
What is the correct way to form the simple past tense for regular and irregular verbs in English? Regular verbs in the simple past tense are forme...

What is the correct way to form the simple past tense for regular and irregular verbs in English?

Regular verbs in the simple past tense are formed by adding -d, -ed, or -ied to the infinitive of the main verb.
Irregular verbs in the simple past tense have different forms depending on whether they are uniform, biform, or triform.
In negative and interrogative forms, the auxiliary verb 'did' is used with the infinitive form of the main verb without 'to'.
a) Only I is correct.
b) I and II are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.

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A forma correta de formar o passado simples para verbos regulares em inglês é adicionando -ed ao infinitivo do verbo principal. Já os verbos irregulares têm formas diferentes no passado simples, dependendo se são uniformes, biformes ou triformes. Nas formas negativas e interrogativas, utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar 'did' com o infinitivo do verbo principal sem 'to'. Com base nas informações fornecidas, a alternativa correta seria a letra c) I, II e III estão corretas.


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