
Considering the contents of the Pedagogy of Movement: playful universe and psychomotricity textbook, answer the following questions: Question 6 - A...

Considering the contents of the Pedagogy of Movement: playful universe and psychomotricity textbook, answer the following questions:
Question 6 - About the statement that the game is a playful activity that can be inserted in different contexts, such as a tool to aid the teaching-learning process, choose the correct alternative.
Question 7 - According to the reflection that a sad person may not be sick, but is not a healthy person, choose the correct alternative.
Question 8 - About the pillar of learning to live together, mentioned in the Delors report, choose the correct alternative.
A) Question 6 - The game must be understood so that it can be used inadequately. Question 7 - The positive person needs to be highlighted in society. Question 8 - The pillar recognizes individuals living in closed societies, restricted to certain groups.
B) Question 6 - The game must be understood so that it can be used inflexibly. Question 7 - The relationship with shyness determines whether a person is positive. Question 8 - Learning to live together brings the conception that individuals must learn to live and coexist within nature.
C) Question 6 - The game must be understood so that it can be used properly. Question 7 - The positive person is the one who wakes up enthusiastic, optimizing themselves in relation to life. Question 8 - Learning to live together brings the conception that human beings live without conflicts and seek solutions to problems.
D) Question 6 - The game must be used mechanically, impairing learning. Question 7 - The economic state determines whether a person is positive or not. Question 8 - Learning to live together brings the conception that individuals must learn to live and coexist within nature.
E) Question 6 - The game must be understood so that it can be used imposed. Question 7 - To be a positive person, it is necessary to go through situations of overcoming. Question 8 - Learning to live together brings the conception that individuals must learn to live and coexist within nature.
A) A - C - A
B) B - A - B
C) C - C - C
D) D - E - A
E) E - B - D

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Psicomotricidade: conceitos e práticas
103 pág.

Psicomotricidade Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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Question 6 - A resposta correta é a alternativa C) Question 6 - O jogo deve ser compreendido para que possa ser utilizado adequadamente. Question 7 - A resposta correta é a alternativa C) Question 7 - A pessoa positiva é aquela que acorda entusiasmada, otimizando-se em relação à vida. Question 8 - A resposta correta é a alternativa C) Question 8 - Aprender a viver juntos traz a concepção de que os seres humanos vivem sem conflitos e buscam soluções para os problemas.


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