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daniel arantes

A 2015 University of Texas study found that the lonelier and more depressed you are, the more likely you are to watch and play video games — and these activities may be linked to a lack of self-control. Harmless addiction, study results suggest that binge drinking -watching should no longer be viewed that way. Also, classifications like "antisocial", "a cause of obesity" and "depression" may sound familiar to people who followed the world of (Yoo Hi Sung) "Just like the games, binge-watching can provide a common interest among people, and being fluent in that topic (whether it's what happened in "Stranger Things" or where you can find a Pikachu nearby) gives you social capital. social bridge that allows you to connect with people. It lets you talk to people about something you both know. You can establish a greater degree of intimacy without sharing personal details - like meeting up in a park and talking about a dog." (Rutledge) (Minimum



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