
Analysing the following statements, which ones are correct? I) Evaluating is important to boost a creative or self-critical process and a way to re...

Analysing the following statements, which ones are correct? I) Evaluating is important to boost a creative or self-critical process and a way to re-establish commitments with society. II) Evaluating is to evolve and seek planning. III) Evaluating is not to propose changes in the daily academic activities. IV) It is important to know how academic tasks and their dimensions of teaching, research, extension, and administration are carried out and interrelated. V) Evaluating is not important to rethink objectives, modes of action, and results.

I) Evaluating is important to boost a creative or self-critical process and a way to re-establish commitments with society.
II) Evaluating is to evolve and seek planning.
III) Evaluating is not to propose changes in the daily academic activities.
IV) It is important to know how academic tasks and their dimensions of teaching, research, extension, and administration are carried out and interrelated.
V) Evaluating is not important to rethink objectives, modes of action, and results.
a. Somente as alternativas e V estão corretas.
b. Somente as alternativas I, III e IV estão corretas.
c. Somente as alternativas II, V e III estão corretas.

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A alternativa correta é a letra b. Somente as alternativas I, III e IV estão corretas.



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