
Identify the proposal. What does the author propose to try to solve the problem? Is it an engineering approach? The author proposes that we delve ...

Identify the proposal. What does the author propose to try to solve the problem? Is it an engineering approach?

The author proposes that we delve more into our minds, into everything that involves thinking and that must be known to understand its functioning. The approach is both psychological and engineering, as with aspects and topics of psychology, it is necessary to understand how the mind works and what knowledge must be studied to know its functioning, whether they are knowledge of physics, neurophysiology, electromagnetism, philosophy, among all concepts that play a very important role within the human mind.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Reporte de lectura critica CABE LA MENTE EN UNA COMPUTADORA 200983
4 pág.

Qualidade de Software Universidad Autónoma De Ciudad JuárezUniversidad Autónoma De Ciudad Juárez

💡 1 Resposta

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Based on the information provided, the author proposes a multidisciplinary approach to delve into the functioning of the mind. This approach involves studying aspects and topics from psychology, physics, neurophysiology, electromagnetism, philosophy, and other concepts that play a significant role in understanding the human mind. Therefore, it can be considered both a psychological and engineering approach, as it combines knowledge from different fields to comprehend how the mind works.


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