
05 - Read the questions below carefully and mark the correct alternative regarding: Inclusive education - Hearing impairment: I- For Fontes (2010, ...

05 - Read the questions below carefully and mark the correct alternative regarding: Inclusive education - Hearing impairment: I- For Fontes (2010, s/p) the hearing impaired is classified as deaf when his hearing is not functional in common life and hypoacoustic when his hearing, although deficient, is functional with or without hearing aids. II- Visual impairment can be congenital, caused by maternal viruses, toxic diseases developed during pregnancy or acquired, caused by ingestion of medicines that damage the auditory nerve, exposure to impacting sounds, viruses, genetic predisposition, meningitis, etc. III- Deafness is an invisible defect. The importance of hearing in our lives is usually not perceived, except when it begins to fail us. A) Statements I and II are correct. B) Statements I and III are correct. C) All statements are wrong. D) All statements are correct.

A) Statements I and II are correct.
B) Statements I and III are correct.
C) All statements are wrong.
D) All statements are correct.

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Uma escola para todos
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A resposta correta é a alternativa B) Statements I and III are correct.



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