
What are alpha-globulins? ALPHA-1 GLOBULINS: This group consists of a set of several proteins, including alpha-1-antitrypsin, prothrombin, transco...

What are alpha-globulins?

ALPHA-1 GLOBULINS: This group consists of a set of several proteins, including alpha-1-antitrypsin, prothrombin, transcortin, thyroxine-binding globulin, and alpha-fetoprotein. In general, there is an increase in this fraction in inflammatory, infectious, and immune processes.

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41 pág.

Bioquímica Aplicada Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Alpha-globulins are a group of proteins found in the blood plasma. They include alpha-1-antitrypsin, prothrombin, transcortin, thyroxine-binding globulin, and alpha-fetoprotein. These proteins play various roles in the body, such as regulating immune responses, blood clotting, and transporting hormones. Inflammatory, infectious, and immune processes can cause an increase in the levels of alpha-globulins in the blood.


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