
Matthew Lipman, Gareth Matthew, among others, defended the idea that the degree of susceptibility of students is directly linked to the damage caus...

Matthew Lipman, Gareth Matthew, among others, defended the idea that the degree of susceptibility of students is directly linked to the damage caused by the inefficiency of educational processes. What does this mean?

The focus of remediation should not be on the specific difficulties of students, but on a new way for the teacher to conceive and conduct educational actions.
According to Lipman and Matthew, new ways for teachers to conceive and conduct educational actions depend heavily on school pedagogical policies.

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Isso significa que Matthew Lipman, Gareth Matthew e outros defendem a ideia de que o grau de suscetibilidade dos estudantes está diretamente relacionado aos danos causados pela ineficiência dos processos educacionais. Em vez de focar apenas nas dificuldades específicas dos alunos, a ênfase da remediação deve estar em uma nova forma de o professor conceber e conduzir as ações educacionais. Segundo Lipman e Matthew, essas novas abordagens dependem muito das políticas pedagógicas da escola.


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