
a1 ingles

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You studied the general roles and responsibilities of a secretary along the unit. Describe the roles of a secretary in English using the vocabulary and structure studied. Include at least 8 duties.
 (Você estudou as tarefas e responsabilidades de um(a) secretário(a) ao longo da unidade. Descreva as tarefas de um(a) secretário(a) em inglês utilizando o vocabulário e estruturas estudados. Inclua pelo menos 8 tarefas.)
I´m a secretary nowadays. 
I work with a businessman and my main responsabilities are:
Answer e-mails, answer phone calls, manage the daily agenda, schedule personal appointments and payrols sometimes.
He usually has meatings in his office and I organize the room and write minutes. In the end I offer the company card and our flyer.

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