent –_______________________ 
Rain –_______________________ 
Touch –_______________________ 
Hear –_______________________ 
Listen –_______________________ 
Say –_______________________ 
Place –_______________________ 
Tell –_______________________ 
Get –_______________________ 
Make –_______________________Exercise –______________________ 
Help –_______________________ 
Find –_______________________ 
Work –_______________________ 
Buy –_______________________ 
Add –_______________________ 
Need –_______________________ 
Set –_______________________ 
Know –_______________________ 
Take –_______________________ 
Show –_______________________ 
Open –_______________________ 
Think –_______________________ 
Change –_______________________ 
Return –_______________________ 
Call –_______________________ 
Visit –_______________________ 
Learn –_______________________ 
Look –_______________________ 
Live –_______________________ 
Start –_______________________ 
Come –_______________________ 
Study –_______________________ 
Give –_______________________ 
Sell –_______________________ 
Create –_______________________ 
Offer –_______________________ 
Keep –_______________________ 
Enter –_______________________ 
Try –_______________________ 
Ask –_______________________ 
Drive –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos Infinitivo 1 
Eu preciso colocar a mesa? 
Às vezes você não dirige na Estrada 
They do not come today 
Where do they keep the salt? 
Why does it not rain? 
Do you know how to drive? 
I do not think about it 
I do not swim in September 
He wants us to take the bus 
He does not change 
Você quer que eu faça café? 
Do not touch the pan! 
Ele quer alugar o barco 
They do not give food 
I want to rent a car 
I hate to make the bed 
How do you cook the fish? 
Do not touch me 
I want you to give me a piece of bread 
Ela não fala sobre esse assunto 
I do not run in October 
Please do not speak to him 
Eu não pago para meu amigos 
He does not want to know 
I try to go to the island 
I hope to get a job 
I do not use the computer 
I do not like to sleep 
Meu pai quer pagar o meu café da 
Curso de Inglês 
She does not speak English 
I do not run in the summer 
I have to open everything 
Eles se apresentaram juntos 
You need to listen to this 
They do not like horses 
She does not find her keys 
We have to start 
Do I need to add salt? 
But I have to return 
Do you live here? 
Eu quero visitor outros paises 
Esta vila é um lugar bonito para se visitar 
Who do you visit? 
Você acha os pássaros? 
Eu vejo a polícia 
Does she work in this city? 
I want to buy 
She likes to write 
Do they sell books? 
Prática é importante para aprender 
Do not enter the water 
Ele precisa procurar um emprego 
I do not use forks 
They do not let me sleep 
She does not look at me 
Why does he show that? 
We go to school because we want to 
Do they write a book? 
Curso de Inglês 
Verbos Passado 2 
Did –_______________________ 
Did eat –_______________________ 
Did see –_______________________ 
Did go –_______________________ 
Did drink –_______________________ 
Did hear –_______________________ 
Did say –_______________________ 
Did like –_______________________ 
Did tell –_______________________ 
Did make –_______________________ 
Did answer –_______________________ 
Did do –_______________________ 
Did speak –_______________________ 
Did talk –_______________________ 
Did find –_______________________ 
Did want –_______________________ 
Did follow –_______________________ 
Did play –_______________________ 
Did know –_______________________ 
Did use –_______________________ 
Did ask –_______________________ 
Did add –_______________________ 
Did fell –_______________________ 
Did watch –_______________________ 
Did happen –_______________________ 
Did leave –_______________________ 
Did remember –____________________ 
Did have –_______________________ 
Did write –_______________________ 
Did love –_______________________ 
Did work –_______________________ 
Curso de Inglês 
Eu não costumava beber café quando eu 
era criança 
He did not talk to me 
Did they go to a castle? 
Eles eram tão diferentes que eu não me 
senti em casa 
Did you see the lion? 
I did not speak to him 
We did not like the chicken 
He did not have an answer 
How did she feel yesterday? 
A ilha é popular 
I did not remember it 
Did you follow your brother? 
Quando meus pais contaram isso a você? 
Did you do anything today? 
She did not answer 
Nós assistimos TV ontem à noite? 
When did you want to go? 
What did he add? 
She did not look at me 
She did not know the number 
Which program did they watch 
She did not tell me her address 
I did not say that 
You did not find me 
At what time did he leave? 
Did you make food today? 
She did not ask me 
Na terça-feira eu não comi na minha casa 
How did

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